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Summary Migrating birds derive compass information from the sun, stars, geomagnetic field and polarized light, but relatively little is known about how these multiple sources of directional information are integrated into a functional orientation system. We found that migratory warblers exposed to a rotated polarized light pattern at sunset oriented at a constant angle to the axis of polarization. When polarized light cues were eliminated, this shifted orientation was maintained relative to the setting sun. Polarized light patterns, thus, appear to provide a calibration reference for the sun compass in nocturnal migrants, and may also play a role in calibrating other compass systems. Correspondence to: J.B. Phillips  相似文献   

How animals sense, process, and use magnetic information remains elusive. In insects, magnetic particles are candidates for a magnetic sensor. Recent studies suggest that the ant Pachycondyla marginata incorporates iron-containing particles from soil. We used leaf-cutter ants Atta colombica to test whether soil contact is necessary for developing a functional magnetic compass. A. colombica is the only invertebrate known to calculate a path-integrated home vector using a magnetic compass. Here, we show that A. colombica requires contact with soil to incorporate magnetic particles that can be used as a magnetic compass; yet, we also show that ants can biosynthesize magnetic particles. Workers from a soil-free colony ignored a 90° shift in the horizontal component of the geomagnetic field, yet oriented homeward despite the occlusion of any geocentric cues. In contrast, workers from a soil-exposed colony oriented to an intermediate direction between their true and subjective home in the shifted field. Homeward orientations under shifted fields suggest that ants calculated a path-integrated vector using proprioceptive information. Strikingly, ants from the soil-free colony also had magnetic particles; yet, as observed by ferromagnetic resonance, these particles differed from those in soil-exposed ants and were not associated with a magnetic compass sensitive to this experimental manipulation.  相似文献   

How and when migrants integrate directional information from different sources may depend not only on the bird’s internal state, including fat stores, but also on the ecological context during passage. We designed experiments to (1) examine the influence of stored fat on the decision to migrate and on the choice of migratory direction and (2) investigate how the integration of orientation cue information is tied to energetic status in relation to migration across an ecological barrier. Migratory orientation of red-eyed vireos (Vireo olivaceus) at twilight was recorded using two different techniques, orientation cage experiments and free-flight release tests, during both fall and spring migration. During fall migration, the amount of stored fat proved decisive for directional selections of the vireos. Fat birds chose directions in accordance with migration across the Gulf of Mexico. Lean birds oriented either parallel to the coast line (cage tests) or moved inland (free-flight releases). Whereas only fat birds showed significant responses to experimental deflections of the geomagnetic field, lean birds displayed a tendency to shift their activity in the expected direction, making it difficult to evaluate the prediction that use of the magnetic compass is context dependent. Fat loads also had a significant effect on the decision to migrate, i.e., fat individuals were more likely to embark on migration than were lean birds (true for both cage and release experiments). During spring migration, a majority of experimental subjects were classified as lean, following their arrival after crossing the Gulf of Mexico, and oriented in seasonally appropriate directions. The vireos also showed significant responses to experimental deflections of the geomagnetic field regardless of their energetic status. Free-flight release experiments during spring migration revealed a significant difference in mean directions between clear sky and overcast tests. The difference may indicate a compensatory response to wind drift or possibly a need for celestial cues to calibrate the magnetic compass. Finally, this is the first demonstration of magnetic compass orientation in a North American vireo. Received: 15 December 1995/Accepted after revision: 24 March 1996  相似文献   

To assess the role of celestial rotation during daytime in the development of the magnetic compass course, pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca Pallas, Muscicapidae) were handraised in Latvia under various celestial and magnetic conditions. Tests were performed during autumn migration in the local geomagnetic field (50 000 nT, 73° inclination) in the absence of celestial cues. A group of birds that had never seen the sky showed a bimodal preference for the migratory southwest-northeast axis, whereas a second group that had been exposed to the natural sky from sunrise to sunset in the local geomagnetic field showed a unimodal preference for the seasonally appropriate southwesterly direction. A third group that had also been exposed to the daytime sky, but in the absence of magnetic compass information, also oriented bimodally along a southwest-northeast axis. These findings demonstrate that observing celestial rotation during daytime enables birds to choose the right end of the migratory axis for autumn migration at the Latvian test location. This transformation of axial behavior into appropriate migratory orientation, however, requires the birds to have simultaneous access to information on both celestial rotation and the geomagnetic field. Received: 19 September 1997 / Accepted after revision: 22 November 1997  相似文献   

Night-migrating song birds travel to and from their wintering and breeding areas often separated thousands of kilometers apart and are clearly capable of finding intended goal areas from a distant location. Displacement experiments provide a useful way to highlight orientation and navigational skills in migrants. To investigate which cues birds actually use to compensate for displacement and the exact mechanism of each cue, experiments with manipulation of single cues are required. We conducted a simulated displacement of lesser whitethroats Sylvia curruca on spring migration. Birds were displaced not geographically but in geomagnetic space only, north and south of their breeding area to test whether they incorporate information from the geomagnetic field to find their breeding area. Lesser whitethroats held in southeast Sweden but experiencing a simulated displacement north of their breeding area (Norway) failed to show a consistent direction of orientation, whereas birds displaced south of their breeding area (Czech Republic) exhibited consistent northerly orientation, close to the expected seasonally appropriate direction, after displacement toward the trapping location. The absence of a clear compensatory direction in birds displaced north might be due to unfamiliar magnetic information or lack of sufficient information such as a magnetic gradient when moving around. By isolating one orientation cue, the geomagnetic field, we have been able to show that lesser whitethroats might incorporate geomagnetic field information to determine latitude during spring migration.  相似文献   

Experiments were carried out to investigate the use of magnetic compass cues in the nocturnal homing orientation of the alpine newt Triturus alpestris. Tests were carried out at a site 9 km to the east–northeast of the breeding pond. Newts were tested at night in an outdoor circular arena that provided an unimpeded view of celestial cues, in one of four symmetrical alignments of an earth-strength magnetic field. In tests carried out under partly cloudy skies newts exhibited homeward magnetic compass orientation. Because the moon was visible in some trials, but obscured by clouds in others, we investigated whether the presence of the moon contributed to the scatter in the distribution of magnetic bearings. When the moon was visible, the distribution of magnetic bearings was more scattered than when the moon was obscured by clouds, although in neither case was the distribution significant due, in part, to the small sample sizes. Moreover, when the moon was visible, newts oriented along a bimodal axis perpendicular to the moon azimuth, suggesting that the presence of the moon may have affected the newts behavior. To provide a more rigorous test of the role of magnetic compass cues when celestial cues were unavailable, nocturnal tests were carried out during the following migratory season under total overcast. In the absence of celestial compass cues, the distribution of magnetic bearings exhibited highly significant orientation in the homeward direction. These findings indicate that newts are able to orient in the homeward direction at night using the magnetic compass as the sole source of directional information. Moon light altered the newts behavior. However, this apparently resulted from the asymmetrical distribution of moon light in the testing arena, rather than the use of an alternative compass.  相似文献   

Orientation can be difficult for nocturnal bird migrants at high northern latitudes because of the large changes of magnetic declinations, rapid longitudinal time-shifts experienced during a long-distance flight and the invisibility of stars during the polar summer. Both sunset cues as well as geomagnetic cues have been shown to be of great importance in the orientation system of Savannah sparrows, Passerculus sandwichensis. We used clock-shift experiments to investigate whether geomagnetic and sunset cues were used for migratory orientation by wild-caught young Savannah sparrows at high geomagnetic latitudes in Northern Canada. We exposed birds to a 4-h slow clock-shift, expecting a 60° clock-wise shift in orientation after the treatment. Under natural clear skies in the local geomagnetic field, the birds responded by showing a significant axial mean orientation directed towards the position of the setting sun in the NW and towards their preferred migratory direction in the SE. After exposure to the clock-shift for 6 days and nights the birds showed a clear response to the treatment and shifted significantly towards NNE. Birds that first oriented towards NW in the experiments before clock-shift tended to shift clock-wise, thus reacted to the clock-shift in the expected way. The reaction of the individual birds that originally oriented towards SE seems to vary. In summary, our birds did not select a constant angle (menotaxis) in relation to the sun's position during the experiments, but presumably were affected by the sun showing phototaxis or followed their magnetic compass. Possible explanations of the unexpected experimental results are discussed. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

The commercially and ecologically valuable sandeel (Ammodytes ssp.) make distinct vertical shifts between an inactive stage, during which they seek refuge in the sand, and a pelagic schooling stage, during which they forage. This characteristic discontinuous foraging pattern constitutes a challenge to fishery biologists and has consequences for a wide range of predators ranging from birds and mammals to commercially important species. However, experimental studies that shed light on the primary drivers of foraging activity in fish are rare. In the present study, whole schools of sandeel (A. tobianus) were caught in August in east Denmark (65°02′30N; 12°37′00E) and kept in large tanks in the laboratory. It was found that the amount of food ingested and memory of past days feeding history are primary drivers of foraging activity at the level of the entire school, whereas external factors such as prey concentration and temperature are merely secondary drivers.  相似文献   

Migrating animals face numerous mortality risks, such as novel predators with which they may not be accustomed. Most animals can recognize predators innately; however, additional predator information can be collected to enhance familiarity. Because migrating birds rarely participate in mobs, they may seek alternative information sources such as cues provided by other birds that can provide information on predator location, identity, and degree of threat. We predicted that Nearctic–Neotropical migrants (hereafter, “migrants”) would react to vocal antipredator cues (e.g., mob-calls) of species residing in areas through which they migrate. To test this, we conducted experiments in Belize during spring migration, using playbacks of mob-calls of black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapillus) and blue-gray tanagers (Thraupis episcopus); tanagers are familiar to all birds in Belize; chickadees are novel to residents but familiar to migrants. This also allowed us to assess response to novel and out-of-context antipredator signals. Resident birds did not respond to novel chickadee mob-calls, but did respond to familiar tanager calls. Birds overwintering south of our study area, which were migrating during our study, responded most strongly to chickadee playbacks. Conversely, individuals of species that include our study area in their winter range did not respond to either playback. This is the first evidence that birds react to vocal antipredator cues during migration, which may be a strategy used by migrants to learn about predators. Although residents failed to recognize a foreign cue, migrating birds responded most strongly to the out-of-context chickadee cue, associated with breeding grounds >2,000 km northward. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The non-breeding movements of marine birds were poorly known until recently, but this information is essential to understanding the risk to different geographical populations from events on the wintering grounds. We tracked the migration routes and wintering areas of Thick-billed Murre Uria lomvia from two breeding colonies in eastern Canada: Coats Island in northern Hudson Bay and The Minarets, Baffin Island, during the period August 2007–May 2008 using geolocation loggers. Birds from The Minarets moved south rapidly post-breeding and wintered principally off Newfoundland and southern Labrador, or between Newfoundland and southern Greenland, remaining south of 55°N until at least the spring equinox. Those from Coats Island remained in Hudson Bay until at least mid-November, after which they moved rapidly through Hudson Strait to winter in southern Davis Strait and the northern Labrador Sea, mostly north of 55°N. Many individuals stayed throughout the winter in areas of heavy ice cover. Adults from the two colonies appear to be completely segregated in winter and those from Coats Island probably did not enter the area of the winter hunt in Newfoundland. Unexpectedly, some birds from The Minarets wintered in waters beyond the continental slope and outside the distribution of pack ice, demonstrating that particular individuals can be wholly pelagic throughout the winter. Coats Island birds returned through Hudson Strait as soon as open water areas became available in spring. Their sojourn in Hudson Bay coincided very closely with the occurrence of areas with <90% ice cover. In spite of the relatively large error in positions obtained from geolocation loggers, our results demonstrated the value of these devices by uncovering a number of previously unknown aspects of Thick-billed Murre non-breeding ecology in the Northwest Atlantic. Comparison of the non-breeding ecology based on SST experienced in winter show that the winter niche is broader than hitherto assumed, demonstrating that separate populations may experience different selection in the face of climate change.  相似文献   

Although the sun compass of birds is based on learning the sun's arc during development, it was unclear whether birds can use the sun when its apparent movement is reversed, in particular, whether northern birds that have been introduced into the southern hemisphere can use the southern sun. To answer this question, clock-shift experiments were performed with local homing pigeons in Auckland, New Zealand (37°S). In three fast-shift tests and two slow-shift tests, the experimental birds showed deflections from the untreated controls that were the mirror images of those observed in the northern hemisphere. These results clearly show that homing pigeons in New Zealand use a sun compass that is adapted to the situation in the southern hemisphere. The learning processes establishing the compensation mechanisms thus appear to be free of constraints concerning the direction of the sun's movement. Differences from recent findings with migratory birds, where the direction of celestial rotation proved of crucial importance for establishing the migratory direction, are discussed: the differences may arise from the different orientation tasks, in particular, from the involvement of innate information in establishing the migratory direction. Received: 13 November 1997 / Accepted after revision: 28 February 1998  相似文献   

Abstract: Human‐made objects (e.g., buildings with glass surfaces) can reflect horizontally polarized light so strongly that they appear to aquatic insects to be bodies of water. Insects that lay eggs in water are especially attracted to such structures because these insects use horizontal polarization of light off bodies of water to find egg‐laying sites. Thus, these sources of polarized light can become ecological traps associated with reproductive failure and mortality in organisms that are attracted to them and by extension with rapid population declines or collapse. Solar panels are a new source of polarized light pollution. Using imaging polarimetry, we measured the reflection–polarization characteristics of different solar panels and in multiple‐choice experiments in the field we tested their attractiveness to mayflies, caddis flies, dolichopodids, and tabanids. At the Brewster angle, solar panels polarized reflected light almost completely (degree of polarization d ≈100%) and substantially exceeded typical polarization values for water (d ≈30–70%). Mayflies (Ephemeroptera), stoneflies (Trichoptera), dolichopodid dipterans, and tabanid flies (Tabanidae) were the most attracted to solar panels and exhibited oviposition behavior above solar panels more often than above surfaces with lower degrees of polarization (including water), but in general they avoided solar cells with nonpolarizing white borders and white grates. The highly and horizontally polarizing surfaces that had nonpolarizing, white cell borders were 10‐ to 26‐fold less attractive to insects than the same panels without white partitions. Although solar panels can act as ecological traps, fragmenting their solar‐active area does lessen their attractiveness to polarotactic insects. The design of solar panels and collectors and their placement relative to aquatic habitats will likely affect populations of aquatic insects that use polarized light as a behavioral cue.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that the behaviour of deep-sea scavenging fishes is influenced by seasonal input of organic matter from the ocean surface was investigated by observing responses to baits placed on the sea floor at 4800 m depth in the NE Atlantic (48°50′N; 16°30′W) during spring (April 1994). Data from the present study are compared with those from previous studies of the same location made in summer 1989. The first fishes to arrive at baits were the grenadier Coryphaenoides (Nematonurus) armatus and the eel Histiobranchus bathybius, after delays of 28 and 29 min, respectively; these results are not significantly different from those of summer 1989. Similarly, other indices of activity (staying time and swimming speed) showed no evidence of differences between years/seasons. However, the rate of radial dispersal of bait (0.009 m s−1) by C. (N.) armatus was much slower than in all previous studies. A change in the size distribution of C. (N.) armatus to smaller individuals in spring 1994 was also evident. It is suggested that the fish on the abyssal plain may not comprise a steady-state population and that major episodic or seasonal migrations may occur. Received: 18 October 1996 / Accepted: 20 December 1996  相似文献   

Recent experiments exposing migratory birds to altered magnetic fields simulating geographical displacements have shown that the geomagnetic field acts as an external cue affecting migratory fuelling behaviour. This is the first study investigating fuel deposition in relation to geomagnetic cues in long-distance migrants using the western passage of the Mediterranean region. Juvenile wheatears (Oenanthe oenanthe) were exposed to a magnetically simulated autumn migration from southern Sweden to West Africa. Birds displaced parallel to the west of their natural migration route, simulating an unnatural flight over the Atlantic Ocean, increased their fuel deposition compared to birds experiencing a simulated migration along the natural route. These birds, on the other hand, showed relatively low fuel loads in agreement with earlier data on wheatears trapped during stopover. The experimental displacement to the west, corresponding to novel sites in the Atlantic Ocean, led to a simulated longer distance to the wintering area, probably explaining the observed larger fuel loads. Our data verify previous results suggesting that migratory birds use geomagnetic cues for fuelling decisions and, for the first time, show that birds, on their first migration, can use geomagnetic cues to compensate for a displacement outside their normal migratory route, by adjusting fuel deposition.  相似文献   

Rates of progression and transmission of black band disease (BBD) on the staghorn coral, Acropora muricata, were compared between months for seasonal in situ studies and between temperature treatments in experimental aquaria manipulations at Lizard Island on the Great Barrier Reef (GBR). In situ field experiments demonstrated that BBD progressed along branches approximately twice as fast (1.7–2.4 times) during the austral summer month of January (0.99 ± 0.04 cm/day) than in the cooler months of July (0.58 ± 0.04 cm/day) and May (0.41 ± 0.07 cm/day). Transmission of BBD between colonies was also accelerated in warmer months, with signs of infection becoming visible 1.2 days earlier in January compared to May. The greater seawater temperatures by ∼2 to 3°C and light intensities by up to 650 μE/m2/s in January, suggest that rates of progression and transmission of BBD are linked to one or both of these parameters. Manipulative experiments in summer provide corroborative evidence that elevated temperatures increase rates of BBD progression, with the disease progressing 1.3 times more rapidly in the 32°C elevated temperature treatment than in the 30°C ambient treatment (1.17 ± 0.06 cm/day versus 0.92 ± 0.07 cm/day; F 2,6 = 7.66, P = 0.022). In contrast, although a trend for greatest BBD progression was measured in elevated temperature treatments of 29°C (0.46 ± 0.07 cm/day) and 31°C (0.52 ± 0.06 cm/day) in winter, these rates did not differ significantly (F 3,7 = 1.72, P = 0.249) from those measured for the ambient 27°C treatment (0.37 ± 0.06 cm/day) or the field controls (0.41 ± 0.09 cm/day). The lower rates of BBD progression in the 31°C winter treatment (0.52 ± 0.06 cm/day) than in the 30°C (0.92 ± 0.07 cm/day) summer treatment, may have been a response to 28-fold decreased light irradiance in the former, suggesting that high irradiance in combination with elevated temperatures may promote progression of BBD. Results from this study indicate that the impact of elevated temperature on BBD progression is complex with a combination of environmental factors including temperature and light playing key roles in progression and transmission of the disease.  相似文献   

There is a large literature dealing with daily foraging routines of wild birds during the non-breeding season. While different laboratory studies have showed that some bird activity patterns are a persistent property of the circadian system, most of field studies preclude the potential role of an endogenous circadian rhythm in controlling bird’s foraging routines. In this study we compared the patterns of diurnal foraging activity and intake rates of migrating black-tailed godwits, Limosa limosa (radio-tagged and non-tagged individuals) at two stopover sites (habitats) with different environmental characteristics, aiming at identifying proximate factors of bird activity routines. To gain insights into the role of food availability in control of such foraging routines, we also estimated foraging activity patterns in captive godwits subjected to constant food availability. Captive and wild black-tailed godwits showed a persistent bimodal activity pattern through daylight period. Food availability had a significant effect on the intake rates, but had a subtler effect on foraging and intake rate rhythms. Temperature and wind speed (combined in a weather index) showed non-significant effects on both rhythms. Although we could not discard a role for natural diurnal changes in light intensity, an important timing cue, our findings support the idea that an endogenous circadian rhythm could be an important proximate factor regulating foraging activity and food items taken per unit time of wild black-tailed godwits during migration.  相似文献   

At specific locations within the Baltic Sea, thermoclines and haloclines can create rapid spatial and temporal changes in temperature (T) and salinity (S) exceeding 10°C and 9 psu with seasonal ranges in temperature exceeding 20°C. These wide ranges in abiotic factors affect the distribution and abundance of Baltic Sea copepods via species-specific, physiological-based impacts on vital rates. In this laboratory study, we characterized the influence of T and S on aspects of reproductive success and naupliar survival of a southwestern Baltic population of Temora longicornis (Copepoda: Calanoida). First, using ad libitum feeding conditions, we measured egg production (EP, no. of eggs female−1 day−1) at 12 different temperatures between 2.5 and 24°C, observing the highest mean EP at 16.9°C (12 eggs female−1 day−1). Next, the effect of S on EP and hatching success (HS, %) was quantified at 12°C for cohorts that had been acclimated to either 8, 14, 20 or 26 psu and tested at each of five salinities (8, 14, 20, 26 and 32 psu). The mean EP was highest for (and maximum EP similar among) 14, 20 and 26 psu cohorts when tested at their acclimation salinity whereas EP was lower at other salinities. For adults reared at 8 psu, a commonly encountered salinity in Baltic surface waters, EP was relatively low at all test salinities—a pattern indicative of osmotic stress. When incubated at 12°C and 15 different salinities between 0 and 34 psu, HS increased asymptotically with increasing S and was maximal (82.6–84.3%) between 24 and 26 psu. However, HS did depend upon the adult acclimation salinity. Finally, the 48-h survival of nauplii hatched and reared at 14 psu at one of six different temperatures (10, 12, 14, 16, 18 and 20°C) was measured after exposure to a novel salinity (either 7 or 20 psu). Upon exposure to 7 psu, 48-h naupliar mortality increased with increasing temperature, ranging from 26.7% at 10°C to 63.2% at 20°C. In contrast, after exposure to 20 psu, mortality was relatively low at all temperatures (1.7% at 10°C and ≤26.7% for all other temperatures). An intra-specific comparison of EP for three different T. longicornis populations revealed markedly different temperature optima and clearly demonstrated the negative impact of brackish (Baltic) salinities. Our results provide estimates of reproductive success and early survival of T. longicornis to the wide ranges of temperatures and salinities that will aid ongoing biophysical modeling examining climate impacts on this species within the Baltic Sea.  相似文献   

We investigated migration and wintering of adult northern gannets (Morus bassanus) breeding in east Scotland, North Sea, by deploying geolocation loggers over three winters. The wintering ranges of these birds varied from the North Sea to the Atlantic off West Africa. Flight time was taken as a proxy for migration and foraging effort. Gannets wintering off Africa had higher total flight times during migration than birds wintering further north. Total flight times in different wintering regions were generally low. Birds off West Africa consistently spent < 25 % of daylight hours in flight, but birds further north showed more variable values that may reflect more variable weather or food availability. Winter sea surface temperatures ranged from 9 °C (North Sea) to 16 °C (West Africa). Thermostatic costs in winter as estimated by measuring thermal conductance in carcasses in still air and water were 28 % higher in North Sea than off West Africa. This effect is aggravated by higher thermostatic costs caused by stronger wind chills in the North Sea compared to the conditions off West Africa. Birds wintering close to the UK arrived at the colony on average 12 days earlier than birds wintering off West Africa. We conclude that the net cost-benefit analysis may be similar for all wintering areas investigated.  相似文献   

A bottom-mounted upward-facing 38-kHz echo sounder was deployed at ~400 m and cabled to shore in Masfjorden (~60°52′N, ~5°24′E), Norway. The scattering layers seen during autumn (September–October) 2008 were identified by trawling. Glacier lanternfish (Benthosema glaciale) were mainly distributed below ~200 m and displayed three different diel behavioral strategies: normal diel vertical migration (NDVM), inverse DVM (IDVM) and no DVM (NoDVM). The IDVM group was the focus of this study. It consisted of 2-year and older individuals migrating to ~200–270 m during the daytime, while descending back to deeper than ~270 m during the night. Stomach content analysis revealed increased feeding during the daytime on overwintering Calanus sp. We conclude that visually searching glacier lanternfish performing IDVM benefit from the faint daytime light in mid-waters when preying on overwintering Calanus sp.  相似文献   

The development of sun compass orientation in young homing pigeons   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary A series of clock-shift experiments with young homing pigeons of various ages was performed to determine at what age they normally learn sun compass orientation. The response of untrained pigeons to shifting of their internal clock seems to depend on their age. When the clock-shifted birds were tested at an age of 11 weeks and younger, their departure bearings did not differ significantly from those of controls (Fig. 1, diagrams on the right); in tests with birds 12 weeks and older the characteristic deviation indicating the use of the sun compass was observed (Figs. 2 and 3). Birds that had participated in a short training program, however, used the sun compass at 8 weeks, the earliest age tested (Fig. 1, diagrams on the left). These findings show that the time of development of the sun compass strongly depends on flying experience. Within the first months of a bird's life, it seems to take place after the bird has been confronted with the need to orient, either spontaneously during extended exercise flights around its loft or imposed by training releases.The departure bearings of the very young, inexperienced birds that did not rely on the sun compass, however, were already oriented homeward. This indicates that the ability to navigate develops independently of the sun compass, before the sun compass is learned.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. F.W. Merkel for his 70th birthday  相似文献   

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