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Static renewal bioassay tests were conducted to evaluate the acute toxicity of two neem based biopesticides, applied widely on tea plantation namely, Nimbecidine and Neem Gold either separately as well as, in combination to the fingerlings (mean body length- 4.46 +/- 0.15 cm; mean body weight- 0.49 +/- 0.15g) of a fresh water loach, Lepidocephalichthys guntea (Hamilton Buchanan) acclimatized to laboratory conditions prior to experiment. The 96 hours LC50 values for Nimbecidine and Neem Gold and the combination of the two were 0.0135 mgl(-1), 0.0525mgl(-1) and 0.0396 mgl(-1), respectively. The regular water quality analysis showed, that with increasing doses of biopesticides, dissolved oxygen level was lower and other parameters like pH, free carbon dioxide, total alkalinity total hardness, chloride ions of water increased. The fish under toxicity stress suffered several abnormalities such as erratic and rapid movement, body imbalance and surface floating responding proportionately to the increase in concentrations of the toxicant biopesticides. The 96 hours LC50 values proved Nimbecidine more toxic than Neem Gold and the combination of the two biopesticides.  相似文献   

Because many species have not been described and most species ranges have not been mapped, conservation planners often use surrogates for conservation planning, but evidence for surrogate effectiveness is weak. Surrogates are well‐mapped features such as soil types, landforms, occurrences of an easily observed taxon (discrete surrogates), and well‐mapped environmental conditions (continuous surrogate). In the context of reserve selection, the idea is that a set of sites selected to span diversity in the surrogate will efficiently represent most species. Environmental diversity (ED) is a rarely used surrogate that selects sites to efficiently span multivariate ordination space. Because it selects across continuous environmental space, ED should perform better than discrete surrogates (which necessarily ignore within‐bin and between‐bin heterogeneity). Despite this theoretical advantage, ED appears to have performed poorly in previous tests of its ability to identify 50 × 50 km cells that represented vertebrates in Western Europe. Using an improved implementation of ED, we retested ED on Western European birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, and combined terrestrial vertebrates. We also tested ED on data sets for plants of Zimbabwe, birds of Spain, and birds of Arizona (United States). Sites selected using ED represented European mammals no better than randomly selected cells, but they represented species in the other 7 data sets with 20% to 84% effectiveness. This far exceeds the performance in previous tests of ED, and exceeds the performance of most discrete surrogates. We believe ED performed poorly in previous tests because those tests considered only a few candidate explanatory variables and used suboptimal forms of ED's selection algorithm. We suggest future work on ED focus on analyses at finer grain sizes more relevant to conservation decisions, explore the effect of selecting the explanatory variables most associated with species turnover, and investigate whether nonclimate abiotic variables can provide useful surrogates in an ED framework.  相似文献   

We studied the 14C-tagged biochemical compartments such as proteins, lipids and polysaccharides from bacterial and fungal cultures supplied with 14C-pesticides and 14C-glucose. We showed that 14C incorporation depends both on the substrate structure and on the nature of the micro-organism. Both bacterial and fungal cells incorporated glucose 14C mainly into cell wall proteins. By contrast, glyphosate 14C was mainly incorporated into cytoplasm carbohydrates by fungi. On the other hand, 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid 14C was mainly found in the carbohydrate fractions of the bacteria walls.  相似文献   

Effects of pesticides on soil enzymes: a review   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The use of pesticides in agriculture has highly increased during the last 40 years to increase crop yields. However, today most pesticides are polluting water, soil, atmosphere and food. Pesticides are also impact soil enzymes, which are essential catalysts ruling the quality of soil life. In particular, the activity of soil enzymes control nutrient cycles, and, in turn, fertilization. Here, we review the effects of pesticides on the activity of soil enzymes in terrestrial ecosystems. Enzymes include dehydrogenase, fluorescein diacetate hydrolase, acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase, phosphatase, β-glucosidase, cellulase, urease and aryl-sulfatase. Those enzymes are involved in the cycles of carbon, nitrogen, sulfur and phosphorus. The main points of our analysis are (1) the common inhibition of dehydrogenase in 61 % of studies, stimulation of cellulase in 56 % of studies and no response of aryl-sulfatase in 67 % of studies. (2) Fungicides have mainly negative effects on enzymatic activities. (3) Insecticides can be classified into two groups, the first group represented by endosulfan having an overall positive impact while the second group having a negative effect. (4) Herbicides can be classified into two groups, one group with few positive effect and another group with negative effect.  相似文献   

Marine ornamental fishes are exceedingly valuable due to their high demand in domestic and international markets. There is a growing global interest to rear the fishes in captivity. But problem due to bacteria and fungi are the major hitch in captive condition. Since, the use of antibiotics is banned, an attempt was made to ascertain in vitro assay of the neem leaves extract against the bacterial pathogens isolated from infected fishes. Bacterial strains isolated from infected regions of the clown fishes Amphiprion sebae and A. ocellaris were identified as Aeromonas hydrophila, Enterobacter sp., E. coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus sp., Streptococcus sp., Vibrio cholerae, V. alginolyticus, V. parahaemolyticus and Yersinia enterocolitica. Ethanol and methanol extracts were highly inhibitory to the bacterial isolates when compared to other solvents. Ethanol extracts exhibited low minimum inhibitory concentration (75-250 microg ml(-1)) as compared to other extracts. The present finding revealed that the neem leaf extract significantly reduces the bacterial pathogens and their infection in marine ornamental fishes.  相似文献   

农药在环境中的水解机理及其影响因子研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
欧晓明 《生态环境》2006,15(6):1352-1359
农药的水降解与其在环境中的持久性是密切相关的,它是影响农药在环境中的归宿机制的重要依据之一,也是评价农药在水体中残留特性的重要指标。近些年来,国内外不少学者对农药尤其是有机磷、氨基甲酸酯、拟除虫菊酯和磺酰脲类等的水解进行了大量研究,其内容涉及到农药水化学降解机理及其各种因子如pH值、温度和黏土矿物等对农药水解的影响等,并取得了很多新的进展。但是所有这些研究主要集中于实验室内,而对其自然环境中各因子的贡献及其水解机制的了解则相对较少。今后应加强农药在自然条件下的水解动力学与机理以及黏土矿物和腐殖酸对农药在水体中的催化水解研究,以更好地评价农药在环境中的行为与归宿,为农药的合理使用提高科学依据。  相似文献   

At the regional and continental scale, ecologists have theorized that spatial variation in biodiversity can be interpreted as a response to differences in climate. To test this theory we assumed that ecological constraints associated with current climatic conditions (2000-2004) might best be correlated with tree richness if expressed through satellite-derived measures of gross primary production (GPP), rather than the more commonly used, but less consistently derived, net primary production. To evaluate current patterns in tree diversity across the contiguous United States we acquired information on tree composition from the USDA Forest Service's Forest Inventory and Analysis program that represented more than 17,4000 survey plots. We selected 2693 cells of 1000 km2 within which a sufficient number of plots were available to estimate tree richness per hectare. Our estimates of forest productivity varied from simple vegetation indices indicative of the fraction of light intercepted by canopies at 16-d intervals, a product from the MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectro-radiometer), to 8- and 10-d GPP products derived with minimal climatic data (MODIS) and SPOT-Vegetation (Systeme Pour l'Observation de la Terre), to 3-PGS (Physiological Principles Predicting Growth with Satellites), which requires both climate and soil data. Across the contiguous United States, modeled predictions of gross productivity accounted for between 51% and 77% of the recorded spatial variation in tree diversity, which ranged from 2 to 67 species per hectare. When the analyses were concentrated within nine broadly defined ecoregions, predictive relations largely disappeared. Only 3-PGS predictions fit a theorized unimodal function by being able to distinguish highly productive forests in the Pacific Northwest that support lower than expected tree diversity. Other models predicted a continuous steep rise in tree diversity with increasing productivity, and did so with generally better or nearly equal precision with fewer data requirements.  相似文献   

Effects of selected ionic liquids on the efficiency of CPO oxidation of methyl-parathion were studied. In general, the activity of CPO decreases with the increased concentration of ionic liquid. For ionic liquids with the same cation, those with PF6 ? exhibit strongest inhibition toward CPO, while those with either BF4 ? or metSO4 ? show relatively lesser inhibition. It was further demonstrated that even for buffer solutions containing up to 30% concentration of ionic liquids such as EAN, BMIMmetSO4, and EtPyTFA, CPO still can retain high activity (70–100% compared to that in citrate buffer) for oxidation of methyl-parathion. Photothermal enhancement factors of 3.5 times and corresponding improvements of sensitivity in the determination of organophosphates by the FIA-TLS method are predicted in 30% ionic liquids.  相似文献   

Flynn DF  Mirotchnick N  Jain M  Palmer MI  Naeem S 《Ecology》2011,92(8):1573-1581
How closely does variability in ecologically important traits reflect evolutionary divergence? The use of phylogenetic diversity (PD) to predict biodiversity effects on ecosystem functioning, and more generally the use of phylogenetic information in community ecology, depends in part on the answer to this question. However, comparisons of the predictive power of phylogenetic diversity and functional diversity (FD) have not been conducted across a range of experiments. To address how phylogenetic diversity and functional trait variation control biodiversity effects on biomass production, we summarized the results of 29 grassland plant experiments where both the phylogeny of plant species used in the experiments is well described and where extensive trait data are available. Functional trait variation was only partially related to phylogenetic distances between species, and the resulting FD values therefore correlate only partially with PD. Despite these differences, FD and PD predicted biodiversity effects across all experiments with similar strength, including in subsets that excluded plots with legumes and that focused on fertilization experiments. Two- and three-trait combinations of the five traits used here (leaf nitrogen percentage, height, specific root length, leaf mass per unit area, and nitrogen fixation) resulted in the FD values with the greatest predictive power. Both PD and FD can be valuable predictors of the effect of biodiversity on ecosystem functioning, which suggests that a focus on both community trait diversity and evolutionary history can improve understanding of the consequences of biodiversity loss.  相似文献   

《Ecological modelling》2005,183(4):365-371
Ecologists have long recognized three different components of species diversity: alpha or within-community diversity (α), beta or between-community diversity (β) and gamma or total species diversity in a region (γ). In this framework, β-diversity has been traditionally linked to the other diversity components through a multiplicative model so that it can be expressed as the ratio between γ-diversity and average α-diversity in a set of plots. Yet, more recently, ecologists are starting to partition diversity using the lesser known approach that α- and β-diversities sum to give the γ-diversity. This additive diversity partitioning is based on the decomposition of concave diversity measures for which the total diversity in a pooled set of communities exceeds (or equals) the average diversity within communities. In this paper, first, I shortly revise additive diversity partitioning for traditional diversity measures that are computed from species relative abundances. Next, I show that, under some specific circumstances, the same model can be extended to Rao's quadratic entropy, a measure that combines species relative abundances and pairwise interspecies differences. Finally, in the framework of taxonomic diversity, Rao's quadratic entropy has another decomposition: the sum over the Simpson indices at all the taxonomic levels. Thus, I show that, combining both partitioning models, the contribution of each level in the taxonomic hierarchy to the α- β- and γ-diversity components of Rao's quadratic entropy is made explicit. The proposed diversity decomposition is illustrated with a worked example on data from a plant community on ultramafic soils in Tuscany (central Italy).  相似文献   

Measuring diversity: the importance of species similarity   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Leinster T  Cobbold CA 《Ecology》2012,93(3):477-489
Realistic measures of biodiversity should reflect not only the relative abundances of species, but also the differences between them. We present a natural family of diversity measures taking both factors into account. This is not just another addition to the already long list of diversity indices. Instead, a single formula subsumes many of the most popular indices, including Shannon's, Simpson's, species richness, and Rao's quadratic entropy. These popular indices can then be used and understood in a unified way, and the relationships between them are made plain. The new measures are, moreover, effective numbers, so that percentage changes and ratio comparisons of diversity value are meaningful. We advocate the use of diversity profiles, which provide a faithful graphical representation of the shape of a community; they show how the perceived diversity changes as the emphasis shifts from rare to common species. Communities can usefully be compared by comparing their diversity profiles. We show by example that this is a far more subtle method than any relying on a single statistic. Some ecologists view diversity indices with suspicion, questioning whether they are biologically meaningful. By dropping the naive assumption that distinct species have nothing in common, working with effective numbers, and using diversity profiles, we arrive at a system of diversity measurement that should lay much of this suspicion to rest.  相似文献   

Evaluating the quality of ecosystems in terms of biological patrimony and functioning is of critical importance in the actual context of intensified human activities. Microbial diversity is commonly used as a bioindicator of ecosystems functioning. However, there is a lack of sensitivity of microbial diversity indicators in the case of moderate and chronic environmental degradation, such as atmospheric deposition of pollutants, agricultural practices, diffuse pollution by wastewater and climate change. As a consequence, there is a need for alternative bioindicators of soils and water quality. Here, we discuss the interest of adopting a more integrative approach based on biotic interaction networks beyond the simple diversity indicators. We review how the various biotic interactions can be integrated in the various microbial networks such as trophic, mutualistic and co-occurrence networks. Then we discuss the efficiency of microbial networks and associated metrics to detect changes in microbial communities. We conclude that the connectance, the number of links and the average degree of co-occurrence networks could vary from 10 to 50% in response to minor perturbations when microbial diversity parameters remain stable. Finally, we analyze studies that aimed at linking microbial networks and activity to evaluate the potential of such networks for providing simple and operational indicators of ecosystem quality and functioning.  相似文献   

在中国东南部的全尺度复合垂直流人工湿地中开展2年的植物多样性实验,以研究植物多样性(包括植物物种丰富度和植物组成)对群落生产力与多样性效应(即互补效应、选择效应和净多样性效应)的影响及其产生机制。结果表明,2007年物种丰富度与群落生产力呈线形正相关,而2008年显著的单峰格局,其关系式为:y=-0.213x2+3.455x+15.192(R=0.215)。2008年物种丰富度与互补效应呈显著地线形负相关,而2007年呈单峰格局,其关系式为:y=-0.389x2+6.974x-10.707(R=0.247),而且2007年与2008年的互补效应与生产力都呈显著的正相关,表明互补效应对生产力的提高有重要作用。然而,2007年与2008年物种丰富度与选择效应之间均没有显著相关性,且选择效应与群落生产力之间也没有显著相关性,表明选择效应对生产力的提高作用不显著。2007年与2008年中物种组成对生产力、互补效应、选择效应与净多样性效应均有显著影响,说明人工湿地的植物配置对其生态系统功能的维持尤为重要。2008年物种丰富度与净多样性效应呈极显著地线形负相关,而2007年呈显著单峰格局,其关系式为:y=-0.329 x2+5.968 x-12.659(R=0.234),这种趋势主要是由于植物多样性-生态系统功能关系的影响因素(如物种的竞争力和生态位)在2年中有所变化。同时,2007年与2008年的多样性净效应与生产力都呈显著正相关关系,表明生产力与多样性净效应的变化趋势是同步的。与抽样效应假说不同的是,本实验中单种最高产物种(芦竹)在混种时没有表现出高产,主要是由于生长的分配、资源的竞争力与环境的变化等。  相似文献   

Bayesian methods incorporate prior knowledge into a statistical analysis. This prior knowledge is usually restricted to assumptions regarding the form of probability distributions of the parameters of interest, leaving their values to be determined mainly through the data. Here we show how a Bayesian approach can be applied to the problem of drawing inference regarding species abundance distributions and comparing diversity indices between sites. The classic log series and the lognormal models of relative- abundance distribution are apparently quite different in form. The first is a sampling distribution while the other is a model of abundance of the underlying population. Bayesian methods help unite these two models in a common framework. Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation can be used to fit both distributions as small hierarchical models with shared common assumptions. Sampling error can be assumed to follow a Poisson distribution. Species not found in a sample, but suspected to be present in the region or community of interest, can be given zero abundance. This not only simplifies the process of model fitting, but also provides a convenient way of calculating confidence intervals for diversity indices. The method is especially useful when a comparison of species diversity between sites with different sample sizes is the key motivation behind the research. We illustrate the potential of the approach using data on fruit-feeding butterflies in southern Mexico. We conclude that, once all assumptions have been made transparent, a single data set may provide support for the belief that diversity is negatively affected by anthropogenic forest disturbance. Bayesian methods help to apply theory regarding the distribution of abundance in ecological communities to applied conservation.  相似文献   

The possibility of riboflavin sensitized photo‐oxidation of polychlorinated pesticides was investigated. The dye proved to be an inefficient sensitizer for that purpose, when irradiated with visible light, in aereated aqueous solutions. A quenching of singlet and triplet excited states of the chromophore (depending on the concentrations of the quencher) is responsible for this failure in the photo‐degradation of the pesticides, which resulted easily oxidizable, via singlet oxygen mechanism, when proflavine was employed as a sensitizer. Parallel, and as a direct consequence, the rate of aerobic riboflavin photobleaching decreased drastically in the presence of the chlorophenols.

The implication of our results on the inhibition of riboflavin degradation by the presence of chlorinated phenolic pesticides in the environment, is discussed, from the point of view of a kinetic and mechanistic study.  相似文献   

Reforms of the water pricing management system and the establishment of a flexible water pricing system are significant for cities in northern China to tackle their critical water issues. The WATAP (Water conservation Technology Adoption Processes) model is developed in order to capture the water conservation technology adoption process under different price scenarios with disaggregate water demands down to the end use level. This model is explicitly characterized by the technological selection process under maximum marginal benefit assumption by different categories of households. In particular, when households need to purchase water devices in the provision market with the consideration of complex factors such as the life span, investment and operating costs of the device, as well as the regulated water price by the government. Applied to Tianjin city, four scenarios of water price evolutions for a long-term perspective (from year 2011 to 2030) are considered, including BAU (Business As Usual), SP1 (Scenario of Price increase with constant annual rate), SP2 (Scenario of Price increase every four years) and SP3 (Scenario of Price increase with affordable constraint), considering many factors such as historic trends, affordability and incentives for conservation. Results show that on aggregate 2.3%, 11.0% and 18.2% of fresh water can be saved in the residential sector in scenario SP1, SP2 and SP3, respectively, compared with the BAU scenario in the year 2030. The water price signals can change the market shares of different water appliances, as well as the water end use structure of households, and ultimately improve water use efficiency. TheWATAP model may potentially be a helpful tool to provide insights for policy makers on water conservation technology policy analysis and assessment.  相似文献   

The problem of pesticide application under increasing pesticide resistance is explored. A theoretical model is developed to determine optimal pesticide use. This allocation is compared to the laissez-faire solution and to the centralized solution with incomplete information about pesticide resistance. The methodology is then applied in a case study on the Egyptian alfalfa weevil in California.  相似文献   

Environmental Chemistry Letters - The transfer of pesticides from agricultural soils to food and drinking water is a major health issue. There are actually few robust methods to identify,...  相似文献   

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