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生物传感器在环境监测中的应用   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
在对生物传感器及生物传感器中的酶传感器、微生物传感器、免疫传感器介绍的基础上,综述了生物传感器在水和废水监测、大气监测及农药监测等环境监测领域中的应用。  相似文献   

采用某品牌3台传感器,对环境空气中气态污染物(NO_2、SO_2、O_3、CO)和颗粒物(PM_(10)、PM_(2.5))进行为期1个月的连续监测,探讨传感技术在环境空气监测中的方法适用性。研究表明,3台传感器监测的各污染物质量浓度均显著相关,Pearson相关系数0.9(p0.01);监测的颗粒物与国控点数据显著相关且质量浓度水平接近,Pearson相关系数0.9(p0.01);PM_(2.5)传感器测定值相对于国控点数据的平均相对误差仅为-7.3%,均值绝对误差2μg/m~3;传感器在高湿度下的PM_(2.5)测定值与国控点数据相吻合,当相对湿度为80%~90%时,平均相对误差仅为-0.9%;传感器气态污染物测定值与国控点数据之间存在差异,电化学原理气态污染物传感器性能仍有待提升。  相似文献   

基于光散射原理的PM2.5传感器在近几年快速发展,中国、美国以及欧盟均发布了关于大气PM2.5传感器使用的指南。传感器类PM2.5设备受湿度、温度、颗粒物组成等影响,国内外相关应用重点集中在空气质量监测、预报预测、健康暴露评估及污染源精准识别等领域,中国在基于传感器的PM2.5高密度网格化监测的设备研发、建设规模及应用等均走在世界前列。研究从PM2.5传感器设备相关的原理、影响因素、性能指标,以及基于传感器形成的高密度网格化监测体系相关的标准规范、质控校准以及业务应用等方面进行了国内外资料调研,为传感器技术应用于大气精细化环境管理提供支撑。  相似文献   

石油石化企业的含油物质泄漏进入地下水,会对生态环境造成负面影响。通过构建地下水井模型,比选不同原理的挥发性有机物(VOCs)检测传感器,建立了基于VOCs浓度反演的地下水中含油物质泄漏原位实时在线监测方法。研究发现,常规水质六参数传感器对含油物质泄漏的响应会产生滞后现象,在实时预警监测地下水井中含油物质时可不安装常规水质六参数传感器,节约企业污染防控监测成本。将该方法应用于企业现场进行原位实时监测,当实时监测值超过数据监控平台预警阈值时,系统会发出警报,实现了地下水井中含油物质泄漏实时预警监测。该监测方法具有响应速度快、准确性高、成本低、监测过程简单等优势,将帮助企业实时掌握地下水污染状况,提高地下水污染防控预警效率。  相似文献   

设计并实现了一种基于无线传输GPRS技术尾矿库水质实时监控系统;该监控系统由监测传感器、变送器、模拟量测量模块、GPRS无线监控终端、监测服务器及监测软件、浮标装置、电源系统等构成。系统监控点分布在尾矿库的不同区域,监控点布设浮标并配置有监测传感器,变送器把来自传感器的基准信号经放大后输出相对应的4~20m A恒流电流信号,模拟量测量模块测量4~20m A信号并以RS-485标准接口通讯输出,信号通过GPRS无线监控终端系统传递给监测服务器;通过安装在监测服务器中的基于B/S模式监测软件实现监测数据的保存、查询、打印、报警等功能。通过该系统应用,可以方便快捷的监测尾矿库水质p H变化情况,对在役尾矿库水域污染控制、运行管理、水质分析提供了有益参考。  相似文献   

大气环境污染物监测是建立污染源与环境污染关系的重要技术途径,也是大气综合治理决策所需数据的主要来源。近年来,空气质量精细化管理和污染源精准控制的需求逐渐增长,对监测技术提出了更高的要求。传感器技术作为空气质量监测标准方法的补充,是实现城市空气质量高时空分辨率测量的新手段。研究从传感器的原理及分类入手,通过综述其在环境空气质量监测、污染源监控管理、个人暴露风险评估等领域的应用,总结了传感器技术的研发进展、应用现状和存在问题,并提出其发展方向和前景。  相似文献   

环境监测是污染治理的前提,并为环境管理、环境规划和环境影响评价等提供科学依据。而可以进行现场快速分析和连续在线监测的生物传感器在环境监测的应用越来越受到关注。本文首先介绍了生物传感器的定义和分类;并以酶基、微生物细胞基、免疫生物传感器和DNA等生物传感器为主,分别介绍其在环境监测中的应用和进展;最后,对生物传感器在环境监测中应用前景和发展趋势进行了阐述。  相似文献   

基于大数据分析的大气网格化监测质控技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于对现阶段中国环境空气的污染特征及监测手段进行分析,研究了如何采用传感器技术进行大气污染防治网格化监测。对标物校准、训化校准、自适应校准、传递校准等校准质控技术进行了充分研究并基于此建立了自主学习神经网络算法的校准体系。为解决传感器应用过程中零点漂移、温度和湿度漂移、时间漂移等问题,利用大数据、基因算法成功开发出了智能数据修正模型,实现了低成本、高稳定、具有相当精度且可自动化运行的网格化监测体系。  相似文献   

气敏色谱的检测器是气体传感器,各类传感器可选择性检测气体中微量杂质。气体传感器种类繁多,国外已广泛用于气体监测〔1〕。气敏色谱构造简单,易于操作,价格便宜。国家标准已采用气敏色谱分析微量H2,用氧化锆气相色谱分析H2、O2、CO、CH4等。国产氧化锆...  相似文献   

基于环境一号卫星CCD传感器性能,从生态景观角度入手,针对江苏省地形地貌特征,开展了环境一号卫星CCD数据在生态环境监测和评价工作中的应用可行性研究,结果表明环境一号卫星CCD数据可以满足江苏省生态环境监测和评价工作需要,其时间分辨率和幅宽是开展生态监控和预警的重要优势。  相似文献   

遥感技术在大气环境监测中的应用综述   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
综合论述了近20多年来国内外对大气环境遥感监测的研究现状,介绍了应用于大气环境遥感监测的多种方法并着重阐述了被动式空基遥感和主动式地基遥感在大气环境遥感中的应用以及探测气溶胶的卫星传感器的发展历程和特点。最后,对我国大气环境遥感研究中存在问题和发展前景进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Soil moisture is the key link among hydroecological compartments, responding dynamically to sequences of atmospheric processes and management conditions and modulating physical, chemical, and biological processes in the soil. Currently, there are a variety of monitoring techniques to measure, directly or indirectly, the soil moisture. However, some practical issues remain open like the definition a priori of the number, location and depth of the monitoring points, and the impact of failing or poor performance soil moisture sensors. Here, we present a set of techniques, namely Δθ time series, wavelet filtering, and time stability, to identify representative points and monitoring depths through an analysis of hourly soil moisture time series for different configuration of the monitoring network. We used real data from a monitoring network consisting of seven monitoring points, each one with four EC-5 probes (Decagon Devices Inc., Pullman, WA) at 20, 40, 60, and 100?cm. The use of simple time series of Δθ allowed us to assess the spatiotemporal influence of the monitoring points, while the wavelet periodograms allowed us to get insight about the response of the monitoring points at different time scales. Both methods are easy to implement or adapt to specific conditions, being coherent to the results derived from time stability analysis. For our case study, we concluded that we could reallocate 16 sensors (out of 28) without a significant loss of information. However, the final decision strongly relies on a deep knowledge of the site features and the objectives of the monitoring network.  相似文献   

Traditionally, water quality has been monitored by sampling and lab based analysis. However, there are disadvantages associated with this method, for example, deterioration of samples with time, limited sampling points, limited temporal monitoring. This has provided impetus for the development of sensors which can be deployed from remote locations over extended deployment periods. However, a major limitation of these systems is their vulnerability to biofouling. This review outlines the research that has been carried out on strategies for the protection of marine and riverine sensors against fouling.  相似文献   

Due to the increased threats of chemical and biological agents of injury by terrorist organizations, a significant effort is underway to develop tools that can be used to detect and effectively combat chemical and biochemical toxins. In addition to the right mix of policies and training of medical personnel on how to recognize symptoms of biochemical warfare agents, the major success in combating terrorism still lies in the prevention, early detection and the efficient and timely response using reliable analytical technologies and powerful therapies for minimizing the effects in the event of an attack. The public and regulatory agencies expect reliable methodologies and devices for public security. Today's systems are too bulky or slow to meet the "detect-to-warn" needs for first responders such as soldiers and medical personnel. This paper presents the challenges in monitoring technologies for warfare agents and other toxins. It provides an overview of how advances in environmental analytical methodologies could be adapted to design reliable sensors for public safety and environmental surveillance. The paths to designing sensors that meet the needs of today's measurement challenges are analyzed using examples of novel sensors, autonomous cell-based toxicity monitoring, 'Lab-on-a-Chip' devices and conventional environmental analytical techniques. Finally, in order to ensure that the public and legal authorities are provided with quality data to make informed decisions, guidelines are provided for assessing data quality and quality assurance using the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US-EPA) methodologies.  相似文献   

The present study is focused on the implementation of a novel, low cost, urban grid of nanostructured chemresistor gas sensors for ammonia concentration ([NH(3)]) monitoring, with NH(3) being one of the main precursors of secondary fine particulate. Low-cost chemresistor gas sensors based on carbon nanotubes have been developed, their response to [NH(3)] in the 0.17-5.0 ppm range has been tested, and the devices have been properly calibrated under different relative humidity conditions in the 33-63% range. In order to improve the chemresistor selectivity towards [NH(3)], an Expert System, based on fuzzy logic and genetic algorithms, has been developed to extract the atmospheric [NH(3)] (with a sensitivity of a few ppb) from the output signal of a model chemresistor gas sensor exposed to an NO(2), NO(X) and O(3) gas mixture. The concentration of these pollutants that are known to be the most significant interfering compounds during ammonia detection with carbon nanotube gas sensors has been tracked by the ARPA monitoring network in the city of Milan and the historical dataset collected over one year has been used to train the Expert System.  相似文献   

介绍了美国2011年10月发射的环境监测卫星Suomi NPP的业务特性,利用该卫星获取的可见光/红外成像辐射仪VIIRS 遥感影像资料,开展了其在江苏省生态环境监测工作中应用效果研究。结果表明,NPP 卫星 VIIRS 载荷可有效地对江苏省太湖蓝藻水华、秸秆焚烧火点等进行遥感监测和分析,且观测性能较 MODIS 有所优化,还提供了夜间灯光强度、气溶胶、大气颗粒物等遥感产品,是生态环境监测的新型遥感信息源,可提升宏观生态环境问题的遥感监测能力。  相似文献   

A user-friendly environmental monitoring system that collects real time data has been developed. Flash card memory logs exposure data from multiple sensors along with corresponding times and positions. Optional use of telemetry repeaters and a reference station allows central monitoring of data to assess exposure and to initiate intervention when safe levels are exceeded. A software analysis package allows researchers to identify exposure hot spots and direct control efforts, with the ultimate goal being to reduce injury and disease. Preliminary field test results document position accuracy and system performance in harsh environments.  相似文献   

High-frequency, continuous monitoring using in situ sensors offers a comprehensive and improved insight into the temporal and spatial variability of any water body. In this paper, we describe a 7-month exploratory monitoring programme in Dublin Port, demonstrating the value of high-frequency data in enhancing knowledge of processes, informing discrete sampling, and ultimately increasing the efficiency of port and environmental management. Kruskal–Wallis and Mann–Whitney tests were used to show that shipping operating in Dublin Port has a small–medium effect on turbidity readings collected by in situ sensors. Turbidity events are largely related to vessel activity in Dublin Port, caused by re-suspension of sediments by vessel propulsion systems. The magnitudes of such events are strongly related to water level and tidal state at vessel arrival times. Crucially, measurements of Escherichia coli and enterococci contamination from discrete samples taken at key periods related to detected turbidity events were up to nine times higher after vessel arrival than prior to disturbance. Daily in situ turbidity patterns revealed time-dependent water quality “hot spots” during a 24-h period. We demonstrate conclusively that if representative environmental assessment of water quality is to be performed at such sites, sampling times, informed by continous monitoring data, should take into account these daily variations. This work outlines the potential of sensor technologies and continuous monitoring, to act as a decision support tool in both environmental and port management.  相似文献   

Compared with sporadic conventional water sampling, continuous water-quality monitoring with optical sensors has improved our understanding of freshwater dynamics. The basic principle in photometric measurements is the incident light at a given wavelength that is either reflected, scattered, or transmitted in the body of water. Here, we discuss the transmittance measurements. The amount of transmittance is inversely proportional to the concentration of the substance measured. However, the transmittance is subject to interference, because it can be affected by factors other than the substance targeted in the water. In this study, interference with the UV/Vis sensor nitrate plus nitrite measurements caused by organic carbon was evaluated. Total or dissolved organic carbon as well as nitrate plus nitrite concentrations were measured in various boreal waters with two UV/Vis sensors (5-mm and 35-mm pathlengths), using conventional laboratory analysis results as references. Organic carbon increased the sensor nitrate plus nitrite results, not only in waters with high organic carbon concentrations, but also at the lower concentrations (< 10 mg C L?1) typical of boreal stream, river, and lake waters. Our results demonstrated that local calibration with multiple linear regression, including both nitrate plus nitrite and dissolved organic carbon, can correct the error caused by organic carbon. However, high-frequency optical sensors continue to be excellent tools for environmental monitoring when they are properly calibrated for the local water matrix.  相似文献   

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