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The effects of nonylphenol (NP) were examined on brain gene expression profiles of F1 generation rats by means of microarray techniques. The mRNA were extracted from the brain of two-day-old F1 generation rats whose F0 male generation were treated with NP, then reversely transcribed to cDNA and labeled with Cy5 and Cy3 fluorescence. Subsequently, the cDNA probes were hybridized to the mouse 40S cDNA microarray and the fluorescent signals of Cy5 and Cy3 were scanned and analyzed. Sixteen identified genes were expressed significantly differently from control, including 13 down-regulated, of which five were related to brain energy metabolism. Data suggest that it is possible that NP affects function of energy metabolism in male rats when administered perinatally.  相似文献   

To explore the effects of nonylphenol on brain development-associated gene expression profiles of F1 generation rats by means of microarray technique. The mRNA were extracted respectively from the brain of 2-day-old F1 generation rats whose F0 male generation were tested with and without nonylphenol, respectively, then reversely transcribed to cDNA and labeled with cy5 and cy3 fluorescence. Subsequently,the cDNA probes were hybridized to the Mouse40S cDNA microarray and the fluorescent signals of cy5 and cy3 were scanned and analyzed. Sixteen identified genes expressed differently, including 13 down-regulated in which five were related to brain function and development. Nonylphenol can effect the brain function in many ways, mainly disturb metabolism, development and differentiation of neurocyte, and synthesis and release of neurotransmitter.  相似文献   

In order to explore the effects of nonylphenol (NP) on brain cytochrome P450 gene expression in F1 generation rats microarray analysis techniques were used. mRNA were extracted from the brain of 2-day-old F1 generation rats whose F0 male generation were treated with NP, then reversely transcribed to cDNA and labeled with cy5 and cy3 for fluorescence. Subsequently, the cDNA probes were hybridized to the mouse 40S cDNA microarray; and fluorescent signals produced by cy5 and cy3 were scanned and analyzed. Sixteen identified genes were found to be expressed differently from control, including three cytochrome P450 genes, in which two were up-regulated and one down-regulated. Data suggest that NP affects the expression of some cytochrome P450 genes in rat brain when administered perinatally.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanisms underlying proliferation and apoptosis induced by p-nonylphenol (NP) through regulation of mRNA and protein expression of c-myc, p53 mRNA and the protein was investigated using ovarian cancer PEO4 cells. PEO4 cells were grown in the Dulbecco's modified Eagle medium (DMEM), 3(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl) 2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay was employed to investigate cell proliferation. RT-PCR and immunohistochemistry was performed to determine mRNA and protein expression of PEO4 c-myc and p53. Within the range of approximately 8–9×10?7 mol L?1, NP stimulated proliferation in PEO4 cells in a concentration-and time-dependent manner. RT-PCR and immunohistochemistry analyses revealed that treatment with 32 × 10?7 mol L?1 NP for 72 hr resulted in increased mRNA and protein expression of PEO4 c-myc and p53. Evidence indicates that NP exerted estrogenic actions and stimulated proliferation in estrogen responsive ovarian cancer PEO4 cells by up-regulation of c-myc mRNA and protein expression.  相似文献   

Nanotechnology is a rapidly growing industry that has elicited much concern due to the lack of available toxicity data. Aluminum oxide nanoparticles (AlNP) were listed as a high-priority group in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Steering Group for Test Guidelines. In this study, AlNP 35 ± 18.8 nm in size were administered daily at doses of 15, 30, or 60 mg k?1 for 28 days. A significant decrease in white blood cells (WBC), neutrophils, lymphocytes, and monocytes was observed in the group treated with 60 mg kg?1 of AlNP, accompanied by a significant increase in platelets. The concentration of aluminum (Al) rose significantly in the thymus, lung, and brain of the group treated with 60 mg kg?1 of AlNP. However, no significant changes in histopathology were observed. The expression for feeding behavior, energy expenditure, and neurodegeneration-related genes were up-regulated more than twofold by 60 mg kg?1 AlNP. Consequently, data suggest that exposure to AlNP may result in adverse health effects, including but not limited to growth inhibition, immunosuppression, and neurodegeneration.  相似文献   

Bo Lü 《毒物与环境化学》2013,95(9):1729-1733
The effects of bisphenol A (BPA) were examined on sex hormones of F1 generation male rats during weaning period. Female rats were exposed to BPA from day 0 after pregnancy to the weaning period at doses of 50, 100, or 200 mg kg?1. The sex hormone levels of F1 generation male rats were determined. This study shows that F0 generation female rats fed with 200 mg kg?1 BPA had a significantly higher serum prolactin (PRL) levels at the end of weaning. Significantly higher levels of serum estradiol (E2) were also found in female rats fed 100 or 200 mg kg?1 BPA. Serum levels of E2 in F1 male generation rats were higher in treatment groups compared to control groups while serum testosterone (T) levels were lower. Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) in F1 generation rats fed 200 mg kg?1 was markedly decreased. The relative testicular weights were significantly less in 100 and 200 mg kg?1 BPA groups. BPA was found to alter the sex hormone levels in F1 male rats during weaning period and thus disrupted endocrine functions.  相似文献   

水体中的环境内分泌干扰物能够影响鱼类性别决定过程,对鱼类产生明显的雌、雄性化效应.为深入研究环境内分泌干扰物对鱼类性别决定的影响及其机制,论文介绍了鱼类性别决定基因SRY和DMY基因在鱼类性别决定中的作用,以及Sox、DMRT、CYP和Vasa、Dax1、Foxl2等鱼类性别决定相关基因对鱼类性别决定的调控作用,综述了各类环境内分泌干扰物引起的鱼类雌、雄性化效应的最新研究进展,在此基础上探讨了环境内分泌干扰物影响鱼类性别决定的作用机制,并展望了该领域今后的重点研究方向.  相似文献   

Nonylphenol (NP) is the final biodegradation product of nonylphenol polyethoxylates, which are widely used as surfactants in domestic and industrial products. NP was reported to exert estrogenic actions and shown to potentially adversely affect reproductive functions. However, NP influence on immune system function remains unclear. To address this issue, the effects of NP on spleen and thymus were examined in this study. Female Sprague-Dawley rats were treated with NP orally at doses of 0, 20, 80, or 200 mg/kg respectively. Data showed that NP increased the levels of natural killer (NK) cells and natural killer T (NKT) cells in peripheral blood and decreased the levels of interleukin-4 (IL-4) and interferon gamma (IFN-γ) in serum. These findings suggest that exposure to NP by oral route may induce adverse effects on the spleen and thymus and affect the immune function of female rats.  相似文献   

腈菌唑(myclobutanil,MT)是一种应用广泛的手性杀菌剂,其手性对映体为(+)-腈菌唑(MT1)和(-)-腈菌唑(MT2)。腈菌唑手性单体具有不同的生物活性,但很少有其对爬行动物的对应选择毒性研究。为了评估腈菌唑手性单体对丽斑麻蜴性腺系统的毒性影响,将MT1(50 mg·kg-1)和MT2(50 mg·kg-1)以经口灌胃方式分别暴露给蜥蜴28 d。暴露期间,记录观察蜥蜴体重、血液中性激素(睾酮T和雌二醇E2)浓度以及性腺相关基因(3β-HSD、17β-HSD、CYP11A、CYP17、CYP19A、ER-α和AR)的表达图谱的变化。在MT1暴露组中,蜥蜴体重在28 d出现明显下降。而在MT2暴露组中,蜥蜴体重没有明显变化。雄性蜥蜴在经过1 d的暴露后,E2浓度在MT1暴露组中明显下降,而在MT2暴露组中明显上升。这些结果表明了腈菌唑手性单体的对映选择性毒性。在MT2暴露14 d后,雌性蜥蜴中CYP19A基因的表达上调弥补了体内E2浓度的降低。在MT1暴露的14 d,蜥蜴卵巢中观察到的CYP11A和CYP17基因表达下调以及CYP19A基因表达不变的这一现象解释了蜥蜴血液中E2和T的浓度减少。这些结果表明:MT1和MT2暴露对蜥蜴体内性激素造成不同的影响,而这些影响会相应改变性腺相关基因的表达。综上所述,MT1和MT2对性腺系统具有潜在的内分泌干扰效应,可能对蜥蜴造成不同程度的生殖损伤。  相似文献   

五氯酚(PCP)是一种广泛存在于环境中的有机污染物。利用土壤跳虫(Folsomia candida)作为受试生物,研究了不同浓度的PCP暴露下细胞色素P450(CYP450)基因、谷胱甘肽转移酶(GST)基因和蜕皮相关基因表达水平的变化。结果显示,PCP暴露下,跳虫CYP450基因Fcc01651、Fcc02155、Fcc03650和GST基因Fcc04073、Fcc05260的表达水平未发生显著变化。在PCP浓度为240 mg·kg-1时,跳虫GST基因Fcc00494的表达显著上调。在PCP浓度为120 mg·kg-1和240 mg·kg-1时,几丁质酶基因Fcc00881和几丁质结合域基因Fcc01306的表达受到显著抑制。研究结果可为评价PCP暴露对跳虫的毒性提供一定依据。  相似文献   

鱼类性别分化是在性别决定机制的控制下,鱼类未分化的性腺向卵巢或精巢发育,并出现第2性征的过程,受自身内分泌系统的精确调控。环境内分泌干扰物能通过干扰内源激素的合成、释放、转运、代谢、结合和作用等过程影响鱼类的内分泌机能,从而对鱼类的性别分化产生影响。介绍了鱼类性别分化的模式和过程以及内分泌系统对鱼类性别分化的调控作用,综述了环境内分泌干扰物对鱼类性别比例、配子发生、性腺发育和第2性征的影响,从性类固醇激素的合成以及性别分化相关基因的表达两个方面探讨了环境内分泌干扰物影响鱼类性别分化的作用机制,并展望了该领域未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

测定了广东省9个水库4株铜绿微囊藻Microcystis aeruginosa、5株水华微囊藻M.flos-aquae和4株未定种微囊藻rpoC1基因部分序列,结合GenBank下载的日本5个水体11株铜绿微囊藻、5株绿色微囊藻M.viridis和5株惠氏微囊藻M.wesenbergii间源序列,进行序列分析.结果显示,34株微囊藻存在21种基因型,序列相似性达97.6%~100%.在邻接树上不同形态种和不同地理来源的藻株混杂在一起,没有形成明显的谱系结构和地理结构:同一形态种藻株可能具有不同的基因型,而相同基因型的藻株可能是不同的形态种;从同一水体中分离的微囊藻具有不同的形态种和不同的基因型,而不同水体分离的微囊藻有时又具有相同基因型,表明rpoC1基因序列无法区分形态种和地理株,支持Kondo和Otsuka提出的暂将铜绿微囊藻、水华微囊藻、惠氏微囊藻和绿色微囊藻等归为铜绿微囊藻复合种的分类处理.  相似文献   

The effects of four weeks of aerobic exercise on histopathological and toxicological effects induced by nano ZnO and ZnO powders in male rats were evaluated. Tissue sections of liver and kidneys of ZnO and nano ZnO rats showed some histopathological changes, which were partly reverted by exercise. ZnO and nano ZnO treatments caused an increase in the level of tumor necrosis factor-α, while the mean of Interleukin 10 was declined. Exercise training enhanced the mean value of and declined mean level of in rats treated with ZnO and nano ZnO. The ZnO and ZnO groups demonstrated the highest means of insulin resistance, low density lipoprotein, cholesterol, triglyceride levels and lower mean value of compared to the other groups, while exercise resulted in improvement in mean of these factors.  相似文献   

The effects of lithium (Li) supplementation on lipid profile and fluidity of cerebrum and cerebellum membranes in aluminum (Al)-treated rats were investigated. A significant decrease in the levels of total lipids and cholesterol was observed in both the regions following Al exposure, which however were significantly increased following Li supplementation. Further, glycolipids and gangliosides contents were significantly decreased in cerebrum, but increased in cerebellum following Al treatment. Interestingly, Li supplementation reversed the trends and regulated the levels of glycolipids and gangliosides. Al treatment also elevated conjugated diene formation and phospholipid levels in both cerebrum and cerebellum membranes, which however were decreased upon Li supplementation. The cholesterol/phospholipid ratio however was decreased after Al treatment and Li supplementation was able to enhance the ratio in both cerebrum and cerebellum. Further, Al treatment significantly increased the fluorescence polarization, anisotropy and order parameter, which however were normalized following Li supplementation. The levels of Al were also found to be significantly elevated in cerebrum and cerebellum after Al treatment and normalized in cerebellum following Li treatment. Therefore, the present study shows the potential of Li in regulating the changes produced by Al on membrane composition and fluidity in rat brain.  相似文献   

环境内分泌干扰物(environmental endocrine disruptors,EEDs)是一类可以改变生物体内激素的合成、释放、运输、代谢、结合、作用或清除等一系列生物过程的外源物质。性激素的生物合成需要一系列酶的参与,体内和体外研究表明,性激素合成途径中的类固醇生成酶是EEDs通过非性激素受体介导途径发挥内分泌扰乱作用的重要靶点,性激素合成途径的扰乱可能导致生物体生殖系统受损。本文综述了EEDs对鱼类性激素合成底物和类固醇生成酶的影响、信号转导机制及其生殖危害;并对性激素合成途径中促性腺激素调控机理、多种转录因子间的相互作用、不同物种间类固醇生成酶的差异以及各内分泌轴线的相互作用研究进行了展望,以期为EEDs通过非性激素受体介导途径发挥内分泌干扰效应的机制研究提供思路。  相似文献   

为研究香蕉中MaPFK基因的功能和生物学特性,采用生物信息学分析法对香蕉A基因组的MaPFK基因家族成员进行鉴定、蛋白特性分析、分子进化树分析、FPKM值分析,同时以'天宝蕉'为材料,通过RT-PCR技术克隆MaPFK3基因,进行生物信息学分析;采用qRT-PCR技术进行低温胁迫下的表达分析.结果表明,MaPFK家族包...  相似文献   

近十多年来,江苏沿海化工产业发展迅速,化工废水的长期排放对水生生态系统及人群健康构成潜在威胁.采用非洲猴肾细胞(CV-1)核受体介导的体外转录激活试验方法,对中国东部沿海A、B、C三市的6个水源地进行了拟雌激素活性调查研究.结果表明:C市2处水源水的有机提取物在枯水期、平水期和丰水期均无拟雌激素活性检出,水质较好;A市...  相似文献   

基于苋菜转录组的ARF基因家族鉴定及表达   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ARFs(auxin response factors)是重要的生长素响应因子,在植物的生长发育过程中起着关键的作用.基于'大红'苋菜转录组数据,通过在线分析软件SMART和NCBI-Blastp的注释筛选苋菜ARF基因家族成员(AtrARF);利用生物信息学分析软件,对AtrARFs蛋白的理化性质、二级结构、亚细胞定...  相似文献   

青春期双酚A结构类似物暴露对小鼠行为的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为重要的环境内分泌干扰物,双酚A的神经发育毒性已经引起广泛关注,其结构类似物对健康影响相关研究少有报道。为探讨双酚A结构类似物长期暴露对个体抑郁行为的影响,选取60只小鼠随机分为5组,每组12只。小鼠分别灌胃给予0、5、50 mg·kg~(-1)的双酚F或双酚S,连续给药4周。给药结束后,利用强迫游泳测试和悬尾测试评价小鼠抑郁样行为,同时监测小鼠体质量增加和自发活动情况。结果表明,与溶媒对照组比较,持续4周的双酚F和双酚S给药组小鼠的体质量变化和自发活动均无显著差异;5mg·kg~(-1)的双酚F或双酚S处理均不显著改变小鼠的抑郁行为,50 mg·kg~(-1)双酚F显著增加小鼠悬尾和强迫游泳测试中的不动时间,50mg·kg~(-1)双酚S处理显著增加小鼠悬尾测试中的不动时间。研究结果提示高浓度双酚F和双酚S在青春期的暴露可导致成年后小鼠抑郁样行为异常,应当引起重视。  相似文献   

Inorganic selenium (Se) is absorbed and enriched by plants and converted into a stable and nutritionally important organic form, which subsequently when consumed by humans or animals results in increased Se tissue levels. Brassica is one of the most potent Se-enriched plants. The aim of this study was to compare differences in Se enrichment between two predominant Brassica plants namely Brassica rapa Linn L. and Brassica tumida Tsenet Lee L. on Se metabolic parameters. Plants exposed to soil Se levels (0, 0.5, 1, 2.5 or 5?mg/kg) were examined on the activity of glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), Se levels and expression of Se metabolism related genes using soil pots. Data showed that activities of GSH-Px in leaf and root of the two Brassica species were significantly increased in the presence of Se at 2.5?mg/kg. Se concentrations of leaf, stem and root in B. tumida Tsenet Lee L. and B. rapa Linn L. rose from 0.31 to 21.84-fold (leaf), 1.15 to 15.16-fold (stem) and 2.11 to 15.26-fold (root) in the presence of metal in a concentration-dependent manner. The highest expression levels of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), ATP sulfurylase (APS), selenocysteine methyltransferase (SMT), serine acetyltransferase (SAT), cysteine desulfurase (CysD) and S-adenosyl-l-Met:l-Met S-methyltransferase (MMT) in leaf of B. rapa Linn L. were found at 1?mg/kg Se. The highest expression levels of ATP, APS, SMT, SAT, CysD and MMT in leaf of B. tumida Tsenet Lee L. were observed at 2.5?mg/kg Se. The Se concentrations in leaf, stem and root of B. rapa Linn L. were higher than in B. tumida Tsenet Lee L. under the same soil Se level conditions. At the same Se level, differences in the expression of Se-related genes were observed between these two Brassica species. Our observations may be used to optimize the utilization of Brassica as a nutritional source of Se by growing this plant under certain soil conditions.  相似文献   

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