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在调查研究的基础上,首先分析了皖东地区中药材资源的优势,建立了包括利用价值系数、利用现状系数、濒危系数、栽培系数、分布系数、蕴藏系数6个评价指标的“中药材优先开发”指标体系,据此将皖东地区国家和省规定普查的237种中药材确定为一级优先开发的有6种,二级优先开发的有79种、三级优先开发的有96种,暂缓开发的有56种,最后,以中药材资源的开发利用与保护为目的,将皖东地区划分为低山丘陵药材保护区,浅丘岗地药材开发区,沿湖河药材利用区以及沿淮洼地药材扩大区。  相似文献   

漓江流域红壤侵蚀区植被演替与复合农林试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
漓江季节性的干旱和洪涝并存成为地方政府、有关专家和旅游行业密切关注的环境问题,漓江流域的环境建设尤其是上游森林植被恢复,成为生态治理重点内容。漓江上游红壤区植被类型主要包括针叶林、阔叶林、竹林、灌丛和草丛,植被的水分特征差异较大,植被的生态调节、水源涵养功能各异。在漓江上游红壤区开展4种模式的植被恢复和复合农林试验示范,3年的试验表明,乡土常绿阔叶树适应性强、有效保持水土,果林经济效益显著、但生态功能较差,木本药材林具有较好的生态功能和潜在的经济效益。通过调查和试验示范,提出亚热带红壤退化山地农林经营的植物种类和复合模式,对漓江流域水资源调控和水土流失治理提出建议和对策。  相似文献   

本文根据安溪、龙海等地的试验资料,从保持水土的角度出发,并结合农民的社会经济背景,对坡地果园的梯田进行了评价,认为梯田具有良好的保持水土功能,但其有费工和交通作业不便等局限性。试验证明,香根草带间作模式和山边沟模式均具有与梯田相似的保持水土功效,且具有省工、交通作业方便等优点,在坡地果园开发中可以大力推广。  相似文献   

坡地果园开发水土保持新模式   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
本文根据安溪、龙海等地的试验资料,从保持水土的角度出发,并结合农民的社会经济背景,对坡地果园的梯田进行了评价,认为梯田具有良好的保持水土功能,但其有费工和交通作业不便等局限性。试验证明,香根草带间作模式和山边沟模式均具有与梯田相似的保持水清真寺载效,且具有省工、交通作业方便等优点,在坡地果园开发中可以大力推广。  相似文献   

在调查研究的基础上 ,首先分析了皖东地区中药材资源的优势 ,建立了包括利用价值系数、利用现状系数、濒危系数、栽培系数、分布系数、蕴藏系数 6个评价指标的“中药材优先开发”指标体系 ,据此将皖东地区国家和省规定普查的 2 37种中药材确定为一级优先开发的有 6种、二级优先开发的有 79种、三级优先开发的有 96种、暂缓开发的有 5 6种。最后 ,以中药材资源的开发利用与保护为目的 ,将皖东地区划分为低山丘陵药材保护区、浅丘岗地药材开发区、沿湖河药材利用区以及沿淮洼地药材扩大区  相似文献   

利用钢厂废物制备复合型无机高分子絮凝剂PAFC的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用钢厂废物高炉瓦斯灰制备复合型无机高分子絮凝剂聚合氯化铝铁(PAFC),考察了最佳溶出条件和水解聚合条件.通过控制水解聚合温度、加碱量和水解聚合反应时间,探索出了较好的水解聚合条件,即反应温度100℃左右,反应时间3h,灰酸比1:3.制备的复合型无机高分子絮凝剂PAFC稳定性好.对高岭土废水的浊度去除率为99.36%.  相似文献   

调查发现,南岳衡山悬钩子属(Rubus L.)植物有19种,其中山莓(R.corchorifolius)、粉枝莓(R.biflorus)、大红泡(R.eustephonos)、山挂牌条(R.flosculosus)、木莓(R.swinhoei)、灰白毛莓(R.tephrodes)为优势种,Rubus属植物主要分布在海拔200~800m的范围内,该属植物的果实和叶片中都含有丰富的营养成分,既可食用也可药用,开发前景十分广阔.  相似文献   

忍冬--一种新发现的镉超富集植物   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
镉(Cd)是毒性最强的重金属元素之一,具有稳定、积累和不易消除等特性,进入土壤环境中易被植物吸收,并可通过食物链进入人体,在人体内不断积累,严重威胁人体健康及生命安全。植物修复技术(Phytoremediation)是近年来发展起来的一种主要用于清除土壤重金属污染的绿色生态技术。植物修复技术的核心是找到超富集植物(Hyperaccumulator),但现已知的超富集植物往往存在生物量低、生长缓慢、地域性较强和修复时间较长等缺陷,且研究对象多集中矿区及草本植物,而对木本植物的研究甚少,因此有必要针对这一问题开展相关研究以丰富超富集植物的种类。为此,本文采用水培和土培相结合的试验方法,研究木本植物忍冬Lonicera japonica Thunb.对不同浓度镉(Cd)的生长响应及积累特性。结果表明:不同浓度的Cd处理对忍冬的生长并未造成毒害症状,表现为其根部和地上部生物量与对照相比并无显著差异。无论水培还是土培生长条件下,在较高浓度的Cd处理下,忍冬仍能保持正常生长,表现出很好的耐性。在水培条件下,当营养液中Cd处理浓度为25 mg·L-1时,忍冬地上部中Cd含量接近300.00μg·g-1;而在土培条件下,当土壤中Cd处理浓度为50 mg·kg-1时,其地上部中Cd含量仍远远高于Cd超富集植物的临界含量标准,即地上部分富集Cd超过100μg·g-1,且其具有较高的耐性系数(index of tolerance,IT均超过0.80)和富集系数(bioaccumulation factor,BF均远超过1.00),这表明忍冬具备了Cd超富集植物的特征,是一种新发现的Cd超富集植物,将其应用于Cd污染土壤修复具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

着重讨论了阳山县江某乡石灰岩山区治理试验前的土地资源利用状况和存在问题,总结了综合开发与治理的实践经验。通过对石灰岩山区潜在优势的分折,确立开发与治理的主攻方向,实施调整作物结构、改革耕作制度、推广良种良法和反季节蔬菜栽培等一系列措施,使江某乡农业经济面貌在短短的几年时间内发生了巨大的变化。  相似文献   

以粤东丰顺县下八乡山区为例,根据其土壤、气候与环境特点,对蔬菜反夏栽培的适宜品种、播种期、轮作形式及各种配套技术措施进行了多年的试验研究。试验及推广的结果表明,种植反季节蔬菜及实行稻菜轮作的经济效益都比种植水稻高;新植茶园间套种蔬菜也有较高的经济效益。  相似文献   

本文采用pH4.8、交换性酸2.8cmol kg~(-1),交换性Ca0.8cmol kg~(-1)的花岗岩赤红壤(荒丘),进行盆栽试验和田间试验,研究施生石灰对土壤化学性质及花生、甘薯生长的影响。结果表明,大田施用相当于交换酸60%的生石灰,可使土壤pH值在9个月内保持在5.8以上,但就提高花生产量来说,石灰用量以中和交换性酸30%为宜。土壤中Fe、Al的固P能力远比Ca大,即使施用高量的石灰,新形成的Fe-P、Al-P各为新形成Ca-P的2倍以上,同时亦有大量的O-P形成。各水平的石灰处理均显著改善花生的经济性状和品质,但产量的提高却以低水平石灰处理为显著。  相似文献   

The addition of synthetic zeolites and similar materials to metal contaminated soils has been shown to reduce soil phytotoxicity and to improve the quality of plant growth on such amended soils. To gain an understanding of the mechanism by which the phytotoxicity of contaminated soils is reduced when treated with synthetic zeolites, sequential extraction procedures and soil solution techniques have been used to identify changes associated with metal speciation in amended soils. Sequential extraction data and changes in soil solution composition are presented for three different contaminated soils, amended with three synthetic zeolites (P, 4A and Y) at concentrations of 0.5%, 1% and 5% w/w, or lime at 1%. The soils were collected from the site of a metal refinery, an old lead zinc mine spoil tip and from a field which had been treated with sewage sludge. After incubation of the zeolite treated soils for between one and three months, results showed a reduction in the metal content of the ammonium acetate fraction between 42% and 70%, depending on soil, zeolite and rate of addition, compared with the unamended soils. In addition, soil solution experiments indicated that synthetic zeolite amendments were more efficient at reducing metal content than comparable lime treatment. The mechanism by which synthetic zeolites reduce metal bioavailability in contaminated soils is discussed and compared to other amendments.  相似文献   

四川酸性土壤石灰需求量方法的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
四川盆地的部分土壤由于酸性氮肥的大量使用以及雨水的冲刷淋蚀作用而呈现越来越酸化的趋势。故有必要通过化学法确定土壤石灰需求量。该研究的目的是比较SMP—SB、SLP—DB在确定四川酸性土石灰需要量上的准确度。并提出一种全新的确定土壤石灰需要量的方法,即滴定法。在四川盆地8处采样点采集的土壤分别用这3种方法确定石灰需要量。将土壤实际培养所得的石灰用量作为标准方法,再将上述3种方法的测定结果分别与标准法进行线形相关分析,得到与标准曲线之间的线形方程。结果发现3种方法与标准方法之间均成线性相关。在确定石灰需求量上都具有一定的准确度,但相对而言。文章提出的滴定法更准确。更适合确定四川土壤的石灰施用量。  相似文献   

Adsorption and desorption of 137Cs by acid sulphate soils from the Nakhon Nayok province, South Central Plain of Thailand located near the Ongkarak Nuclear Research Center (ONRC) were investigated using a batch equilibration technique. The influence of added limestone (12 and 18 tons ha-1) on 137Cs adsorption-desorption was studied. Based on Freundlich isotherms, both adsorption and desorption of 137Cs were nonlinear. A large portion (98.26-99.97%) of added 137Cs (3.7 × 103-7.03 × 105 Bq l-1) was sorbed by the soils with or without added lime. The higher lime treatments, however, favoured stronger adsorption of 137Cs as compared with soil with no lime, which was supported by higher Kads values. The addition of lime, the cation exchange capacity and pH of the soil increased and hence favoured the stronger adsorption of 137Cs. Acid sulphate soils with a high clay content, medium to high organic matter, high CEC, and predominant clay types consisting of a mixture of illite, kaolinite, and montmorillonite were the main soil factors contributing to the high 137Cs adsorption capacity. Competing cations such as NH4+, K+, Na+, Ca2+, and Mg2+ had little influence on 137Cs adsorption as compared with liming, where a significant positive correlation between Kads and soil pH was observed. The 137Cs adsorption-desorption characteristics of the acid sulphate soils studied exhibited a very strong irreversible sorption pattern. Only a small portion (0.09-0.58%) of 137Cs adsorbed at the highest added initial 137Cs concentration was desorbed by four successive soil extractions. Results clearly demonstrated that Nakhon Nayok province acid sulphate soils have a high 137Cs adsorption capacity, which limits the 137Cs bioavailability.  相似文献   

Greenhouse experiments were carried out for phytoremediation of the Pb/Zn abandoned tailings (pH 3.2 and high metal content) of Rampura-Agucha Mines, Rajasthan. Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. (cowpea) was chosen as a test crop. On unamended tailings, the seeds of the test plant showed no germination. The tailing was amended with lime (3% on weight basis), 3% lime + NPK (diammonium phosphate at 60 kg/ha, muriate of potash at 40 kg/ ha) and 3% lime + FYM at 15 t/ha and used for experiments. Quantification of various parameters viz. shoot-root length, shoot-root dry weight, chlorophyll contents (a', 'b' and total) and peroxidase activity of test crop revealed T+ S + 3% lime + NPK to be the most suitable amelioration followed by FYM. The above treatments helped in improving the growth and productivity of the test plants by providing a favorable environment.  相似文献   

Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) emitted from construction and demolition waste landfills has received increasing attention. Besides its unpleasant odor, longterm exposure to a very low concentration of H2S can cause a public health issue. In the case of construction and demolition (C&D) waste landfills, where gas collection systems are not normally required, the generated H2S is typically not controlled and the number of treatment processes to control H2S emissions in situ is limited. An attractive alternative may be to use chemically or biologically active landfill covers. A few studies using various types of cover materials to attenuate H2S emissions demonstrated that H2S emissions can be effectively reduced. In this study, therefore, the costs and benefits of H2S-control cover systems including compost, soil amended with lime, fine concrete, and autotrophic denitrification were evaluated. Based on a case-study landfill area of 0.04 km2, the estimated H2S emissions of 80900 kg over the 15-year period and costs of active cover system components (ammonium nitrate fertilizer for autotrophic denitrification cover, lime, fine concrete, and compost), ammonium nitrate fertilizer is the most cost effective, followed by hydrated lime, fine concrete, and yard waste compost. Fine concrete and yard waste compost covers are expensive measures to control H2S emissions because of the large amount of materials needed to create a cover. Controlling H2S emissions using fine concrete and compost is less expensive at landfills that provide on-site concrete recovery and composting facilities; however, ammonium nitrate fertilizer or hydrated lime would still be more cost effective applications.  相似文献   

介绍了隆回县金银花资源培育和加工利用现状,综合分析了金银花的综合价值和发展前景,针对当前金银花产业发展中存在的经营方式落后、加工粗放、销售不畅等问题,提出了金银花产业发展的对策.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Preventing the invasion of freshwater aquatic species is the surest way to reduce their impacts, but it is also often expensive. Hence, the most efficient prevention programs will rely on accurate predictions of sites most at risk of becoming invaded and concentrate resources at those sites. Using data from Vilas County, Wisconsin (U.S.A.), collected in the 1970s, we constructed a predictive occurrence model for rusty crayfish ( Orconectes rusticus ) and applied it to an independent data set of 48 Vilas County lakes to predict which of these were most likely to become invaded between 1975 and 2005. We nested this invasion model within an economic framework to determine whether targeted management, derived from our quantitative predictions of likely invasion sites, would increase the economic value of lakes in the independent data set. Although the optimum expenditure on lake protection was high, protecting lakes at this level would have produced net economic benefits of at least $6 million over the last 30 years. We did not attempt to determine the value of nonmarket benefits of protection; thus, our results are likely to underestimate the total benefits from preventing invasions. Our results demonstrate that although few data are available early in an invasion, these data may be sufficient to support targeted, effective, and economically rational management. In addition, our results show that ecological predictions are becoming sufficiently accurate that their application in management can produce net economic benefits.  相似文献   

西双版纳胶-茶群落中茶树的光合特性及其影响因子   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胶-茶群落在西双版纳地区有大面积分布,研究该群落中茶树的光合特性及其影响因子,可以为胶茶间作和茶树种植的实践提供理论依据.在自然条件下使用Li-6400便携式光合系统测定了西双版纳低(570 m)、高(870 m)两个不同海拔高度的胶-茶群落中茶树连体叶片的光合日进程,并对比研究了群落和纯林中茶树叶片的光响应.结果表明,两个群落中茶树叶片的最大净光合速率、暗呼吸速率、光补偿点和光饱和点均显著低于茶树纯林.两个群落中茶树的净光合速率日进程曲线均为"单峰"型,高海拔茶树的光量子通量密度、净光合速率、蒸腾速率和气孔导度均显著高于低海拔茶树的.相关性分析表明,光量子通量密度是引起群落中茶树光合差异的主要因素.群落林下光照的增强提高了茶树的净光合积累.在高海拔地区采用以茶树为主的胶茶种植结构将促进经济效益的提高.图3表3参24  相似文献   

The total annual production of coal combustion by-products in the USA is expected to exceed 150 million Mg by the year 2000. Agricultural utilisation may offer a partial solution to disposal problems, but the benefits and risks associated with using these materials must be assessed. Four coal combustion by-products, bed ash (BA) and fly ash (FA) from a fluidised-bed combustion furnace and stabilised scrubber sludge (SS) and a high gypsum content by-product (G) from flue gas desulphurisation processes were added to two soils at rates of 0, 20, 40 and 80 g kg-1. The growth and elemental composition of Gulf annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum L.) were evaluated in the treated soils. Adding FA, SS and G to both soils at application rates of up to 80 g kg-1 was not detrimental to the growth of ryegrass and resulted in higher yields than controls in some instances. Adding BA created a high alkalinity, high soluble-salt environment that initially inhibited seedling germination and significantly reduced (p<0.05) yields of dry matter, so it will probably need to be restricted to rates of lime requirement. Ryegrass concentrations of Cu, Zn, Ni, Pb, Cd and Cr were similar in control and treated soils, but levels of B, Se, As and Mo were raised in treatments. Based on low trace-element concentrations in ryegrass shoots and in soil solution, Se from FA application may be the only potential food-chain risk associated with application of the four coal combustion by-products used in this investigation.  相似文献   

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