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Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are microscopic fungi naturally occurring in soil that form a symbiosis with plant roots, producing a highly elaborated hyphal mycelium network in soil.In vitro lab experiments were conducted to determine whether extraradical mycorrhizal hyphae are directly involved in sequestration and uptake of essential zinc and nonessential cadmium by plant roots under toxic concentrations. The research is a continuation of an initial study presented in the Spring 2005 issue of Remediation that focused on the specific role of AMF in the speciation of heavy metals. Thus, this article presents a more expanded view. Results show that zinc and cadmium heavy metals are sequestered and translocated to plant roots via extraradical AMF hyphae. Root/growth media accumulation factors reached 5:1 and 18:1 for zinc and cadmium, respectively. Phytoremediation of heavy metal–contaminated soils can be enhanced by mycorrhizal inoculation. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This article presents a review of in situ technologies for the remediation of soils contaminated with lead, zinc, and/or cadmium. The objective of this review is to assess the developmental status of the available in situ technologies and provide a general summary of typical applications and limitations of these technologies. The literature review identified seven in situ remediation technologies—solidification/stabilization, vitrification, electrokinetic remediation, soil flushing, phytoextraction, phytostabilization, and chemical stabilization. These technologies were considered for their ability to meet a specific set of remediation objectives under a range of conditions. Each of these technologies has both strengths and weaknesses for addressing particular remedial situations discussed in the article for each of the technologies. A general summary of which technologies are most applicable to common remedial scenarios is also provided. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The concentration and bioavailability of heavy metals in composted organic wastes have negative environmental impacts following land application. Aerobic composting procedures were conducted to investigate the influences of selected parameters on heavy metal speciation and phytotoxicity. Results showed that both of sewage sludge (SSC) and swine manure (SMC) composting systems decreased the pH, the content of organic matter (OM) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and total amounts of Cu, Zn and Pb. Sequential extraction showed that readily extractible fractions of exchangeable and carbonate in Cu and Zn increased during SSC composting but decreased during SMC composting, thus their bioavailability factors (BF) enhanced in SSC but declined in SMC. The fraction of reducible iron and manganese (FeMnOX) of Cu and Zn in SSC and FeMnOX-Cu in SMC decreased, but FeMnOX-Zn in SMC gradually increased in the process of compost. In contrast, the changes of Pb distributions were similar in two organic wastes. Pb was preferentially bound to the residual fraction and its BF decreased. The evolution of heavy metal distributions and BF depended on not only total metal concentrations but also the other properties, such as pH, decomposition of OM and decline of DOC. The germination rate (RSG), root growth (RRG) and germination index (GI) of pakchoi (Brassica Chinensis L.) increased during the composting process. Linear regression analysis demonstrated that GI, which could represent phytotoxic behavior to the plants, could be poorly predicted by BF or total amount of metals, i.e., BF-Zn, T-Cu. However, the inclusion of other physicochemical parameters (pH, OM and DOC) could enhance the linear regression significances (R).  相似文献   

The North Fork of Clear Creek (NFCC), Colorado, is an acid‐mine‐drainage‐impacted stream typical of many mountain surface waters affected by historic metal mining in the western United States. The stream is devoid of fish primarily because of high metal concentrations in the water (e.g., copper and zinc) and has large amounts of settled iron oxyhydroxide solids that coat the streambed. The NFCC is part of the Central City/Clear Creek Superfund site, and remediation plans are being implemented that include treatment of three of the main point‐source inputs and cleanup of some tailings and waste rock piles. This article examines dissolved (0.45‐μm filterable) concentrations of cadmium, copper, and zinc following several potential remediation scenarios, simulated using a reactive transport model (WASP4/META4). Results from modeling indicate that for cadmium, remediation of the primary point‐source adit discharges should be sufficient to achieve acute and chronic water‐quality standards under both high‐ and low‐flow conditions. To achieve standards for copper and zinc, however, the modeling scenarios suggest that it may be necessary to treat or remove contaminated streambed sediments in downstream reaches, as well as identify and treat nonpoint sources of metals. Recommendations for improvements to the model for metal transport in acid‐mine drainage impacted streams are made. These recommendations are being implemented by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

采用自制动态吸附柱考察了碱渣层对重金属离子(Cu2+、Zn2+和Cd2+)的吸附截留能力.实验结果表明,在高浓度和高水力负荷条件下,碱渣对Cu2+、Zn2+和Cd2+的最大吸附量分别可达194.451,24.245,11.036 mg/g,穿透时间均达 60 h 以上,饱和吸附时间超过 80 h.通过 Testier ...  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - Arsenic (As), selenium (Se), and chromium (Cr) are harmful to humans at certain concentrations, and can possibly be eluted from coal ash (fly ash)...  相似文献   

陈勇  王清森  张浩凡 《化工环保》2017,37(3):335-339
采用FeSO_4和Na_2S作为还原剂处理铬污染紫色土壤,研究了还原过程中铬的含量及形态的变化。实验结果表明:当FeSO_4加入量为1.5%(w,下同)时,浸出Cr(Ⅵ)含量由(1 745.13±27.93)mg/kg降至(17.65±2.28)mg/kg,浸出总铬含量由(1 768.83±57.24)mg/kg降至(69.79±8.61)mg/kg,铬形态由水溶+碳酸盐结合态转变到较稳定的铁锰结合态;当Na_2S加入量为0.4%时,浸出Cr(Ⅵ)含量由(1 745.13±27.93)mg/kg降至(25.50±0.12)mg/kg,浸出总铬含量由(1 768.83±57.24)mg/kg降至(410.87±12.83)mg/kg,铬形态由水溶+碳酸盐结合态转变到铁锰结合态和有机结合态。  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - Soils and rocks containing framboidal pyrite are prone to be oxidized and cause problems of the elution of sulfuric acid, heavy metals, and...  相似文献   

The effect of twelve weeks of composting on the mobility and bioavailability of cadmium in six composts containing sewage sludge, wood chips and grass was studied, along with the cadmium immobilization capacity of compost. Two different soils were used and Cd accumulation measured in above-ground oat biomass (Avena sativa L.). Increasing pH appears to be an important cause of the observed decreases in available cadmium through the composting process. A pot experiment was performed with two different amounts of compost (9.6 and 28.8 g per kg of soil) added into Fluvisol with total Cd 0.255 mg kg?1, and contaminated Cambisol with total Cd 6.16 mg kg?1. Decrease of extractable Cd (0.01 mol l?1 CaCl2) was found in both soils after compost application. The higher amount of compost immobilized an exchangeable portion of Cd (0.11 mol l?1 CH3COOH extractable) in contaminated Cambisol unlike in light Fluvisol. The addition of a low amount of compost decreased the content of Cd in associated above-ground oat biomass grown in both soils, while a high amount of compost decreased the Cd content in oats only in the Cambisol.  相似文献   

Carbon in waste can occur as inorganic (IC), organic (OC) and elemental carbon (EC) each having distinct chemical properties and possible environmental effects. In this study, carbon speciation was performed using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), chemical degradation tests and the standard total organic carbon (TOC) measurement procedures in three types of waste materials (bottom ash, residual waste and contaminated soil). Over 50% of the total carbon (TC) in all studied materials (72% in ash and residual waste, and 59% in soil) was biologically non-reactive or EC as determined by thermogravimetric analyses. The speciation of TOC by chemical degradation also showed a presence of a non-degradable C fraction in all materials (60% of TOC in ash, 30% in residual waste and 13% in soil), though in smaller amounts than those determined by TGA. In principle, chemical degradation method can give an indication of the presence of potentially inert C in various waste materials, while TGA is a more precise technique for C speciation, given that waste-specific method adjustments are made. The standard TOC measurement yields exaggerated estimates of organic carbon and may therefore overestimate the potential environmental impacts (e.g. landfill gas generation) of waste materials in a landfill environment.  相似文献   

Chlorine (Cl) and sulfur (S) in municipal solid waste (MSW) are important reactive elements during combustion. They generate the acidic pollutants HCl and SOx, and, furthermore, produce and suppress organic chlorinated compounds. Nevertheless, few practical reports about Cl and S content in MSW have been published. In combustion and recycling processes, both combustible Cl and S, and incombustible Cl and S species are equally important. This paper presents the results of a comprehensive study about combustible and incombustible Cl and S in MSW components, including kitchen garbage, paper, textiles, wood and leaves, plastics and small chips. By integrating this collected data with data about MSW composition, not only the overall content of Cl and S in MSW, but also the origins of both combustible and incombustible Cl and S were estimated. The average Cl content in bulk MSW was 3.7 g/kg of raw MSW, of which 2.7 and 1.0 g/kg were combustible and incombustible, respectively. The Cl contribution from plastics was 76% and 27% with respect to combustible and incombustible states. The average S content in bulk MSW was 0.81 g/kg of raw MSW, of which 0.46 g/kg was combustible and 0.35 g/kg was incombustible. Combustible S was mainly due to synthetic textiles, while incombustible S was primarily from paper.  相似文献   

由于民众缺乏环境意识和国家没有相应法规,大多数废干电池都随手丢弃,回收的废电池处于不同程度的腐蚀状态.介绍了锌、汞在废干电池中的分布状态以及腐蚀对其分布的影响,并根据它们的分布特点提出用真空法回收废干电池中的锌、汞.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to screen 20 fungi for their potential to degrade the chlorinated organic pesticides endosulfan and chlorpyrifos. Fungi were first screened for their tolerance to various concentrations of target pesticides using soil extract agar and subsequent degradation studies were performed in soil extract broth containing 25 mg/L of the individual pesticide. Pesticide degradation was evaluated using gas chromatography. Other parameters, such as pH and mycelial weight, were also determined. Based on percent growth inhibition of test fungi and subsequent analysis of EC50 values, the overall results revealed that chlorpyrifos showed significantly more growth inhibition in all tested fungi compared with endosulfan. Trametes hirsuta showed complete degradation of both α‐ and β‐endosulfan isomers and Cladosporium cladosporioides displayed maximum degradation of chlorpyrifos. All test fungi degraded endosulfan more efficiently than chlorpyrifos, except Phanerochaete chrysosporium, Trichoderma harzianum, and Trichoderma virens which showed higher degradation of chlorpyrifos than endosulfan. It was also found that all tested fungi degraded α‐endosulfan more efficiently than β‐endosulfan. Endosulfan sulfate was found to be the major degradation product with all tested fungi. Fungi which showed more endosulfan degradation also produced more endosulfan sulfate. However, less endosulfan sulfate was detected with T. hirsuta and Trametes versicolor, although they degraded endosulfan more efficiently.  相似文献   


52 coal ash samples from individual households were analyzed to determine the pH and the concentrations of four toxic elements: arsenic, cadmium, lead and thallium. The method used was atomic absorption spectrometry with graphite-furnace atomization. The ash samples originated from various coal grades and statistical analysis showed existing correlations between the concentrations of studied elements, pH and the coal grades. The maximum concentrations of arsenic, cadmium, lead and thallium were 50,900, 43,500, 128,900, and 6660 µg/kg, respectively. The results were compared with the published data for the ash of industrial origin.


Microbial quality of air inside vehicle cabs is a major occupational health risk management issue in composting facilities. Large differences and discrepancies in protection factors between vehicles and between biological agents have been reported. This study aimed at estimating the mean protection efficiency of the vehicle cab environment against bioaerosols with higher precision. In-cab measurement results were also analysed to ascertain whether or not these protection systems reduce workers' exposure to tolerable levels. Five front-end loaders, one mobile mixer and two agricultural tractors pulling windrow turners were investigated. Four vehicles were fitted with a pressurisation and high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filtration system. The four others were only equipped with pleated paper filter without pressurisation. Bacteria, fungi and endotoxins were measured in 72 pairs of air samples, simultaneously collected inside the cab and on the outside of the cab with a CIP 10-M sampler. A front-end loader, purchased a few weeks previously, fitted with a pressurisation and high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filtration system, and with a clean cab, exhibited a mean protection efficiency of between 99.47% CI 95% [98.58-99.97%] and 99.91% [99.78-99.98%] depending on the biological agent. It is likely that the lower protection efficiency demonstrated in other vehicles was caused by penetration through the only moderately efficient filters, by the absence of pressurisation, by leakage in the filter-sealing system, and by re-suspension of particles which accumulated in dirty cabs. Mean protection efficiency in regards to bacteria and endotoxins ranged between 92.64% [81.87-97.89%] and 98.61% [97.41-99.38%], and between 92.68% [88.11-96.08%] and 98.43% [97.44-99.22%], respectively. The mean protection efficiency was the lowest when confronted with fungal spores, from 59.76% [4.19-90.75%] to 94.71% [91.07-97.37%]. The probability that in-cab exposure to fungi exceeded the benchmark value for short-term respiratory effects suggests that front-end loaders and mobile mixers in composting facilities should be fitted with a pressurisation and HEPA filtration system, regardless of whether or not the facility is indoors or outdoors. Regarding the tractors, exposure inside the cabs was not significantly reduced. However, in this study, there was a less than 0.01% risk of exceeding the bench mark value associated with fungi related short-term respiratory effects during an 1-h per day windrow turning operation. Pressurisation and a HEPA filtration system can provide safe working conditions inside loaders and mobile mixer with regard to airborne bacteria, fungi and endotoxins in composting facilities. However, regular thorough cleaning of the vehicle cab, as well as overalls and shoes cleaning, and mitigation of leakage in the filter-sealing system are necessary to achieve high levels of protection efficiency.  相似文献   

This study characterises the sediment dredged from a lagooning system composed of a settling pond and three lagoons that receive leachates from a municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill in France. Organic carbon, carbonate, iron oxyhydroxides, copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) concentrations were measured in the sediment collected from upstream to downstream in the lagooning system. In order to complete our investigation of sedimentation mechanisms, leachates were sampled in both dry (spring) and wet (winter) seasonal conditions. Precipitation of calcite and amorphous Fe-oxyhydroxides and sedimentation of organic matter occurred in the settling pond. Since different distributions of Zn and Cu concentrations are measured in sediment samples collected downstream in the lagooning system, it is suggested that these elements were not distributed in a similar way in the leachate fractions during the first stage of treatment in the settling pond, so that their sedimentation dynamics in the lagooning system differ. In the lagoons, it was found that organic carbon plays a major role in Cu and Zn mobility and trapping. The presence of macrophytes along the edges provided an input of organic matter that enhanced Cu and Zn scavenging. This edge effect resulted in a two-fold increase in Cu and Zn concentrations in the sediment deposited near the banks of the lagoons, thus confirming the importance of vegetation for the retention of Cu and Zn in lagooning systems.  相似文献   

The application of biosolids such as sewage sludge is a concern, because of the potential release of toxic metals after decomposition of the organic matter. The effect of application of sewage sludge (Sw) and compost (C) to the soil (S) on the Cu and Cd sorption, distribution and the quality of the dissolved organic matter (DOM) in the soil, was investigated under controlled conditions. Visible spectrophotometry, infrared spectroscopy, sorption isotherms (simple and competitive sorption systems), and sequential extraction methods were used. The E4/E6 (lambda at 465 and 665 nm) ratio and the infrared spectra (IR) of DOM showed an aromatic behaviour in compost-soil (C-S); in contrast sewage sludge-soil (Sw-S) showed an aliphatic behaviour. Application of either Sw or C increased the Cu sorption capacity of soil. The Cd sorption decreased only in soil with a competitive metal system. The availability of Cu was low due to its occurrence in the acid soluble fraction (F3). The Cu concentration varied in accordance with the amounts of Cu added. The highest Cd concentration was found in the exchangeable fraction (F2). The Sw and C applications did not increase the Cd availability in the soil.  相似文献   

The interactions of Cd2+ with silica and calcite were observed through laboratory dynamic experiments. Cd2+ sorption processes were characterised as a function of reaction kinetics in aqueous solutions saturated or not with respect to calcite. Chromatographic column experiments show that Cd2+ sorption on silica can be considered as a reversible equilibrate reaction which depends on water composition and pH. For a porous medium composed by a mixture of silica and calcite, the Cd2+ migration behaviours are predominantly controlled by calcite. The amount and the reversibility of sorbed Cd on calcite are strongly affected by kinetic limitations. Stirred flow through reactor experiments provide an original method to separate and characterise the 'fast' and 'slow' Cd sorption on calcite processes. The 'fast' Cd reversible adsorption isotherms and the rate of Cd subsequent uptake by 'slow' reactions are determined. In addition, the inhibition of calcite dissolution is observed as a function of sorbed Cd in order to provide a complete mechanistic database for coupled transport-geochemistry models.  相似文献   

The immobilization of MSWI-scrubber residues with soluble PO4(3-) was studied and compared to the immobilization using cement. The DIN 38414-S4 leaching protocol and pH dependent leaching were used to evaluate the leaching of Pb and Zn. Four different scrubber residues from MSW combustion (Pb concentration: 2.8-4.8 mg/g; Zn concentration: 3.0-12.3 mg/g) were mixed with water and cement or Na2HPO4 as source of soluble PO4(3-) at dosages of at least 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 and 0.4 g per g residue. With cement as well as with PO4(3-) a reduction in Pb and Zn leaching was observed. With 0.4 g cement per g residue, the Pb leaching was reduced by a factor ranging from 70 to 100, but still exceeded the Pb landfill limit of 2 mg/l. With PO4(3-) the Pb leaching was reduced with a factor of 100-300 to below 2 mg/l. The Zn landfill limit (10 mg/l) was only exceeded by one untreated residue. Adding 0.2 g cement or 0.1 g PO4(3-) per g of that residue was enough to reduce leaching below 10 mg/l. However, when 0.6 g Na2HPO4 per g residue was added to a lime based scrubber residue, an increase in Zn leaching up to 12.5 mg/l was observed due to an increase in pH of up to 13.0. When using NaH2PO4 and H3PO4 no such increase in Zn leaching was observed. pH dependent leaching performed on one of the four residues showed that in the pH range of 2.5-6, Pb leaching was 100-50 times lower with Na2HPO4 treatment than with cement. In the pH range from 7-11, almost equal results were obtained for cement treated and Na2HPO4 treated residue. Above a pH of 12, Pb leaching was three times lower for the PO(4)(3-)-treated residue than for the cement treated residue. With soluble PO4(3-), Pb leaching below 2 mg/l could be attained at a dosage of 0.27 g PO4(3-)/g residue. With cement, Pb leaching was never below 2 mg/l.  相似文献   

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