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Infanticide by males is common in mammalian species such as primates in which lactation lasts much longer than gestation. It frequently occurs in one-male groups following male takeovers and is likely a male reproductive strategy. Reported female countertactics include abrupt weaning of infants, dispersal, or paternity confusion. Here, we estimated costs of female countertactics in terms of weaning ages and interbirth intervals. We observed a population of white-headed leaf monkeys (Trachypithecus leucocephalus) in Nongguan Nature Reserve, China (1995–2006) mainly composed of one-male groups. Takeovers (N = 11) coincided with the peak conception period. Detailed data are presented for five takeovers (34 females, 29 infants, and 47 group-years) leading to six infant disappearances (42.9% of infant mortality). All presumed infanticides were in accordance with the sexual selection hypothesis. Following a takeover, females without infants or with old infants stayed with the new males, incurring no or low costs (via abrupt weaning). Females with young infants dispersing with the old males also experienced low costs. High costs (due to infant loss) were incurred by pregnant females and those with young infants who stayed with the new males indicating that paternity was not confused. Costs in terms of long interbirth intervals were also high for females leaving with the old males to later join the new males, despite infant survival. Female countertactics reflected female philopatry mediated by infant age. Presumably due to the seasonal timing of takeovers, most countertactics seemed successful given that 32.3% of females apparently incurred no costs and 41.2% incurred only low costs.  相似文献   

While male parental care is uncommon in mammals, siamang (Symphalangus syndactylus) males provide care for infants in the form of infant carrying. I collected behavioral data from a cohort of five wild siamang infants from early infancy until age 15–24 months to identify factors affecting male care and to assess the consequences of male care for males, females, and infants in a population including socially monogamous groups and polyandrous groups. There was substantial variation in male caring behavior. All males in polyandrous groups provided care for infants, but males in socially monogamous groups provided substantially more care than males in polyandrous groups, even when the combined effort of all males in a group was considered. These results suggest that polyandry in siamangs is unlikely to be promoted by the need for “helpers.” Infants receiving more care from males did not receive more care overall because females compensated for increases in male care by reducing their own caring effort. There was no significant relationship between indicators of male–female social bond strength and male time spent carrying infants, and the onset of male care was not associated with a change in copulation rates. Females providing more care for infants had significantly longer interbirth intervals. Male care may reduce the energetic costs of reproduction for females, permitting higher female reproductive rates.  相似文献   

Male fiddler crabs, Uca paradussumieri, mate underground during a 4- to 7-day period each full and new moon. As soon as the tide recedes, males enter the burrows of females that will ovulate the following day ('pre-ovigerous' females). Males copulate with and guard these females until they ovulate. When interrupted by an intruding male, the first male to reach the female is usually able to defend her and successfully mate with her. In fiddler crabs, females mate multiply and there is last male sperm precedence. Before each semi-lunar mating period, male U. paradussumieri were more likely to court females with whom they would later mate than other nearby females with whom they did not mate. This suggests that males collect information on female reproductive state prior to the females becoming ovigerous. In this species, aggression was common between males that courted the same female. When previously courted females were approached by other males, the initial courter attempted to forcefully disrupt the courtship. This behavior may allow males the exclusive use of information on female reproductive condition. It also suggests a type of scramble competition between males over females. Furthermore, it indicates that males are able to locate receptive females prior to their becoming ovigerous. The shorter guarding period observed in this species, as compared with other fiddler crabs, is caused by females rejecting longer guarding periods. Male ability to assess female reproductive status may therefore be advantageous because it increases male mating success within a scramble type of competitive polygyny.  相似文献   

Over the past few decades, socioecological models have been developed to explain the relationships between the ecological conditions, social systems, and reproductive success of primates. Feeding competition, predation pressures, and risk of infanticide are predicted to influence how female reproductive success (FRS) depends upon their dominance rank, group size, and mate choices. This paper examines how those factors affected the reproductive success of female mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei) of the Virunga Volcanoes, Rwanda from 1967–2004. Reproductive success was measured through analyses of interbirth intervals, infant survival, and surviving infant birth rates using data from 214 infants born to 67 females. Mountain gorillas were predicted to have “within-group scramble” feeding competition, but we found no evidence of lower FRS in larger groups, even as those groups became two to five times larger than the population average. The gorillas are considered to have negligible “within-group contest” competition, yet higher ranked mothers had shorter interbirth intervals. Infant survival was higher in multimale groups, which was expected because infanticide occurs when the male dies in a one-male group. The combination of those results led to higher surviving birth rates for higher ranking females in multimale groups. Overall, however, the socioecological factors accounted for a relatively small portion of the variance in FRS, as expected for a species that feeds on abundant, evenly distributed foliage.  相似文献   

Summary The possibility that male offspring are more costly to produce than female offspring was investigated in captive Macaca mulatta. Differential maternal investment into 187 infants was evaluated by comparing birth weight, infant growth rate, month of birth, and interbirth interval of males and females. There were no statistically significant differences between male and female infants for any of these variables.  相似文献   

Although studies classify the polygynous mating system of a given species into female defense polygyny (FDP) or resource defense polygyny (RDP), the boundary between these two categories is often slight. Males of some species may even shift between these two types of polygyny in response to temporal variation in social and environmental conditions. Here, we examine the mating system of the Neotropical harvestman Acutisoma proximum and, in order to assess if mate acquisition in males corresponds to FDP or RDP, we tested four contrasting predictions derived from the mating system theory. At the beginning of the reproductive season, males fight with other males for the possession of territories on the vegetation where females will later oviposit, as expected in RDP. Females present a marked preference for specific host plant species, and males establish their territories in areas where these host plants are specially abundant, which is also expected in RDP. Later in the reproductive season, males reduce their patrolling activity and focus on defending individual females that are ovipositing inside their territories, as what occurs in FDP. This is the first described case of an arachnid that exhibits a shift in mating system over the reproductive season, revealing that we should be cautious when defining the mating system of a species based on few observations concentrated in a brief period. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Although female animals tend to be choosier than males in selecting mates, sexual selection theory predicts that males should also be choosy when female fecundity varies. Reproductive success among female spotted hyenas varies greatly with social rank. Our goals were therefore to determine whether male hyenas preferentially associate with high-ranking females, and whether male preferences are affected by female reproductive state. Interactions between adult males and females were observed intensively, and association indices calculated for all male-female pairs, over a 7-year period in one population of free-living hyenas. Males initiated most affiliative interactions with females, and males associated most closely with females that were likeliest to be fertile. High- and middle-ranking males associated most closely with high-ranking females, but low-ranking males associated equally closely with females in all rank categories. We used molecular markers to determine the paternity of cubs born during the study period, and found that sires associated more closely with the mothers of those cubs than did non-sires, particularly during the last months before conception. These association data indicate that male spotted hyenas do indeed exhibit selective mate choice, and that they prefer females likeliest to maximize male reproductive success.  相似文献   

According to sexual selection theory, females should selectively mate with high-quality males to enhance offspring survival and maximize reproductive success. Yet, chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) females are known to mate promiscuously. Although there is substantial rationale for a promiscuous mating strategy, there is also a strong expectation that females should be selective, and the question arises as to whether promiscuity precludes female choice. The aims of this study are to: (1) compare wild female chimpanzee sexual strategies throughout estrus, and (2) determine whether females exhibit mate preferences for particular males. Over 2,600 h of data were collected on two habituated chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes verus) communities in the Taï National Park, Côte dIvoire. Female mate preferences were measured by quantifying proceptivity and receptivity toward males. Results indicate that all females exhibited proceptivity and resistance to male solicitations, but that there was substantial variation in their magnitudes within and among females. Female proceptivity rates were lower and resistance rates were higher in the periovulatory period (POP) when conception is most likely. Females were more selective during POP, and more promiscuous outside of POP, suggesting that females may follow a mixed reproductive strategy, being selective when conception is likely and more promiscuous when conception is unlikely. Results from this study emphasize the importance of considering the fertility window when determining female mate preferences, and of examining female behavior in POP and non-POP phases separately when evaluating hypotheses for multi-male mating.Communicated by C. Nunn  相似文献   

In the European starling, Sturnus vulgaris, optimal mating systems differ between males and females. Males gain from polygyny, whereas monogamy increases female fitness. The cost of polygyny to females lead to intense female–female competition, and it has previously been shown that the intensity of female aggression during the pre-breeding period can predict the realised mating system. The physiological regulation of such female aggression in starlings is not yet known. This study examines the role of testosterone in mediating aggressive behaviours involved in intra-specific reproductive competition in female starlings. Testosterone levels were experimentally elevated with testosterone implants in females during the pre-laying period. To simulate a situation in which an additional female tried to mate with the focal female’s mate, a caged female was presented close to a nest-site to which the male could attract a secondary female. Testosterone was significantly related to several behaviours involved in female–female interactions. Females with testosterone implants spent significantly more time close to the caged female and produced more song bouts than control females. In contrast, male behaviour was unrelated to the experimental status of the mate. Females mated to males that attracted a secondary female were less aggressive towards the caged female than those that remained monogamously mated. The effect of exogenous testosterone in this study indicates that androgens may mediate social behaviours in female starlings during the breeding season.  相似文献   

Close associations between adult males and lactating females and their dependent infants are not commonly described in non-monogamous mammals. However, such associations [sometimes called “friendships” (Smuts 1985)] are regularly observed in several primate species in which females mate with multiple males during the fertile period. The absence of mating exclusivity among “friends” suggests that males should invest little in infant care, raising questions about the adaptive significance of friendship bonds. Using data from genetic paternity analyses, patterns of behavior, and long-term demographic and reproductive records, we evaluated the extent to which friendships in four multi-male, multi-female yellow baboon (Papio cynocephalus) groups in Amboseli, Kenya represent joint parental care of offspring or male mating effort. We found evidence that mothers and infants benefited directly from friendships; friendships provided mother–infant dyads protection from harassment from other adult and immature females. In addition, nearly half of all male friends were the genetic fathers of offspring and had been observed mating with mothers during the days of most likely conception for those offspring. In contrast, nearly all friends who were not fathers were also not observed to consort with the mother during the days of most likely conception, suggesting that friendships between mothers and non-fathers did not result from paternity confusion. Finally, we found no evidence that prior friendship increased a male’s chances of mating with a female in future reproductive cycles. Our results suggest that, for many male–female pairs at Amboseli, friendships represented a form of biparental care of offspring. Males in the remaining friendship dyads may be trading protection of infants in exchange for some resources or services not yet identified. Our study is the first to find evidence that female primates gain social benefits from their early associations with adult males. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Summary Acanthemblemaria crockeri exhibits a resource defense polygyny mating system with male parental care. Females preferred to mate with the larger of two males in laboratory experiments, and male size was positively correlated with the number of eggs defended by males at two sites in the Gulf of California, Baja California, Mexico. Females appeared to avoid mating with males defending heavily-fouled shelters. The role of other factors including the intensity of male courtship coloration and displays in determining male reproductive success was studied in Bahia San Carlos, Sonora, Mexico by providing glass vials as shelters. This provided a non-destructive technique for counting of eggs defended by males and allowed repeated assessment of the reproductive success of individual males. Males varied greatly in their duration of residency of shelters and in their color score and intensity of courtship displays. The number of eggs received by males was positively correlated with their duration of residency in shelters, and females appeared to avoid mating with new residents. Mated males deserted shelters less frequently and were more likely to receive future matings than were unmated males. The mean color score of males was unrelated to their reproductive success, while the intensity of male courtship displays was negatively correlated with the number of eggs received. This may have resulted because female mate choice is based on multiple criteria, including some that more accurately reflect the quality of parental care afforded by males.  相似文献   

The polygyny threshold model suggests that females make an optimal choice between mated and unmated males. However; in birds in which males provide parental care, the fitness of secondary females is often lower than expected from this model. This has been explained by the deception hypothesis, which states that males hide their mating status and deceive females into polygyny. Yet there is no direct evidence that secondary females are unaware of male mating status when they settle. Alternatively, females settle with mated males as a result of mate competition and costs of searching. We used videofilming at nestboxes defended by males to study mate sampling of female pied flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca. The females visited on average only 2.74 males (range 1–8, n = 43). Most (16 of 19) of the polygynous matings occurred because females had only visited mated males, or the unmated males visited became occupied by competitors during the sampling period. Among females that could choose between both mated and unmated males, the majority (13 of 16) settled with unmated males. These results lend little support to the deception hypothesis but are consistent with the view that females are able to detect male mating status but sometimes settle with mated males because of cost of searching. Prospecting females seemed willing and able to suffer the cost of fighting with aggressive primary females in the males' secondary territory if no alternative mating options were available. In addition to male mating status, females took male quality (plumage colour, age) into account in mate choice but the former appeared to be the more important. Correspondence to: T. Slagsvold  相似文献   

In lekking species, females may become sperm-limited when mating with sexually successful males, and this may be exacerbated by a poor male diet. Polygynous males may also be limited by the amount of accessory gland products (AGPs) they can transmit to females, which in turn may influence the females’ refractory period and longevity. Here, we tested the effect of male mating history, larval and adult diet on copula duration, mating intervals, female fecundity, fertilisation success, life span and likelihood to remate using sexually successful males of the lekking tephritid fly Anastrepha obliqua. Flies originated from either a native or exotic host fruit and were protein-fed or deprived. Male diet and larval host influenced copula duration, while the time elapsed between matings was affected by the interaction of mating order and male adult diet. Female fecundity was not influenced by female position in mating order or protein inclusion into the male diet. However, mating order and male larval diet influenced female fertilisation success. Importantly, as males mated successively they were less able to induce a refractory period on females, as the last females to mate with a male were more likely to remate and had slightly longer life spans than the first females to mate with males. These results might be attributed to a decrease in male AGPs with increasing male mating frequency. We discuss the role of conditional expression of male mating frequency with respect to A. obliqua’s life history, the trade-off that females face when mating with a successful male, the effect of larval diet on adult sexual performance and the possibility for sexual conflict to occur due to high male mating rates and fitness costs to females.  相似文献   

Traditional concepts of sexual selection and sexual conflict make different predictions about the costs and benefits to females of exposure to males with higher mating success. The traditional concepts of sexual selection assume that females benefit from their mate choices, whereas sexual conflict assumes that the females suffer greater costs by mating with males who have greater mating success and thus reduce their fitness. In order to understand how mate choice evolves, it is necessary to estimate the overall effect of mate choice on female fitness. However, relatively few studies have conducted that investigation. In this study, we investigated the direct and indirect effects of mating with attractive males on the fitness of females in the cigarette beetle Lasioderma serricorne. Mating with attractive males increased the number of female offspring but did not affect female longevity. Additionally, we found evidence that attractive males sire highly attractive sons. Thus, mating with an attractive male provides direct and indirect benefits but no fitness cost to female L. serricorne.  相似文献   

Variance in male reproductive success is expected to be high in sexually dimorphic mammals, even when it is modulated by the costs and benefits of group living. Here, we investigate the variance in reproductive success of male western gorillas (Gorilla gorilla), a highly dimorphic primate with long-term male–female associations, using 12.5 years of data collected at Mbeli Bai in northern Congo. Access to mates and offspring survival were both major sources of variance in male reproductive success. Males with larger harems had lower offspring mortality with no apparent reduction in female fertility or observed tenure length, so the size of harems did not seem to be limited by female feeding competition or by the risk of takeovers and infanticide by outsider males. The lower mortality in larger harems may reflect improved vigilance against predators, and females may cluster around males that enhance offspring survival. Thus, this study illustrates how a detailed analysis of the components of male reproductive success can shed light on the interrelated social and ecological aspects that affect it.  相似文献   

In sexually promiscuous mammals, female reproductive effort is mainly expressed through gestation, lactation, and maternal care, whereas male reproductive effort is mainly manifested as mating effort. In this study, we investigated whether reproduction has significant survival costs for a seasonally breeding, sexually promiscuous species, the rhesus macaque, and whether these costs occur at different times of the year for females and males, namely in the birth and the mating season, respectively. The study was conducted with the rhesus macaque population on Cayo Santiago, Puerto Rico. Data on 7,402 births and 922 deaths over a 45-year period were analyzed. Births were concentrated between November and April, while conceptions occurred between May and October. As predicted, female mortality probability peaked in the birth season whereas male mortality probability peaked in the mating season. Furthermore, as the onset of the birth season gradually shifted over the years in relation to climatic changes, there was a concomitant shift in the seasonal peaks of male and female mortality. Taken together, our findings provide the first evidence of sex differences in the survival costs of reproduction in nonhuman primates and suggest that reproduction has significant fitness costs even in environments with abundant food and absence of predation.  相似文献   

We studied mate attraction by females of the praying mantid, Tenodera aridifolia sinensis, testing honest signaling of mate availability versus deceptive signaling to attract males for sexual cannibalism. We experimentally varied female diet and mating history and measured the rate of attraction of a wild population of males to caged females. Honest signaling theory predicts that virgin females will attract males at the greatest rate whereas deceptive signaling predicts that hungry females (which are more likely to cannibalize males) will attract more males, particularly among non-virgin females. Our results show that hungry females did not attract more males than well-fed females. Indeed, the opposite was true: hungry females attracted significantly fewer males. Moreover, hungry females were no more likely than well-fed females to attract males subsequent to mating, and mated females attracted males at a lower rate than did virgin females. We also observed female T. aridifolia sinensis and male Mantis religiosa arriving at the caged females and we discuss the significance of these observations. The results refute the hypothesis of deceptive signaling and show that mate attraction signals of female T. aridifolia sinensis are honest indicators of female mate availability and a lower risk of sexual cannibalism.  相似文献   

Summary To determine the effects of male mating status on female fitness, we compared the reproductive success, survival, and future fecundity of female Savannah sparrows (Passerculus sandwichensis) mated to monogamous vs. polygynous males in a 5-year study on Kent Island, New Brunswick, Canada. The proportion of males with more than one mate varied from 15 to 43% between years and sites. Polygynous and monogamous males fledged young of equal size in every year of the study. Females who shared paternal care with other females laid as many eggs per clutch and clutches per season as monogamously mated females. In most years polygynously mated females showed no delay in laying a second clutch, and they suffered no reduction in fecundity the following year. Recruitment of a female's offspring into the breeding population was generally independent of her mating status. Fitness costs of being mated to a polygynous male were only apparent in one year of the study, during which females mated to polygynous males had higher over-winter mortality than those mated to monogamous males. That same year, young raised by polygynous males were only one-third as likely to survive to reproductive maturity (as inferred by returns) as those raised by monogamous males. A male's mating status had no effect on his own survivorship. A male's mating status did not necessarily reflect his contributions to raising nestlings, which may partially explain why monogamously and polygynously mated females had equal fitness. At 35 nests the proportion of food deliveries brought by individual males varied from 0 to 75%; on average, males brought fewer than 30% of all food deliveries. Yet parental care by polygynous males was no less than that of monogamous males, at least at the nests of their primary females. Secondary females tended to receive less male assistance during the nestling stage, but their reproductive success was indistinguishable from that of primary females. Females feeding young without male assistance made as many food deliveries/h as did pairs in which males brought at least 30% of all food deliveries. Unassisted females did not suffer diminished fledging success or produce smaller fledglings. The benefits of polygyny for male Savannah sparrows are clear: polygynous males recruit more surviving offspring into the breeding population than monogamous males. The fitness of females, on the other hand, appears to be unaffected by whether their mate was monogamous or polygynous except in occasional years. Polygyny may be maintained in this population by the constraints of a female-biased sex ratio, the inability of females to predict a male's paternal care based on his morphology or behavior, the poor correlation between a male's mating status and his assistance at the nest, and inconsistent natural selection against mating with a polygynous male. Correspondence to: N.T. Wheelwright  相似文献   

Costs of searching for a mate are an important component of models of sexual selection, yet they have rarely been examined in wild populations of vertebrates. In this paper, we report an experiment in which we handicapped female tree swallows by clipping some flight feathers. This manipulation increased the costs of flight and searching for extra-pair mates. Despite these costs, handicapped females had the same level of extra-pair mating (percentage of extra-pair young, percentage of broods with extra-pair young, and the number of extra-pair sires per brood) as control females. However, handicapped females were more likely to have young sired by extra-pair males that lived closer to her nest than control females. This change in the distribution of extra-pair mating was most likely due to female choice rather than male coercion, and it suggests that extra-pair mating has significant benefits to females. One important implication of our study is that ecological and social factors that influence search costs could affect the spatial distribution of extra-pair sires and, consequently, the intensity of sexual selection. These effects may have been overlooked in previous studies that did not identify extra-pair sires.  相似文献   

Sexual selection theory predicts different optima for multiple mating in males and females. We used mating experiments and genetic paternity testing to disentangle pre- and postcopulatory mechanisms of sexual selection and alternate reproductive tactics in the highly promiscuous lizard Eulamprus heatwolei. Both sexes mated multiply: 30–60 % of clutches were sired by two to four fathers, depending on the experiment. Larger males sired more offspring when we allowed male contest competition: 52 % of large males but only 14 % of small males sired at least one offspring. In the absence of male contest competition, females mated promiscuously and there was no large male advantage: 80 % of large males and 90 % of small males sired at least one offspring, and there was no evidence for last-male precedence. Multiple mating did not yield obvious direct or indirect benefits to females. E. heatwolei represents a complex system in which males attempt to improve their fertility success by limiting rivals from access to females and through adopting alternate reproductive tactics. Conversely, females exhibit no obvious precopulatory mate choice but may influence fitness through postcopulatory means by either promoting sperm competition or through cryptic female choice. Our results support the hypothesis that female multiple mating in nonavian reptiles is best explained by the combined effect of mate encounter frequency and high benefits to males but low costs to females.  相似文献   

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