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为探究超细粉体惰化剂对铝合金抛丸伴生粉尘爆炸特性的影响规律,利用标准化Hartmann试验装置及自行搭建的试验平台,对不同惰化比(ε)条件下高纯度铝粉尘和铝合金抛丸废弃物粉尘爆炸传播特性进行试验研究。试验结果显示:不同类型的铝粉尘在不同惰化比条件下的爆炸敏感度、爆炸传播强度以及爆炸火焰传播形态演化等方面特性存在较大差异。由于高纯度铝粉尘燃烧反应活性高,最小点火能量和爆炸下限质量浓度分别是铝合金抛丸废弃物粉尘的6%和53.3%,其爆炸火焰传播速度峰值是铝合金抛丸废弃物粉尘的2.1倍。因此,在工程实践中不宜将高纯度铝粉尘相关爆炸参数作为铝合金抛丸作业现场燃烧爆炸风险评估依据。同时,当惰化比提高到30%时,铝合金抛丸废弃物粉尘的点火敏感性大幅降低,爆炸无法形成有效火焰进而传播,且在爆炸发生后很短时间内便会发生自行熄灭,即使在强点火条件下,也未发生火焰持续传播现象。因此,在铝合金抛丸生产现场采用添加一定量超细Al(OH)3粉体以作为抑爆措施的惰化剂具有一定的可行性。  相似文献   

为探究混合金属粉尘爆炸危险性及与单一粉体爆炸特性差异,确保车间安全生产,采用粉尘云点火能量测试系统对车间混合金属粉尘及铝粉最小点火能量在不同影响因素下的变化规律及2种粉尘火焰变化特征进行测试。研究结果表明:混合金属粉尘和铝粉最小点火能量在一定范围内(38~96 μm)与粒径呈正相关性,当混合金属粉尘粒径大于75 μm时,所需最小点火能量大于1 000 mJ,其爆炸敏感性迅速降低,此时铝粉仍有较强爆炸敏感性;2种粉尘最小点火能量随质量浓度增加呈先降低后升高的趋势,最小点火能分别为295,15 mJ,对应的敏感质量浓度为600,1 000 g/m3,混合金属粉尘在质量浓度为500~700 g/m3时具有较大爆炸危险性;同铝粉相比,混合金属粉尘点火能量更高、火焰燃烧时间更短、火焰高度更低、爆炸剧烈程度更弱。  相似文献   

为探索碳酸氢钠粒径的变化对铝粉火焰结构变化和火焰传播特性的影响,采用竖直粉尘燃烧管道实验平台,研究惰化剂质量分数为30%的惰化条件下的火焰传播过程,并记录火焰温度。实验结果表明:碳酸氢钠粉体能显著降低火焰强度,钝化火焰前端;且粉体对铝粉火焰温度的抑制作用与其粒径成反比关系;碳酸氢钠粒径对铝粉火焰传播速度的惰化抑制作用在微米级与其粒径成反比关系,其粒径越小,对铝粉火焰最大传播速度的抑制效果越好。  相似文献   

碳酸盐对密闭空间粉尘爆炸压力影响的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了预防和缓解工业粉尘爆炸并研究惰性粉尘对粉尘爆炸的惰化作用,在Siwek 20 L球形爆炸装置内,针对高爆镁粉和高灰分煤粉,选用碳酸钙(CaCO3)、碳酸氢钠(NaHCO3)、碳酸氢钾(KHCO3)等3种碳酸盐作为惰化剂,讨论惰化剂浓度、粒径及点火能量对最大爆炸压力的影响。结果表明,惰化剂粒径越小,浓度越高,对粉尘爆炸的惰化作用越强;粉尘爆炸的净升压与点火能量无关,点火头主要起引燃作用;当惰化剂浓度递增至60%时以上,粉尘爆炸压力急剧下降,直至不爆。此外,CaCO3的抑制效果明显优于NaHCO3、KHCO3,故推荐采用CaCO3来控制粉尘爆炸风险。  相似文献   

为研究超细聚苯乙烯微球粉体的燃爆特性,通过粉尘层最低着火温度测试装置、MIE-D1.2最小点火能测试装置、20 L球形爆炸测试装置,对其最低着火温度、最大爆炸压力、最小点火能量(MIE)等爆炸特性参数进行测定,探讨了加热温度、点火延滞时间、粉尘质量浓度、粉尘粒径对粉体燃爆特性的影响。结果表明:超细聚苯乙烯微球粉尘层在350℃左右时会发生无焰燃烧,且加热温度越高,粉体粒径越小,粉尘层发生着火时所需的时间越短;当粉体质量浓度为250 g/m3时,最大爆炸压力达到0.65 MPa,质量浓度为500 g/m3时,最大爆炸压力的上升速率达90 MPa/s以上;随点火延滞时间增加,最小点火能表现出先缓慢减小再急剧增大的规律;随粉尘质量浓度增加,最小点火能逐渐降低,当粉尘质量浓度超过500g/m3后逐渐趋于稳定。  相似文献   

为研究抛光铝粉的爆炸危险和ABC粉体的抑爆特性,在对实验粉体粒径分布进行分析的基础上,采用20 L粉尘爆炸特性实验装置,分别对不同铝粉尘浓度、不同抑爆剂浓度条件下的爆炸特性参数进行测试。研究结果表明:在实验条件下,铝粉的爆炸下限为45 g/m3<C<60 g/m3;随铝粉浓度增加,爆炸烈度呈现出先增强后减弱的变化趋势,在浓度为400 g/m3时爆炸烈度最大。ABC抑爆剂能够有效抑制铝粉爆炸超压和爆炸反应进程,随着惰性粉体浓度的增加,抑制效果愈加明显,爆炸逐渐减弱。当ABC惰性粉体的质量占比增加到50%时,相较单一铝粉爆炸,反应过程时间由72 ms增加至785 ms,爆炸最大压力、最大压力上升速率分别下降了61.7%,89.5%;当ABC粉体质量占比为53%时,铝粉被完全惰化,未发生爆炸。  相似文献   

6氨基青霉烷酸(6-APA)是生产阿莫西林的重要中间体,在生产过程的离心机分离及干燥等环节存在粉体燃烧爆炸的危险。利用Hartmann管式粉尘最小点火能测试装置,研究6-APA干粉状态及丙酮存在环境粉体最小点火能变化规律。实验结果表明,6-APA粉体在分散质量为0.6g时,最小点火能为14mJ,参照VDI2263的规定,属于一般着火敏感性粉尘。向粉体中加入丙酮溶剂模拟实际生产环境,实验结果显示粉尘云最小点火能下降明显,且混合物着火能力增强。质量为1g的6-APA粉体与0.5mL丙酮溶剂配比条件下,混合物分散质量为0.6g时,最小点火能为6mJ,在此环境中混合粉体属于特别着火敏感性粉尘。实验结果阐明了6-APA在丙酮存在环境条件下混合粉体燃烧的爆炸危险性,为采取相应的爆炸防护措施提供了实验依据。  相似文献   

为更好防治铝粉爆炸,针对不同因素对微米级铝粉的最低着火温度和爆炸特性的影响灵敏度进行试验研究,揭示不同因素对其影响程度大小。最低着火温度和爆炸特性分别由粉尘云最低着火温度测试系统和20 L球爆炸装置测试。试验结果表明:粒径越小,比表面积越大,铝粉越容易发生燃烧爆炸;逐个分析粒径、质量浓度和分散压力这3项影响因素对铝粉尘云最低着火温度影响敏感度,得出敏感度大小为粒径分散压力质量浓度;逐个分析点火延迟时间、粒径和质量浓度这3项影响因素对铝粉爆炸参数的影响灵敏度,得出灵敏度大小为粒径点火延迟时间质量浓度。  相似文献   

为了研究点火延迟时间、喷尘压力、粉尘浓度和铝粉粒径对铝粉最小点火能的影响,本文利用1.2L哈特曼管实验装置对200~500目的铝粉最小点火能进行测试,得出结论如下:实验测得铝粉最小点火能为38.6~48.9m J,最佳喷粉压力为110k Pa、粉尘敏感浓度为750 g/m~3;根据拟合函数求得铝粉最佳喷尘压力为104k Pa,铝粉敏感浓度为758 g/m~3。试验数据和拟合数据接近,试验可靠。铝粉最小点火能随着点火延迟时间、喷粉压力、粉尘浓度的增大先降低后增大;铝粉最小点火能随着粒径的减少而减小。  相似文献   

利用激光粒度仪对三环唑粉尘的粒径分布进行分析,并用20 L爆炸球测试装置、哈特曼管装置探讨了粉尘质量浓度、点火延迟时间、点火能量、粒径分布对粉尘爆炸的影响并总结了相关规律。实验结果表明:粉尘粒度是影响粉尘最小点火能和爆炸下限的单调因素,粉尘质量浓度是影响粉尘爆炸压力的极值因素,点火延迟时间是影响粉尘最小点火能的极值因素。  相似文献   

Experiments on the flame propagation of starch dust explosion with the participation of ultrafine Mg(OH)2 in a vertical duct were conducted to reveal the inerting evolution of explosion processes. Combining the dynamic behaviors of flame propagation, the formation law of gaseous combustion products, and the heat dissipation features of solid inert particles, the inerting mechanism of explosion flame propagation is discussed. Results indicate that the ultrafine of Mg(OH)2 powders can cause the agglomeration of suspended dust clouds, which makes the flame combustion reaction zone fragmented and forms multiple small flame regions. The flame reaction zone presents non-homogeneous insufficient combustion, which leads to the obstruction of the explosion flame propagation process and the obvious pulsation propagation phenomenon. As the proportion of ultrafine Mg(OH)2 increases, flame speed, flame luminescence intensity, flame temperature and deflagration pressure all show different degrees of inerting behavior. The addition of ultrafine Mg(OH)2 not only causes partial inerting on the explosion flame, but also the heat dissipation of solid inert particles affects the acceleration of its propagation. The explosion flame propagation is inhibited by the synergistic effect of inert gas-solid phase, which attenuates the risk of starch explosion. The gas-solid synergistic inerting mechanism of starch explosion flame propagation by ultrafine Mg(OH)2 is further revealed.  相似文献   

为了研究彩虹粉引燃危险性,应用固体燃烧速率试验仪初步甄别了彩虹粉传播燃烧能力,发现堆垛状彩虹粉固体火焰传播危险性较低;采用粉尘爆炸筛选装置,判定彩虹粉具有爆炸性;应用最小点火能测定装置测定彩虹粉粉尘云的最小点火能在24~60 mJ之间,最优爆炸浓度为1 167 g/m3;应用快速筛选量热仪测试,彩虹粉在227℃开始分解;固体自燃点测试仪显示彩虹粉在250℃附近会发生自燃。向彩虹粉内添加不同比例相近粒径分布的食用盐粉体进行抑爆研究,结果证明食用盐对彩虹粉具有明显的抑爆效果。  相似文献   

为防止木材加工中木质粉尘燃爆事故的发生,以纤维板生产中常见的原材料速生杨木粉尘作为研究对象,在分析粉尘粒径分布、元素分析、工业分析及形貌特征的基础上,采用1.2 L哈特曼管对3种不同粒径(0~50,>50~96,>96~180 μm)速生杨木粉尘进行最小点火能实验,探究点火延迟时间、喷粉压力、质量浓度和粒径分布对速生杨木粉尘最小点火能的影响及变化规律。研究结果表明:在质量浓度为500 g/m3时,分别增加点火延迟时间和喷粉压力,最小点火能都先减小后增大;最佳点火延迟时间和最佳喷粉压力分别为120 ms和120 kPa;粒径对最佳点火延迟时间和最佳喷粉压力无显著影响。在点火延迟和喷粉压力分别为120 ms和120 kPa条件下,最小点火能随质量浓度的增加先减小后增大。粉尘粒径与最小点火能呈正相关性,3种样品的最小点火能分别为1~3,1~3和7~13 mJ,对应的敏感质量浓度分别为500 ,750和1 250 g/m3,属于特别着火敏感性粉尘。  相似文献   

This paper experimentally investigated the relation between the minimum ignition energy (MIE) of magnesium powders as well as the effect of inert nitrogen (N2) on the MIE. The modified Hartmann vertical-tube apparatus and four kinds of different-sized pure magnesium powders (median particle size, D50; 28.1 μm–89.8 μm) were used in this study. The MIE of the most sensitive magnesium powder was 4 mJ, which was affected by the powder particle size (D50; 28.1 μm). The MIE of magnesium powder increased with an increase in the N2 concentration for the inerting technique. The magnesium dust explosion with an electrostatic discharge of 1000 mJ was suppressed completely at an N2 concentration range of more than 98%. The experimental data presented in this paper will be useful for preventing magnesium dust explosions generated from electrostatic discharges.  相似文献   

采用1.2 L哈特曼管爆炸装置分别对粒径小于54μm、74μm、150μm及大于150μm的戊唑醇粉尘进行测试。针对戊唑醇粉尘浓度及粒径范围对其最小点火能的影响,分别进行单因素试验,并对其危险性进行分级。结果表明,保持粒径小于150μm,环境温度为20℃,喷粉压力为0.7 MPa,在质量浓度100~1 300 g/m~3之间,戊唑醇粉尘的最佳敏感质量浓度ρ_m为983.71 g/m~3,此时的最小点火能为404.74 mJ。保持戊唑醇粉尘质量浓度为900 g/m~3,环境温度为20℃,喷粉压力为0.7 MPa不变,粒径小于54μm、74μm、150μm及大于150μm的戊唑醇粉尘的最小点火能分别为10 mJ、100 mJ、400 mJ和1 000 mJ以上。因此,判定戊唑醇粉尘最小点火能属于M2级,为特别着火敏感性。  相似文献   

When aluminum magnesium alloy dust floats in the air, a certain ignition energy can easily cause an accidental explosion. To prevent and control the occurrence of accidental explosions and reduce the severity of accidents, it is necessary to carry out research on the explosion suppression of aluminum magnesium alloy dust. This paper uses a vertical glass tube experimental device and a 20 L spherical explosive experimental device to carry out experimental studies on the suppression of the flame propagation and explosion overpressure of aluminum magnesium alloy dust with melamine polyphosphate (MPP) and Al(OH)3. With increasing MPP and Al(OH)3 concentrations, the flame brightness darkened, the flame velocity and propagation distance gradually decreased, and Pmax and (dp/dt)max decreased significantly. When the amount of MPP added reached 60%, the flame propagation distance decreased to 188 mm, which is a decrease of 68%, and the explosion overpressure decreased to 0.014 MPa, effectively suppressing the explosion of aluminum magnesium alloy dust. The experimental results showed that MPP was more effective than Al(OH)3 in inhibiting the flame propagation and explosion overpressure of the aluminum magnesium alloy dust. Finally, the inhibitory mechanisms of the MPP and Al(OH)3 were further investigated. The MPP and Al(OH)3 endothermic decomposition produced an inert gas, diluted the oxygen concentration and trapped active radicals to terminate the combustion chain reaction.  相似文献   

In order to prevent dust explosions due to electrostatic discharges (ESD), this paper reports the minimum ignition energy (MIE) of aluminum powders in the air and the effective nitrogen (N2) concentration for the inert technique. The Hartman vertical-tube apparatus and five kinds of different sized pure aluminum powders (median particle size, D50; 8.53 μm–51.2 μm) were used in this study. The statistic minimum ignition energy (MIEs) of the most sensitive aluminum powder used in this study was 5 mJ, which was affected by the powder particle size (D50; 8.53 μm). In the case of aluminum powder, the inerting effects of N2 were quite different from the polymer powders. The MIE of aluminum powder barely changed until the N2 concentration was 89% in comparison with that of the normal air. When the N2 concentration was 90%, the MIE of aluminum powders suddenly exceeded 1000 mJ, which does not occur easily with ESD in the industrial process.  相似文献   

The authors investigated the ignitability of aluminium and magnesium dusts that are generated during the shredding of post-consumer waste. The relations between particle size and the minimum explosive concentration, the minimum ignition energy, the ignition temperature of the dust clouds, etc. the relation between of oxygen concentration and dust explosion, the effect of inert substances on dust explosion, etc. were studied experimentally.

The minimum explosive concentration increased exponentially with particle size. The minimum explosive concentrations of the sample dusts were about 170 g/m3 (aluminium: 0–8 μm) and 90 g/m3 (magnesium: 0–20 μm). The minimum ignition energy tended to increase with particle size. It was about 6 mJ for the aluminium samples and 4 mJ for the magnesium samples. The ignition temperature of dust clouds was about 750 °C for aluminium and about 520 °C for magnesium. The lowest concentrations of oxygen to produce a dust explosion were about 10% for aluminium and about 8% for magnesium. A large mixing ratio (more than about 50%) of calcium oxide or calcium carbonate was necessary to decrease the explosibility of magnesium dust. The experimental data obtained in the present investigation will be useful for evaluating the explosibility of aluminium and magnesium dusts generated in metal recycling operations and thus for enhancing the safety of recycling plants.  相似文献   

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