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为分析多源出行信息对驾驶员认知负荷的影响机制,设计包含可变信息板(VMS)、交通广播以及这两者相结合的3种模拟驾驶场景,通过建立驾驶员认知负荷测评量表,采集驾驶仿真试验及认知负荷量表数据,测度多源信息影响下的驾驶员认知负荷。结果表明:3种场景中的出行信息均会影响驾驶员的认知负荷,单一VMS场景的认知负荷最低,多源信息场景最高;单一VMS场景中信息搜寻的认知负荷低于交通广播,获取和决策过程则高于交通广播;多源出行信息对认知负荷的影响维度主要是脑力负荷和时间负荷;出行经验对认知总负荷的影响与场景相互独立。  相似文献   

以研究城市道路限速标志下驾驶行为的变化为主要目的,基于认知心理学知识,采用实地观测和问卷调查等手段,研究了驾驶员经过限速标志时的心理及反应过程。依据认知工效学中的注意和记忆等机制对驾驶员的限速标志认知过程进行了解析;从驾驶员自身角度分析了影响驾驶员识别限速标志的主要因素;利用因子分析方法对调查数据和调查项目进行统计分析;最终提取了影响驾驶员识别限速标志的6个自身因素为主因子,作为限速标志对驾驶行为影响较大的因素。该研究结果可为城市道路限速标志的设计与设置提供科学依据。  相似文献   

基于认知心理学的驾驶员交通标志视认性理论分析   总被引:14,自引:8,他引:14  
从认知心理的角度研究了驾驶员对交通标志的视认性,建立了基于认知心理学的驾驶员信息处理过程的概念模型,总结了影响交通标志视认性的两类因素———驾驶员因素和交通标志物理因素。提出了用知觉理论解释不同驾驶经历的驾驶员对标志识别存在的差异现象;用特征说理论解释了标志的独特性有利于驾驶员的识别;标志的信息量不宜超出驾驶员有限的注意力资源以及驾驶员的短时记忆容量限定了交通标志应该具有易读性。为改进交通标志的设计设置,探讨交通标志视认性的指标测度手段,进而为建立起客观实用的认知心理学实验方法及综合评价指标体系提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

认知过程中交通标志视认有效性影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用认知心理学的理论及方法,对驾驶员感知交通标志的心理过程进行分析,提出一种将驾驶员的直觉、分析和推理三者相结合的驾驶员信息处理模型。从标志和驾驶员特征出发对影响标志视认性的因素给出基于心理感知的理论分析。该分析结果为驾驶员认知过程研究、标志视认有效性的评价指标选取和相关系统开发设计提供了依据。  相似文献   

为了研究冰雪环境弯道线形诱导标志对交通流的影响,揭示冰雪环境交通标志诱发驾驶员弯道驾驶行为变化的过程,先分析了冰雪环境弯道交通特性,探究了驾驶员冰雪环境视觉信息传递原理及标志色彩的刺激作用。并根据弯道车辆的行驶特性,分析了冰雪环境下行车速度的主要影响因素,设置了弯道线形诱导标志,再分别开展了冰雪环境下的冰雪路面与良好路面的弯道标志改善试验,以分析弯道线形诱导标志对冰雪环境弯道的交通流影响,采用NC200便携式交通分析仪进行数据观测。结果表明,在冰雪环境弯道冰雪路面与良好路面中设置车辆转向指示标志,能显著提高交通流的稳定性、降低交通流的速度,从而有效提高冰雪环境弯道交通的安全性。  相似文献   

为提高高速公路主线出口匝道区域的行车安全性,基于HRV指标量化分析该区域的驾驶负荷特性和影响因素.分析了交通标志设计方案对主线出口匝道区域交通安全影响特性.采用HRV指标对驾驶负荷进行量化分析,同时采用不同信息量的交通标志对驾驶负荷进行定量加载,以汉十高速公路沿线匝道区为场景,设计并开展了主线出口匝道区域驾驶负荷的实车道路试验,采集不同试验场景下多个驾驶人的生理指标和驾驶特性.结果表明,交通标志信息量可以作为认知负荷加载的方式.从2 km到500m到出口位置的预告标志,表征驾驶负荷的HRV指标呈先下降后上升的趋势.驾驶人在通过主线出口匝道区域不同路段时的行驶车速的变化趋势与驾驶负荷强度的变化趋势具有较好的一致性.  相似文献   

使用车载导航系统下驾驶员脑力负荷影响因素分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于试验数据,分析使用车载导航系统对驾驶员脑力负荷的影响,以及任务难度、时间压力、驾驶经验、性别差异等因素在该任务中的实际影响效果.通过编程模拟驾驶员使用车载导航系统进行驾驶的任务,采取主任务评价法作为脑力负荷的评价方法.选取偏离正确路线的次数、偏离的水平位移、到达预定目标所用时间、偏离方向的次数、根据导航系统提示完成相应动作的反应时间5个参数作为评价指标,选取40名大学生作为被试完成主任务(追踪)和辅任务(使用车载导航系统的脑力工作).对试验数据进行比较分析,结果表明,车载导航系统的使用在一定程度上加大了驾驶员的脑力负荷,并随驾驶难度的增加而加剧.任务难度、工作时间及驾驶经验等因素都对使用车载导航系统的驾驶员的脑力负荷产生影响,而性别差异的影响并不明显.  相似文献   

驾驶员道路安全感评价虚拟现实技术研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
针对公路线形、交通环境与驾驶员的协调性实时检测的定量化评价方法问题,围绕虚拟现实技术和驾驶员道路安全感认知评价,在对210国道西万三级路典型路段建模生成三维模型的基础上,组织53名驾驶人员在虚拟仿真实验室中对虚拟三级路进行现场认知评价试验.采用模糊统计的方法对评价试验得到的795组数据进行分析处理,建立虚拟三级路安全性认知因素的模糊评价隶属函数.采用计算虚拟和实测道路模糊评价隶属函数的贴近度的方法,与基于实际道路的三级路安全性认知因素的模糊评价隶属函数对比,证明虚拟现实技术在驾驶员道路安全感认知评价研究中的可行性.  相似文献   

电解铝生产环境负荷分析和预测模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用生命周期评价的分析方法,对铝电解生产过程中资源消耗、能源消耗和污染物排放进行了分析,采用等效环境指数计算了铝电解生产过程中的环境负荷,并分析了各因素对环境负荷的影响,其中氟化盐的投入量对环境负荷影响较大.运用神经网络对铝电解生产过程的环境负荷进行预测,在负荷预测过程中,首先对样本数据进行归一化处理,然后采用BP算法对神经网络进行训练.最后用训练好的网络进行预测,将预测结果与实际数据进行比较,证明具有较好的预测效果.  相似文献   

基于认知心理学的驾驶员信息加工模式研究   总被引:7,自引:11,他引:7  
道路交通系统是一个有人参与的复杂系统,人,特别是驾驶员的行为决定了相当一部分系统的性能。而驾驶行为是一个不断往复进行的信息处理过程,对驾驶员的信息加工模式进行研究是道路交通安全与汽车安全设计的核心基础。随着认知工效研究的深入和人工智能的发展,传统的基于刺激(S)-机体(O)-反应(R)的驾驶员信息加工模式,难以满足技术发展的要求。笔者在对交通系统建模与分析的基础上,应用现代认知心理学理论,对驾驶员的信息获取和处理机制进行了研究,建立了驾驶员对某一确定认知对象的信息处理结构模型,并对模型的作用和特点进行了简单的分析。分析结果为驾驶员认知过程研究和相关系统开发设计提供了依据。  相似文献   

Objectives: In this article, we evaluate the sensitivity to cognitive load of 3 versions of the Detection Response Task method (DRT), proposed in ISO Draft Standard DIS-17488.

Methods: We present a user study with 30 participants in which we compared the sensitivity to cognitive load of visual, audio, and tactile DRT in a simulated driving environment. The amount of cognitive load was manipulated with secondary n-back tasks at 2 levels of difficulty (0-back and 1-back). We also explored whether the DRT method is least sensitive to cognitive load when the stimuli and secondary task are of the same modality. For this purpose, we used 3 forms to present the n-back task stimuli: visual, audio, and tactile. Responses to the task were always vocal. The experiment was based on a between-subject design (the DRT modalities) with 2 levels of within-subject design study (modalities and difficulty of the secondary n-back tasks). The participants' primary task in the study was to drive safely, and a second priority was to answer to DRT stimuli and perform secondary tasks.

Results: The results indicate that all 3 versions of the DRT tested were sensitive to detecting the difference in cognitive load between the reference driving period and driving and engaging in the secondary tasks. Only the visual DRT discriminated between the 0-back and 1-back conditions on mean response time. Contrary to expectations, no interaction was observed between DRT modality and the stimuli modality used for presentation of the secondary tasks.

Conclusions: None of the 3 methods of presenting DRT stimuli showed a consistent advantage in sensitivity in differentiating multiple levels of cognitive load if all response times, hit rates, and secondary task performance are considered. If only response time is considered, the visual presentation of the DRT stimulus used in this study showed some advantages. In interpreting these data, it should be noted that the methods of DRT stimulus presentation varied somewhat from the currently proposed draft ISO standard and it is possible that the relative salience level of the visual DRT stimulus influenced the findings. It is further suggested that more than 2 levels of difficulty of the n-back task should be considered for further investigation of the relative sensitivity of different DRT stimuli modalities. Parameters that indicate change in cognitive load (response time, hit rate, task performance) should be analyzed together in assessing the overall impact on the driver and not individually, in order to obtain a fuller insight of the assessed cognitive load.  相似文献   

Objectives: The detection response task (DRT) is a method for measuring attentional effects of secondary tasks on a driver's cognitive load by measuring response times and hit rates to different types of stimuli as indirect indicators of increased cognitive load. ISO 17488 (International Organization for Standardization 2016) only provides guidelines for the technical implementation and measurement methods for the visual and tactile versions (use of visual and tactile stimuli) of the DRT method. This article presents a study with the goal of finding the most appropriate auditory stimulus for the implementation of an auditory version of the DRT method.

Methods: This article presents the results of an experiment in which responses to 7 different auditory DRT stimuli—varying in frequency—were compared while inducing users' cognitive load with a modified n-back task. The experiment was conducted in a surrogate driving environment and in a within-subject design. Response times, hit rates, and secondary task performances were observed as indicators of increased cognitive load.

Results: Significantly shorter response times were found for the white noise signal compared to single-frequency signals. However, the largest differences in response times, for trials without and with a cognitive task, were found for 4- and 8-kHz single-frequency signals. No significant differences were found for hit rates and secondary task performances between the different stimuli.

Conclusions: Consistent significant differences in response times for all tested stimuli prove that the auditory DRT variant is also sensitive to changes in cognitive load. The mean increase in response times of more than 25% for 4- and 8-kHz signals for trials with a cognitive task compared to trials without one indicates that one of these signals could be used as a potential auditory stimulus for the auditory DRT variant.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to verify a theoretical model for upper extremity work space optimization. In order to do that, experimental studies were conducted in which two parameters of the electromyography (EMG) signal were analyzed: AMP (amplitude calculated as Root Mean Square) and SZC (coefficient of the slope of the regression line between time and Zero Crossing values). Values of forces in muscles (parameter MOD) were calculated from theoretical studies. A comparison of experimental (AMP, SZC) and theoretical (MOD) parameters was performed by analyzing the coefficient of correlation between those parameters and differentiation of muscular load according to external load value. Analysis showed that the theoretical and experimental results are in step, which means that the developed model can be used for upper extremity work space optimization.  相似文献   

基于认知可靠性的飞行差错影响因素体系的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
提高飞行员认知可靠性可以有效降低飞行差错发生概率。合理确定飞行差错影响因素有利于客观、快速地评估飞行差错,提高飞行中的安全性。基于人的认知可靠性建立P-D-A-F飞行认知可靠性模型分析飞行差错发生机理;并结合对人的认知可靠性影响因素分析结果,构建以心理、生理、外部为主要影响因素的飞行差错影响因素体系;运用Delphi法确定体系包含40个影响因子,并提出影响因子以独立或者联合影响的方式影响飞行差错。该影响因素体系可以应用于飞行差错分析与评估。  相似文献   

为了从信息发展和安全科学发展的角度分析安全信息学研究的重要性和必要性,首先对安全信息学的定义、安全信息学与安全信息方法论之间的5条主要联系进行阐述,提出了安全信息学的研究对象及其23个主要分支学科。其次,基于信息学方法论原则和安全科学的方法论原则,探讨出安全信息学的5条方法论原则。此外,从信息学、认知心理学的研究资料分析过程提出安全信息学具体方法,分析安全信息学研究的一般方法即搜集法、概括法、统计法9种基本方法。最后,建立了安全信息学的一般程序,包括5个主要步骤,为安全信息学的构建提供方法论支持。研究表明:安全信息学有其独特的方法论,其方法论的研究能为安全信息学建立及开展提供方法上的理论指导。  相似文献   

Objectives: There are 3 standardized versions of the Detection Response Task (DRT), 2 using visual stimuli (remote DRT and head-mounted DRT) and one using tactile stimuli. In this article, we present a study that proposes and validates a type of auditory signal to be used as DRT stimulus and evaluate the proposed auditory version of this method by comparing it with the standardized visual and tactile version.

Methods: This was a within-subject design study performed in a driving simulator with 24 participants. Each participant performed 8 2-min-long driving sessions in which they had to perform 3 different tasks: driving, answering to DRT stimuli, and performing a cognitive task (n-back task). Presence of additional cognitive load and type of DRT stimuli were defined as independent variables. DRT response times and hit rates, n-back task performance, and pupil size were observed as dependent variables.

Results: Significant changes in pupil size for trials with a cognitive task compared to trials without showed that cognitive load was induced properly. Each DRT version showed a significant increase in response times and a decrease in hit rates for trials with a secondary cognitive task compared to trials without. Similar and significantly better results in differences in response times and hit rates were obtained for the auditory and tactile version compared to the visual version. There were no significant differences in performance rate between the trials without DRT stimuli compared to trials with and among the trials with different DRT stimuli modalities.

Conclusions: The results from this study show that the auditory DRT version, using the signal implementation suggested in this article, is sensitive to the effects of cognitive load on driver's attention and is significantly better than the remote visual and tactile version for auditory–vocal cognitive (n-back) secondary tasks.  相似文献   

为了对飞行员飞行认知能力水平提供评价依据,进行飞行认知能力测量方案设计。根据飞行员的驾驶特征以及操作行为提出6项测量指标,分别为空间定位能力、空间定向能力、空间想象能力、信息获取能力、信息加工能力和学习能力;根据测量指标和认知能力测试量表功能间的对应关系,设计包括6项认知测验的测量方案。随后开展测量并对结果进行分析,提取3个主因子分别命名为空间认知能力、信息管理能力和学习能力,从而建立起二阶多维度的认知能力结构模型。该模型可应用于飞行认知能力的测评工作。  相似文献   

火灾荷载的选取是设计火灾的重要环节,同时也是保证火灾风险评估科学可靠的关键因素。火灾荷载的实地调查和统计分析是火灾荷载研究工作的重要手段。通过对全国各地23家KTV娱乐场所的349个包间进行调查,统计出KTV包间可燃物种类、质量情况以及不同可燃物所占质量比。并且,通过调查得出KTV包间的面积情况。对所调查的349个包间的火灾荷载分布情况进行研究,利用数理统计的方法得到了该类场所火灾荷载密度、均值、最大值、最小值等数据,为火灾风险评估中火灾场景的设计提供了数据基础。  相似文献   

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