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北京市城区主要交通干线的噪声测量与分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
通过对北京市城区二环路、三环路和长安街等交通主干道的昼间交通噪声监测分析 ,发现各干道交通负荷重 ,且噪声普遍超标。城市各部分发展的不平衡导致车流量、车型、路况的差异 ,也使得交通噪声在空间上差异明显。当车流量较大时 ,道路两侧交通噪声在时间上基本呈正态分布。  相似文献   

随着天津市机动车保有量的增加,由机动车排放造成的污染绝对量也在增长,燃料的充分利用和加速发展或引进技术含量高、排放低甚至零排放的车型,是改善天津市机动车排放状况减少对环境空气环境污染的重要措施,本文阐述较先进的机动车节能技术现状及使用清洁能源燃料汽车的发展趋势。  相似文献   

天津市创建国家环境保护模范城市的战略思考   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
根据天津市“十五”计划纲要提出的“实施可持续发展战略,建设生态城市”的要求,在大量调查研究的基础上,从天津的实际出发,本着与时俱进的精神,创造性地提出天津市生态城市建设两步走,把创建国家环境保护模范城市作为生态城市建设的基础和初级阶段的战略构想,文章深入地阐述了天津市“创模”的必要性,迫切性和得大意义。根据国家的标准,客观地,实事求是地分析了天津“创模”的基本条件,存在的突出问题,努力方向。提出了天津“创模”的目标任务,措施和建议。  相似文献   

城市街道空气质量与道路绿化型式的关系   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对街区中茂密行道树对空气污染物扩散的利弊进行理论分析的基础上,以CO为自然示踪气体,对西安市几个典型街道中的气态污染物浓度分布做了实测。实测结果指出,道路车流量的大小是行道树树冠的净化功能和对污染物扩散的阻碍作用所占权重的主要影响因素,行道树对污染物扩散的阻碍作用主要受控于树木郁闭度而非绿量,指出城市道路绿化不应盲目追求绿量的提高,并据此提出在街道绿化中应根据车流量的大小采取不同绿化方案的建议。  相似文献   

为开展天津市挥发性有机物(volaitle organic compounds,简称VOCs)普查,修正天津市挥发性有机物排放因子,开展了滨海新区重点行业挥发性有机物调查工作,调查企业的原材料使用量、生产工艺、污染治理设施等情况,根据环保部制定的排放因子对被调查企业挥发性有机物排放量进行估算;分析估算结果,并与污普库估算数据及企业填报监测数据进行比对分析。发现估算结果较为准确,且滨海新区单一企业挥发性有机物排放量最大的为石油化工及储运行业,建议下一步重点开展石油化工及储运行业挥发性有机物治理及泄漏检测与修复技术,加强无组织源排放治理。  相似文献   

根据当前形势,分析天津市环境保护工作面临的机遇和挑战,并确定近期的工作目标和思路。围绕贯彻中共中央十四届六中全会、全国第四次环境保护会议和国务院《决定》的精神和要求,为抓住机遇、整体推进天津环境保护工作,提出当前一个时期的主要任务和基本措施  相似文献   

努力抓好基础工作是实现“九五”环保目标的前提天津市环境保护局局长刘金生环保部门的各项工作和工作手段走向规范化、标准化和现代化,是形势发展的必然要求,也是提高环保工作水平的带根本性的内容。抓好环境保护的各项基础性工作,无论在内容和手段上,都不是过去基础...  相似文献   

通过对天津市和国内外粉煤灰的排放和综合利用的现状及存在问题的调查与分析,以及对粉煤灰综合利用途径的技术经济可行性研究,提出了适合天津市实际的粉煤灰综合利用技术途径.  相似文献   

天津市环境影响评价中心(天津市环境保护技术开发中心)成立于1983年,具有独立法人资格,天津市环境保护局直属事业单位,天津市环境影响评价协会常务理事单位。中心是国内开展环评工作最早的单位之一,主要业务范围包括:建设项目环境影响评价、规划环境影响评价、合理用能评估、竣工环保验收调查、环境治理工程设计及相关领域技术开发和咨...  相似文献   

本文对天津市近10年来在环境保护工作中所取得的成绩进行综述,并分析了成绩取得与政府的重视和会社会的大力合作支持分不开,是与天津市科学的环境管理密切相关。天津环境管理工作的特色是形成了10个环境管理网络,从四个方面加强环境管理,将环境管理与市政府及社会的8个方面的工作相结合。  相似文献   

Noise pollution is a significant environmental problem in many rapidly urbanizing areas of Orissa, India. Transportation sector is one of the major contributors to noise in these areas. The present study is an attempt to estimate traffic noise pollution at five places on the way from Vyasa Vihar Campus to Gyan Vigyan Vihar Campus of Fakir Mohan University, Balasore, Orissa. The sources of noise at the studied sites are predominantly attributable to motor vehicular traffic. The noise levels of all the five locations were found to be beyond permissible limit during the day time. The contributions of different types of vehicles to environmental noise were found to ranging from 70.4-94.2, 79.0-96.1, 77.8-110.2, 70.8-90.3, 71.0-87.5, 71.1-84.4, 72.5-86.9 and 74.0-85.4 dB (A) by cargo carrying Trucks, Tractors, Dumpers, Town Buses, Motor cycles, Bolero/Trucker, Pick up and Tempo respectively. The contributions of individual vehicles towards noise pollution were found to be more than the road traffic noise-limit i.e., 70 dB (A). On certain local inhabitants interviewed, the impact of noise was observed in the forms of alterations in their physical, psychological and personal aspects. This study warrants attention from all sections of people to deal with the problem of noise pollution.  相似文献   

Abstract: Although amphibians have relatively high rates of road mortality in urban areas, the conditions under which traffic threatens the survival of local amphibian populations remain unclear. In the Sandhills region of North Carolina (U.S.A.), we counted living and dead amphibians along two transects (total length 165 km) established on roads in areas with varying degrees of urbanization. We found 2665 individuals of 15 species, and amphibian encounter rates declined sharply as traffic and urban development increased. Regression‐tree models indicated that 35 amphibians/100 km occurred on roads with <535 vehicles/day, whereas the encounter rate decreased to only 2 amphibians/100 km on roads with >2048 vehicles/day. Although mortality rate peaked at higher traffic levels (47% dead on roads with >5200 vehicles/day), the number of dead amphibians was highest at low levels of traffic. This suggests that areas where amphibian mortality is concentrated may actually contain the largest populations remaining on a given road transect.  相似文献   

The climatically-relevant emission of CO2 which results from motor vehicle traffic offers a challenge for the automobile industry to produce highly efficient and economical motor vehicles. Furthermore, the production of fuels from regenerative energies may provide a more significant contribution over the long-term to make our mobility more compatible to the climate and to reduce our dependence on crude oil importation. Substantial reductions in emissions can be achieved through the application of regenerative fuels, especially in combination with more energy-efficient hybrid or fuel-cell vehicles, or through the addition of biogenic components to conventional fuels. Coordinated efforts between the automobile industry, the energy industries and the responsible politicians are mandatory in order to achieve ecologically-tolerable motor vehicle traffic.  相似文献   

汽油无铅化与环境空气中铅污染的变化趋势   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章简要分析了 1 998年天津市环境空气及交通环境空气中铅污染的程度。机动车尾气排放是环境空气及交通环境空气中铅污染的重要来源 ,1 998年机动车推广使用无铅汽油后天津市铅污染状况明显减轻。  相似文献   

Although the permissible emission limits for new motor vehicles are continuously being reduced year after year, the proportion of citizens in the Federal Republic of Germany who are affected by such traffic noise continues to remain practically constant. Thus, aside from the innovations in motor-vehicle technology, the question must be raised concerning what other possibilities are actually available for achieving a reduction in the emission of traffic noises. In the following, planning possibilities are presented for the traffic routes themselves and for their direct vicinities. An evaluation is also made concerning their efficiency. In addition to the prognostic tools of the guidelines which have been introduced in Germany and Austria, the application of modern research must also be taken into consideration.  相似文献   

The use of such threshold values, which are valid today and will be valid in the future, for waste gas emissions from motor vehicles will continuously serve to further limit the amounts of emissions from the motorized traffic in Germany, even though it must be assumed that an ever increasing amount of mileage will be observed. Following the reduction in emissions which have been calculated, and the estimated improvements to be seen in this area, important goals in atmospheric quality should be achieved in the future. Especially the risk of cancer associated with motorvehicle traffic will drop appreciably below the target goals. The most important problem of the air pollution stemming from traffic emissions, however, seems to be the fine dusts. A reduction in the quantity of these substances may possibly be related to the emissions of nitric oxides and also of NMVOCs. The efficient reduction of the climatically-relevant emissions attributed to motor-vehicle traffic is a great challenge to the fields of technology, fuel supply and user behavior patterns. These factors will therefore represent an important part of the long-term environmental discussions.  相似文献   

Animal movement is a pivotal element of many ecological processes, and on ocean-exposed sandy shores, ghost crabs (genus Ocypode) undertake extensive nocturnal forays on the beach surface. Because crab populations are also threatened by vehicle traffic, indicators that can detect sublethal effects before population declines are manifest are important. To this end, we tested on a barrier island in Eastern Australia whether movement patterns of crabs respond predictably to disturbance by vehicles; this was done by tracking (using the spool-and-line technique) crabs at night in beach sections open and closed to traffic. Beach traffic not only halved population densities of crabs on the unvegetated beach seawards of the dunes, but it also fundamentally changed crab behaviour and movement: individuals from beach areas rutted by tyre tracks travelled shorter distances in a more erratic zigzag pattern, and they had significantly compressed home ranges. Such behavioural changes linked to human pressures could be well suited as an early warning signal for wider negative ecological impacts (as demonstrated by reduced abundances). They also emphasize the need to incorporate sublethal effects into the assessment and management of ecological changes resulting from beach recreation.  相似文献   

The paper addresses the problem of the parameterisation of traffic induced turbulent motion in urban dispersion models. Results from a variety of full-scale and wind-tunnel studies are analysed and interpreted within a modelling framework based on scaling considerations. The combined effects of traffic and wind induced dispersive motions are quantified for different traffic situations (variable traffic densities, vehicle velocities and vehicle types) and incorporated into the developed parameterisations. A new dispersive velocity scale is formulated and recommendations regarding its application in urban dispersion models are given. The necessity of accounting for traffic induced air motions in predictions of street-canyon pollution levels is demonstrated. Further research is needed to verify the empirical constants in the proposed parameterisations and to generalize the developed approach for a broader range of urban building configurations, meteorological conditions, and traffic situations.  相似文献   

We assess the performance of alternative rebate designs for plug-in electric vehicles. Based on an innovative vehicle choice model, we simulate the performance of rebate designs that vary in terms of vehicle technologies, consumer income eligibility, and caps on the price of vehicles eligible for subsidies. We compare these alternatives in terms of 1) the number of additional plug-in electric vehicles purchased, 2) cost-effectiveness per additional vehicle purchase induced, 3) total program cost, and 4) the distribution of rebate funding across consumer income classes. Using the status quo rebate policy in California as a reference case, we identify two alternative types of designs that are superior along all four performance criteria.  相似文献   

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