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清洁发展机制(CDM)项目的开发,既有利于发达国家温室气体减排任务的实现,又有利于发展中国家技术的进步。针对高浓度有机废水的特点,结合河北省石家庄市某酿酒厂废水处理沼气发电项目,对高浓度有机废水处理中的沼气发电CDM项目进行了分析,根据CDM方法学AMS-III-H计算该项目的减排量。结果表明,在CDM机制下该项目年减排量预计为39,378 tCO2,并可以获得可观的资金收益。大大减少了温室气体的排放量,具有良好的社会、经济和环境效益。  相似文献   

为加快CDM项目的开发,以广西为试点,采用自下而上的方法针对其重点行业的二氧化碳减排潜力进行评价,具体地包括:高耗能工业(冶金、有色金属、建材、化工、制糖、造纸等)、电力(火电、水电、风电)、户用沼气池、木薯制燃料酒精、有机废液利用等。结果表明到2010年广西上述领域的碳减排潜力(以碳计)可达1623万t。为促进广西的可持续发展,不仅应在水电、风电、提高能效等已有方法学的领域积极开展CDM项目,还应加强其它领域如木薯制燃料酒精、户用沼气池等CDM方法学以及CDM项目的开发。  相似文献   

A bench-scale expanded granular sludge bed (EGSB) reactor was applied to the treatment of palm oil mill ettluent (POME).The reactor had been operated continuously at 35℃ for 514 d,with organic loading rate (OLR) increased from 1.45 to 17.5 kg COD/(m3·d).The results showed that the EGSB reactor had good performance in terms of COD removal on the one hand,high COD removal of 91% Was obtained at two days’ of hydraulic retention time (HRT),and the highest OLR of 17.5 kg COD/(m3·d).On the other hand,only 46% COD in raw POME Was transformed into biogas in which the methane content was about 70% (v/v).A 30-d intermittent experiment indicated that the maximum transformation potential of organic matter in raw POME into methane Was 56%.Volatile fatty acid (VFA) accumulation was observed in the later operation stage,and this Was settled by supplementing trace metal elements.On the whole,the system exhibited good stability in terms of acidity and alkalinity.Finally, the operational problems inherent in the laboratory scale experiment and the corresponding countermeasures were also discussed.  相似文献   

在有机废水处理领域内的CDM项目分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍清洁发展机制(CDM)的主要内容及国内外在废水领域的温室气体的排放现状。同时结合国内废水领域的温室气体的排放情况,以《中华人民共和国气候变化初始国家信息通报》的数据为基础,分析了CDM项目的经济、能源和环境效益。  相似文献   

通过对一种设计思路新颖,具有污水贮存、均质、沉砂、除油等功能一体化的含油污水处理设施——“罐中罐”,在炼油污水处理场建设施工过程、使用效果的叙述,为炼油企业污水处理场提供结构简单、操作方便的一级处理设施的建设、改造技术。  相似文献   

Mixed crude palm oil(MCPO),the mixture of palm fiber oil and palm kernel oil,has become of great interest as a renewable energy source.It can be easily extracted from whole dried palm fruits.In the present work,the degummed,deacidified MCPO was blended in petroleum diesel at portions of 30% and 40% by volume and then tested in agricultural diesel engines for long term usage.The particulates from the exhaust of the engines were collected every 500 hr using a four-stage cascade air sampler.The 50% cut-off aerodynamic diameters for the first three stages were 10,2.5 and 1μm,while the last stage collected all particles smaller than 1μm.Sixteen particle bounded polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs) were analyzed using a high performance liquid chromatography.The results indicated that the size distribution of particulate matter was in the accumulation mode and the pattern of total PAHs associated with fine-particles(< 1μm) showed a dominance of larger molecular weight PAHs(4-6 aromatic rings),especially pyrene.The mass median diameter,PM and total PAH concentrations decreased when increasing the palm oil content,but increased when the running hours of the engine were increased.In addition,Commercial petroleum diesel(PB0) gave the highest value of carcinogenic potency equivalent(BaP eq) for all particle size ranges.As the palm oil was increased,the BaP eq decreased gradually.Therefore the degummed-deacidified MCPO blends are recommended for diesel substitute.  相似文献   

典型炼化企业温室气体甲烷排放特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
温室气体排放是造成全球变暖和气候恶化的重要根源.甲烷是仅次于二氧化碳的温室气体组分.石油加工过程是潜在的甲烷排放源.本文以我国广西某炼化企业为样本,通过现场采样和离线分析的方法,识别出炼化企业潜在的甲烷排放源,核算了不同排放源的甲烷排放量,分析了炼化企业的甲烷排放特征.研究表明,甲烷是炼化企业排放废气中的重要成分;烟气、污水收集和处理系统、储罐和油品装卸过程等均是重要的甲烷排放源项,其中烟气和储罐对甲烷排放总量贡献占比超过70%;不同源项甲烷排放特征各异,油品装载过程产生废气甲烷浓度最高;污水处理过程废气的甲烷浓度主要受常减压装置污水影响;该炼化企业每万吨原油对应的甲烷排放速率估算值为72.6 kg.  相似文献   

采用IPCC与可生物降解两种预测模型对安徽省2020年城市生活垃圾填埋气甲烷产量进行预测,并分析比较模型预测结果;进而通过填埋气发电项目对安徽省垃圾填埋气二氧化碳减排潜力进行探讨。结果表明:预计到2020年,安徽总的生活垃圾清运量可达到758.9万吨,可产生的生活垃圾填埋气甲烷产量约45.5万吨,若这些甲烷气体不经处理直接排放到大气中,相当于排放约900万吨的CO2,因此,安徽省垃圾填埋气CO2减排潜力巨大,其基于清洁发展机制(CDM)的减排潜力可达1.46×109吨。该研究对促进安徽省CDM项目的开发,充分利用CDM资金促进安徽经济的可持续、健康发展具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

论述了采用调节池—平流式隔油池—斜板式隔油池—一级混凝气浮池—二级混凝气浮池相串联的高效物化处理工艺处理炼油废水的结构特点和运转方法。该套处理工艺不仅具有投资少、能耗少的优点 ,而且处理后废水能达标排放和具有良好的可生化性 ,为远期该厂废水的深度处理和回用创造了良好的条件  相似文献   

操作条件对超滤膜运行经济稳定性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
采用正交实验的方法对棕榈油生产废水二级处理出水的超滤工艺条件进行考察和优化,并用膜通量衰减系数、平均跨膜压差及产水量各自加权相加所得综合指标来表征不同超滤操作条件下膜运行的经济稳定性能。正交试验结果表明,减小膜表面流速和产水率,提高处理废水温度均有利于系统经济稳定地运行;各运行参数对综合指标影响的大小顺序为:膜表面平均流速>产水率>温度;在保证出水质量的前提下,最佳组合操作条件为膜表面平均流速0.7m/s,产水率80%,废水温度30℃。  相似文献   

Lactobacillus plantarum SF5.6 is one of the lactic acid bacteria (LAB) that has the highest ability of molasses melanoidin (MM) decolorization among the 2114 strains of LAB. The strains were isolated from spoilage, pickle fruit and vegetable, soil and sludge from the wastewater treatment system by using technical step of enrichment, primary screening and secondary screening. This LAB strain SF5.6 was identified by 16S rDNA analysis and carbohydrate fermentation (API 50 CH). The top five LAB strains having high MM decolorization ( 55%), namely TBSF5.8-1, TBSF2.1-1, TBSF2.1, FF4A and SF5.6 were selected to determine the optimal condition. It was found that the temperature at 30°C under facultative conditions in GPY-MM medium (0.5% glucose, 0.1% peptone, 0.1% yeast extract, 0.1% sodium acetate, 0.05% MgSO4 and 0.005% MnCl2 in MM solution at pH 6) giving a high microbial growth and MM decolorization for all five strains. It was noticed that the decolorization of MM by LAB strains might be cell growth associated. L. plantarum SF5.6 grew rapidly within one day while the other strains took 2–3 days. This L. plantarum SF5.6 could rapidly decolorize MM to 60.91% without any lag phase, and it also had the ability to remove 34.00% phenolic compounds and 15.88% color from treated palm oil mill effluent.  相似文献   

为综合评估餐厨垃圾厌氧处理的环境影响与效益,对某餐厨垃圾厌氧处理工艺及其技术单元进行生命周期环境影响评价,并建立“碳中和”计算模型预测与验证实际碳排及耗能情况,综合“环境影响-碳排耗能-经济效益-社会效益”对实际案例进行评估.结果表明,沼肥加工和沼气提纯技术单元分别造成39%和59%总环境影响.另外,粗油提炼、沼气提纯以生物基产品回收形式大幅度削减碳排,分别占理论碳削减的9.7%和54.7%.餐厨垃圾处理厂需通过增加系统稳定性、完善气体监测体系、提高技术处理效率和优化设备额外耗能情况等方式,以减少理论与实际碳排能耗偏差.经综合评价,该餐厨垃圾处理厂模式具备实现“负碳”潜力,其工艺推广具有未来前景.  相似文献   

盐城经济技术开发区污水处理厂提标改造工程设计研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了盐城经济技术开发区污水厂提标改造工程技术路线及方案.针对污水厂进水中工业废水含量较多的特点,增设水解酸化工艺段,将现状CAST池改造为AAO生物反应池,新建二沉池及混凝沉淀设施,使出水水质稳定达到《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB 18918-2002)中的一级A排放标准.同时增设污泥深度脱水设施,采用化学调理+板框压滤工艺.实际运行表明,经改造后的污水处理厂对各项污染物均取得了较好的去除效果,脱水后污泥的含水率可稳定控制在60%以下.  相似文献   

Lactobacillus plantarum SF5.6 is one of the lactic acid bacteria (LAB) that has the highest ability of molasses melanoidin (MM) decolorization among the 2114 strains of LAB. The strains were isolated from spoilage, pickle fruit and vegetable, soil and sludge from the wastewater treatment system by using technical step of enrichment, primary screening and secondary screening. This LAB strain SF5.6 was identified by 16S rDNA analysis and carbohydrate fermentation (API 50 CH). The top five LAB strains having high MM decolorization (> 55%), namely TBSF5.8-1, TBSF2.1-1, TBSF2.1, FF4A and SF5.6 were selected to determine the optimal condition. It was found that the temperature at 30°C under facultative conditions in GPY-MM medium (0.5% glucose, 0.1% peptone, 0.1% yeast extract, 0.1% sodium acetate, 0.05% MgSO4 and 0.005% MnCl2 in MM solution at pH 6) giving a high microbial growth and MM decolorization for all five strains. It was noticed that the decolorization of MM by LAB strains might be cell growth associated. L. plantarum SF5.6 grew rapidly within one day while the other strains took 2–3 days. This L. plantarum SF5.6 could rapidly decolorize MM to 60.91% without any lag phase, and it also had the ability to remove 34.00% phenolic compounds and 15.88% color from treated palm oil mill e uent.  相似文献   

贵州清洁发展机制开发的障碍与对策建议   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了使贵州省的清洁发展机制(CDM)项目更好、更快地发展,以服务于国家的减排目标,从煤层气开发利用、小水电、生物型替代燃料等几个方面,对贵州清洁发展机制的现状与存在的主要问题进行了剖析,然后结合我省的实际情况提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

2015年中国地区大气甲烷排放估计及空间分布   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
CH4是仅次于CO2的重要温室气体,也是重要的化学活性气体.定量估算我国甲烷的排放量及分析其空间分布特征,对于控制温室气体排放,减缓温室效应具有重要意义.本文以2015年中国官方统计年鉴资料为基础,利用IPCC排放清单指南、国内外排放因子研究结果及动力学模型方法,从能源活动(煤炭开采和油气系统)、农业活动(反刍动物、稻田排放和秸秆露天燃烧)、自然源排放(自然湿地和植被排放)、废弃物处理(固体废弃物、工业污水和生活污水)和人工湿地等几个主要方面,对中国地区的CH4排放进行定量估计.结果表明:中国地区2015年CH4排放总量为61.59 Tg,其中以农业活动和能源活动为主要排放源,排放量分别达到20.42 Tg和20.39 Tg,占总排放量比例分别约为33.2%和33.1%.CH4自然源考虑了植被和自然湿地排放,排放量为11.77 Tg,占比为19.1%;废弃物处理产生的CH4排放量为8.64 Tg,占比为14.0%;人工湿地排放量为0.37 Tg,占比为0.6%.从空间分布来看,CH4排放具有较明显的不均匀性,大值区主要集中在华北、西南及东南地区,而西北地区的排放量则相对较低,主要与各地的资源环境、人口密度和经济情况密切相关.  相似文献   

茂名石化炼油废水A/O系统改O/O工艺运行后,出水水质各项指标均达到国标和地标排放。为期两个月的工业试运行,为工艺操作与管理提供了经验和依据,同时也为二期工程的设计、施工和管理奠定了基础。  相似文献   

列举了肉类加工行业的几种常见污水处理工艺,并对各种工艺的优缺点进行了详细分析.以一个肉类加工污水处理的实际工程为例,进行详细的工艺单元设计和工程运行问题分析.案例主工艺为水力筛脱毛、预沉隔油、预曝调节、折板厌氧池、接触氧化池、沉淀,工程投资为1 525元/t,污水处理成本为0.592元/t,系统出水可以稳定达到行业相关标准(一级).   相似文献   

文章通过对联合国环境署制订的用于工业废水处理项目中实施清洁发展机制(CDM)合格性识别的方法学进行分析,以及根据项目建议书和官方网站信息统计归纳的国外工业废水处理项目CDM开发的成功案例,并结合中国工业废水氧化塘处理法的现状情况,对中国工业废水尤其是高浓度有机废水处理中CDM项目开发机会进行了探索性的研究,提出在食品工业尤其是酒精废水、淀粉废水、酿酒废水的处理过程中开展CDM项目的可行性。以此对中国工业废水中CDM项目的未来开发情况进行了设想与建议。  相似文献   

Palm oil industry is the most important agro-industry in Malaysia, but its by-product–palm oil mill e uent (POME), posed a great threat to water environment. In the past decades, several treatment and disposal methods have been proposed and investigated to solve this problem. A two-stage pilot-scale plant was designed and constructed for POME treatment. Anaerobic digestion and aerobic biodegradation constituted the first biological stage, while ultrafiltration (UF) and reverse osmosis (RO) membrane units were combined as the second membrane separation stage. In the anaerobic expanded granular sludge bed (EGSB) reactor, about 43% organic matter in POME was converted into biogas, and COD reduction e ciency reached 93% and 22% in EGSB and the following aerobic reactor, respectively.With the treatment in the first biological stage, suspended solids and oil also decreased to a low degree. All these alleviated the membrane fouling and prolonged the membrane life. In the membrane process unit, almost all the suspended solids were captured by UF membranes, while RO membrane excluded most of the dissolved solids or inorganic salts from RO permeate. After the whole treatment processes, organic matter in POME expressed by BOD and COD was removed almost thoroughly. Suspended solids and color were not detectable in RO permeate any more, and mineral elements only existed in trace amount (except for K and Na). The high-quality e uent was crystal clear and could be used as the boiler feed water.  相似文献   

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