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直面冷峻的环境现状,每一个有理性与责任感的公民无不忧心如焚.蔽日的烟云、腥臭的污河、毒化的农田和振聋发聩的噪音一刻不歇地疯狂考验和鞭笞着人们从心灵到生理的忍耐极限.本文使用大量详实的数据还原出天津环保的真相,社会各界的高度关注、积极参与和成效卓著的努力让我们对天津山清水秀的明日充满了期待.  相似文献   

浅析土壤环境中的镉的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于工业的污染使土壤中镉的含量增加,从而直接导致对食物链的影响,文章以镉为例,进行研究.而研究高等植物是生态系统的重要组成部分,一个平衡、稳定的生态系统生产健康、优良的高等植物.因此,利用高等植物的生长状况诊断土壤污染,是土壤毒理诊断的重要方法之一.  相似文献   

一次,我国一家工厂想接一位德商的棉布袋订单.对方要求,棉布袋的材料必须是本色棉布,两面的图案须用6种颜色印刷,而且对袋子的尺寸和提手的针脚都作了严格的规定.德商没有当场与这家工厂的厂长签约,而是提出在做出符合标准的样品后,再谈今后的合作.  相似文献   

随着生产力水平的不断提高和世界经济一体化趋势的快速发展,国际河流已成为有关国家开发的热点,国际河流的生态保护与生态安全是国家维护自身生态安全的前沿.界河--黑龙江流域可持续发展,对边境地区的稳定.防止流域生态退化和保护黑龙江流域森林、黑土地、湿地等资源具有重要意义.界河沿岸地区的自然保护区在保护该地区的生态环境,生物多样性、生态系统功能和国土安全方面起到了非常重要的作用.文章介绍了界河沿岸地区自然保护区的发展状况以及数量、面积、类型、分布和管理等现状,分析了制约自然保护区发展的主要因素提出了因地制宜的建设该地区自然保护区的有效措施及发展方向.  相似文献   

近些年来,随着工企业的不断增多和经济的迅猛发展,环境的污染问题越来越受到人们的重视和关注,在这种情况下,导致了各种洁净性型煤的应运而生.那么,通过型煤与原煤燃烧的对比试验,对它的燃烧特性进行了测试,证明燃烧型煤可降低烟尘和SO2的排放,并提高炉膛的温度.  相似文献   

上世纪的80年代到90年代,循环经济已成为世界发达国家的经济经济发展的模式.现代循环经济作为一个完整的系统概念,最早是我国一些学者考察德国对废弃物管理的实践后于1998年引入的.  相似文献   

郝益东 《内蒙古环境科学》2007,19(1):I0007-I0011
一、认清形势,增强做好环境保护工作的紧迫性和责任感 过去的一年,在各级党委、政府的正确领导和大力支持下,通过各级环保部门的积极努力,我区环境质量总体保持稳定,重点城市、重点区域和流域的环境质量有所好转,生态环境恶化的趋势初步得到遏制,环境保护工作取得明显进展.这些成绩是在自治区经济快速发展当中,资源、能源消耗较大的情况下取得的,困难多、难度大,成绩来之不易.借此机会,我代表自治区人民政府向辛勤工作在全区环保战线上的广大干部职工表示衷心的感谢和亲切的问候.  相似文献   

闫琨  周康根 《云南环境科学》2008,27(Z1):103-106
详细介绍了电石渣在生产建材,治理环境污染,生产化工产品等方面的利用,并对它们在处理效果,创造的经济效益及实际应用过程中遇到的问题进行了分析.提出了一种处理电石渣的有效方法--生产具备高附加值的纳米碳酸钙,在实现经济效益的同时,还能创造良好的环境效益及社会效益.  相似文献   

室内环境质量是关系人们健康生活的重要问题之一,长期以来人们往往把目光更多的投向室外环境污染,但由于人的一生大部分时间是在室内度过的,因此,居室环境对人的日常生活有着重大影响,居室的选址、设计、建设以及传统的烹调和取暖造成的室内环境污染都会对人类健康产生重大影响.文章探讨并分析了室内环境主要污染物的种类.危害及其来源,同时针对室内环境污染的现状提出了控制室内污染的几点对策.  相似文献   

从3个角度阐述环境权是一项新型的人权.环境权的产生和提出就是以人权的形式,环境权的性质完全符合人权的基本性质,环境权的内容不可能归于传统的财产权和人格权.所以环境权具有不容置疑的人权性质.环境权入宪能更好地保护公民的环境权利.提供稳定、有力的保障.  相似文献   

根据1979年5月,8月,11月胶州湾水域调查资料,并且与近几十年来的调查资料进行对比分析,探讨和研究胶州湾重金属Hg的平面分布、垂直分布、季节分布以及发展趋势.结果表明:胶州湾东北部海域春季污染较为严重,西南部的污染程度相对较轻;春季和夏季的表层含量大于底层含量,秋季时底层含量高于表层含量;而且春季Hg污染较为严重,秋季水质状况最好.从历史资料来看,1979年到1982年,Hg污染在加剧;1982年到1997年,从污染严重到缓和,在1997年就达到了一类水质的要求;1997年到1999年,水质更加清洁.  相似文献   

An investigation of gaseous elemental mercury concentration in atmosphere was conducted at Beijing and Guangzhou urban, Yangtze Delta regional sites and China Global Atmosphere Watch Baseline Observatory (CGAWBO) in Mt. Waliguan of remote continental area of China. High temporal resolved data were obtained using automated mercury analyzer RA-915 . Results showed that the overall hourly mean Hg0 concentrations in Mt. Waliguan were 1.7± 1.1 ng/m3 in summer and 0.6±0.08 ng/m3 in winter. The concentration in Yangtze Delta regional site was 5.4±4.1 ng/m3, which was much higher than those in Waliguan continental background area and also higher than that found in North America and Europe rural areas. In Beijing urban area the overall hourly mean Hg0 concentrations were 8.3±3.6 ng/m3 in winter, 6.5±5.2 ng/m3 in spring, 4.9±3.3 ng/m3 in summer, and 6.7±3.5 ng/m3 in autumn, respectively, and the concentration was 13.5±7.1 ng/m3 in Guangzhou site. The mean concentration reached the lowest value at 14:00 and the highest at 02:00 or 20:00 in all monitoring campaigns in Beijing and Guangzhou urban areas, which contrasted with the results measured in Yangtze Delta regional site and Mt. Waliguan. The features of concentration and diurnal variation of Hg0 in Beijing and Guangzhou implied the importance of local anthropogenic sources in contributing to the high Hg0 concentration in urban areas of China. Contrary seasonal variation patterns of Hg0 concentration were found between urban and remote sites. In Beijing the highest Hg0concentration was in winter and the lowest in summer, while in Mt. Waliguan the Hg0 concentration in summer was higher than that in winter. These indicated that different processes and factors controlled Hg0 concentration in urban, regional and remote areas.  相似文献   

刁江水体多相介质中As,Zn和Pb的空间和季   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
调查了广西刁江河水中As,Zn和Pb的溶解态、悬浮颗粒态分布情况及季节变化,以及3种重金属在不同粒级沉积物中的分布情况. 结果表明:刁江流域河水与沉积物中3种重金属污染在流域尺度上的分布存在差异,沉积物污染更为严重. 与土壤污染一致,沉积物中3种重金属的污染范围扩散延伸到距离污染源近200 km的下游区域,其中车河矿区对As污染的贡献率明显高于大厂矿区,而对Pb污染的贡献率明显小于大厂矿区;不同重金属在水体中的赋存形态存在差异,河水中悬浮颗粒态Pb所占比例远高于As和Zn,这与3种重金属矿物的稳定性以及在不同粒级沉积物中的富集特征有关;河水中重金属的赋存形态存在季节差别,丰水期悬浮颗粒态重金属所占比例明显高于枯水期.   相似文献   

Oxidative stress and DNA damages induced by cadmium accumulation   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
Experimental evidence shows that cadmium (Cd) could induce oxidative stress and then causes DNA damage in animal cells, however, whether such effect exists in plants is still unclear. In the present study, Vicia faba plants was exposed to 5 and 10 mg/L Cd for 4 d to investigate the distribution of Cd in plant, the metal effects on the cell lipids, antioxidative enzymes and DNA damages in leaves. Cd induced an increase in Cd concentrations in plants. An enhanced level of lipid peroxidation in leaves and an enhanced concentration of H2O2 in root tissues suggested that Cd caused oxidative stress in Vicia faba. Compared with control, Cd-induced enhancement in superoxide dismutase activity was significant at 5 mg/L than at 10 mg/kg in leaves, by contrast, catalase and peroxidaseactivities were significantly suppressed by Cd addition. DNA damage was detected by neutral/neutral, alkaline/neutral and alkaline/alkaline Comet assay. Increased levels of DNA damages induced by Cd occurred with reference to oxidative stress in leaves, therefore, oxidative stress induced by Cd accumulation in plants contributed to DNA damages and was possibly an important mechanism of Cd-phytotoxicity in Vicia faba plants.  相似文献   

The aerosol number concentration and size distribution were measured with the newly developed Wide-range Particle Spectrometer in summer and winter of 2006 at the urban site of Jinan City.Here reported the characteristics of fine particles of the different observation seasons.Relative high number concentrations for the particles in the diameter range of 10-500 nm were observed in both seasons.It was found that the dominant number distributed in particle diameter smaller than 100 nm and the percentage over the number concentration of all air particles is much higher than what has been measured in other urban sites over the world.The number mean diameter in summer was much smaller than in winter,strongly suggesting the different origin of ultrafine particles in different seasons.That is, particles in ultrafine mode mainly came from nucleation and new particle formation in summer while from traffic emission in winter. The diurnal variation also supported this point.Number concentration in the diameter range of 10-200 nm got their peak values at noontime,well correlated with the mixing ratio of SO_2 and the intensity of solar radiation in summer.While in winter,those in the same diameter range showed the main peaks during the traffic hours happened in the morning and evening.  相似文献   

The potential harm of heavy metals is a primary concern in application of sludge to the agricultural land. A pot experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of two sludges on fractionation of Zn and Cu in soil and their phytotoxicity to pakchoi. The loamy soil was mixed with 0%, 20%, 40%, 60% and 80% (by weight) of digested sewage sludge (SS) and composted sludge (SC). The additions of both sludges caused a significant raise in all fractions, resulting in that exchangeable (EXCH) and organic bound (OM) became predominance of Zn and organic bound Cu occupied the largest portion. There was more available amount of Zn and Cu in SS treatments than SC treatments. During the pot experiment, the concentration of Zn in EXCH, carbonate (CAR) and OM and Cu in EXCH and OM fractions decreased in all treatments, so their bioavailability reduced. Germination rate and plant biomass decreased when the addition rate was high and the best yield appeared in 20% mixtures at the harvest of pakchoi. The two sludges increased tissue contents of Zn and Cu especially in the SS treatments. Zn in pakchoi was not only in relationship to ΔEXCH and ΔCAR forms but also in ΔOM forms in the sludge-soil mixtures. Tissue content of Cu in pakchoi grown on SC-soils could not be predicted by ΔEXCH. These correlation rates between Zn and Cu accumulation in pakchoi and variation of different fractions increased with time, which might indicate that sludges represented stronger impacts on the plant in long-term land application.  相似文献   

IntroductionAtrazine(2chloro4ethylamino6isopropylaminostriazine)isoneofthemostwidelyusedselectivepreandpostemergenceherbicidesforthecontrolofbroadleafandgrassyweeds.ThisherbicideisprimarilyusedincorncroppingsysteminNortheastandNorthofChina,andasoftentim…  相似文献   

Massive amounts of pig manure are produced by intensive pig farm in China, and the composition of pig manure has changed much due to the use of feed additives. However, little is known about the exact Cu (copper) feed as additives or present as contaminants in pig feed and the residues in feces. One hundred and thirty-seven feeds and one hundred and forty-two fecal samples from 48 pig farms were collected in Beijing and Fuxin cities in 1999 and 2005, respectively. The concentrations of Cu were in the range of 6.86-395.19 mg/kg in the feed samples, and the mean values were in the order of weaner〉 grower-finisher〉 sow's feeds. The high concentrations over EU recommendations implied that excessive levels of Cu are fed on many pig farms in Beijing and Fuxin. Cu was also present in high concentrations in feces, and concentrations were highly variable. Cu concentrations in the feces from grower-finisher and weaner pigs were significantly greater than feces of sows. The super-intensive and small-scale farms had higher levels of Cu in feces than the middle farms. Cu concentrations in pig feces were approximately 5-times greater than in pig feeds. Feed management in grower-finisher pigs on super-intensive and small-scale pig farms is needed to reduce high Cu concentrations in feces and risks to soil contamination while feces are land-applied.  相似文献   

东南沿海河流-水库系统藻类生长营养盐限制季节变动   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
陈聪聪  饶拉  黄金良  白敏冬 《环境科学》2015,36(9):3238-3247
选取厦漳泉三地市饮用水源地九龙江20条支流以及4个水库开展2013~2014年为期一年的逐月水质与生态调查与监测,并借助GIS、统计分析方法,识别了氮磷营养盐和浮游植物藻类丰度和群落的时空变异性,河流与水库氮磷营养盐限制的差异性以及其控制性的季节性变化特征.结果表明,九龙江支流和水库的营养盐、藻类丰度和群落都分别展示出明显的时空变异性.支流和水库均呈现营养盐氮素浓度冬春季节较高,夏秋季节较低;营养盐磷素浓度大体与之相反.水库藻类丰度于夏季最高,而支流藻类丰度呈现冬春季节较高,夏秋季节较低的趋势.其中,汀溪水库于秋冬春季节和夏季呈现硅藻,绿藻演替;江东库区于冬春,夏秋季节呈现绿藻-隐藻、绿藻-蓝藻演替;石兜-坂头水库以及支流均未出现季节演替现象,优势藻分别为蓝藻、绿藻.RDA排序图较好地显示了浮游植物藻类与环境因子之间的关系.水库叶绿素a与氮磷营养盐之间呈现显著相关性,相关关系较强,并且其相关关系在冬春季节呈现营养盐磷的限制性,夏秋季节呈现营养盐氮的限制性.相比于水库,支流叶绿素a与营养盐之间只有夏秋季节呈现显著相关性,且相关关系较弱.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to characterize mercury (Hg) contamination in the coastal waters of the Southern Baltic Sea, and to investigate transformations of Hg in the initial links of the marine food chain. Concentrations of Hg in water, particulate matter, plankton and macrophytes at various stations in the coastal zone (a bay with restricted water exchange, near an industrial city, river mouths, and the open sea) were measured in 2006–2008. Hg concentrations observed in the Southern Baltic varied greatly, showing the highest average values in all environmental compartments near the river mouths. In shallow, sheltered parts of the gulf, where water exchange is restricted, Hg concentrations in the water and in macrophytes were elevated relative to those in the coastal zone of the deeper part of the bay and in the open Baltic. Distance to the river mouth, terrestrial runo , and quantity and quality of organic matter were more important than seasonal variations in controlling Hg and HgSPM concentrations in water samples. Mercury concentrations in the surface microlayer at the air/sea interface were over 10 times higher than those in the bulk surface water. Concentrations of Hg in macrophytes in the winter were significantly higher than those in the warm seasons (spring, summer, autumn). This was probably the combined e ect of higher availability of Hg in porewaters and leaf growth inhibition.  相似文献   

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