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The giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) is notoriously difficult to study in the wild, but its interesting reproductive ecology makes the effort worthwhile. Perhaps more than most species, the panda is energy-limited, which alters the cost/benefit analysis of its reproductive ecology. Using global positioning system/very high frequency radiocollars to locate mating aggregations, we used behavioral observations and fecal testosterone assays to gain insight into male panda reproductive effort and strategies, and test theories relating to reproductive competition. Male pandas initially competed fiercely for access to females that were about to be fertile, but once male competitive status was determined, aggression rates declined. Contact aggression was only observed during the first 2 days of mating aggregations; thereafter, it was replaced with noncontact aggression and avoidance. Agonistic interactions were highly asymmetrical, with contest losers (subordinates) showing less aggression and more avoidance than contest winners (dominants), both before and after contest outcome was established. The competitively superior male displayed mate-guarding tactics and secured all observed copulations. Contrary to theoretical predictions, testosterone levels did not predict aggression levels or contest winners and also were not affected by winning or losing a contest. Body size appeared to be the primary determinant of contest outcome. We discuss our findings in light of theoretical predictions, such as those arising from the “challenge hypothesis,” in the context of the giant panda’s foraging and nutritional ecology.  相似文献   

Our best understanding of marine mammal mating systems comes from land-mating pinnipeds. Logistical problems of observing behavior at sea have limited our ability to make inferences about species with aquatic-mating systems, which comprise over half the pinnipeds. The mating systems of these species likely involve different mating tactics than land-mating species. We used several methods in combination (e.g., animal-borne cameras, radio telemetry, time-depth recorders, and DNA paternity assessment) to provide a comprehensive study of the aquatic-mating tactics of harbor seal males. Males decreased time offshore (26.0 vs 14.8%) and increased time near shore (33.8 vs 43.7%) between premating and mating periods, respectively. Concomitantly, males reduced foraging effort and increased activities associated with competition for females (e.g., visual/vocal displays and threats). As females come into estrus near the end of lactation and spend more time at sea, males reduced their near-shore ranges (4.2 vs 1.0 km2), which were clustered within 1–1.5 km of the beach where females attended their pups. Body mass of males was not a major factor affecting their reproductive behavior. From a small number of paternity assignments to study males, it appears that females select males. These combined results are more consistent with a lek-type mating system than with the territorial or female defense systems characteristic of land-mating pinnipeds.  相似文献   

Mating is essential for sexually reproducing species to pass on their genes. For sexual parasites, this implies a need to switch the host in the search for a mate when potential partners are not available on the same host, although host switching includes risks like starvation and predation. Studies of mate-searching behavior predict that commonly only one sex searches for mating partners while the other remains stationary. In the present work, we experimentally infected rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) with the fish ectoparasite Argulus coregoni and determined whether the sex, age and the presence of mating partners influenced the host switching activity. Our results show that increased host switching by A. coregoni occurred only after the parasite reached the adult stage and a difference between the sexes was also recorded. Host switching by mature males was enhanced when no mating partners were present on the same host, whereas females remained mainly stationary on their host regardless of male presence or absence. Our data therefore support the hypothesis that there is a strategic difference in reproductive behavior between males and females; males invest energy in mate searching while females are rather stationary and invest into body size and hence increased fecundity. Our data also showed that leaving the host to find a mate is potentially costly in terms of predation since a substantial number of free-swimming parasites were eaten by fish.  相似文献   

Sex-specific interests over the maximization of reproductive success lead to an inter-sexual conflict over the optimal mating system in a species. Traditionally, the outcome of this inter-sexual conflict has been studied from the male perspective but it also depends on female mating strategies, such as manipulating the temporal distribution of sexual activity, advertisement, and mate choice. We used a small nocturnal primate, the gray mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus) to determine the relative importance of female mating strategies on the outcome of this conflict in a species where females are solitary during their activity period. We studied their mating behavior over three consecutive annual mating seasons and determined the genetic relationships among more than 300 study animals to quantify individual reproductive success. We found that most females were receptive asynchronously. Females did not exhibit any obvious direct mate choice, probably due to a highly male-biased operational sex ratio and the corresponding costs of choosiness. However, females exercised indirect choice for multiple matings. They mated with 1–7 males up to 11 times during their single night of receptivity. As a result, mixed paternity was common but heavier males sired more offspring, meaning that indirect female choice for superior males cannot be excluded. Females exhibited a mixed mating strategy, avoiding costly direct mate choice but still counteracting male efforts to monopolize mating, successfully increasing genetic variability among offspring. Thus, females had a major influence on the outcome of the inter-sexual conflict despite male monopolization attempts.Communicated by J. Setchell  相似文献   

Sperm competition is a potent driving force in evolution leading to a remarkable variety of male adaptations that prevent or reduce fertilization by rivals. An extraordinary defensive strategy against sperm competition has evolved in a number of web spiders where males break off parts of their paired genitalia in order to obstruct the copulatory openings of females (mating plug). A recent comparative analysis on the family level reports that genital damage is most frequent in species with sexual cannibalism although, as yet, a functional association between sexual cannibalism and genital damage has not been found. Using the moderately sexually cannibalistic orb-web spider Argiope lobata, we show for the first time that males cannibalized during their first copulation damaged their pedipalps with significantly higher probability (74%) than males that escaped (15%). Of all males that damaged their genitalia, 44% were able to place a genital fragment inside the copulatory opening of the female, resulting in a relatively low total plugging rate of 14%. Successful obstruction of the female copulatory opening reduced the share of paternity of subsequent males (P 2 = 0.06%), thus, indicating that genital damage may have evolved as a response to sperm competition in this species as well. However, the low incidence of successful plugging and the strong relationship between sexual cannibalism and genital damage suggest that apart from paternity protection, the nature of genital damage in A. lobata is further shaped by sexual conflict or cryptic female choice.  相似文献   

Male guppies, Poecilia reticulata, have color patterns that result from a balance between natural selection for crypsis to avoid predators and sexual selection for bright, complex patterns that attract females. Males use displays to show off these patterns to potential mates, but their conspicuousness also depends on the light environment in which they are viewed. We investigated variation in natural underwater guppy light environments in Trinidad, West Indies, and found that mating behavior is correlated with both the ‘quantity’ (total irradiance) and ‘quality’ (spectral composition) of light: light intensity and the proportion of ultraviolet light were negatively related to display rates. Experimental manipulation of light environment to mimic natural daily changes demonstrated that these relationships are causal and are independent of time of day effects. At lower light levels, when guppies are less detectable by visually hunting predators, females had more opportunity for active mate choice, because males displayed more. However, these light conditions may reduce the ability of females to accurately discriminate between males. Guppy mating behavior is therefore strongly affected by light environment, and this may have important effects on sexual selection.  相似文献   

Historically, most mammals have been classified as polygynous; although recent molecular evidence suggests that many mammals may be polygynandrous, particularly the ground-dwelling sciurids. We genotyped 351 round-tailed ground squirrels (Xerospermophilus tereticaudus) using seven microsatellite loci to determine paternity in 31 litters from 2004 to 2007. Polygyny was evident in all years except in 2007, when the population size was reduced. Multiple paternity occurred in the majority of litters (55%) with 2.5 ± 0.26 sires/litter (n = 31). Forty-nine percent of resident males (n = 114) sired offspring, and of males that sired offspring (n = 56) 27% sired young in multiple litters in a single breeding season. Litter size was positively correlated with the number of sires. Through an indirect analysis of paternity, we found 21 litters (68%) with an average relatedness of 0.5 or less. Males had a greater opportunity for sexual selection (I s = 1.60) than females (I s = 0.40); Bateman’s gradient was also greater in males (1.07 ± 0.04, n = 56) than females (0.82 ± 0.08, n = 31). The mating system in round-tailed ground squirrels defined through genetic analyses and Bateman’s gradients is polygynandrous compared to the previously suggested polygynous mating system as established by behavioral observations and fits within the predictions of the ground squirrel sociality models. Upon evaluating the predictions of the sociality models among sciurid species, we found a negative relationship between the level of sociality with litter size and the average percentage of multiple paternity within a litter. Thus, recent genetic information and reclassification of mating systems support the predictions of the ground-dwelling squirrel sociality models.  相似文献   

The maternally inherited bacterium Wolbachia pipientis generates strong reproductive incompatibilities between uninfected females and infected males (cytoplasmic incompatibility), significantly reducing both female and male reproductive success. Such fitness costs are thought to place selective pressure on hosts to evolve pre-copulatory preferences for mating with compatible mates, thereby enabling them to avoid the reproductive incompatibilities associated with Wolbachia. Therefore, uninfected females are predicted to prefer mating with uninfected males, whereas infected males are predicted to prefer mating with infected females. Despite these predictions, previous investigations of pre-copulatory mate preferences in Wolbachia-manipulated Drosophila have not found evidence of female preference for uninfected or compatible males. However, none of these studies utilised a design where focal individuals are provided with a simple choice in a relatively non-competitive situation. We examined both female and male pre-copulatory mate preference based on mate infection status in Drosophila simulans and D. melanogaster using simple choice assays involving between 30–50 replicates per treatment. Although we found no evidence of female pre-copulatory mate preferences in either species, male D. simulans exhibited some preference for mating with females of the same infection status. However, this preference was not evident when we repeated the experiment to confirm this finding. Consequently, we conclude that neither male nor female D. melanogaster and D. simulans exhibit significant Wolbachia-associated pre-copulatory mate preferences.  相似文献   

In polygynous species, males devote considerable effort to reproduction during the rut. Both the number of females in the mating group and the ratio of sexually mature males to sexually mature females [adult sex ratio (ASR)] are expected to affect the amount of effort a male devotes to reproductive activities. We predicted the reproductive effort of dominant male reindeer, measured as relative mass loss, proportions of active reproductive behaviors, and frequencies of agonistic behaviors would (1) increase with an increasing number of females in the mating group and eventually level off, and (2) exhibit a dome shape with respect to ASR in the mating group. We tested these predictions using 12 years of data collected from semi-domesticated reindeer in northern Finland. We found a positive relationship between relative mass loss and the mean number of females in the mating group for mature, but not young males. The relationship between the proportion of active reproductive behaviors performed by mature males and the mean number of females in the group was quadratic while agonistic behaviors of mature males increased with the increasing female group size. We also found that active reproductive behaviors decreased with a rising mating group ASR for mature males; whereas, young males performed more agonistic behaviors as group ASR increased. Our results point to age-specific patterns of mass loss and activity during the mating season. They also indicate that both the number of females and ASR in the mating group are important factors in determining the level of reproductive effort of dominant male reindeer.  相似文献   

We conducted a 6-year longitudinal behavioral and genetic investigation of a highly polygynous pinniped, the northern fur seal (Callorhinus ursinus), to determine the contribution of terrestrial polygyny to male fertilization success and to assess the occurrence of alternative mating strategies. Genetic samples from 37 adult males, 50 adult females, and 85 pups were collected and genotyped using five polymorphic microsatellite loci. Pup paternity was assigned using Cervus 2.0 at 99% confidence level. Paternity of 83 pups (98%) was assigned to terrestrial males who held territories or stayed temporarily in the study area during the breeding season when fertilization occurred. For 56 pups of which attendance records of their mothers were available, paternity of 45 pups (80%) was assigned to the associate males in whose territory their mothers stayed during the perioestrus period. In addition to defending breeding territories, territorial males have often been observed attempting to forcibly abduct adult females from adjacent territories (female stealing): We observed a total of 95 such cases, in which the stealers had significantly fewer females than the territorial males from whose territories they stole females. Our results indicate that terrestrial resource-defense polygyny is the major mating system in this species and that nonassociated paternity occurs mostly as a result of alternative mating strategies of less successful males. Male northern fur seals thus appear to adopt conditional alternative strategies that depend on their current social status to maximize their life-time reproductive success.  相似文献   

We studied movement and site fidelity of males and females of the territorial frog Allobates femoralis (Aromobatidae) in a population in the Nature Reserve “Les Nouragues” in French Guiana, South America. Observations during 3 months in 2006 ascertained intra-seasonal site fidelity for males and females. Males actively defend large multi-purpose territories whereas females retreat to small resting sites from where they commute to neighbouring males for courtship and mating. Female short-term movement corroborates the previous assumption of a polygynous or promiscuous resource-defence mating system. Year-to-year recaptures from 2005 until 2008 revealed distinct patterns of inter-annual movement for males and regional site fidelity for females. Males abandon their territories and have to re-negotiate them when reproduction starts again at the end of the dry season. Females are not subject to intra- or inter-sexual territorial competition and as a result move significantly less between reproductive seasons than males. Male long-term movement reflects spatial structure and prevailing social interactions and is a reliable indicator for tadpole deposition sites. The combined effects of intra- and inter-seasonal movement promote the diversity of mates for both sexes.  相似文献   

Increasing threats to deep-sea corals highlight the need to expand knowledge of these taxa so that conservation measures can be developed. The present study focused on the reproductive patterns of the deep-sea solitary coral Flabellum angulare. A series of samples (n = 398) collected in 2006–2008 in the northwest Atlantic at depths of 925–1,430 m revealed that gametogenesis was synchronous among males and females and fluctuated seasonally. Initiation of gamete synthesis was estimated to be in August–September and spawning in June. Further analysis and daily monitoring of 30–60 individuals maintained in a flow-through mesocosm showed that gamete release occurred in March–June with a peak in May. Release of oocytes coincided with rising seawater temperatures and high deposition rates indicative of elevated water column productivity. Oocytes (900–1,200 μm diameter) were released through the oral cavity, generally in bundles of 3–5 surrounded by mesenterial filaments and attached to a thread (30–50 mm long). As oocytes became free in the water column, ovulation occurred followed by fertilization. Eggs/embryos initially remained on the tentacles of the spawner before either falling onto the substratum or floating to the surface. The embryos developed into planula larvae measuring 2–3 mm in length within about 24 h. Together, these findings shed new light on the strategies used by deep-sea corals to maximize their reproductive success.  相似文献   

Intense male–male competition for females may drive the evolution of male morphological dimorphism, which is frequently associated with alternative mating tactics. Using modern techniques for the detection of discontinuous allometries, we describe male dimorphism in the Neotropical harvestman Longiperna concolor, the males of which use their elongated, sexually dimorphic legs IV in fights for the possession of territories where females lay eggs. We also tested three predictions related to the existence of alternative mating tactics: (1) if individuals with relatively longer legs IV (majors) are more likely to monopolize access to reproductive resources, they are expected to remain close to stable groups of females more than individuals with relatively shorter legs IV (minors) do; (2) if minors achieve fertilization by moving between territories, they are expected to be less faithful to specific sites; and (3) majors should be observed in aggressive interactions more often. We individually marked all the individuals from a population of Longiperna during the reproductive season and recorded the location of each sighting for males and females as well as the identity of males involved in fights. Majors were more likely to have harems, and large majors were even more likely to do so. Majors were more philopatric and all males involved in fights belonged to this morph. These results strongly suggest that the mating tactic of the majors is based on resource defense whereas that of the minors probably relies on sneaking into the territories of the majors and furtively copulating with females.  相似文献   

Little is known of the time and ejaculate allocation strategies during mating of American lobster, Homarus americanus. This study investigated sexual cohabitation and female ejaculate accumulation patterns in a laboratory mating experiment, as well as female seminal receptacle load in exploited populations in the waters of the Magdalen and Anticosti Islands, in eastern Canada. In the laboratory experiment, the length of sexual cohabitation was proportionate to female size for large but not for small males. Also, large males cohabited with pre- and postmolt females longer than small males. These different time investment strategies can be explained by different mutual benefits. In the field and laboratory, larger females accumulated more ejaculate than smaller ones. This suggests that male lobsters tailor ejaculate to female size, a reliable index of her reproductive potential. Moreover, similarly-sized females accumulated more ejaculate when mated with large compared to small males. Comparison of receptacle loads between wild-mated and laboratory-mated females suggests that the former were mating mainly with smaller males, although some evidence of positive size-assortative mating existed, especially at the less exploited Anticosti site. The results are discussed in the context of evolutionary theory and of proposed management measures to increase egg production in exploited populations.Communicated by T. Czeschlik  相似文献   

Aplysia californica, an opisthobranch mollusc, possesses a complex reproductive system that includes a seminal receptacle for the storage of exogenous sperm received from mating. Based on this reproductive anatomy, A. californica should have the ability to maintain and use viable exogenous sperm stores to fertilize multiple eggmasses for extended periods of time. Using controlled matings and careful observation of the development of eggmasses over time, we attempted to quantify A. californicas ability to store and use exogenous sperm following a single mating. On average, A. californica (240.6±31.7 g; mean±SE, n=9) produced 8.8±0.6 eggmasses containing 16.9±2.2×106 fertilized eggs over a period of 22.3±3.6 days following a single mating encounter. The maximum duration an individual A. californica produced fertilized eggs, following a single copulation, was 41 days. The primary factor determining the cumulative number of fertilized eggs produced from a single mating in A. californica was the mass of the sperm recipient (r=0.773, P<0.05, n=9). Our results demonstrated that A. californica are not sperm limited following a single mating as has been suggested for other opisthobranch molluscs by Leonard and Lukowiaks (1991) gamete-trading hypothesis.Communicated by P.W. Sammarco, Chauvin  相似文献   

Dominance status influences the fitness of many mammals. Using African striped mice Rhabdomys pumilio, we tested whether (1) dominant females have greater reproductive success than subordinate females, (2) dominant females influence the reproductive output of subordinate females when they are housed in close proximity, (3) reproductive output of a female changes in response to the dominance status of her neighbours, and (4) whether prolonged association between individuals influences the variance in reproductive success between dominants and subordinates (i.e. the ‘dear enemy’ phenomenon). The size and mass of litters of dominants increased significantly when housed adjacent to subordinates than when housed apart. The litter size and mass of subordinates remained unchanged, although subordinates spent significantly more time with their pups when housed close to dominants than when housed apart; time spent with pups by dominants remained unchanged. Moreover, females modified their reproductive output and behaviour in relation to the dominance status of their neighbours. Following prolonged association, dominants still had greater reproductive success, but now, the time spent with pups decreased in subordinates. We suggest that dominants adopt a strategy to increase the reproductive value of their litter, whereas subordinates adopt a pup defence strategy. These strategies are flexible and are influenced by the dominance status and period of association between neighbours, so that females could maximize their fitness in response to varying social conditions.  相似文献   

The timing of arrival to breeding areas can have profound effects on reproductive success. Under some conditions (restricted breeding seasons and mating systems characterized by a longer period of mating among males than females), the maximization of mating opportunities by males theoretically selects for the earlier arrival of males than females (a phenomenon called protandry). This study quantifies the relationship between the arrival timing and spawning success of male kokanee (non-anadromous Oncorhynchus nerka). The spawning behavior of kokanee was observed in a large pen and the spawning success of each male was estimated as the number of spawning events he participated in. A male's spawning success depended primarily on his success at pairing with and mate-guarding females, and less on participation in spawning events while unpaired. Males who paired earlier in the season had higher spawning success than males who paired later in the season because they experienced more opportunities to pair with new females. Among males who eventually paired (some males never did), arriving early was correlated with pairing early. However, selection for protandry was weak, largely because early arrival did not guarantee that a male would pair. Pre-spawning waiting by females also weakened the correlation between arrival day and pairing day. The random probability of pairing with respect to arrival day and pre-spawning waiting by females likely explains the weak selection for protandry in kokanee and the low amount of protandry observed in other sockeye salmon (anadromous O. nerka) populations.  相似文献   

Melanin-based ornaments are often involved in signaling aggression and dominance, and their role in sexual selection is increasingly recognized. We investigated the functions of a melanin-based plumage ornament (facial ‘mask’) in male Eurasian penduline tits Remiz pendulinus in the contexts of male–male aggression, mating success, and parental care. The penduline tit is a passerine bird with a unique mating system in which both sexes may mate with several mates in a breeding season, and one (or both) parent deserts the clutch. Our study revealed that mask size of males is more likely an honest signal used by females in their mate choice decisions than a trait involved in male–male competition. First, mask size increased with both age and body condition, indicating that the mask may signal male quality. Second, males with larger masks paired more quickly and had more mates over the breeding season than males with smaller masks. Third, we found no evidence that male mask size signals male–male aggression or dominance during competitive encounters. The increased mating success of large-masked males, however, did not translate into higher reproductive success, as nestling survival decreased with mask size. Therefore, we conclude that there is either no directional selection on male mask size or males with larger masks receive indirect, long-term benefits.  相似文献   

This study devised a staging system for, and monitored, the gonad development of the limpet species Patella vulgata and Patella ulyssiponensis on the South West coast of Ireland using histological techniques. Maturation began in the males of both species in January and in the females it began in March. There was no statistical difference in gonad development between sexes and between species. Spawning in the male P. vulgata occurred from September to December 2003 and in September and October 2004. In female P. vulgata spawning occurred from October to December 2003, no spawning of females was observed in 2004. In male P. ulyssiponensis spawning occurred in November and December 2003 and from September 2004 to December 2004. Spawning was observed from November 2003 to January 2004 and in September 2004 in female P. ulyssiponensis. Sex ratios also varied between the species and between months sampled. Nevertheless more males were observed in both species.  相似文献   

Among the diverse patterns of energy allocation to the offspring of gastropods, the presence of egg capsules to protect embryos is common. Females of the edible snail Zidona dufresnei attach egg capsules to hard substrates in shallow Argentine Patagonian waters (40°45′S, 64°56′W) during spring-summer. Embryonic development takes about 30 days at 22°C. In this study, three likely capsule predator species and the marks left by each on egg capsule walls were identified in laboratory experiments in February 2010. Abundances of predators and egg capsules with evidence of predation were assessed in the field in the summers of 2010 and 2011. Under laboratory conditions (N = 10 replicates per treatment and control), the predation rate by the chiton Chaetopleura isabellei was the highest (up to 90%), followed by the gastropod Tegula patagonica and the crab Neohelice granulata (~20% each). Nearly 60% of 41 capsules found in the field showed signs of predation. According to the marks identified in the laboratory, C. isabellei was responsible for 79% of this predation, and T. patagonica for the rest. Predation appears to be important during the encapsulated early life and could be an agent for selecting for resistant capsule walls and a relatively shorter development time.  相似文献   

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