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基于遗传算法的济南市水资源优化配置   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
济南作为全国重点缺水城市之一,水资源短缺已成为制约济南市经济社会可持续发展的瓶颈因素。水资源优化配置作为解决城市水资源短缺的重要手段,对保证整个济南市国民经济的可持续发展起着重要的支撑作用。以水资源优化配置理论为基础,分析了济南市水资源现状,并通过建立模型求解济南市水资源在国民经济各部门的配置。  相似文献   

节水型社会的建立是水资源可持续利用的必然选择。济南作为山东省的省会,水资源严重匮乏,人均水资源量只有357m^3,远低于国际公认的人均水资源量1000m^3的警戒线。济南以泉城闻名,但近年来面临泉水干涸的尴尬,节水对济南市而论就显得格外重要。根据实际情况选取一定量的节水型指标对济南市节水型社会构建情况进行了评价,得出济南市节水型社会水平处于良好阶段,提出了节水对策。  相似文献   

炼油工业的水资源利用及可持续发展   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
资源的流失和浪费是造成工业污染的根源,为了保护环境、使国民经济得到可持续发展,必须科学、合理地利用水资源,努力探求水资源利用的最优化、再资源化。文章针对炼油工业水资源的使用情况,将资源利用和环境保护结合起来加以分析,并对今后的技术发展方向进行了探讨。  相似文献   

面对水资源管理和利用危机,本文提出节水型建筑理论内涵和评价指标体系,以及指标权重的确定方法。它对于推动节水型建筑的应用和推广,大力推进节水型城市建设,推进循环经济建设有着积极的理论意义和现实意义。  相似文献   

随着社会经济的发展,水资源消耗日益增加,供需矛盾日益突出。秦皇岛市已面临水资源日益紧张的严峻形势,节流和开源,建立节水型社会体系,积极开发利用再生水、海水和雨水等非常规水源以及合理地配置和利用水资源,是实现秦皇岛市水资源可持续利用的有效措施。  相似文献   

文章阐述了当前青海省的水环境问题和水资源开发利用现状,对青海省节水潜力进行分析,提出了具体的节水措施,说明充分挖掘节水潜力,提高水资源的利用效率,改进水资源的利用方式,强化污水治理,减少水污染,充分发挥水资源的经济效益、社会效益和生态效益是节水型社会建设的根本目标。  相似文献   

德阳市面临着资源型和水质型双重缺水。"5.12"汶川大地震不仅严重影响了德阳市经济的持续高速发展,同时也使德阳市节水型社会建设试点工作遇到了前所未有的困难。震后德阳市经济社会恢复重建将进一步加大对水资源和水环境的压力。因此,开展再生水的利用是震后德阳市实现经济社会可持续发展亟待解决的现实问题。本文在介绍德阳市的水资源和水环境质量状况的基础上,分析了德阳市开展再生水利用的可行性,并对再生水的利用前景进行了预测,提出了安全、稳步推进德阳市再生水回用的建议。  相似文献   

章丘市水资源储量丰富,但由于人工开采、工农业生产、矿坑排水等原因造成了严重的泉水断流,现已成为严重的资源型缺水地区。为了保证国民经济的持续发展,保护和改善生态环境,根据章丘市水文地质情况,提出了合理开采地表水与地下水、节水与提高重复利用率、加强地下水资源污染的防治与保护等措施。这些措施可以从根本上解决章丘市水资源短缺和水环境质量恶化的问题,并最终实现以水资源的可持续利用来支撑整个国民经济可持续发展的目的。  相似文献   

关于创建节水型城市的探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
宫莹  阮晓红 《四川环境》2003,22(2):43-45
为了有效的缓解目前我国城市水资源严重短缺的现状,国家提出了大力创建节水型城市口号。为了对实践工作有一定的指导作用,本文重点对节水及节水型城市的内涵进行了剖析,特别对节水型城市内涵提出了自己的见解。以此同时,运用上述的理论,分析了目前我国在创建节水型城市工作中存在的主要问题,并结合国外节水的经验,提出了有建设性的几点建议。  相似文献   

西北干旱区发展节水农业保障体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水资源短缺已成为西北干旱区严重的制约因素之一.实施节水型农业模式,成为促进西北干旱区农业持续发展、生态环境保护乃至整个社会经济发展的必要选择.结合西北干旱区水资源开发利用的现状和节水农业发展中存在的主要问题,构建了西北干旱区节水型农业发展的保障体系:加强宣传培训,提高节水农业意识;制定科学规划,促进农业持续发展;构建完整体系,支持节水农业发展;健全法律制度,保障节水农业发展.  相似文献   

本文从深受欧盟水政策影响的德国水治理的历史发展和基础理念出发,对德国《水平衡管理法》的法规框架和总则进行了阐述、分析与比较。德国经验表明,在法治框架下,依可根据持续性原则,对水事进行综合治理。只有根据可持续性原则和通过法治,才能长期确保水安全,维护人与自然的和谐,保持水体清洁和维护生态平衡,确保当代及后代人的环境与发展权。水事综合治理原则不仅要通过协调水体使用与保护之间的关系,来调整环保在相对于经济和社会的传统不平衡地位,更要遵循自然水循环的本质特征。建议我国在《水污染防治法》的修订中,需要基于我国现实技术支撑的易操作制度,来实践可持续性原则和水事综合治理原则,强化法律间的协调。同时,还在立法技术上提出了若干建议。  相似文献   

在油气田开发过程中,尤其是干旱缺水地区,处理好生产用水与产出废水之间的关系是油气田企业可持续发展的重要问题。油气田开发水资源高效利用的最终目的是减少淡水的消耗量,主要体现在新鲜水的合理使用及产出废水的回收再利用两个方面。提出应以产出废水为生产水源,研发适合其水质特征的工作液体系,实现产出废水"免处理"再利用;建立油气田开发水管理体系,根据水的不同用途,科学调配新鲜水和产出废水,实现水资源的高效利用。  相似文献   

For developing countries, the proportion of households covered by improved water resources is conventionally used to assess the water stress situation. However, in a developing country like India with a high population growth rate, water demand and supply are considerably mismatched. An agro-based economy with large variations in socio-economic conditions and changing rainfall patterns across the states imposes greater challenge on water resources. Therefore, there is a need to assess the water situation across the country in a holistic manner. This paper proposes application of the Water Poverty Index as a comprehensive policy tool to assess actual water-stress situation across 20 major states in India. This index covers important socio-economic parameters such as access, capacity, use and environment in addition to water resources of each state. The results and findings are expected to be of use to policymakers and implementing agencies. In view of policy formulation, a state performing well on a Water Poverty Index component can act as a benchmark for another state.  相似文献   

浅谈钢铁企业工业污水处理现状和存在的问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章对钢铁企业工业污水处理现状和存在的问题进行了初步的分析和探讨。指出我国钢铁工业要进一步降低钢铁企业吨钢耗用新水量、提高钢铁企业水的重复利用率,需要积极推广应用少水或不用水的工艺技术装备,并应强化合理串级用水,以及加强工业污水的综合处理回用。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: In order to plan for land use in a lake basin to maintain or improve lake water quality, municipal planners need a method of evaluating lakeshore and watershed land use that is technically sound, objective, reasonably quick, and cheap enough to be incorporated into their time and dollar budgets. Such a system is presented. It consists of measuring and rating four lakeshore land use characteristics (type of sewage disposal system, lot size, road proximity, and intensity of public use areas), and three upland watershed land use characteristics (intensity of development, forest cover, and agriculture and open space). These seven characteristics are measured, rated, and then combined to provide a two-digit index number. This number, when compared with the indexes of other lakes in the region and interpreted with assistance from officials of the State Health and Water Resources Department, indicates on a relative basis the degree to which various land uses are contributing to accelerated, cultural eutrophication. Interpretation of the index suggests land use controls necessary to improve lake water. It supplements, and should be used with, an index of lake vulnerability to accelerated eutrophication and a comparative measure of present water quality.  相似文献   

Water quality must be considered in the development and planning aspects of water resource management. To accomplish this, the decision-maker needs to have at his disposal a systematized procedure for simulating water quality changes in both time and space. The simulation model should be capable of representing changes in several parameters of water quality as they are influenced by natural and human factors impinging on the hydrologic system. The objective of this work is two-fold. The first goal is to demonstrate the feasibility of developing and utilizing a water quality simulation model in conjunction with a hydrologic simulation model. The model represents water quality changes in both time and space in response to changing atmospheric and hydrologic conditions and time-varying waste discharges at various points in the system. This model has been developed from and verified with actual field data from a prototype system selected for this purpose. The second aim is to set forth procedural guidelines to assist in the development of water quality simulation models as tools for use in the quality-quantity management of a hydrologic unit.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Over the last few years, several studies sponsored by both government and interested national engineering associations have evaluated the relative merits of pressure sewer systems. Surprisingly little data has been forthcoming, however, with regard to the effects of pressure sewers on both the economics of land development and the country's water resources. The intention of our paper is to detail the salutary effects of pressure sewers on water supply resources, the indirect effect on other resources by decreasing the contribution of sanitary sewage to their pollution, and to illustrate where, in some locations of the country, pressure sewers would benefit the economics of land development. As engineers from a large industrial firm that has built hardware that will allow the concepts stated above to become realities, we will present data to enforce our convictions. Some effects on municipal treatment plants, and emplacement costs of the system are described. Since the main thrust of our paper is to treat the effect of pressure sanitary sewers on the water resources of the country, specific peripheral data is not presented at length. The pressure sewer effects on lowering water usage in homes and the decrease in groundwater contamination by replacing septic tanks with pressure sewers in selected locations is presented. Advanced technology concepts such as energy assisted sewer systems should be considered as a favorable economic manner in which to preserve selected water resources. During the 1965 drought that affected the Northeastern section of the U.S., a federal government document reported that there was really no shortage of water, but that present water resources lacked management. Pressure sewers may be a water resources management tool and an effective one if not promulgated as a cure-all for the water pollution problems facing this nation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Survey data collected in the San Joaquin Valley of southern California and the Grand Valley of western Colorado reveal that residents of both areas believe that a severe sustained drought is likely to occur within the next 20–25 years and that their communities would be seriously impacted by such an event. Although a severe sustained drought affecting the Colorado River Basin would cause major economic and social disruptions in these and other communities, residents express little support for water management alternatives that would require significant shifts in economic development activities or in water use and allocation patterns. In particular, residents of these areas express little support for strategies such as construction and growth moratoriums, mandatory water conservation programs, water transfers from low-to high-population areas, water marketing, or reallocations of water from agricultural to municipal/industrial uses. This rejection of water management strategies that would require a departure from “business as usual” with respect to water use and allocations severely restricts the capacity of these and similar communities to respond effectively should a severe sustained drought occur.  相似文献   

国内外的研究都表明,从保护人类、野生动植物和自然生态环境健康角度出发,按照水体自然属性并结合人类对水体的使用和保护要求对水体进行功能划分,制定合理与水体使用功能相适应的水环境质量标准,并采取控制措施使水体水质达到该标准,是既合理、经济,又能有效保护水环境的方法.其关键是如何按照水质标准对水环境质量进行客观准确评价,这既是保护水环境的基础性工作,直接关系到水环境保护和排污控制措施的有效性,也是我国目前急需解决的重要课题.本文首先对美国水环境质量评价方法体系作了概要介绍,然后对我国水环境质量评价现状进行分析,通过对比美国和我国的水环境质量评价方法,对我国水环境质量评价提出了建议和研究方向.  相似文献   

城市污水污染控制技术和发展重点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章分析了我国城市污水污染和处理现状,论述了我国城市污水处理应从工艺技术、工程和设备产业化、设施运营产业化三方面重点发展,以解决城市污水污染问题。  相似文献   

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