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依据相关设计规范,轨道交通全封闭声屏障应设置不少于水平投影响面积5%的自然排烟通道,这将直接导致全封闭声屏障顶部严重漏声。为减少全封闭声屏障顶部漏声,提出并设计了全封闭声屏障顶部开口处百叶吸声体。采用SoundPLAN噪声预测软件,模拟全封闭声屏障顶部开口位置安装百叶吸声体前后对周边敏感建筑的噪声影响。在全封闭声屏障顶部开口位置处安装百叶吸声体后,敏感点的噪声值比安装前明显降低;不同厚度和不同材质的百叶吸声体对全封闭声屏障整体降噪效果均有影响。结果表明,在全封闭声屏障顶部开口位置安装百叶吸声体可以提高声屏障降噪效果。  相似文献   

近年来我国输变电技术快速发展,高压输电线路深入城区,引起噪声投诉问题增多。为有效控制户外变电站的噪声影响,提出了一种声屏障模块化降噪设计方法,该方法通过查询降噪材料数据库,进行隔声材料优选;通过建立声屏障仿真模型,结合工程应用经验,获得了不同高度、不同安装位置的声屏障降噪效果。采用该方法,完成了某500k V户外变电站的声屏障设计与应用,经站界和敏感建筑物内噪声检测,声屏障安装后噪声排放满足《工业企业厂界环境噪声排放标准》(GB 12348—2008)中Ⅱ类声环境功能区的要求。  相似文献   

文章以某轨道交通工程为例,采用RAYNOISE软件对直立式、半封闭和全封闭声屏障区段,分别计算了4种工况噪声分布,着重分析了U型梁设置吸声材料对噪声分布的影响,其中全封闭声屏障的降噪量为14~20dB(A)。U型梁内敷设吸声材料可以在此基础上再提升2~5dB (A)的降噪量,敷设区域越多,降噪效果越明显,其他形式的声屏障也有同样规律。  相似文献   

高速公路生态型声屏障评价指标体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以交通部"西部高速公路生态型声屏障技术应用研究"课题为依托,开展高速公路生态型声屏障评价指标体系研究。基于AHP层次分析法,提出了由功能性、环保性、景观性以及经济性4个准则层指标和23个具体评价指标构成的一套高速公路生态型声屏障评价指标体系。工程应用结果表明,该体系能客观地反映高速公路生态型声屏障特征,评价结果更趋合理...  相似文献   

由青岛佰世坤建筑材料有限公司开发的QBT—C型声屏障顶端降噪器,适用于铁路、轻轨、公路交通噪声治理lT=程声屏障顶端。  相似文献   

为贯彻《中华人民共和国环境噪声污染防治法》,防治道路噪声污染,保护和改善生活环境,加强环境管理,国家环保总局现批准《声屏障声学设计和测量规范》为环境保护行业标准。标准名称、编号如下:声屏障声学设计和测量规范HJ/T90-2004,自2004年10月1日起实施。《声屏障声学设计和测量规范》发布  相似文献   

声屏障在四川省高速公路交通噪声防治领域已得到20余年的广泛工程应用,经历了首次实践、个别尝试和全面铺开的3个重要发展阶段。声屏障技术与研究也随之实现了摸索尝试、标准化规范化和环保景观系统化的跨越式进步。在国家实行生态文明建设战略和交通运输部建设绿色公路指导意见的背景下,总结既往发展经验,指出今后四川省高速公路声屏障建设应从全生命周期出发,制定相关行业标准和指南,在此基础上开展系统化全方位设计,着力创新发展环保材料,实现全过程服务的发展趋势和展望,为相关行业从业者和管理者提供决策思路。  相似文献   

化工行业噪声源多,声级高,防火、防爆、防腐、防风险等要求特别严格。采用常规噪声控制措施受到许多限制,而采用隔声吸声屏障降噪有一定效果。本文以上海几个化工企业为例,论述了隔声吸声屏障的设计、应用及效果。  相似文献   

何洋  陈戈  陈智寅 《四川环境》2021,(1):143-150
以四川省某高速公路沿线的居民噪声投诉案件为例,开展了敏感点声环境质量现状及既有声屏障措施效果调查分析,并采用文献调研及Cadna/A软件建模计算的方法,分别从噪声源、噪声传播途径、敏感建筑物三个层次进行了敏感点降噪措施改善研究,研究结果可为高速公路营运单位解决实际噪声扰民问题提供技术支撑,研究过程及方法可供类似项目参考借鉴。  相似文献   

以某既有铁路及新建铁路并行穿越某居民区为例,对该区域的交通噪声现状进行监测分析,表明环境噪声受铁路噪声影响较大,对于临街建筑的影响为从低楼层至高楼层呈逐渐增大的趋势。考虑既有铁路和新建铁路的共同影响,建立了Cadna/A噪声预测模型,预测了采用声屏障降噪措施前后区域的环境噪声空间分布特征。结果表明,设置声屏障措施能有效减少铁路噪声的影响,预测点昼间均能达标,夜间达标率为50%,但超标点位的预测值基本相当或优于现状值。  相似文献   

Median barriers separate lanes of traffic moving in opposite directions on multilane highways. Such traffic safety devices can reduce head-on collisions but also have the potential to reduce landscape permeability by impeding wildlife movements across highways. Median barriers may also increase the risk of wildlife–vehicle collisions if an animal becomes trapped or confused amid barriers searching for a place to cross. A 2002 Transportation Research Board report highlighted the need to better understand the potential impacts of highway median barriers on wildlife. This lack of information can cause significant project delays and increase transportation project costs. This study represents the first attempt in North America to bring together information about highway median and roadside barriers and wildlife and provide preliminary guidelines to balance the needs of motorist safety and wildlife movements.  相似文献   

我国实施循环经济的制度初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
循环经济是在资源与环境约束下追求有效经济增长的一种新的经济发展模式。循环经济本质上是一种生态经济,以资源利用的生态性、技术基础的复杂性、经济运行的社会性等为根本特征。制度与循环经济相互依存、相互制约,发展循环经济离不开制度的规范和引导。论述了我国当前在市场经济条件下发展循环经济中遇到的制度障碍,如市场机制障碍、产权制度障碍和政策法规障碍等,并提出解决循环经济发展的制度障碍需要建立一个完整的、相互补充的制度体系。  相似文献   

With rapid industrialization in China, both resource scarcity and resources efficiency have challenged the country's sustainable development. Under such circumstance, circular economy should be adopted as a national development strategy. However, due to a lack of understanding current barriers on implementing circular economy, it is necessary to conduct a questionnaire based survey. The data and information used in this paper were collected by distributing questionnaires in 6 cities and interviewing 252 respondents. Our research findings indicated that while most of officials working at municipal and county levels have higher awareness and understanding on circular economy concept and its significance, nearly 16.70% of the interviewed officials had just heard of circular economy indicating that there is still a need for government officials to further improve their circular economy awareness. Government officials can receive their circular economy knowledge through awareness raising activities thus obtaining higher circular economy awareness. The main barriers on circular economy development are weakness of public awareness and lack of financial support, the prior method on pushing circular economy development is to execute compulsory regulations, which is shared by about 61.11% of all respondents; the gap between policy-making and practical action is still a serious problem. Nearly half of the respondents are not willing to pay more money for green products.  相似文献   

发展循环经济是安徽省实现又好又快发展的必然选择。本文阐述了安徽省发展循环经济的科学内涵,分析了安徽省发展循环经济的重大意义。针对安徽省发展循环经济面临的主要问题,提出促进安徽省循环经济发展的财政政策选择方案。  相似文献   

Insight into land developers’ perspectives on alternative residential developments and the barriers they experience in trying to develop them can be crucial in efforts to change environmentally damaging low-density, large-lot, and automobile-dependent residential patterns. Using a semi-structured interview instrument followed by short surveys, I examined the views of 16 developers in Waukesha County, WI, USA, a county that has experienced significant development pressures and widespread implementation of conservation subdivision design. The land developer investigation focused on conservation subdivision design familiarity and implementation, and identified a number of barriers that developers experienced in implementing the design. While the majority of the developers appeared familiar with the design and had experience developing conservation subdivisions, their motivations for developing them varied, as did their on-site conservation practices. The barriers included the lack of land use regulations supporting the design, economic factors, community opposition, and a lack of knowledge about sustainable residential development practices. Strategies to promote more environmentally sustainable residential land development patterns include providing a more supportive institutional environment, enacting different regulations and guidelines for natural resources protection, and offering education on ecologically sound development and planning practices.  相似文献   

An investigation was carried out to establish the physical, mechanical and durability characteristics of an unprocessed pulverised fuel ash (PFA) from a former landfill site at the Power Station Hill near Church Village, South Wales, United Kingdom. This was aimed at establishing the suitability of the ash in the construction of the Church Village Bypass (embankment and pavement) and also in concrete to be used in the construction of the proposed highway.Concrete made using binder blends using various levels of PFA as replacement to Portland cement (PC) were subjected to compressive strength tests to establish performance. The concrete was also subjected to sodium sulphate attack by soaking concrete specimens in sulphate solution to establish performance in a sulphatic environment. Strength development up to 365 days for the concrete made with PC–PFA blends as binders (PC–PFA concrete), and 180 days for the PC–PFA paste, is reported.The binary PC–PFA concrete did not show good early strength development, but tended to improve at longer curing periods. The low early strength observed means that PC–PFA concrete can be used for low to medium strength applications for example blinding, low-strength foundations, crash barriers, noise reduction barriers, cycle paths, footpaths and material for pipe bedding.  相似文献   

本文梳理了我国工业园区生态化过程中,包括生态工业示范园区、循环经济园、低碳园区、绿色园区建设的政策变迁,总结出工业园区生态化的轨迹和特点,并分析了工业园区生态化过程中的不足和未来面临的挑战。我国工业园区生态化特点包括:试点-示范-推广的一般模式、学习型的政策、逐步多样的政策工具、参与政府部门的逐步多样化与最终整合的趋势、产业共生与多种环境管理措施并行的状态。未来的工业园区生态化工作需要注重理清产业共生的内涵,确定相应的政策目标、政策工具和评价体系,同时需要注重园区的能力建设。  相似文献   

李剑 《四川环境》2010,29(4):120-124,138
公路经营企业应对道路交通噪声污染损害承担环境侵权责任。污染损害可归责的程度应以医学观察的可证明性为界限,在违法性和损害事实考量中,环境标准均非所问。公路经营企业的责任形式主要包括排除危害和赔偿损失。基于环境侵权的利益衡量原则,一般不宜直接判令采取公路关闭或改道等形式排除危害,而应适用设置隔声屏障、种植绿化林带、进行交通管制等调和性的"部分排除侵害"责任形式。在"先有路后有房"情景下,公路经营企业是否承担责任因受害人迁入公害时主观方面的不同而不同。受害人明知或已经预见到有遭受噪声污染的危险,且无正当理由而自愿、故意承受危险致害者,公路经营企业得根据自甘冒险原则请求拒绝排除危害、免除赔偿或减少赔偿额。  相似文献   

The Northern Michigan Environmental Research Program was conducted by the University of Michigan's Biological Station and Institute for Social Research to obtain information about the aquatic and human resources of water-rich, resort-oriented northern lower Michigan. Results of the study were directed toward long-term environmental management. Multiple methods were used to communicate study results, including self-contained information briefs, regular contacts and seminars with community leaders and public officials, and mass media. Selected illustrations of project data applied to environmental management problems are cited, e.g., curtailment of nutrient loadings, wetlands protection, improved effectiveness of riparian organizations, and highway planning. A series of shortLakeland Reports, designed to present factual information, general environmental principles, and action implications to a lay audience, proved to be effective. However, it became apparent that environmental decisions were not strongly affected by reports alone. Instead, several mutually reinforcing channels of communication must be employed to develop a climate of receptiveness and understanding to insure environmentally sound decisions.  相似文献   

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