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今年1月份《钢铁产业调整和振兴规划》(以下简称《规划》)出台后,江苏省的钢铁产业振兴规划也在6月浮出水面。作为江苏省最大的钢铁企业,也是全国最大的民营钢铁企业,在国家和省级两个层面的调整过程中,江苏沙钢集团公司(以下简称沙钢)将如何度过危机?如何落实《规划》任务?如何推进企业节能减排?如何建设独具特色的绿色钢城?  相似文献   

本文从实际出发,对泰兴如何发展生态经济,如何实现经济的可持续发展,提出了具体的对策和配套措施。  相似文献   

如何抓好安全管理工作锦西化工总厂厂长方福生在转换企业经营机制,企业实行自主经营,自负盈亏,自我约束和自我发展的新形势下,如何处理好安全与改革、安全与生产、安全与效益的关系,如何强化而不是削弱安全管理工作,是摆在企业法人面前的一个带有普遍意义的值得认真...  相似文献   

满负荷下如何发挥锅炉的最大效能,充分利用燃煤资源;如何改善供热管网输送能力,实现供热系统的优化运行管理;如何消除供热系统中存在的冷热不均失调问题,改善供热质量,确保热用户温暖与舒适,提高热费收缴率;  相似文献   

学校对加强学生的环境意识,培养良好的环境道德负有重要的责任。本提出和回答了生物学作为渗透环境教育的重要学科,如何准确把握教育结台点,如何提高环境教育效果,如何让环境教育在校内产生一定的辐射和影响等同题。  相似文献   

陈桂芳 《环境》2011,(6):13-15
面对食品安全的沦陷,我们该如何拯救它?如何依法保障食品安全的问题,一时间成了热门话题。这时,很多人把目光投向了国外市场。比如当“三聚氰胺”问题奶粉事件曝光时,家长们便“一头倒”——竞相抢购进口奶粉。  相似文献   

对核事故与辐射事故应急响应的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以核事故与辐射事故应急响应为中心,就如何看待放射性,国内外核事故与辐射应急情况,如何开展核事故与辐射事故应急响应工作和如何做好核事故与辐射事故应急响应保障等问题,作了较全面地论述。  相似文献   

本文主要论述近年来由于国民经济的迅速发展,突发性环境污染事故时有发生的事例,分析了环境污染事故的原因、损失等情况。井提出了如何组织应急处理通过机构及如何及时排除污染事故,把损失降到最低限度。  相似文献   

中国近30年快速的城市化进程为经济增长和人民生活水平的提高做出了积极贡献,但同时也带来了诸多挑战,特别是在资源与环境方面。那么,如何在发展城市的同时,节约宝贵的土地资源、能源资源和水资源?如何有效应对城市污染物排放的不断增加?如何保护生态脆弱和生物多样的地区免受城市扩张的侵袭?将这类环境和资源问题概括为一句话,那就是如何避免“不可持续”的城市发展。  相似文献   

发挥比较优势建设生态安徽--访安徽省副省长田唯谦   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
潘骞  方芳 《世界环境》2004,(1):7-10
安徽是我国中西部第一个生态省建设试点省份,作为一个经济欠发达的省份,如何在建设生态省过程中统筹社会、经济和生态三大体系协调发展?如何处理生态省建设和污染治理关系?其近远期目标又是如何?为此,记者采访了安徽省副省长、生态省建设领导小组副组长田唯谦。  相似文献   

环保是全社会的事情,不仅城市要注重环保,村镇也要注重环保.但现今村镇环境令人担忧,绝大部分村镇不注重环保,居民没有环保意识,基本对污水不做任何净化,就直接就近排放到附近的河道或者沟渠,只有极少会做适当净化处理后,但也是直接排到附近的水环境或由地面渗入地下,对河水水质影响极大,使得村镇地区环境质量明显下降,不利于广大群众生存与生活,制约了村镇经济的健康发展.文中综述了村镇污水污染的现状及几种一般处理方法,并进行了比较分析.  相似文献   

A general two-step procedure for aggregating the hundreds of reported volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into a much smaller set of lumped classes appropriate for regional airshed modeling is described. In the first step, the compounds are condensed into a manageable number of emission categories which could be adapted to a variety of molecularly-based lumped chemical mechanisms. In the second step, the emissions are further aggregated into a smaller set of VOC classes which directly correspond to those in a particular model's mechanism. The application of this procedure is illustrated by aggregating the National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program (NAPAP) anthropogenic VOC emissions inventory the U.S. first into the 32-class system, and then into the groups of model species used in the latest version of the Regional Acid Deposition Model (RADM2.0). The importance of different VOC categories and source types on regional pollution production is explored by comparing the contributions of each of the emissions groupings, RADM model species, and major emissions sources, to total moles carbon VOC reacted in model simulations. For this particular anthropogenic inventory and chemical mechanism, it is found that over 50% of the moles carbon reacted is associated with mobile sources. Such analysis can help indicate which uncertainties in anthropogenic emissions inventories may have the greatest impact on results of regional simulations.  相似文献   

白银深加工产品及其产业化过程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贵金属深加工可以分为广义深加工和狭义深加工。白银是最廉价和用量最大的贵金属 ,通过一系列的深加工制成一定的产品后在工业上有极为广泛的用途 ,这些使用领域也正是白银再生资源的分布所在。对白银深加工产品的用途及其产业化过程进行了探讨 ,提出了一套适合中小企业生产的产业化方案  相似文献   

半干式电晕放电烟气脱硫脱硝技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种新的半干式电晕放电烟气脱硫脱硝方法,将含有SO2和NOX的高温烟气引入喷雾干燥塔增湿降温,然后引入电晕放电烟气净化器,施加高电压,并加入氨气,氨与电晕放电协同作用,将SO2和NOX转化为铵盐颗粒,并从烟气中分离出来,收集在极板(管)上,用水冲洗极板上的产物。将产物溶液喷入喷雾干燥塔,雾滴蒸发干燥形成较大的铵盐颗粒,加以回收,同时使烟气增湿降温。  相似文献   

Sustainable development is literally fuelled by the energy sector. In Uganda, the electricity sector has experienced dramatic market liberation in recent years. This reform was centred around the unbundling of the main government utility, Uganda Electricity Board (UEB), a monopoly divided into three companies created to introduce competition into the market. Market reform has also led to the creation of a regulatory body and a rural electrification fund with the aim of subsidising rural electricity investments. Through a multi-sectoral programme financed by the World Bank and the Global Environment Facility (GEF), the Ministry of Energy is developing a Rural Electrification Master Plan to provide a more systematic tool for rural electricity investments. Unlike previous approaches, this plan is demand driven. This paper discusses the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in the planning process for rural electrification. The aim is to identify patterns of demand and priority areas for investment. By creating a demand-side scenario, electricity can then be supplied to targeted areas. A cross-sectoral view is taken to examine the energy demand patterns using physical data and available country statistics, incorporated into a GIS master database. Based on geo-referenced data of population and existing infrastructure, the initial priority demand-side sectors targeted are education and health. An energy benefit point system is then applied to each sector based on local conditions and needs assessments. Their aggregated points then provide an indicator of energy demand distribution for electricity planning at district level. As a result of this preliminary work, specific areas could then be targeted for investment and optimised supply systems could be designed, which include off-grid renewable energy plants such as small-scale hydropower schemes.  相似文献   

氮化物在土层中的迁移与转化的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过摸拟实验,研究了氮化物在土层中的迁移与转化作用。结果表明,土层对NH_4~+有很强的吸附作用,NH_4~+难以通过土层进入地下水中:NO_3~--N基本上不被土层吸附,能顺利通过土层进入地下水,故是地下水氮污染的主要形式。  相似文献   

环境资源保护法适用刑法的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
新刑法增加破坏环境资源保护罪,标志着我国环境资源保护法制建设的日臻完善,但也给环境资源法如何适用刑法带来一些需要思考的问题。从环境资源法适用刑法的形式,新刑法的特点,环境资源法如何与新刑法接轨等几方面进行了初步探讨,并就环境资源法适用新刑法存在的问题提出几点立法建议。   相似文献   

Congenital absence of the portal vein (CAPV) is a rare anomaly in the form of a portocaval shunt, whereby the intestinal and splenic venous drainage bypasses the liver and drains directly into the systemic circulation. We report a case of CAPV diagnosed prenatally after the recognition of a dilated umbilical vein draining directly into a large inferior vena cava (IVC). The IVC then drained into the right atrium of a dilated, hyperdynamic heart. The ductus venosus could not be identified. Repeated postnatal scans showed a gradual disappearance of venous lakes in the region of the porta hepatis and a clear drainage of the splenic vein to the left renal vein and the superior mesenteric vein to the IVC. From birth up to twelve months follow-up there was no evidence of liver dysfunction, encephalopathy or liver lesions. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

生物脱硫机理及其研究进展   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
生物脱硫是80年代发展起来的常规脱硫替代新工艺,通过微生物菌群的作用,可将硫化物转化成单质硫并回收,在生物脱硫过程中,氧化态的含硫污染物必须先经生物还原作用生成硫化物或H2S。然后再经生物氧化过程生成单质硫,才能去除。该文着重介绍了光合细菌和无色硫细菌的脱硫机理及其影响因素,光合细菌脱硫,由于条件苛刻,研究进展不大,仍处于分批试验或实验室小试阶段;无色硫细菌脱硫,近年来很活跃,并取得一些进展,已进  相似文献   

本文根据2011-2020年渤海直排海污染源监测数据,分析了渤海直排海污染源污染物排放特征及变化趋势,总结了2017年以来特别是渤海综合治理攻坚战实施后直排海污染源治理成效,并提出相应的管理对策。研究结果表明:2011-2020年,渤海直排海污染源污水排放量与黄海、东海和南海海区相比一直处于低位,化学需氧量、氨氮、总磷等污染物排放量总体呈先增加后减少的趋势;从2018年渤海综合治理攻坚战实施开始,直排海污染源入海污水总量呈明显上升趋势,但化学需氧量、总磷、总氮等主要污染物总量和浓度比明显下降,直排海污染源达标率呈逐年上升趋势;空间分布上,山东省、辽宁省属于直排海污染源排放量和排放强度高的省份;时间分布上,2018-2020年第四季度化学需氧量、总氮、总磷、氨氮等主要污染物排放量呈明显上升趋势。结合渤海直排海污染源排放特征,建议应健全渤海直排海污染源管控体系,分类推进渤海直排海污染源精准整治,提升渤海直排海污染源监测能力,为深入开展渤海直排海污染源污染治理提供支撑。  相似文献   

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