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INTENTION, GOAL, SCOPE, BACKGROUND: Since the intermediate products of some compounds can be more toxic and/or refractory than the original compund itself, the development of innovative oxidation technologies which are capable of transforming such compounds into harmless end products, is gaining more importance every day. Advanced oxidation processes are one of these technologies. However, it is necessary to optimize the reaction conditions for these technologies in order to be cost-effective. OBJECTIVE: The main objectives of this study were to see if complete mineralization of 4-chlorophenol with AOPs was possible using low pressure mercury vapour lamps, to make a comparison of different AOPs, to observe the effect of the existence of other ions on degradation efficiency and to optimize reaction conditions. METHODS: In this study, photochemical advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) utilizing the combinations of UV, UV/H2O2 and UV/H2O2/Fe2+ (photo-Fenton process) were investigated in labscale experiments for the degradation and mineralization of 4-chlorophenol. Evaluations were based on the reduction of 4-chlorophenol and total organic carbon. The major parameters investigated were the initial 4-chlorophenol concentration, pH, hydrogen peroxide and iron doses and the effect of the presence of radical scavengers. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: It was observed that the 4-chlorophenol degradation efficiency decreased with increasing concentration and was independent of the initial solution pH in the UV process. 4-chlorophenol oxidation efficiency for an initial concentration of 100 mgl(-1) was around 89% after 300 min of irradiation in the UV process and no mineralization was achieved. The efficiency increased to > 99% with the UV/H2O2 process in 60 min of irradiation, although mineralization efficiency was still around 75% after 300 min of reaction time. Although the H2O2/4-CP molar ratio was kept constant, increasing initial 4-chlorophenol concentration decreased the treatment efficiency. It was observed that basic pHs were favourable in the UV/H2O2 process. The results showed that the photo-Fenton process was the most effective treatment process under acidic conditions. Complete disappearance of 100 mgl(-1) of 4-chlorophenol was achieved in 2.5 min and almost complete mineralization (96%) was also possible after only 45 min of irradiation. The efficiency was negatively affected from H2O2 in the UV/H2O2 process and Fe2+ in the photo-Fenton process over a certain concentration. The highest negative effect was observed with solutions containing PO4 triple ions. Required reaction times for complete disappearance of 100 mgl(-1) 4-chlorophenol increased from 2.5 min for an ion-free solution to 30 min for solutions containing 100 mgl(-1) PO4 triple ion and from 45 min to more than 240 min for complete mineralization. The photodegradation of 4-chlorophenol was found to follow the first-order law. CONCLUSION: The results of this study showed that UV irradiation alone can degrade 4-CP, although at very slow rates, but cannot mineralize the compound. The addition of hydrogen peroxide to the system, the so-called UV/H2O2 process, significantly enhances the 4-CP degradation rate, but still requires relatively long reaction periods for complete mineralization. The photo-Fenton process, the combination of homogeneous systems of UV/H2O2/Fe2+ compounds, produces the highest photochemical elimination rate of 4-CP and complete mineralization is possible to achieve in quite shorter reaction periods when compared with the UV/H2O2 process. RECOMMENDATIONS AND OUTLOOK: It is more cost effective to use these processes for only purposes such as toxicity reduction, enhancement of biodegradability, decolorization and micropollutant removal. However the most important point is the optimization of the reaction conditions for the process of concern. In such a case, AOPs can be used in combination with a biological treatment systems as a pre- or post treatment unit providing the cheapest treatment option. The AOP applied, for instance, can be used for toxicity reduction and the biological unit for chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal.  相似文献   

研究了邻苯二甲酸二丁酯(DBP)在UV/H2O2/草酸铁络合物体系中的光降解.结果表明,UV/H2O2/草酸铁络合物能有效地光解DBP;在pH值为4时,DBP光解速率最快,中性和碱性条件下光解效率降低;DBP的光解速率随H2O2浓度的升高而增大,但H2O2浓度较大时,其对·OH的清除作用使DBP的光解速率减慢;[Fe3 ]/[C2O42]<1/10,DBP光解速率随Fe3 浓度增大明显提高,[Fe3 ]/[C2O42]>1/10时,引起DBP光解速率的增加不明显.  相似文献   

The present paper aims at presenting a kinetic model that is supposed to result in the decomposition of methylparaben in completely mixed batch reactor (CMBR) using the UV/H2O2 process. The proposed model incorporates photochemical, chemical reactions and their constant rates to formulate the overall kinetic rate expressions which are integrated into MATLAB. Thus, the changes in pH values during the process of oxidation are taken into consideration. In addition, the effects of hydrogen peroxide (HP) dosage, as well as the concentration of hydroxyl radicals, are examined. Accordingly, the pseudo-first-order rate constant, its variation as functions of HP concentration, incident UV-light intensity and the limitations of the adopted approach are discussed. In line with that, the authors provided evidence of the validity of the kinetic model through the exposure of previous experimental studies as reported in the literature review then through the evidence of the present experimental data.  相似文献   

采用O3、H2O2/O3和UV/O3等高级氧化技术(AOPs)对某焦化公司的生化出水进行深度处理,考察了O3与废水的接触时间、溶液pH、反应温度等因素对废水COD去除率的影响,确定出O3氧化反应的最佳工艺参数为:接触时间40 min,溶液pH 8.5,反应温度25℃,此条件下废水COD及UV254的去除率最高可达47.14%和73.47%;H2O2/O3及UV/O3两种组合工艺对焦化废水COD及UV254的去除率均有一定程度的提高,但H2O2/O3系统的运行效果取决于H2O2的投加量。研究结论表明,单纯采用COD作为评价指标,并不能准确反映出O3系列AOPs对焦化废水中有机污染物的降解作用。  相似文献   

The present work involves the photocatalytic mineralization of glyphosate on a plug flow reactor by UV/TiO2. The effect of catalyst loading shows an optimal value (0.4 g L?1) which is necessary to mineralize glyphosate. The kinetic rate of glyphosate mineralization decreases with the increasing initial concentration of glyphosate, and the data can be described using the first-order model. An alkaline environment is conducive to glyphosate mineralization. The mineralization efficiency increases with elevated flow rate to 114 mL min?1, which is followed by a decrease with a further increase in flow rate due to the reduction of the residence time. The presence of external oxidants (K2S2O8, H2O2 and KBrO3) and photosencitizer (humic acid) can significantly enhance glyphosate mineralization. Photocatalysis oxidation ability of the three studied oxidants decrease in the order of: S2O8 2? > BrO3 ? > H2O2. Finally, the Langmuir–Hinshelwood (L-H) model was used to rationalize the mechanisms of reactions occurring on TiO2 surfaces and L-H model constants were also determined.  相似文献   

含聚丙烯酰胺采油污水的有效处理是近年来困扰油田三次采油生产的一个难题。研究采用移动床生物膜技术与O3/UV/H2O2高级氧化技术的组合方法来处理含聚丙烯酰胺采油污水。实验结果表明,移动床生物膜技术可以有效去除污水中的石油类有机物,但对聚丙烯酰胺几乎无效果。O3/UV/H2O2高级氧化技术可以降解污水中的聚丙烯酰胺。组合方法处理后的含聚丙烯酰胺采油污水水质可以达到污水综合排放标准中的一级要求。  相似文献   

采用响应面法对UV/H2O2光氧化法处理高浓度LAS废水的工艺参数进行了系统研究。根据Box-Behnken Design(BBD)设计原理,以初始pH与H2O2投加量、反应时间和温度为主要影响因素,设计4因素3水平共29个实验点的实验方案,并建立了二次响应面拟合模型。方差分析表明,初始pH与H2O2投加量、反应时间和温度以及初始pH和H2O2投加量、H2O2投加量和温度之间的交互作用,对实验结果具有显著性影响。实验得到的光氧化高浓度LAS废水最佳工艺条件,pH为4.0,H2O2投加量为40 mmol/L,反应时间为90 min,温度为25℃,在此条件下,LAS的平均去除率为98.1%。  相似文献   

为了有效地改善养猪场污水的质量,以H2O2为药剂,对污水进行了水浴加热和超声波辅助的对比实验,考察了超声波发生器输出端电流强度、处理时间、H2O2用量对污水的COD、氨气及颜色的影响,并进行正交实验优化。结果表明,超声波协同H2O2处理养殖污水是一种切实可行的方法,超声波协同H2O2处理污水的最佳工艺条件:电流0.7 A、处理时间2 min、H2O2用量3%,在此条件下降低COD量可达95%以上,氨氮的含量可降至14~15 mg/L,氨臭味大大得到了改善,并将原污水由黑色变为浅黄色。  相似文献   

以钛酸四丁酯为原料,空心微珠为载体,采用溶胶凝胶法制备TiO2/beads光催化剂载体,然后浸渍法制备出H4SiW12O40/TiO2/beads表面负载修饰型复合光催化剂,并运用SEM、XRD、FT-IR和DRS对催化剂进行表征和分析。研究了H4SiW12O40/TiO2/beads对亚甲基蓝降解的光催化活性,考察了光强度、pH值、曝气量、底物浓度和催化剂用量等对催化效率的影响。实验结果表明,在中性条件下,H4SiW12O40/TiO2/beads催化剂的投加量为0.25 g/L,浓度为7.5 mg/L的亚甲基蓝溶液在250 W的紫外灯和600 W的可见光灯下光照60 min降解率分别可达到94.5%和55%。  相似文献   

考察用不同的氧化剂降解1,2,4-三氯苯(TCB),3种不同方法对TCB的去除效果存在较大差别,其处理效果依次为:H2O2O3O3/H2O2。采用响应面法优化O3/H2O2工艺降解TCB的条件。结果表明,TCB初始浓度和H2O2投加量对TCB去除效果影响较大。TCB的降解符合准一级反应动力学规律,最佳降解条件为TCB初始浓度0.3 mg/L,pH=8.13,H2O2投加量0.40 mmol/L,O3转化率75%。在此条件下,TCB的平均去除率为91.5%,与预测值93.1%吻合度较高。  相似文献   

采用O3/H2O2高级氧化工艺处理炼油厂反渗透(RO)浓水,用溶气泵加压溶气并产生微气泡强化传质,确定装置运行条件,考察气体中臭氧浓度、H2O2/O3初始摩尔比、pH和温度对O3/H2O2处理RO浓水效果的影响,并对RO浓水处理效能进行研究。结果表明,随着气体中臭氧浓度的增加,COD的去除率基本呈线性增加;加入适当量H2O2能提高臭氧氧化RO浓水的效果,H2O2/O3初始摩尔比在0~0.8范围内,COD的去除率先增加后下降,H2O2/O3初始摩尔比为0.5时COD去除率最大;pH从6.84增加到9.01,COD去除率逐渐增大,pH为10.03时COD去除率反而降低;在14~28℃范围内,温度低时,升高温度COD去除率增加较大,温度较高时,升高温度对COD去除率的影响较小。为考察该工艺的稳定性,在H2O2/O3初始摩尔比为0.5、溶液pH为8~9、臭氧浓度为80~100 mg/L、温度为10~28℃条件下,对COD为90~140 mg/L的RO浓水氧化处理4~10 h,出水COD维持在39.9~49.9 mg/L,达到《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准(GB 18918-2002)》中的一级A标准;去除1 g COD消耗O3 1.4~3.3 g,消耗O3与H2O2的总氧量为2.2~4.4 g。  相似文献   

Chen HW  Chen CY  Wang GS 《Chemosphere》2011,85(4):591-597
The presence of various organic contaminants in water sources is of concern due to their direct threats to human health and potential to react with disinfectants to form carcinogenic byproducts including trihalomethanes, haloacetic acids and nitrosamines in finished water. This study applied both medium-pressure and low-pressure ultraviolet light coupled with hydrogen peroxide (UV/H2O2) to evaluate its efficacy for degradation of selected nitrogenous organic compounds and corresponding disinfection byproduct (DBP) formation. Six organic compounds were chosen as target precursors based on their nitrogen contents and molecular structures. The results showed that higher oxidation capacity resulted in better reduction of organic matters and DBP formation potentials (DBPFPs). However, insufficient contact time and oxidant doses could lead to a rise of DBPFPs in the early stages of UV/H2O2 reactions. A greater percentage removal was achieved for organic carbon than organic nitrogen after UV/H2O2 treatment, especially for compounds with complicated structure such as diltiazem. During the UV/H2O2 treatment, the intermediate products include tertiary amine, dimethyl amine (DMA) or DMA-like structures, which are N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) precursors after chlorination or chloramination. Furthermore, it was observed that using dissolved organic nitrogen and DMA to predict NDMAFP could lead to biased conclusions because of the complex nature of nitrogenous matters in aqueous environments.  相似文献   

电极的制备工艺及参数直接影响电极材料的活性。主要考察了C/PTFE质量比、碾压压力、煅烧温度、造孔剂NH4HCO3及稀土掺杂等因素对电极产出H2O2的影响规律。研究结果表明,电极最佳制备条件为:石墨和PTFE质量比为2∶1、石墨、造孔剂和稀土元素质量比为6∶1∶1、碾压压力10 MPa、煅烧温度330℃。在pH=3、电解质Na2SO4浓度为0.05mol/L条件下,电解2 h后,改性电极产生的H2O2从95 mg/L提高到350 mg/L,提高了268.4%。  相似文献   

Triclopyr is a widely used pesticide which is non-biodegradable and enters aquatic systems. The ozone facilitated photocatalyzed degradation and mineralization of Triclopyr using Au-loaded titania as heterogeneous catalyst is reported. The oxidative degradation activity of the hazardous pesticide was investigated at pH 7.8 under varied reaction conditions, including in presence and absence of ozone, titania alone, in presence and absence of light and with different loadings of Au on support. Photocatalysis with 2% Au/TiO2 in the presence of ozone yielded 100% degradation of Triclopyr in 2 h. The extent of degradation of pesticide and its mineralization were confirmed by GC-MS. For 10 mg/L of Triclopyr, 0.1 g/L of catalyst was found to be the optimum for mineralization. Results show that photocatalyzed ozonation with Au/TiO2 as catalyst is a very effective for its removal. No leaching of Au was observed in triplicate runs. Catalyst was fully recoverable and reusable with no loss of activity.  相似文献   

采用O3/H2O2法对嘧啶废水进行处理,考察了不同反应条件对嘧啶和COD去除率的影响,并对O3/H2O2降解嘧啶的反应机制和动力学进行了初步探讨.实验结果表明,在pH值为11,反应时间为70 min,O3流量为4g/h,H2O2投加量为50 mmol/L的条件下,废水的嘧啶和COD的去除率分别达到86.46%和74.9...  相似文献   

微波辅助双氧水氧化降解水中磺胺二甲嘧啶   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵方  张从良  王岩 《环境工程学报》2012,6(11):4074-4078
采用微波辐照技术辅助双氧水氧化降解水中磺胺二甲嘧啶(SM2),研究了微波辅助双氧水氧化降解水中SM2的影响因素。结果表明,单纯使用微波辐照并不能显著降解SM2,而微波辐照可显著促进双氧水对SM2的氧化作用,提高SM2的降解率。在初始浓度为50 mg/L,微波功率为900 W,加入0.25 mL质量分数为30%的双氧水,pH值为4的条件下辐照6 min,SM2的降解率可达96.5%,COD去除率为72%。  相似文献   

Fenton氧化法降解丙烯酸废水的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
高超  乐清华  冯杰 《环境工程学报》2009,3(7):1279-1283
利用废铁屑与H2O2形成的Fenton氧化反应来降解工业丙烯酸废水中的丙烯酸。在间歇反应器中,系统地考察了反应时间、H2O2浓度、液固比(废水质量∶固体质量)和反应温度对丙烯酸的降解率的影响,优选了工艺条件。在连续固定床反应器中进行了对比实验,以考察固液接触状态的影响及系统的稳定性。结果表明,废铁屑与H2O2构成的Fenton体系能有效地降解废水中的丙烯酸。在间歇工况下,适宜的条件为,液固比40∶1,温度20~25℃,H2O2浓度800 mg/L ,反应时间35 min,在此条件下,丙烯酸的降解率可达到95%以上。对比实验表明,固液接触状态对降解效果的影响不大,铁屑的性能稳定,在连续93 h的稳定性实验中,丙烯酸的降解率保持在90%左右。  相似文献   

Wang W  Qu Y  Yang B  Liu X  Su W 《Chemosphere》2012,86(4):376-382
Pyrite is a common mineral at many mining sites. In this study, the mineral pyrite was studied as a Fenton-like reagent for environmental concerns. We selected lactate as a model target molecule to evaluate the Fenton-like catalytic efficiency of pyrite upon organic oxidation. A complete set of control experiments in both aerobic and anaerobic atmospheres unequivocally established that the pyrite in aqueous solution could spontaneously in situ generate OH and H2O2, serving as a Fenton-like reagent to catalyze the oxidation of lactate to pyruvate with no need for additional H2O2. We called it the pyrite-only Fenton-like (PF) reagent. Monitoring concentration changes of lactate and pyruvate with the time indicated that the pyrite mediated the favorable pyruvate formation at pH 4.5, 60 °C, under air atmosphere. The PF reaction could be stimulated by visible light illumination. Under the optimum conditions, up to 50% of lactate was degraded within 10 d. The results suggest that pyrite and its Fenton-like processes may be potentially practical in wastewater treatment.  相似文献   

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