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针对液体推进剂贮运过程中的泄漏问题进行了研究,运用故障树分析了推进剂泄漏风险,采用三角模糊数算法定量分析了推进剂泄漏的故障率,并提出采用模糊重要度分析的方法--中值法确定了最容易发生泄漏的环节,从而为快速排除泄漏故障提供了技术依据.  相似文献   

液体推进剂公路运输泄漏风险的模糊综合评价   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
针对液体推进剂在公路运输中泄漏事故发生的多样性、复杂性和不确定性等特点,建立公路运输偏二甲肼(UDMH)的泄漏事故模型.通过层次分析法确定各影响因素的权重,运用模糊综合评价思想对液体推进剂在公路运输中的泄漏风险进行了评价.结果表明,液体推进剂在公路运输中的泄漏风险为第2等级,风险较大;其影响因素中安全管理所占的权重最大,其次为运输设备状况、人员素质、运输中充装过量和路况,相关单位可依此排序制定预防措施.  相似文献   

本文通过建立氧化剂四氧化二氮(N2O4)贮存安全评价指标体系,采用层次分析法确定各影响因素的权重分配,运用模糊综合评价方法对液体推进剂贮存中的泄漏风险进行了评价,最终得到液体推进剂贮存泄漏风险的模糊评价结果.结果表明,液体推进剂在贮存中的泄漏风险为第二等级,即风险较大. 其影响因素中安全管理所占的权重最大,其次为贮存环境因素、人为因素、贮存设备因素和偶然因素.各因素评价指标的权重反映出它们的相对重要性,相关单位可依此制定安全措施.  相似文献   

为了实现对有毒推进剂泄漏扩散浓度的快速估算,对液体推进剂偏二甲肼在发射场泄漏蒸发扩散的实际情况进行理论分析,建立扩散模型,并从泄漏源、沉积效应、地面反射、大气稳定度等方面对扩散模型进行完善;应用数值模拟方法进行仿真,将数值模拟结果与实验数据、理论计算结果进行对比分析。研究结果表明:气体扩散模型与数值模拟及实验结果基本一致,但扩散模型计算结果偏小,这是由于推进剂进行了燃烧和氧化反应,扩散区域温度上升,大气稳定度降低,实际浓度更大。  相似文献   

液氨装卸站泄漏事故分析及后果模拟   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
通过搜集大最液氨泄漏事故,统计分析了液氨泄漏事故的种类和原因,并针对发生事故频率高危害大的液氯装卸站,分析了造成液氰装卸软管泄漏的各种原因;采用挪威船级社(DNV)的PHAST软件分析了装卸软管泄漏和破裂时液氨泄漏的危害范围,提出了控制和预防该类事故的安全措施.  相似文献   

固体推进剂的组分中既有氧化剂又有燃烧剂,在没有外界氧气的情况下,也能发生燃烧爆炸事故。针对固体推进剂在压延生产中产生燃烧的主要原因,研究了水分和温度对固体推进剂热点形成的影响,提出了防火安全技术措施。针对部分火炸药企业的消防设施不能有效扑灭固体推进剂火灾和阻止燃爆事故的情况,通过对固体推进剂燃烧灭火机理的分析,采用选择不同的喷水压力、喷头孔径、喷头与火焰区的距离、预先燃烧时间等因素,对固体推进剂进行燃烧灭火效果的实验研究,提出了固体推进剂火灾的高速喷水灭火技术的思路和措施。  相似文献   

氯气泄漏扩散半径估算与应急处置   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
氯气泄漏是常见的化学事故之一.通过对氯气的理化性质、危险特性和泄漏原因分析,估算氯气泄漏的扩散半径,同时以扩散半径作参考,提出氯气泄漏的应急处置措施,为氯气泄漏事故应急处理提供技术支持.  相似文献   

着重分析了造成攀钢工业煤气管道泄漏的原因,在此基础上提出了预防煤气泄漏的方法,并介绍了发生煤气泄漏后的处理措施.  相似文献   

韩雪峰  邢春燕 《安全》2007,28(5):9-11
室内消火栓在消防灭火中起着重要作用,但由于诸多原因消火栓经常发生泄漏,影响其正常使用.本文对室内消火栓的密封机理及其失效原因进行了全面分析,提出了有针对性的三角沟槽泄漏模型并进行了简化,最后从结构和使用上提出了改进方法.  相似文献   

段卫东  汪建平  史立军  荆亚州  张淇 《安全》2021,42(11):51-56
为使户内燃气泄漏爆燃事故调查结果更加科学合理,本文从燃气泄漏原因分析、点火源确定、爆燃气体种类认定、爆炸当量及伤害分析等几个方面构建户内燃气泄漏爆燃事故调查技术体系,并进行实证分析.研究表明:此事故调查技术体系可为户内燃气泄漏爆燃事故调查提供科学手段和技术支持.  相似文献   

矿山斜井轨道运输跑车事故风险分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本应用风险分析方法中的事故树分析法,对矿山斜井轨道运输跑车事故发生的原因进行分析,并在此基础上进行风险评价。根据现实的各种约束,提出了可行的消除危险或减小风险的安全建议和措施。在机械设备运行阶段能够最大限度地保护操作,使设备系统达到可接受的最高安全水平。  相似文献   

近年来我国发生的一些危险化学品环境污染重特大事故,其产生的原因主要是危险化学品在生产、运输、储存和使用中突发事故使危险化学品进入环境,从而造成污染.降低危险化学品突发事故环境污染的危害,一方面需要做好防灾工作,科学合理地规划与布局,加强安全生产监管,做好事故预案,科学处置突发事故;另一方面要积极采取有效减灾措施,对陆地、水环境中的危险化学品进行控制和处理,对大气中的危险化学品及燃烧爆炸的产物进行净化,对救援中产生的污水进行无毒化处理.  相似文献   

突发性水污染事故危害大,破坏生态环境,危害人类健康,要求应急监测工作快速、及时、准确。针对非正常大量排水造成的水污染事故,介绍进行监测布点的原则和定位污染发生源的方法。并且说明污染物的空间和时间变化特征、迁移和变化趋势以及污染源排放总量的计算。最后讨论了应急监测结束后的注意事项。  相似文献   

随着我国聚烯烃粉体生产的迅猛发展,粉体生产过程中的静电爆炸事故也相应增多。该文介绍了国外粉尘静电爆炸研究的进展和国内粉尘静电爆炸事故的主要现象。近期国外的研究特点主要是逐渐采用工业规模的实验装置取代实验室的基础研究,着重开展了料仓放电的危险研究和与放电燃爆有关的基础研究,包括安全评价和工业控制条件的推荐研究。国内粉尘静电爆炸事故主要存在的现象有设计缺欠或不合理,装置扩能改造时忽视了脱挥或通风的配套改造,处理不合格料或过渡时应急处理不当,操作失误或不规范,破坏料仓通风控制,料位计选型不当,增加高能放电引燃几率。针对分析出的问题和现象,文章提出了查清运行装置的具体事故隐患,进行防止聚烯烃料仓粉尘静电爆炸的可接受研究和可操作性研究,开展粉尘静电爆炸的危险教育,提高员工的安全意识和应急处理能力等应对策略。  相似文献   

从安全生产的角度出发,介绍了焦化厂的生产工序及设备概况;从固体、液体、粉体、气体和人体等五个方面讨论了静电的产生机理以及静电的危害性质;重点探讨了防范静电危害的技术措施,其中分析了静电火灾和爆炸事故发生的条件,并提出了静电危害的防护对策,主要包括:工艺控制法、泄漏法、接地法、中和电荷法、封闭消尖法、防人体静电法。  相似文献   

This paper examines various control locations in heavy mining vehicles. Three trucks have been tested on a skid pad in both clockwise and anticlockwise directions. The skid lengths were measured after each trial. The primary focus of the study was the positioning of various controls and their relevance to various skid lengths. Some additional measures such as NASA-TLX scales were also used to make subjective evaluations. The results are presented in this paper. The findings clearly indicate the relevance of control locations to actual skid lengths. The poorly located controls resulted in greater skid lengths. This is an important finding as skid lengths are related to greater reaction times in a skidding situation and hence greater risk of accidents on relevant trucks. Such accidents can incur large repair bills for damaged equipment whereas more importantly, jeopardizing the life and safety of heavy mining vehicle drivers.  相似文献   

The scope of this study covers events resulting from improper functioning of machine control systems. An accident model providing a basis for formulating a checklist for accident analysis has been developed. Data about 700 accidents were collected. An analysis has proved that in the group of accidents caused by improper functioning of machine control systems, serious accidents happened much more frequently as compared to the group of accidents with no relation to the control system. The reasons for the majority of incidents caused by improper performance of safety functions consist in the errors made by designers. In view of that, incorrect behaviour of a worker should be treated as a normal event instead of a deviation causing an accident.  相似文献   

The scope of this study covers events resulting from improper functioning of machine control systems. An accident model providing a basis for formulating a checklist for accident analysis has been developed. Data about 700 accidents were collected. An analysis has proved that in the group of accidents caused by improper functioning of machine control systems, serious accidents happened much more frequently as compared to the group of accidents with no relation to the control system. The reasons for the majority of incidents caused by improper performance of safety functions consist in the errors made by designers. In view of that, incorrect behaviour of a worker should be treated as a normal event instead of a deviation causing an accident.  相似文献   

为深入分析船舶火灾事故风险因素及其后果产生的影响,通过分析1991-2017年全球船舶火灾事故调查报告,从人员、管理、船舶设备、货物、环境5个方面对船舶火灾影响因素进行识别研究;采用三脚架事故致因模型(Tripod-Beta model),构建考虑安全栅的船舶火灾事故情景演化模型,识别船舶火灾关键影响因素;并在样本量较少的情况下,采用信息扩散理论计算船舶火灾发生率;最后,利用布尔函数和风险矩阵,对船舶火灾事故风险进行评价研究。结果表明:船员不安全行为和船舶设备表面过热、设备短路是船舶火灾事故的关键风险因素;事故后果链中安全栅遭到破坏时,船舶火灾风险处于不希望发生范围内。该方法能有效评估船舶火灾风险的等级,满足海事管理部门的监管工作需求。  相似文献   

Accidents involving contractors continue to occur with regular frequency. By using the standard set within the PSM 29 CFR 1910.119(h) regulations, it has been identified that certain aspects of the way contractors do work are not up to the stipulated regulatory requirements especially regarding matters like not providing mandatory personal protective equipment (PPE) to the workers, not discussing hazards related to handling procedures with the workforce and improper control of non-routine activities during changes in shifts. The PSM 29 CFR 1910.119(h) regulations promulgated in 1992 provides standards that covered processes to obtain and evaluate data regarding contractors' health and safety programs as well as the contractors' performance evaluation. Many of the accidents involving contractors are direct result of poor training of contractors and/or poor control of the contracted work. Even though most organizations have their own contractor management systems, there are issues in meeting the requirements of PSM. The PSM standard only state “what to do” not “how to do it”. This is known as self-regulatory policy which depends on the industries understanding to interpret the standard that also contribute to this problem. This paper presents a structured and easy technique to plan and implement a practical and comprehensive contractors' management system in process industries that will comply with OSHA CFR 1910.119. A model has been developed based on this technique and its application has been tested in a pilot plant for compliance to PSM regulation. The model is beneficial to the process industries as any deficiencies in the PSM contractors' management program will be highlighted by the model which will then easily correct the identified deficiency so as to minimize and prevent catastrophic accidents.  相似文献   

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