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植物叶片相对吸硫量的研究及在绿化中的应用   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
为探索北京市本土植物对污染物硫的降解能力,从重度污染区(首钢邻山)、轻度污染区(北京植物园内山上)和对照区(北京周边数个森林公园)分别采集21种植物叶片,采用比浊法消解和定容、IRIS advantage型等离子体发射光谱仪测定其含硫量。分析不同程度污染区植物叶片的相对吸硫量。不同污染区绿化降硫时,考虑选用相应地带叶片净吸硫量大的植物类型。  相似文献   

广州市区植物叶片重金属元素含量及其大气污染评价   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
文章通过对广州市区植物叶片中重金属元素含量的分析,研究了植物大气环境污染指数,探讨了植物叶片重金属元素含量与城市大气环境污染之间的关系。结果表明,植物叶片中Cu,Pb,Cd,Cr元素污染都较严重,在重污染区这些元素的含量明显高于清洁对照区;用植物污染指数可以综合评价大气环境质量状况;利用植物叶片内的重金属含量变化,为大气污染生物监测和环境质量评价提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

甘蔗不同叶位叶片形态与冠层特征的关系   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
利用CI-100数字植物冠层分析仪和CI-203叶面积分析仪测定了4个甘蔗品种不同叶位层的冠层参数和相应叶位叶片的形态特征,结果表明:不同基因型不同叶位层问叶片形态、冠层空间结构和冠层辐射特征存在显著差异,不同叶位层叶面积指数、叶簇倾角和叶分布的变化主要由冠层内不同叶位叶片叶宽的变化引起,而不同叶位层消光系数的变化主要与叶簇倾角和叶分布有关;散射光透过系数的变化主要与叶面积指数、叶簇倾角和叶分布有关,直射光透过系数的变化主要与叶分布、叶宽、长宽比有关,光合有效辐射的变化与叶面积指数、叶面积、叶宽、长宽比有关.研究结果同时表明,叶片形态与冠层辐射特征存在显著的典型相关关系.图2表4参15。  相似文献   

关于超富集植物的新理解   总被引:76,自引:2,他引:76  
聂发辉 《生态环境》2005,14(1):136-138
长期以来重金属超富集植物定义存在着严重的不足,新的评价系数的提出势在必行。文章在生物富集系数和转运系数的基础上创造性地提出了新的评价系数即生物富集量系数,其内涵为给定生长期内单位面积地上部分植物吸收的重金属总量与土壤含量之比。此系数的提出扩大了传统超富集植物的定义,使得富集质量分数未达某一水平,但生物量很大的植物也能作为超富集植物。这为今后超富集植物的筛选提供了一定的参考,为土壤重金属污染的植物修复工程提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

植物与昆虫是森林生态系统的重要组成成分,两者通过长期的协同进化形成了密切的相互关系,在森林生态系统中发挥着承上启下的作用,连接了初级生产和高级消费,是森林生态系统中重要的动态中心。植物叶片的虫食特征是植物与昆虫相互作用关系的重要表征。选取福建梅花山和浙江天童两地76种常绿阔叶林植物为研究对象,采用野外调查与室内统计分析相结合的方式对植物叶片的虫食率和虫食频度进行了研究,以期了解亚热带常绿阔叶林植物叶片所面临的食叶昆虫取食压力。结果表明:76种植物平均虫食率为7.21%,虫食频度为32.95%。多数植物的叶片虫食率低于10%,叶片虫食频度主要分布在10%-60%之间。乔木种与灌木种、优势植物与伴生植物之间的叶片虫食率和虫食频度均不存在显著差异(P>0.05)。超过60%的叶片虫食率和虫食频度发生在展叶期。福建梅花山常绿阔叶林植物的叶片虫食率(P=0.012)和虫食频度(P=0.74)均高于浙江天童。植物幼叶的虫食率随着海拔的升高而下降。以上结果表明,常绿阔叶林植物的叶片虫食强度介于热带雨林(11.1%)和温带森林(7.1%)之间,展叶期是叶片虫食发生的主要阶段,表现出过渡性特征;叶片的虫食在不同生活型和优势程度的植物间存在差异;叶片虫食率随纬度的升高和海拔的上升而降低。  相似文献   

交通污染区城市绿化植物硫含量分布   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
为探讨城市绿化植物对交通环境中SO2的响应,以远离城市道路的相对清洁区公园生长的植物为对照植物,采集了广东省被广泛栽种的18种园林绿化植物的不同方位的叶片和树皮样品,用硫酸钡比浊法测定了每种植物样品在交通污染区面向机动车行驶方向、面向人行道方向及相对清洁区的植物样品等不同方位的植物叶片和树皮硫含量,分析了绿化植物在同一株植物的不同生长部位和不同环境中硫含量的分布特征。结果表明,交通污染区所有样品的叶片硫和树皮硫含量均高于相对清洁区的样品。其中,远离工厂的交通污染区生长的同一株植物,离机动车道越近,硫含量越高;靠近工厂的交通污染区的同一植物,离工厂近的部位的植物树皮硫含量高于面向机动车道一侧的植物硫含量。  相似文献   

太原城区绿化植物受氯气伤害的特征及其抗性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用开顶式熏气试验技术,对太原城区栽植的某些树种、花卉和草坪植物的叶片受氯气污染的伤害特征及其熏气后的“远后效应”进行了研究,并根据这些植物的抗氯气能力进行了分级、提出适于氯气污染区的绿化植物和监测植物。  相似文献   

北京路边9种植物叶片表面微结构及其滞尘潜力研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以栾树(Koelreuteria paniculata)等9种常见于北京市区主干道旁的园林植物的叶片为研究对象,采用环境扫描电镜(Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope,ESEM)对这些植物叶片的气孔、表皮毛等微形态特征及其对颗粒物的滞留作用进行观察和描述,并对在叶片上滞留的颗粒物进行能谱分析。结果表明,植物叶片是滞留大气颗粒物的主要器官之一,叶片上下表皮的微结构差异影响其对颗粒物的滞留潜力。叶片上的细纹结构、细胞之间的间隔、气孔等部位镶嵌着不同粒径的颗粒物。叶片表皮的细纹结构越密集、细胞之间的间隔越小、气孔密度越大,对颗粒物的阻滞作用越明显。另外,叶片表皮毛能够对颗粒物起到一定的滞留作用。植物分泌的液态状物质能够粘滞颗粒物。除刺槐(Robinia pseudoacacia)外,其他8种植物叶片表面滞留的粒径介于0.1~0.5 mm之间的颗粒物最多,介于0.5~1 mm之间的次之,粒径1 mm以上的颗粒物数量最少。通过能谱分析发现,C和O在植物叶片滞留的颗粒物中广泛存在;Si、Fe、Mn等在大多数植物叶片上也有发现。以北京西三环这一市区主干道为例,根据不同元素在植物叶片上的积累,基本可以判断,植物借助叶表皮微形态学结构特征,在富集颗粒物的同时,对以燃油型、燃煤型和工业生产排放的颗粒为主的大气污染物具有净化作用。  相似文献   

在植物生长室中,黄瓜植株第1片真叶出现后,用人工UV-B光源照射60d,测定植物各叶位叶片的生长和生理活动。结果表明,UV-B辐射条件下,植物出叶时间被延迟,叶面积和叶干重下降,降幅与叶位高低正相关;叶片含水量降低,老龄叶片(1叶,下位叶)和幼龄叶片(第5叶,上位叶)的水分降幅均高于成年叶片(第3叶,中位叶);叶片的伸展速度,叶片数目以及单叶面积减少,致使黄瓜总叶面积下降;植株节间长度缩短,是植株矮化的重要原因;根、茎、叶等器官之间的相关生长变化不大,叶片生长在其中起重要的协调作用。UV-B降低Pn和EAQE,对光合的抑制程度随叶位升高而增加,UV-B辐射后,黄瓜叶片的光呼吸显著提高,增幅与叶片发育阶段有关,UV-B对黄瓜第1叶的暗呼吸没有影响,第2、3叶略微下降,第4叶显著升高,分析认为,植株矮化叶面积减少有利于植物适应UV-B辐射;水分含量和光合作用减少、呼吸作用增强是黄瓜生长受抑制的生理基础。图2表2参18  相似文献   

太原市空气中硫污染物的植物体内积累的研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
太原市是我国污染最严重的城市之一,SO2是污染的主要因子。文章对该市54科121种绿化植物作了调查,测定比较了44种植物叶片的含硫量,在一年时间内逐月测定了国槐树枝条和叶片的含硫量,分析了硫化物在树体内积累的动态规律,为利用绿化植物净化污染提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Physical shelter features (e.g. shape, size and substrate slope) were tested in the laboratory to evaluate the preferences of juveniles of European spiny lobster, Palinurus elephas. Tethering experiments to assess whether substrate slope affects the vulnerability of juveniles to predation were also performed. Our results showed that: (1) semi-circular dens were significantly preferred over square and circular shapes; (2) when not disturbed by a predator, lobsters sheltered in holes with a diameter closely related to their own size, while in the presence of a potential predator lobsters showed no significant preference for a particular shelter size; (3) lobsters significantly preferred dens excavated on sub-vertical (35°) substrates over those excavated on vertical ones (90°); (4) individual lobsters tethered on vertical substrates were subject to greater predation activity than those tethered on horizontal structures. In conclusion, the present study contributes to the understanding of how physical properties of shelters affect the choice of P. elephas juveniles, enhancing their protection and survival rate.  相似文献   

Mutualistic associations between different organisms are theoretically expected when the interests of independently reproducing units are aligned to form a single reproductive unit. This alignment does not come about easily, because models show that hosts and symbionts can be in conflict over the transmission of symbionts. Selection will favour hosts that are able to limit genetic variation of symbionts, for example by enforcing uniparental vertical transmission, while symbionts will be selected to disperse independently of the host. A crucial factor determining the evolution and elaboration of symbiotic relationships is therefore who controls the transmission of symbionts. In the fungus-growing termites (Macrotermintinae) horizontal transmission seems to be the rule as the termites normally acquire their cultivated fungus (Termitomyces) from the environment. In spite of this general pattern, uniparental, vertical transmission has evolved in two unrelated Macrotermitinae genera, where only one sex of the two primary reproductives carries asexual spores from the fungal comb of its parent colony to inoculate the new fungus comb. Remarkably, symbiont transmission is exclusively paternal in Macrotermes bellicosus, whereas symbionts are maternally inherited in all Microtermes species studied so far. Thus, in Macrotermitinae horizontal transmission is the ancestral state with two independent origins to uniparental, vertical transmission. This is in contrast to fungus-growing ants where uniparental, vertical transmission is the rule. Causes and consequences of this difference are further discussed. Despite this fundamental difference both groups evolved a similar symbiosis that is probably the key for their ecological success: the fungus-growing ants in the neotropics and the fungus-growing termites in the paleotropics.  相似文献   

红壤丘陵区LAI与土壤侵蚀分布特征的关系   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
王库  史学正  于东升  田庆久 《生态环境》2006,15(5):1052-1055
叶面积指数(LAI)是常用的一个用于描述植被覆盖的方面指数,土壤侵蚀的分布又与植被的覆盖状况息息相关,这就意味着LAI与土壤侵蚀有一定的相关性,目前有关这二者的相关性研究还鲜有文献报道。基于这此,本研究首先利用2000年的遥感影像(TM)解释出该年度的土壤侵蚀强度图,再利用该遥感影像通过图像的代数运算得出该地区的NDVI栅格图,通过实测该县不同典型植被条件的LAI值,得出实测的LAI与图像NDVI值之间的函数关系式,由图像的代数运算把NDVI图转换成LAI图,即实现了遥感图像的实测LAI纠正。在GIS软件的帮助下,通过将LAI栅格图与土壤侵蚀强度图的空间叠加分析,得到不同LAI条件下的土壤侵蚀分布。结果表明,LAI与土壤侵蚀的分布表现为:大致以LAI=2为分界线,当LAI<2时,土壤侵蚀并未随LAI的增加而迅速减少,LAI>2时,土壤侵蚀的分布随植被指数的增加而减少,当LAI=2左右时,土壤侵蚀的面积最大。这种情况对于轻度、中度及强度土壤侵蚀的影响是类似的,都呈类正态分布的曲线形式,但在曲线的两侧土壤侵蚀类型是有本质区别的,在曲线的左侧土壤侵蚀类型的分布是中度和强度为主,而在曲线右侧则以轻度为主。表明LAI这个指标与土壤侵蚀有很好的相关性,可以用于土壤侵蚀方面的相关研究工作。  相似文献   

《Ecological modelling》2007,200(1-2):89-98
Run-time calibration, i.e. adjusting simulation results for field observations of model driving variables during run-time, may allow correcting for deviations between complex mechanistic simulation model results and actual field conditions. Leaf area index (LAI) and canopy nitrogen contents (LeafNWt) are the most important driving variables for these models, as they govern light interception and photosynthetic production capacity of the crop. Remote sensing may provide (spatial) data from which such information can be estimated. How, when and at what frequency such additional information is integrated in the simulation process may have various effects on the simulations. The objective of this study was to quantify the effects of different run-time calibration scenarios for final grain yield (FGY) simulations in order to optimize remote sensing image (RS) acquisition. The PlantSys model was calibrated on LAI and LeafNWt for maize in France and used to simulate maize crop growth in the Argentina and the USA, for which non-destructive estimates of LAI and leaf chlorophyll contents were acquired by optical measurement techniques. Leaf chlorophyll data were used to estimate LeafNWt. Due to its structure, the PlantSys model was more susceptible to run-time calibration with LeafNWt than with LAI. Run-time calibration with LAI showed the largest effect on FGY before and around flowering, and could mainly be related to maintenance respiration costs. Run-time calibration with LeafNWt showed the largest effect on FGY at and after flowering and could mainly be related to the change in effective radiation interception due to change in leaf life. The accuracy of LAI estimates showed a major effect on FGY for underestimations but was small in absolute sense. The accuracy of LeafNWt estimates had significant impact at all crop development stages, but was the strongest after flowering where crop growth and nitrogen uptake are less able to recuperate from changes in LeafNWt. In absolute sense, the effect on FGY was as strong as the accuracy of the LeafNWt estimates when applied in the early reproductive stages. Based on these results it was concluded that remotely sensed in-field variability of LAI and LeafNWt is valuable information that can be used to spatially differentiate model simulations. Run-time calibration at sub-field level may lead to more accurate simulation results for whole fields.  相似文献   

The research presented here develops a geometrically accurate model of cotton crop canopies that can be used to explore changes in canopy microenvironment and physiological function with leaf structure. We develop an accurate representation of the leaves, including changes in three-dimensional folding and orientation with age and cultivar. Photogrammetrical analysis of leaf surfaces is used to generate measured points at known positions. Interpolation of points located on the surface of the cotton leaves is then performed with a tensor product interpolants model that generates a generic leaf shape. Dynamic changes in leaf shape and canopy position over the growing season are based on measurements of cotton canopies in the field, and are used to modulate the generic leaf shape. The simulated leaves populate a canopy element based on statistical distributions from measured crop canopies. The simulation is found to give a good representation of cotton canopy leaves, adequately capturing the three-dimensional structure of the leaves and changes in leaf shape and size over the growing season. The simulated canopy accurately estimates leaf area index, except for the earliest measurement period prior to canopy closure. The application of the CAGD algorithm for representing cotton leaf and canopy geometry, and the technique for changing the leaves’ spatial position, size and shape through time of four representative cotton canopies is found to be a useful tool for developing a realistic crop canopy. We use leaf area index (LAI) as a measure of the accuracy of model-predicted LAI values in comparison to LAI in crop canopies in situ, obtaining r2 values ranging from 0.82 to 0.92. The level of detail captured in the model could contribute greatly to future studies of physiological function and biophysical dynamics within a crop canopy.  相似文献   

Whale sharks (Rhincodon typus Smith) aggregate seasonally (March–June) to feed in coastal waters off Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia. Pop-up archival tags were attached to 19 individuals (total lengths 4.5–11.0 m) at this location in early May of 2003 and 2004 to examine their horizontal and vertical movements. The long-term movement patterns of six whale sharks were documented, all of which travelled northeast into the Indian Ocean after departing Ningaloo Reef. They used both inshore and offshore habitats and made extensive vertical movements, occasionally to a depth of at least 980 m. Frequent up-and-down movements, diel vertical migration, and crepuscular descents were evident in the depth records. The sharks experienced ambient temperatures ranging between 4.2 and 28.7°C and encountered gradients of up to 20.8°C on dives.  相似文献   

J. -P. Reys 《Marine Biology》1976,36(2):123-134
A data matrix comprising 480 species at 25 stations and using three parameters (density, frequency, biomass) is presented. The number of species has been reduced as a function of the following criteria: relative percentage of total abundance, total information (Shannon measure), quantity of information per station. From these reduced matrices, three correlation coefficients have been calculated: the linear correlation coefficient r, the Kendall rank coefficient τ and the Pearson's ? coefficient. For comparison purposes the 20 matrices may be analysed by hierarchical classification (dendrogram) and principal component analysis before and after rotation. The stations groups delimited are ecologically significant. When a too small matrix or the coefficient τ and ? are used, grouping is indistinct. Groups can be defined very clearly when the coefficient r is calculated on a matrix including more than 65 species. The observed group pattern can be explained by 4 factors: Huveaune and Rhône river-outflow and two types of currents (coastal and whirling) produced by different winds.  相似文献   

We measured the vertical and horizontal movements of striped marlin (Tetrapturus audax) off the leeward coast of the Island of Hawaii between 20 November and 18 December 1992 while simultaneously gathering data on water temperature and oceanic currents. Fish movements were monitored by ultrasonic depth-sensitive transmitters, depth-temperature profiles by an expendable bathythermograph system, and oceanic current patterns by an acoustic Doppler current profiler. Like Indo-Pacific blue marlin (Makaira mazara), striped marlin near Hawaii spend >85% of their time in the mixed layer (i.e., above 90 m depth). The maximum depth for striped marlin appears to be limited by water temperatures 8 C° colder than the mixed layer, rather than by an absolute lower temperature. We also found that the horizontal displacements of some striped marlin can be strongly influenced by currents.  相似文献   

Depth-stratified samples, collected during a period where the water column was vertically mixed (March 2000) and a period of thermal stratification (September 2000), were analyzed in order to investigate the horizontal and vertical distribution patterns and composition of mesozooplankton, especially copepod species assemblages, in a pelagic (Ionian Sea) and a coastal area (Patraikos Gulf) of the eastern Mediterranean. Total mesozooplankton abundance and biomass were significantly lower in the highly oligotrophic offshore waters of the Ionian Sea when compared to the semi-enclosed Patraikos Gulf during both seasons. Small-sized copepods dominated the mesozooplankton community. An ‘offshore’ and a ‘coastal’ copepod assemblage were defined in the surface layer (0–50 m) only during March when differences in environmental conditions (i.e., temperature, salinity and fluorescence) were strong between the two areas. Copepod vertical community structure in offshore waters differed between sampling months. In March one assemblage (0–200 m) was mainly identified, while in September three distinct assemblages (0–50, 50–100 and 100–200 m) were observed, related to different vertical distribution patterns of the various copepod species. A pronounced seasonal change of the dominant copepods was evident in the surface layer, where strong differences in hydrological properties were observed from March to September. Below this layer, the copepod community was relatively stable showing decreasing seasonal differences with increasing depth.  相似文献   

藤本植物在城市垂直绿化中的选择与配置   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
藤本植物是指不能自由直立生长,需要借助于其他植物或支撑物的支持才能向上生长的植物的总称。藤本植物具有生长迅速、占地面积少、绿化面积大、种植管理容易等优点,它在现代城市绿化,特别是城市垂直绿化中运用十分广泛。城市垂直绿化的形式可分为:墙面绿化、立柱绿化、篱垣绿化、护坡绿化、棚架绿化、屋顶绿化。总结了藤本植物的特点和它的运用原则,重点介绍了它在不同垂直绿化形式中的具体的选择与配置技术。  相似文献   

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