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高氮城市生活垃圾渗滤液短程生物脱氮   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
采用"两级UASB-缺氧-好氧系统"处理高COD与高NH4 -N的城市生活垃圾渗滤液.180天的试验结果表明:UASB1(一级UASB)与UASB2(二级UASB)最大COD去除速率分别为12.5、8.5 kg·m-3·d-1,UASB1的NOx--N的最大去除速率为3.0 kg·m-3·d-1.系统COD去除率为80%~92%,出水COD为800~1500 mg·L-1.原渗滤液的NH 4-N为1100~2000 mg·L-1,A/O工艺的最大NH4 -N去除速率为0.68kg·m-3·d-1;在17~30℃,通过NO-2-N累积率为90%~99%的短程硝化,NH4 -N的去除率在99%左右,出水NH4 -N小于15 mg·L-1.回流处理水和二沉池回流污泥中的NOx--N分别在UASB1和A/O工艺的缺氧段实现完全反硝化,使系统无机氮TIN去除率达80%~92%.同时高效的反硝化为硝化提供了充足的碱度,使A/O工艺pH大于8.5,维持较高的游离氨浓度,结果表明,高游离氨(FA)是导致短程硝化的主要因素.以pH作为控制参数调控A/O工艺的曝气时间,可以有效的抑制亚硝酸盐氧化菌(NOB)的增长,实现种群优化和稳定的短程硝化.  相似文献   

UASB-A/O工艺处理垃圾渗滤液短程生物脱氮的实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
应用缺氧/厌氧UASB-A/O组合工艺处理高氮晚期渗滤液,在获得稳定有机物和氮同步去除的前提下,考察了如何实现并维持A/O系统内稳定短程硝化的途径.结果表明:在单一UASB反应器内,同时发生了缺氧反硝化和厌氧产甲烷的反应,有机物和NOx--N去除速率分别为5.3,1.1kg/(m3×d).12~30.6℃时,经过54d的运行, A/O反应器实现短程硝化 (亚硝态氮积累率>50%),此后亚硝态氮积累率迅速上升,70d后,亚硝态氮积累率稳定在90%以上.在A/O反应器内,游离氨和游离亚硝酸协同作用是实现并维持稳定短程硝化的决定因素.此外,以pH值作为A/O硝化反应进行的过程控制参数,可准确把握硝化终点,避免过度曝气破坏短程硝化,为氨氧化菌的生长创造有利条件,有效抑制亚硝酸盐氧化菌的生长并逐渐从系统中淘洗出去,实现了硝化菌种群的优化,荧光原位杂交技术检测也证明这一点.  相似文献   

为了更有效地控制晚期垃圾渗滤液短程硝化反应过程,需了解反应器内氮素转化规律。通过氮平衡实验,对亚硝酸型硝化反应器反应前后氮素构成进行分析,了解反应器内氮素转化规律。结果表明:进入反应柱的凯氏氮(包括氨氮和有机氮)转化成亚硝酸盐氮、硝酸盐氮、用于合成细胞进入污泥的凯氏氮、未转化的凯氏氮、出现的误差及微量氨吹脱的影响所占的百分比分别为1.96%、0.83%、1.29%、92.1%、3.82%。同时得出该晚期垃圾渗滤液中氨氮占凯氏氮比例约为0.898,有机氮可转化成氨氮的比例为89.6%。  相似文献   

垃圾填埋时间达5 a以上便产生“中老龄”垃圾渗滤液,由于这类废水氨氮浓度较高,无机离子含量高,C/N较低,是目前普遍认为的难降解废水。总结了该类垃圾渗滤液的水质特点,介绍了短程硝化-反硝化、短程硝化-厌氧氨氧化新型生物脱氮工艺的原理与优势,可以在提高脱氮效率的同时可显著降低运行成本。此外,对新型生物脱氮技术应用于垃圾渗滤液脱氮处理的国内外现状进行了总结,目前,国内将其应用于中晚期渗滤液处理方面的研究还很少,但具有很大的潜力,因此,对处理效果、最佳运行条件和反应机理等方面都有待深入研究。  相似文献   

通过对亚硝化反应器中的氨氮、亚硝酸盐氮变化趋势的试验研究,认为渗滤液中存在着可以转化成氨氮的有机氮,但有机氮的转化不是在瞬时完成的。利用劳伦斯-麦卡蒂模式求得模型参数为氨氮vmax=4.67 mg/(mg.d),Ks=464.4 mg/L,Y=0.1966 mg/mg,Kd=0.55384/d,通过模型得出了反应器内生物量浓度、出流水质与污泥龄的关系,以期为实际工程中垃圾渗滤液生物脱氮提供借鉴。  相似文献   

垃圾渗滤液SND生物脱氮的工程实践   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
冯旭东  王斌  潘登  杨志  汪苹 《环境工程》2004,22(6):7-10
介绍了同时硝化 反硝化 (SND)生物脱氮技术在江苏省吴江市垃圾卫生填埋场渗滤液处理中的实验和应用情况。研究结果表明 :同时好氧硝化 反硝化技术可以实现硝化耗碱和反硝化产碱互补 ,使得反应pH控制变得简单经济 ;在第一曝气池中的溶解氧浓度在 1~ 2mg L、第二曝气池中溶解氧浓度维持在 3~ 4mg L时 ,出水氨氮浓度可以保持在 <5mg L的水平 ,去除率达 99%  相似文献   

采用单级UASB-SBR生化系统处理实际高氮晚期渗滤液,重点研究了系统的有机物和氮去除特性,同时考察了SBR短程生物脱氮系统内微生物的反硝化动力学特性.试验结果表明,该生化系统能够高效、深度去除渗滤液内高浓度有机物和氮.UASB反应器的平均COD负荷为6.5 kg/(m3.d),去除速率为5.3 kg/(m3.d).在进水COD平均为6 537 mg.L-1,NH+4-N为2 021mg.L-1的条件下,出水分别为354 mg.L-1和2.8 mg.L-1以下,去除率分别为94.6%和99.8%,尤其是该系统获得了99.2%的TN去除率,出水TN20 mg.L-1,实现了深度脱氮的目的.SBR反应器实现并维持了稳定的短程硝化,通过90%以上的亚硝化率实现高效的氨氮去除,同时SBR系统内微生物的反硝化特性符合Monod动力学方程.  相似文献   

pH对高氨氮渗滤液短程生物脱氮反硝化过程动力学的影响   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
为考察实际高氨氮垃圾渗滤液短程生物脱氮过程pH对以NO2--N为电子受体反硝化动力学的影响,本研究采用缺氧/厌氧UASB-SBR生化系统处理实际高氨氮垃圾渗滤液,在SBR系统实现稳定短程生物脱氮(120d运行)的基础上,取SBR反应器内的污泥进行不同NO2--N浓度(5、10、20、40、60、80和100mg·L-1)和恒定pH梯度(6.5、7.0、8.0和8.5)下的反硝化批次试验,基于建立的反硝化动力学方程,确定不同pH条件下以NO2--N为电子受体的反硝化动力学常数.试验结果表明,反硝化菌的还原活性受pH影响较大,pH6.5、7.0和8.5时的最大比反硝化速率(k)分别为pH8.0时的49%、61%和63%;4种pH条件下,NO2--N比反硝化速率与其初始浓度均符合Monod方程,然而不同pH下Monod方程曲线一级反应部分的长短不同,由此导致半饱合常数(Ks)和最大比反硝化速率(k)差异较大,pH8.0下Ks和k最大,分别为15.8mg·L-1和0.435g.g-1.d-1.  相似文献   

有效去除垃圾渗滤液中的氮是一项艰巨的任务,传统的先硝化后反硝化处理方法存在的主要问题是反硝化阶段碳源不足和总氮去除效率过低。研究中研究人员提出了好氧反硝化、厌氧氨氧化和短程硝化反硝化等新方法。好氧反硝化菌可以利用硝化过程中充足的碳源进行反硝化;厌氧氨氧化是在缺氧条件下,以NO-2为电子受体,直接把氨氧化成N2;短程硝化反硝化将脱氮过程控制在亚硝化阶段,不但节省了反硝化过程中的碳源,而且减少了能量的消耗。本文对这些方法及其在实践的应用进行了论述。  相似文献   

王凡  陆明羽  殷记强  李祥  黄勇 《环境科学》2018,39(8):3782-3788
本研究在一体式分区反应器中接种成熟的厌氧氨氧化污泥和亚硝化污泥,通过与反硝化反应器串联,研究了前置反硝化与短程硝化-厌氧氨氧化串联工艺处理晚期垃圾渗滤液的脱氮除碳性能.结果表明,未串联反硝化之前,短程硝化-厌氧氨氧化反应器在进水氨氮浓度为600 mg·L~(-1),COD浓度483 mg·L~(-1)时,总氮去除速率(NRR)可达1.88 kg·(m3·d)-1,总氮去除率(NRE)可达90.3%;而在进水COD浓度483 mg·L~(-1),即C/N0.8时,短程硝化-厌氧氨氧化反应器的NRR下降至1.50 kg·(m3·d)-1.通过前置反硝化反应器可以迅速缓解有机物对厌氧氨氧化的不利影响;反硝化与短程硝化-厌氧氨氧化串联反应器在进水NH+4-N浓度为1 100 mg·L~(-1),COD浓度1 150 mg·L~(-1)时,仍可稳定高效运行,整体NRR可达1.37kg·(m3·d)-1,厌氧区NRRana高达15.6 kg·(m3·d)-1,平均NRE可达98.6%,在仅利用原水中有机碳源的情况下实现了垃圾渗滤液的高效深度脱氮.此工艺晚期处理垃圾渗滤液可去除大部分易生物降解有机物.  相似文献   

A two-stage upflow anaerobic sludge blanket(UASB) and sequencing batch reactor(SBR) system was introduced to treat landfill leachate for advanced removal of COD and nitrogen at low temperature.In order to improve the total nitrogen(TN) removal efficiency and to reduce the COD requirement for denitrification,the raw leachate with recycled SBR nitrification supernatant was pumped into the first-stage UASB(UASB1) to achieve simultaneous denitrification and methanogenesis.The results showed that UASB1 played an important role in COD removal and UASB2 and SBR further enhanced the nutrient removal efficiency.When the organic loading rates of UASB1,UASB2 and SBR were 11.95,1.63 and 1.29 kg COD/(m3·day),respectively,the total COD removal efficiency of the whole system reached 96.7%.The SBR acted as the real undertaker for NH4+-N removal due to aerobic nitrification.The system obtained about 99.7% of NH4+-N removal efficiency at relatively low temperature(14.9-10.9°C).More than 98.3% TN was removed through complete denitrification in UASB1 and SBR.In addition,temperature had a significant effiect on the rates of nitrification and denitrification rather than the removal of TN and NH4+-N once the complete nitrification and denitrification were achieved.  相似文献   

An UASB+Anoxic/Oxic (A/O) system was introduced to treat a mature landfill leachate with low carbon-to-nitrogen ratio and high ammonia concentration. To make the best use of the biodegradable COD in the leaehate, the denitrifieation of NOx^--N in the reeireulation effluent from the elarifier was carried out in the UASB. The results showed that most biodegradable organic matters were removed by the denitrifieation in the UASB. The NH4^+-N loading rate (ALR) of A/O reactor and operational temperature was 0.28- 0.60 kg NH4^+-N/(m^3-d) and 17-29℃ during experimental period, respectively. The short-cut nitrification with nitrite accumulation efficiency of 90%-99% was stabilized during the whole experiment. The NH4^+-N removal efficiency varied between 90% and 100%. When ALR was less than 0.45 kg NH4^+-N/(m^3.d), the NH4^+-N removal efficiency was more than 98%. With the influent NH4^+-N of 1200-1800 mg/L, the effluent NH4^+-N was less than 15 mg/L. The shortcut nitrification and denitrifieation can save 40% carbon source, with a highly efficient denitrifieation taking place in the UASB. When the ratio of the feed COD to feed NH4^+-N was only 2-3, the total inorganic nitrogen (TIN) removal efficiency attained 67%-80%. Besides, the sludge samples from A/O reactor were analyzed using FISH. The FISH analysis revealed that ammonia oxidation bacteria (AOB) accounted for 4% of the total eubaeterial population, whereas nitrite oxidation bacteria (NOB) accounted only for 0.2% of the total eubaeterial population.  相似文献   

Free ammonia(FA) inhibition on nitrite-oxidized bacteria(NOB) and real-time control are used to achieve nitrogen removal from landfill leachate via nitrite pathway at low temperatures in sequencing batch reactor. The inhibition of FA on NOB activity during the aerobic period was prolonged using real-time control. The degree of nitrite accumulation was monitored along with variations of the ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and NOB population using fluorescence in situ hybridization techniques. It is demonstrated that the end-point of ammonia oxidization is detected from the on-line measured dissolved oxygen,oxidization–reduction potential, and p H signals, which could avoid the loss the FA inhibition on NOB caused by excess aeration. At low temperature(13.0–17.6°C), the level of nitrite pathway rapidly increased from 19.8% to 90%, suggesting that nitritation was successfully started up at low temperature by applying syntrophic association of the FA inhibition and real-time control, and then this high level of nitrite pathway was stably maintained for as long as 233 days. Mechanism analysis shows that the establishment of nitritation was primarily the result of predominant ammonia-oxidizing bacteria developed in the nitrifying bacteria population compared to NOB. This was mainly due to a gradual reduction of nitrite amount that is available to provide energy for the growth of NOB,eventually leading to the elimination of NOB from the bacterial clusters in sequencing batch reactor sludge system.  相似文献   

采用两级混合床反应器(分别命名为 Hybrid Ⅰ和 HybridⅡ).对垃圾渗滤液中的COD和氨氮去除进行了试验研究,混合床由颗粒悬浮载体和固定组合软性填料相结合.试验以反应器的 DO、pH、ORP、SS等作为在线控制参数,研究了该反应器在固定温度(28~33℃)、不同进水负荷、DO 和 pH值下的运行效果,最后在 Hybrid 反应器的优化控制条件(DOHrbrid Ⅰ=(2.0±0.2)mg·L-1,DOHbrid Ⅱ=(1.5±0.2)mg·L-1,pHHybrid Ⅰ=8.0±0.2,pHHybrid Ⅱ=8.5±0.2,周期进水量为50L)下,实现了COD的高效去除以及氨氮的短程硝化去除.垃圾渗滤液进水 COD和氨氮分别为2300~5700mg·L-1和580~1150mg·L-1.两级混合床反应器工艺的COD和氨氮的去除率分别为93%和95%左右,总氮(TN)的去除率在82%以上.连续运行过程中 Hybrid Ⅰ和 Hybrid Ⅱ反应器的COD最大去除速率分别为 1.91 kg·m-3·d-1和0.75kg·m-3·d-1,氨氮亚硝化速率最大分别为 0.54kg·m-3·d-1和0.33kg·m-3·d-1.运行结果表明,该工艺耐冲击负荷强,处理效果稳定.  相似文献   

Anaerobic ammonium oxidation (ANAMMOX) technology has potential technical superiority and economical efficiency for the nitrogen removal from landfill leachate, which contains high-strength ammonium nitrogen (NH4 -N) and refractory organics. To complete the ANAMMOX process, a preceding partial nitritation step to produce the appropriate ratio of nitrite/ammonium is a key stage. The objective of this study was to determine the optimal conditions to acquire constant partial nitritation for landfill leachate treatment, and a bench scale fixed bed bio-film reactor was used in this study to investigate the effects of the running factors on the partial nitritation. The results showed that both the dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration and the ammonium volumetric loading rate (Nv) had effects on the partial nitritation. In the controlling conditions with a temperature of 30±1℃, Nv of 0.2-1.0 kg NH4 -N/(m3d), and DO concentration of 0.8-2.3 mg/L, the steady partial nitritation was achieved as follows: more than 94% partial nitritation efficiency (nitrite as the main product), 60%-74% NH4 -N removal efficiency, and NO2--N/NH4 -N ratio (concentration ratio) of 1.0-1.4 in the effluent. The impact of temperature was related to iVv at certain DO concentration, and the temperature range of 25-30癈 was suitable for treating high strength ammonium leachate. Ammonium-oxidizing bacteria could be acclimated to higher FA (free ammonium) in the range of 122-224 mg/L. According to the denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis result of the bio-film in the reactor, there were 25 kinds of 16S rRNA gene fragments, which indicated that abundant microbial communities existed in the bio-film, although high concentrations of ammonium and FA may inhibit the growth of the nitrite-oxidizing bacteria and other microorganisms in the reactor.  相似文献   

A combined process consisting of a short-cut nitrification (SN) reactor and an anaerobic ammonium oxidation upflow anaerobic sludge bed (ANAMMOX) reactor was developed to treat the diluted effluent from an upflow anaerobic sludge bed (UASB) reactor treating high ammonium municipal landfill leachate.The SN process was performed in an aerated upflow sludge bed (AUSB) reactor (working volume 3.05 L),treating about 50% of the diluted raw wastewater.The ammonium removal efficiency and the ratio of NO 2 N to NOx-N in the effluent were both higher than 80%,at a maximum nitrogen loading rate of 1.47 kg/(m 3 ·day).The ANAMMOX process was performed in an UASB reactor (working volume 8.5 L),using the mix of SN reactor effluent and diluted raw wastewater at a ratio of 1:1.The ammonium and nitrite removal efficiency reached over 93% and 95%,respectively,after 70-day continuous operation,at a maximum total nitrogen loading rate of 0.91 kg/(m 3 ·day),suggesting a successful operation of the combined process.The average nitrogen loading rate of the combined system was 0.56 kg/(m 3 ·day),with an average total inorganic nitrogen removal efficiency 87%.The nitrogen in the effluent was mostly nitrate.The results provided important evidence for the possibility of applying SN-ANAMMOX after UASB reactor to treat municipal landfill leachate.  相似文献   

To study the characteristics of stabilization in semi-aerobic landfill, large-scale simulated landfill was constructed based on the semiaerobic landfill theory. Consequently, the concentrations of chemical oxygen demand (COD), ammonia nitrogen, and nitrite nitrogen, and the pH value in leachate, as well as the component contents of landfill gas composition (methane, carbon dioxide, and oxygen) in landfill were regularly monitored for 52 weeks. The results showed that COD and ammonia concentrations declined rapidly and did not show the accumulating rule like anaerobic landfill, and remained at about 300 and 100 mg/L, respectively, after 48 weeks. Meanwhile, the descending rate reached 98.9% and 96.9%, respectively. Nitrate concentration increased rapidly after 24 weeks and fluctuated between 220–280 mg/L after 43 weeks. The pH values were below 7 during the first 8 weeks and after that leachates appeared to be alkaline. Carbon dioxide was the main composition in landfill gas and its concentration remained at a high level through the whole stabilization process. The average contents of carbon dioxide, oxygen, and methane varied between 19 vol.%–28 vol.%, 2 vol.%–8 vol.%, and 5 vol.%–13 vol.%, respectively. A relative equilibrium was reached after 48 weeks. The highest temperature in the landfill chamber could amount to 75.8 degrees centigrade.  相似文献   

以城市污水为研究对象,考察低温条件下通过生物添加强化氨氧化菌(AOB)活性,并进一步提高短程硝化-厌氧氨氧化一体化(SPN/A)工艺脱氮效果的可行性.平行运行2个序批式反应器(SBR) SBR1与SBR2,在间歇曝气条件下运行,控制温度由30℃梯度下降至15℃(30,27,24,21,18,15℃),随后逐步回升至30℃.在降温与升温过程中,向SBR2中定期投加短程硝化污泥强化AOB活性,SBR1作为空白试验不进行投加.结果表明,30℃时SBR1与SBR2在不外加短程硝化污泥的条件下均可成功启动并稳定运行,脱氮效果均良好;温度降至15℃时,SBR1与SBR2出水NH4+-N分别为36.38,33.10mg/L,总氮去除率分别为30.72%与35.76%,2个反应器脱氮效果均变差,SBR2较SBR1抗低温能力较强;梯度升温至30℃时,SBR1与SBR2总氮去除率分别升至52.43%与63.60%.通过考察SBR1与SBR2菌群活性可知,2个反应器的菌群活性均随着温度降低而降低,但SBR2的AOB丰度活性均高于SBR1;温度回升阶段,2个反应器的菌群活性有所升高,其中SBR2亚硝酸盐氧化细菌(NOB)活性受到抑制持续降低,推测这是因为SBR2中的AOB活性得到强化后,产生更多的亚硝酸盐,厌氧氨氧化菌(Anammox)可获得基质增多,造成Anammox活性丰度较高,所以SBR2脱氮效果相对较好.因此,在低温条件下通过生物添加强化SPN/A系统中AOB活性,可提高系统抗温度冲击能力,利于系统脱氮效果的恢复.  相似文献   

采用SBR反应器建立了一套通过特定pH终值调控曝气停止点,以实现稳定部分亚硝化的策略,整个运行过程分为3个阶段,阶段Ⅰ启动亚硝化,阶段Ⅱ在稳定亚硝化的同时探索pH终值的设定规律,阶段Ⅲ采用pH终值设定规律实现稳定部分亚硝化,通过跨越夏、冬季(7~35℃)共148d的运行,考察SBR系统内有机物、氮素的转化规律,并分析不同温度(23、18、13℃)对部分亚硝化反应过程的影响.结果表明,在低DO(0.2~0.4mg/L)和MLSS为4000mg/L的条件下,控制pH终值为(7.73±0.02),使出水FA在0.5~1.2mg/L,可稳定部分亚硝化期间的出水NO2--N/NH4+-N值在1~1.4之间,出水亚硝积累率(NAR)维持在85%以上,有机物去除率在60%以上.比氨氧化速率、比亚硝态氮氧化速率、比COD去除速率均随温度下降而降低,但降低趋势较缓,且反应均能稳定完成.  相似文献   

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