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北京市近效区乡村景观规划方法探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以北京西北近郊白家瞳村为例,分析了乡村景观的现状和动态演变的特征,重点探讨了乡村景观规划的原则和方法,并提出了白家瞳村景观规划方案和设计要点。  相似文献   

乡村景观规划的发展历史及其在我国的发展前景   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了国内外乡村景观规划的发展历史 ,阐述了乡村景观规划的内容和特点 ,并简要分析了我国开展乡村景观规划的基础研究和应用的发展趋势 ,指出了应继续完善系统性的理论和方法论上的探讨 ,并对一些重点区域进一步开展典型研究和实践应用 ,以此作为今后研究发展的重点领域。  相似文献   

乡村景观规划的发展历史及其在我国的发展前景   总被引:47,自引:0,他引:47  
介绍了国内外乡村景观规划的发展历史,阐述了乡村景观规划的内容和特点,并简要分析了我国开展乡村景观规划的基础研究和应用的发展趋势,指出了应继续完善系统性的理论和方法论上的探讨,并对一些重点区域进一步开展典型研究和实验应用,以此作为今后研究发展的重点领域。  相似文献   

试论我国乡村景观的特点及乡村景观规划的目标和内容   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
乡村景观是指乡村地域范围内不同土地单元镶嵌而成的嵌块体,以农业特征为主,是人类在自然景观的基础上建立起来的自然生态结构与人为特征的综合体。随着城镇化进程的加快,我国乡村景观将面临着前所未有的变化。如何保护乡村景观的特色和完整性,充分挖掘乡村景观的生态和文化旅游价值,使其形成高效、完整并具有传统特色的多功能的乡村地域,是21世纪乡村可持续发展的重要任务之一。文章首先界定了乡村景观的概念和内涵,指出了我国乡村景观的主要特征;然后探讨了乡村景观规划与土地利用之间的关系,认为乡村景观规划是未来我国乡村持续发展的重要手段;最后系统地讨论了我国乡村景观规划的目标和内容。  相似文献   

景观规划与管理及其相关领域研究的新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
景观规划与管理是景观生态学应用研究的热点,是以景观异质性和景观功能的定量研究为基础,以3S和模型模拟方法为技术支撑的综合性应用领域,它是沟通景观生态学理论研究和实践运用的桥梁。景观规划与管理和景观结构、景观功能与景观动态以及景观尺度、景观过程及景观格局等具有密切的联系,上述方面的相关理论与方法,共同支撑着景观规划与管理的客观实践。景观异质性是景观规划与管理的重要理论基础,景观功能是景观规划与管理的现实目标,景观生态研究方法是景观规划与景观管理的技术保障。20世纪90年代以来,随着学科的交叉与融合,景观规划与管理领域取得了一系列新进展,主要表现在理论、方法和应用方面的研究愈加广泛和深入,景观规划与管理方式也越来越智能化与人性化;景观规划管理的发展也在一定程度上推动了景观异质性、景观功能和景观研究方法的发展。目前,相关学科方法和技术的交叉融合成为研究景观规划与管理的重要趋势,3S和模型交叉融合促进景观规划与管理方法向着多元化、数字化和可视化发展。随着景观规划管理现实应用领域的拓展,景观异质性和景观功能在理论、方法、应用方面的研究进一步深化。  相似文献   

乡村是一定地域内覆盖了人与自然、人与社会关系的"自然-经济-社会"复合生态系统。城市化的快速发展对丘陵地区乡村景观产生了巨大的冲击,改变了其自然地形并对河流和水塘等天然水体产生了破坏,乡村旅游的泛滥导致丘陵地区乡村的农业文化割裂与景观特色丧失,现存一系列乡村问题的根源其实是乡村复合生态系统的失衡。以四川省简阳市三星镇双桂村为例,针对现状存在的问题,如村民日常生活与生产活动对环境造成污染、乡村劳动力流失严重、耕种效率低下、村庄生活设施落后、村民生活单调等,从景观规划设计的角度提出解决途径,具体包括:通过迁移部分居民点、增加垃圾收集处理站与分散式人工湿地以控制点源污染;生态式改造河流驳岸以提高河流水质与净水能力,提高环境效益;发展"林粮间作"、"水旱轮作"和"立体渔业"3种生态立体农业模式对丘陵地貌进行保护与利用,在降低化肥使用的同时提高资源利用效率和农业产出效率;开展农耕体验与农家乐等经营活动,提升乡村经济效益;增加滨河木栈道、观鸟亭与垂钓平台等滨水休闲设施,提升农村户外活动空间品质,改善村民生活,提高社会效益。通过上述手段既保留乡村的生态价值,又满足生产与生活需求,保证整个复合生态系统的稳定,实现乡村的和谐统一与可持续发展。  相似文献   

从景观生态学原理和景观的结构与功能出发,以武汉市汉阳水系为例,对湖滨带、沟渠廊道、滨水区绿地进行了景观规划和整体景观设计。案例研究表明:景观生态学可以很好地应用于城市水系的景观规划。  相似文献   

环境规划中植物的景观功能及其应用   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文在探讨植物的景观特点及其建造功能和观赏功能等基础上,提出了环境规划中景观规划的基本原则。结合岳阳市南湖旅游度假区的实际情况,应用景观规划的基本原则,研究了该旅游度假区的面上绿化规划和景区景点绿化规划。  相似文献   

准确把握农户生计状况与乡村发展水平的耦合协调关系,对于解决"三农"问题、促进区域可持续发展具有十分重要的意义。基于英国国际发展部提出的可持续生计框架选取测度指标计算了陕西省洛南县626户农户的生计资本值,并对农户所在的村庄发展水平进行测度,通过耦合协调度模型对两者间的关系进行了分析研究。结果表明:洛南县农户的生计资本均值为0.171 4,整体水平偏低,各单项资本中社会资本和物质资本水平相对较高,自然资本水平居中,人力资本和金融资本水平处于较低水平;洛南县乡村发展水平的平均值为0.354 2,发展水平较低,特别是乡村性较弱的乡村在产业发展、人居环境以及资源禀赋方面仍有较大的提升空间;绝大多数样本村农户的生计状况明显滞后于乡村发展水平,农户生计水平亟需提升。基于此,针对农户生计与乡村发展的协调发展类型提出相关建议:对于农户生计状况滞后于乡村发展的村落,建议通过推动乡村现代化农业的发展、人居环境的改善、基础设施和公共服务设施的完善,提高农户的生计资本值;对于农户生计水平与乡村发展同步但两者仍处于磨合阶段的村庄,可通过改变原有的产业发展模式、改善产业发展条件的方式吸纳更多的劳动力回流,以促进两者的协调发展。  相似文献   

探讨了“乡村聚落”和“乡村聚落生态系统”等基本概念以及乡村聚落生态研究的主要内容 ,包括乡村聚落生态评价和生态区划、对特殊聚落的研究、乡村聚落的选址以及乡村聚落生态与生态村建设 ,以期推动乡村聚落生态研究的发展。  相似文献   

退化滨水景观带植物群落生态修复技术研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
滨水带是重要的生态交错带,物质、养分和能量流动速率高,具有较高的生态、经济和美学价值。近年来,由于缺乏科学合理的生态规划意识,我国滨水带多被建成近直立人工护岸,加之自然、人为干扰力度的加强,滨水岸线生境破坏,生物群落丧失,滨水带退化,水岸生态环境日趋恶化。通过对滨水带生态景观功能分析,研究滨水带退化原因与机理,系统归纳了国内外退化滨水景观带植物群落生态修复相关技术的研究现状,深入探讨了生境恢复、生物廊道恢复、景观格局美化和水岸生态系统结构与功能优化等方面的研究内容,并提出今后滨水带生态修复技术研究方向,以及基于生态学、景观学、水力学、土力学、生物学、经济学等多学科背景的滨水景观带植物群落定量分析、配置方法。最后指出,滨水景观带植物群落生态修复技术研究需进一步分析我国水岸生态系统退化机理、细化滨水深槽-浅滩序列、量化滨水植被配置宽度与生物多样性关系、深化稳定化长效管理技术等,为我国退化滨水生态景观带植物群落生态修复集成技术的研究与实践提供参考,以全面有效的提高生态环境质量。  相似文献   

景观生态学在农业景观生态规划中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从景观生态学的基本原理入手 ,阐述景观生态学在农业景观生态规划中的应用。认为农业景观规划设计不仅关注景观的“土地利用”、“土地肥力”以及人类的短期需求 ,更强调景观的生态价值和美学价值及其带给人类的长期效益。农业景观生态规划设计的中心任务就是创建一个可持续发展的整体区域生态系统。以江苏省宝应县为例进行分析  相似文献   

兰州市城市景观生态规划   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在兰州市生态建设现状分析的基础上,结合西部大开发发展战略,利用景观生态学的理论和方法,根据兰州市现状条件和河谷带状山地城市的性质,提出了兰州城市景观空间结构规划的基本思路及建议。  相似文献   

Soil properties are well known to affect vegetation, but the role of soil heterogeneity in the patterning of vegetation dynamics is poorly documented. We asked whether the location of an ecotone separating grass-dominated and sparsely vegetated areas reflected only historical variation in degradation or was related to variation in inherent soil properties. We then asked whether changes in the cover and spatial organization of vegetated and bare patches assessed using repeat aerial photography reflected self-organizing dynamics unrelated to soil variation or the stable patterning of soil variation. We found that the present-day ecotone was related to a shift from more weakly to more strongly developed soils. Parts of the ecotone were stable over a 60-year period, but shifts between bare and vegetated states, as well as persistently vegetated and bare states, occurred largely in small (<40 m2) patches throughout the study area. The probability that patches were presently vegetated or bare, as well as the probability that vegetation persisted and/or established over the 60-year period, was negatively related to surface calcium carbonate and positively related to subsurface clay content. Thus, only a fraction of the landscape was susceptible to vegetation change, and the sparsely vegetated area probably featured a higher frequency of susceptible soil patches. Patch dynamics and self-organizing processes can be constrained by subtle (and often unrecognized) soil heterogeneity.  相似文献   

This paper discusses issues about the coastal and the insular landscape integration in the Greek spatial planning framework. Case study area is the region of the South Aegean, where the proliferation of wind turbines is one of the principal factors of landscape change. The methodological approach adopted is mainly quantitative and is based on viewshed analysis. This paper is also demonstrates that zones with varying impact on landscape can be identified. It also emerges that the spatial planning framework in Greece promotes an ad hoc project-led instead of a plan-based approach to coastal and insular landscape management.  相似文献   

Rapid urbanization and a building boom in Chinese cities, together with the increase in human disturbances in ecosystems, have resulted in a range of ecological and land-use problems. The formulation of policies relating to urban land use requires adequate understanding of the landscape dynamics. The objective of the study was to describe spatial patterns and dynamic changes of the regional landscape of Shenzhen in the past 20 years. Based on MSS & TM images from 1978, 1986, 1990, 1995 and 1999, a landscape classification map of Shenzhen was constructed. Three kinds of spatial pattern indices, including landscape diversity, spatial configuration and characteristics of patches, as well as a human disturbance index, were examined using models and GIS. In the past two decades, the regional landscape in Shenzhen has changed dramatically, from a typical agricultural landscape to a rapidly urbanizing landscape. The gradual reduction in the cultivated land area and the dramatic increase in the built-up areas illustrate this progress clearly. Indices for the landscape spatial pattern have changed substantially. Some of the changes, reflecting the reasonable control of urban planning on the regional landscape, are the consequence of careful planning, but many of them are the result of disordered human disturbances that have occurred during the rapid urbanization process. These findings are helpful to future landscape development and land-use planning.  相似文献   

本文应用生态学原理、传统园林规划理论及园林艺术理论,以沈阳开发区为例,对生态园林规划理论及方法进行了探讨.  相似文献   

Experimental evidence for herbivore limitation of the treeline   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Speed JD  Austrheim G  Hester AJ  Mysterud A 《Ecology》2010,91(11):3414-3420
The treeline ecotone divides forest from open alpine or arctic vegetation states. Treelines are generally perceived to be temperature limited. The role of herbivores in limiting the treeline is more controversial, as experimental evidence from relevant large scales is lacking. Here we quantify the impact of different experimentally controlled herbivore densities on the recruitment and survival of birch Betula pubescens tortuosa along an altitudinal gradient in the mountains of southern Norway. After eight years of summer grazing in large-scale enclosures at densities of 0, 25, and 80 sheep/km2, birch recruited within the whole altitudinal range of ungrazed enclosures, but recruitment was rarer in enclosures with low-density sheep and was largely limited to within the treeline in enclosures with high-density sheep. In contrast, the distribution of saplings (birch older than the experiment) did not differ between grazing treatments, suggesting that grazing sheep primarily limit the establishment of new tree recruits rather than decrease the survival of existing individuals. This study provides direct experimental evidence that herbivores can limit the treeline below its potential at the landscape scale and even at low herbivore densities in this climatic zone. Land use changes should thus be considered in addition to climatic changes as potential drivers of ecotone shifts.  相似文献   

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