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Electronic tags were used to examine the biology of Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus L.) on their breeding grounds in the Gulf of Mexico (GOM). The hypothesis that movement patterns, diving behavior, and thermal biology change during different stages of the breeding migration was tested. Mature Atlantic bluefin tuna tagged in the western Atlantic and the GOM, were on their breeding grounds from February to June for an average of 39 ± 11 days. The bluefin tuna experienced significantly warmer mean sea surface temperatures (SSTs) within the GOM (26.4 ± 1.6°C) than outside the GOM (20.2 ± 1.9°C). As the bluefin tuna entered and exited the GOM, the fish dove to daily maximum depths of 568 ± 50 and 580 ± 144 m, respectively, and exhibited directed movement paths to and from the localized breeding areas. During the putative breeding phase, the bluefin tuna had significantly shallower daily maximum depths (203 ± 76 m), and exhibited shallow oscillatory dives during the night. The movement paths of the bluefin tuna during the breeding phase were significantly more residential and sinuous. The heat transfer coefficients (K) were calculated for a bluefin tuna in the GOM using the recorded ambient and body temperatures. The K for this fish increased rapidly at the high ambient temperatures encountered in the GOM, and was significantly higher at night in the breeding phase when the fish was exhibiting shallow oscillatory dives. This suggests that the fish were behaviorally and physiologically thermoregulating in the Gulf of Mexico. This study demonstrates that the movement patterns, diving behavior, and thermal biology of Atlantic bluefin tuna change significantly at different stages of the breeding migration and can be used to define spawning location and timing. Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

Ultrasonic, depth-sensitive transmitters were used to track the horizontal and vertical movements, for up to 48 h, of 11 adult (136 to 340 kg estimated body mass) North Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus Linnaeus). Fish were tracked in October 1995, September and October 1996, and August and September 1997 in the Gulf of Maine, northwestern Atlantic. The objective was to document the behavior of these fish and their schools in order to provide the spatial, temporal, and environmental information required for direct (i.e. fishery-independent) assessment of adult bluefin tuna abundance using aerial surveys. Transmitters were attached to free-swimming fish using a harpoon attachment technique, and all fish remained within the Gulf of Maine while being followed. Most of the bluefin tuna tagged on Stellwagen Bank or in Cape Cod Bay (and followed for at least 30 h) held a predominately easterly course with net horizontal displacements of up to 76 km d−1. Mean (±SD) swimming depth for all fish was 14 ± 4.7 m and maximum depth for individuals ranged from 22 to 215 m. All but one fish made their deepest excursions, often single descents, at dawn and dusk. In general, adult bluefin tuna spent <8% of their time at the surface (0 to 1 m), <19% in the top 4 m, but >90% in the uppermost 30 m. Mean (±SD) speed over ground was 5.9 km h−1, but for brief periods surpassed 20 to 31 km h−1. Sea surface temperatures during tracking were 11.5 to 22.0 °C, and minimum temperatures encountered by the fish ranged from 6.0 to 9.0 °C. Tagged bluefin tuna and their schools frequented ocean fronts marked by mixed vertebrate feeding assemblages, which included sea birds, baleen whales, basking sharks, and other bluefin schools. Received: 19 July 1999 / Accepted: 25 March 2000  相似文献   

Six Pacific bluefin tuna were tracked with ultrasonic telemetry and two with pop-up satellite archival tags (PSATs) in the eastern Pacific Ocean in 1997, 1998, and 1999. Both pressure and temperature ultrasonic transmitters were used to examine the behavior of the 2- to 4-year-old bluefin tuna. The bluefin spent over 80% of their time in the top 40 m of the water column and made occasional dives into deeper, cooler water. The mean slow-oxidative muscle temperatures of three fish instrumented with pressure and temperature transmitters were 22.0–26.1 °C in water temperatures that averaged 15.7–17.5 °C. The thermal excesses in slow-oxidative muscle averaged 6.2–8.6 °C. Variation in the temperature of the slow-oxidative muscle in the bluefin was not correlated with water temperature or swimming speeds. For comparison with the acoustic tracking data we examined the depth and ambient temperature of two Pacific bluefin tagged with pop-up satellite archival tags for 24 and 52 days. The PSAT data sets show depth and temperature distributions of the bluefin tuna similar to the acoustic data set. Swimming speeds calculated from horizontal distances with the acoustic data indicate the fish mean speeds were 1.1–1.4 fork lengths/s (FL s−1). These Pacific bluefin spent the majority of their time in the top parts of the water column in the eastern Pacific Ocean in a pattern similar to that observed for yellowfin tuna. Received: 4 April 2000 / Accepted: 25 October 2000  相似文献   

The reproductive status and body condition of 195 (≥185 cm curved fork length, CFL; assigned age 7 and above) Atlantic bluefin tuna were assessed in the Gulf of Maine during the commercial fishing season of June–October, 2000–2002. Given the distance between known spawning and feeding grounds, the prevailing paradigm for Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus thynnus, L.) suggests that the most likely histological state for females arriving in the Gulf of Maine after spawning would be a resting or quiescent state with little or no perigonadal fat. Alternatively, the presence of mature or mature-inactive histological states in some females supports a more varied or individualistic model for bluefin reproduction. No relationship was found between body condition and reproductive status. Males were found in all reproductive stages, but were more likely to be in spawning condition (stages 4 and 5) or a mature-inactive state (stage 6) in June and July. Female bluefin tuna were found in stage 1 (immature or non-spawning) and stage 6 (mature-inactive). Stage 6 females were only present in June and July and smaller females (<235 cm CFL) were more likely to be in stage 6 than large females (>235 cm CFL) sampled during those same months. The presence of smaller females in stage 6 arriving at the same time as larger females in stage 1 indicates that Western Atlantic bluefin tuna may have an asynchronous reproductive schedule and may mature at a smaller size than the currently accepted paradigm suggests.  相似文献   

Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) are highly migratory predators whose abundance, distribution, and somatic condition have changed over the past decades. Prey community composition and abundance have also varied in several foraging grounds. To better understand underlying food webs and regional energy sources, we performed stomach content and stable isotope analyses on mainly juvenile (60–150 cm curved fork length) bluefin tuna captured in foraging grounds in the western (Mid-Atlantic Bight) and eastern (Bay of Biscay) Atlantic Ocean. In the Mid-Atlantic Bight, bluefin tuna diet was mainly sand lance (Ammodytes spp., 29% prey weight), consistent with historic findings. In the Bay of Biscay, krill (Meganyctiphanes norvegica) and anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) made up 39% prey weight, with relative consumption of each reflecting annual changes in prey abundance. Consumption of anchovies apparently declined after the local collapse of this prey resource. In both regions, stable isotope analysis results showed that juvenile bluefin tuna fed at a lower trophic position than indicated by stomach content analysis. In the Mid-Atlantic Bight, stable isotope analyses suggested that >30% of the diet was prey from lower trophic levels that composed <10% of the prey weights based upon traditional stomach content analyses. Trophic position was similar to juvenile fish sampled in the NW Atlantic but lower than juveniles sampled in the Mediterranean Sea in previous studies. Our findings indicate that juvenile bluefin tuna targeted a relatively small range of prey species and regional foraging patterns remained consistent over time in the Mid-Atlantic Bight but changed in relation to local prey availability in the Bay of Biscay.  相似文献   

The genetic population structures of Atlantic northern bluefin tuna ( Thunnus thynnus thynnus) and albacore ( T. alalunga) were examined using allozyme analysis. A total of 822 Atlantic northern bluefin tuna from 18 different samples (16 Mediterranean, 1 East Atlantic, 1 West Atlantic) and 188 albacore from 5 samples (4 Mediterranean, 1 East Atlantic) were surveyed for genetic variation in 37 loci. Polymorphism and heterozygosity reveal a moderate level of genetic variability, with only two highly polymorphic loci in both Atlantic northern bluefin tuna ( FH* and SOD- 1*) and albacore ( GPI- 3* and XDH*). The level of population differentiation found for Atlantic northern bluefin tuna and albacore fits the pattern that has generally been observed in tunas, with genetic differences on a broad rather than a more local scale. For Atlantic northern bluefin tuna, no spatial or temporal genetic heterogeneity was observed within the Mediterranean Sea or between the East Atlantic and Mediterranean, indicating the existence of a single genetic grouping on the eastern side of the Atlantic Ocean. Very limited genetic differentiation was found between West Atlantic and East Atlantic/Mediterranean northern bluefin tuna, mainly due to an inversion of SOD- 1* allele frequencies. Regarding albacore, no genetic heterogeneity was observed within the Mediterranean Sea or between Mediterranean and Azores samples, suggesting the existence of a single gene pool in this area.  相似文献   

Stable 13C and 15N isotope analyses of scale, bone, and muscle tissues were used to investigate diet and trophic position of North Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus Linnaeus) during residency in the northwest Atlantic Ocean off the northeast coast of the United States. Adult bluefin tuna scales collected from fish between June and October 2001 were significantly enriched in 13C compared to both muscle and bone across all months, while muscle was significantly enriched in 15N compared to either bone or scale throughout the same period. In muscle tissue, there was evidence of a shift over the summer from prey with 13C values (–17 to –18) that were characteristic of silver hake (Merluccius bilinearis) to species with 13C values of –20 to –21 that were similar to Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) and sandlance (Ammodytes americanus). Depletion of 15N values in adult scales and bone compared to muscle tissue may be explained by bone and scale samples representing juvenile or life-long feeding habits, isotopic routing, or isotopic differences in amino acid composition of the three tissue types. Adult bluefin tuna were estimated to be feeding at a trophic position similar to pelagic sharks in the northwest Atlantic Ocean, while the trophic positions of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares), albacore tuna (Thunnus alalunga), and juvenile bluefin tuna were indicative of a diet of up to a full trophic position below adult bluefin tuna. The close relationship between the juvenile bluefin 15N values and those of suspension feeders suggests that nektonic crustaceans or zooplankton may contribute significantly to the diet of bluefin tuna, a food source previously overlooked for this species in the northwest Atlantic Ocean.Communicated by J.P. Grassle, New Brunswick  相似文献   

Patterns of nine intracellular free amino acids (FAA), which are utilized as organic osmolytes for salinity-induced cell volume regulation in marine osmoconformers, were compared in five Macoma balthica populations and seven Mytilus spp. populations along their European distribution. Three types of FAA patterns were classified within both taxa: a northern Baltic type, a southern Baltic type and an Atlantic/Mediterranean type which mainly differ regarding the share of alanine and taurine. Differences are discussed in relation to habitat salinity and population genetics. Along a salinity gradient, the total size of the intracellular FAA pool did not differ between sympatric M. balthica and Mytilus spp., and was significantly correlated with habitat osmolality in a range from 70 to 600 mmol kg−1 H2O (oligohaline to mesohaline) in both bivalves. In M. balthica, this correlation was mainly based on significant correlations of alanine (15–100 mmol kg−1 DW), glycine (30–100 mmol kg−1 DW) and taurine (0–70 mmol kg−1 DW) with habitat osmolality. In Mytilus spp., only glycine (25–100 mmol kg−1 DW) and taurine (4–180 mmol kg−1 DW) were significantly correlated with habitat osmolality. The concentration of alanine was three times lower in Mytilus spp. than in M. balthica and did not correlate with habitat osmolality. Within a habitat osmolality range from 600 to 1,100 mmol kg−1 H2O (mesohaline to marine) the concentration of FAA remained constant in both taxa. It is suggested that under marine conditions additional organic osmolytes must become more important for cell volume regulation in Macoma and Mytilus.  相似文献   

Oceanographic sampling is often limited to local and temporally concise assessments of complex, transient, and widespread phenomena. However, long-lived, migratory pelagic vertebrates such as leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea, Vandelli 1761) can provide important integrated information about broad-scale oceanographic processes. Therefore, the present study analyzed stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios (δ13C and δ15N) of egg yolk and red blood cells from nesting leatherback populations from Costa Rica in the eastern Pacific in 2003–2004 and 2004–2005 and from St. Croix in the North Atlantic in 2004 and 2005 to establish differences between nutrient sourcing and its influence on higher trophic level consumers in both ocean basins. Whereas δ13C signatures were similar between Costa Rica (−19.1±0.7‰) and St. Croix (−19.4±1.0‰) leatherbacks, reflecting the pelagic foraging strategy of the species, Costa Rica leatherback δ15N signatures (15.4±1.8‰) were significantly enriched relative to St. Croix leatherback δ15N signatures (9.8±1.5‰). This δ15N difference likely reflects inter-basin differences in nitrogen cycling regimes and their influence on primary productivity being transferred through several trophic levels. Thus, high-order marine consumer movements, habitat preferences, and stable isotope signatures can be combined with ocean sampling to elucidate interactions between oceanographic processes and marine megafauna.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

The population of species Corophium urdaibaiense has been studied for a year in the Urdaibai estuary (NE Spain). The new species is characterised by its preference for muddy sand sediments (15% of mud) and the long body size (with a maximum length of 10.24 mm). The maximum abundance occurs in November (11,600 ind m−2); it almost disappears at the end of spring. The juveniles represent 79% of the population and the recruitment is concentrated within the October–December period. The breeding period begins in May, when the temperature is above 15°C, and it ceases in November, when the temperature is below 15°C. Bivoltinism is probable, taking into account the latitude (43°), temperature range (12–25°C) and breeding period (May and August–October), but the data are not sufficiently consistent to confirm the hypothesis. The production ranges from 2.93 to 5.85 g m−2 year−1, considering one and two generations per year, respectively. Some aspects concerning the food availability, predation and intraspecific competition could have an influence on the dynamics of the population and are discussed.  相似文献   

We measured the horizontal and vertical movements of five adult yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares, estimated body mass 64 to 93 kg) near the main Hawaiian Islands, while simultaneously gathering data on oceanographic conditions and currents. Fish movements were recorded by means of ultrasonic depth-sensitive transmitters. Depth–temperature and depth–oxygen profiles were measured with vertical conductivity–temperature–depth (CTD) casts, and the current-velocity field was surveyed using an acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP). Large adult yellowfin tuna spent ≃60 to 80% of their time in or immediately below the relatively uniform-temperature surface-layer (i.e. above 100 m), a behavior pattern similar to that previously reported for juvenile yellowfin tuna, blue marlin (Makaira nigricans), and striped marlin (Tetrapturus audax) tracked in the same area. In all three species, maximum swimming depths appear to be limited by water temperatures 8 C° colder than the surface-layer water temperature. Therefore, neither large body mass, nor the ability to maintain elevated swimming-muscle temperatures due to the presence of vascular counter-current heat exchangers in tunas, appears to permit greater vertical mobility or the ability to remain for extended periods below the thermocline. In those areas where the decrease in oxygen with depth is not limiting, the vertical movements of yellowfin tuna, blue marlin and striped marlin all appear to be restricted by the effects of water temperature on cardiac muscle function. Like juvenile yellowfin tuna, but unlike blue marlin and striped marlin, adult yellowfin tuna remained within 18.5 km of the coast and became associated with floating objects, including anchored fish-aggregating devices (FADs) and the tracking vessel. Like juvenile yellowfin tuna, large adult yellowfin repeatedly re-visit the same FAD, and appear able to navigate precisely between FADs that are up to 18 km apart. The median speed over ground ranged from 72 to 154 cm s−1. Neither speed nor direction was strongly influenced by currents. Received: 27 March 1998 / Accepted: 13 November 1998  相似文献   

Population subdivision was examined in Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) through sequencing of the control region of the mitochondrial genome. A total of 178 samples from the spawning grounds in the Gulf of Mexico, Bahamas and Mediterranean Sea were analyzed. Among the samples from these locations were 36 electronically tagged bluefin tuna that were tagged in the North Atlantic and subsequently traveled to one of these known spawning grounds during the spawning season. Bluefin tuna populations from the Gulf of Mexico and the Mediterranean Sea were found to be genetically distinct based on Φst, and sequence nearest neighbor analyses, showing that these two major spawning areas support independent stocks. Sequence nearest neighbor analysis indicated significant population subdivision among the Gulf of Mexico, western Mediterranean and eastern Mediterranean Sea. However, it was not possible to find significant pairwise differences between any sampling areas when using all samples. If only samples that had a high likelihood of assignment to a specific spawning site were used (young of the year, spawning adults), the differentiation increased among all sampling areas and the Western Mediterranean Sea was distinct from the Eastern Mediterranean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico. It was not possible to distinguish samples from the Bahamas from those collected at any of the other sampling sites. These data support tagging results that suggested distinctness of the Gulf of Mexico, Eastern and Western Mediterranean Sea spawning areas. This level of stock differentiation is only possible if Atlantic bluefin tuna show strong natal homing to individual spawning grounds.  相似文献   

Pop-up satellite archival tags were implanted into 68 Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus Linnaeus), ranging in size from 91 to 295 kg, in the southern Gulf of Maine (n=67) and off the coast of North Carolina (n=1) between July 2002 and January 2003. Individuals tagged in the Gulf of Maine left that area in late fall and overwintered in northern shelf waters, off the coasts of Virginia and North Carolina, or in offshore waters of the northwestern Atlantic Ocean. In spring, the fish moved either northwards towards the Gulf of Maine or offshore. None of the fish crossed the 45°W management line (separating eastern and western management units) and none traveled towards the Gulf of Mexico or the Straits of Florida (known western Atlantic spawning grounds). The greatest depth recorded was 672 m and the fish experienced temperatures ranging from 3.4 to 28.7°C. Swimming depth was significantly correlated with location, season, size class, time of day, and moon phase. There was also evidence of synchronous vertical behavior and changes in depth distribution in relation to oceanographic features.Communicated by J.P. Grassle, New Brunswick  相似文献   

Few data are available on the movements and behavior of immature Atlantic loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) from their seasonal neritic foraging grounds within the western north Atlantic. These waters provide developmental habitat for loggerheads originating from several western Atlantic nesting stocks. We examined the long-term movements of 23 immature loggerheads (16 wild-caught and seven headstart turtles) characterizing their seasonal distribution, habitat use, site fidelity, and the oceanographic conditions encountered during their migrations. We identified two movement strategies: (1) a seasonal shelf-constrained north–south migratory pattern; and (2) a year-round oceanic dispersal strategy where turtles travel in the Gulf Stream to the North Atlantic and their northern dispersal is limited by the 10–15°C isotherm. When sea surface temperatures dropped below 20°C, neritic turtles began a migration south of Cape Hatteras, North Carolina (USA) where they established fidelity to the waters between North Carolina’s Outer Banks and the western edge of the Gulf Stream along outer continental shelf. Two turtles traveled as far south as Florida. Several turtles returned to their seasonal foraging grounds during subsequent summers. Northern movements were associated with both increased sea surface temperature (>21°C) and increased primary productivity. Our results indicate strong seasonal and interannual philopatry to the waters of Virginia (summer foraging habitat) and North Carolina (winter habitat). We suggest that the waters of Virginia and North Carolina provide important seasonal habitat and serve as a seasonal migratory pathway for immature loggerhead sea turtles. North Carolina’s Cape Hatteras acts as a seasonal “migratory bottleneck” for this species; special management consideration should be given to this region. Six turtles spent time farther from the continental shelf. Three entered the Gulf Stream near Cape Hatteras, traveling in the current to the northwest Atlantic. Two of these turtles remained within an oceanic habitat from 1 to 3 years and were associated with mesoscale features and frontal systems. The ability of large benthic subadults to resume an oceanic lifestyle for extended periods indicates plasticity in habitat use and migratory strategies. Therefore, traditional life history models for loggerhead sea turtles should be reevaluated.  相似文献   

The breeding performance of higher predators has often been used to monitor fluctuations in the abundance of important prey stocks in marine ecosystems. The development of electronic data-loggers in recent years has also provided the opportunity of using wide-ranging marine animals to measure physical oceanographic conditions. In this study, time–depth recorders (TDRs) programmed to record temperature were deployed on female Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella) at Bird Island, South Georgia (54°00′S; 38°02′W) during the breeding seasons 1994 to 1998. Temperature sensors had relatively slow response times, and thermal radiation errors occurred during the day when seals spent a large proportion of their time at the surface. Nevertheless, measurements provided temperature–depth profiles which were typical of the vertical stratification of the ocean. During the early stages of a foraging trip temperature increased, suggesting that fur seals travelled northwards from South Georgia towards the warmer waters of the Polar Front. In addition, higher temperatures were recorded by females that remained at sea for longer, implying that these individuals also travelled further. Mean sea-surface temperature (SST) increased from ∼1 to 4 °C from December to March and agreed with SSTs from ship, buoy and satellite. Future studies on marine mammals which combine satellite tracking with oceanographic measurements are likely to provide valuable information on biophysical aspects of the ocean. Received: 16 June 1998 / Accepted: 13 February 1999  相似文献   

Although mysids play important roles in marine food chains, studies on their production are scarce, especially for warm-water species. We investigated life history and production of Orientomysis robusta in a shallow warm-temperate habitat of the Sea of Japan. Its spawning and recruitment occurred throughout the year; 19 overlapping cohorts were recognizable over an annual cycle. The summer cohorts recruited in July–September exhibited rapid growth, early maturity, small brood size, and small body size. A converse set of life history traits characterized the autumn–winter cohorts recruited in October–March. The spring cohorts recruited in April–June had intermediate characteristics of both cohorts. Life spans were 19–33, 21–48, and 69–138 days for summer, spring, and autumn–winter cohorts, respectively, and mortality rates were high for spring and summer cohorts, especially during June–August but were low for autumn–winter cohorts. Production calculated from the summation of growth increments was 488.8 mg DW m−2 year−1 with an annual P/B ratio of 21.26. The short life span seems to be responsible for such an extremely high P/B ratio. A method not requiring recognition and tracking cohorts gave similar values (534.0 mg DW m−2 year−1 and 20.49). The close agreement in production values between the two methods indicates our estimates are valid.  相似文献   

Production rates, chlorophyll concentrations and general composition of periphytic diatom communities growing on glass slides were studied in relation to environmental parameters during one seasonal cycle in the Bay of Paranaguá, southern Brazil. Slides were routinely submersed at 1, 2 and 3 m depth and recovered weekly for microscopic examinations, analyses of chlorophyll, cell counts and in situ photosynthetic incubations using the Winkler titration method. Water samples were also collected at surface and bottom layers for determinations of temperature, salinity, nutrients and chlorophyll in the water. The periphytic community was mainly formed by epipelic and epipsammic species, dominated by Navicula phyllepta, Cylindrotheca closterium, Navicula spp. and Amphora sp. Weekly chlorophyll a and cell accumulations on slides varied from <1–32 mg m−2 and up to 31 × 108 cells m−2, respectively. Photosynthetic rates varied from <1 to 35 mg oxygen mg chlorophyll a −1 h−1, with higher values in summer. Daily production varied from 5 to 3,600 mg oxygen m−2 day−1 (<0.01–1.4 g carbon m−2 day−1). Multiple regression analysis revealed that vertical differences in light conditions and grazing pressure jointly affected the influence of temperature on the seasonal patterns of cell densities and chlorophyll concentrations according to depth. Received: 27 April 2000 / Accepted: 16 August 2000  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the performance of different methods for estimation of the vertical eddy diffusivity in thermally stratified lakes, two field studies were conducted in Lake Biwa, Japan and Lake Kinneret, Israel. Lake Biwa experienced three typhoons during the campaign while Lake Kinneret experienced high winds in the afternoons. Microstructure profiles were collected by a portable flux profiler (PFP) during calm and disturbed periods. Then, the vertical eddy diffusivity was estimated by three indirect methods. The estimated vertical eddy diffusivities varied more than one order of magnitude, from 4.7× 10−7 to 7.7× 10−6 m2 s−1. The comparison of results with previous buoyancy flux measurements and scaling arguments showed that the Dillon–Park’s method is not appropriate and Osborn–Cox method performs better than Osborn method in the studied case. Furthermore, the low value of vertical eddy diffusivity within the thermocline suggests that within the thermocline of these lakes, diffusive vertical transport can be neglected.  相似文献   

Bacterial abundance, production, and extracellular enzyme activity were determined in the shallow water column, in the epiphytic community of Thalassia testudinum, and at the sediment surface along with total carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus in Florida Bay, a subtropical seagrass estuary. Data were statistically reduced by principle components analysis (PCA) and multidimensional scaling and related to T. testudinum leaf total phosphorus content and phytoplankton biomass. Each zone (i.e., pelagic, epiphytic, and surface sediment community) was significantly dissimilar to each other (Global R = 0.65). Pelagic aminopeptidase and sum of carbon hydrolytic enzyme (esterase, peptidase, and α- and β-glucosidase) activities ranged from 8 to 284 mg N m−2 day−1 and 113–1,671 mg C m−2 day−1, respectively, and were 1–3 orders of magnitude higher than epiphytic and sediment surface activities. Due to the phosphorus-limited nature of Florida Bay, alkaline phosphatase activity was similar between pelagic (51–710 mg P m−2 day−1) and sediment (77–224 mg P m−2 day−1) zones but lower in the epiphytes (1.1–5.2 mg P m−2 day−1). Total (and/or organic) C (111–311 g C m−2), N (9.4–27.2 g N m−2), and P (212–1,623 mg P m−2) content were the highest in the sediment surface and typically the lowest in the seagrass epiphytes, ranging from 0.6 to 8.7 g C m−2, 0.02–0.99 g N m−2, and 0.5–43.5 mg P m−2. Unlike nutrient content and enzyme activities, bacterial production was highest in the epiphytes (8.0–235.1 mg C m−2 day−1) and sediment surface (11.5–233.2 mg C m−2 day−1) and low in the water column (1.6–85.6 mg C m−2 day−1). At an assumed 50% bacterial growth efficiency, for example, extracellular enzyme hydrolysis could supply 1.8 and 69% of epiphytic and sediment bacteria carbon demand, respectively, while pelagic bacteria could fulfill their carbon demand completely by enzyme-hydrolyzable organic matter. Similarly, previously measured T. testudinum extracellular photosynthetic carbon exudation rates could not satisfy epiphytic and sediment surface bacterial carbon demand, suggesting that epiphytic algae and microphytobenthos might provide usable substrates to support high benthic bacterial production rates. PCA revealed that T. testudinum nutrient content was related positively to epiphytic nutrient content and carbon hydrolase activity in the sediment, but unrelated to pelagic variables. Phytoplankton biomass correlated positively with all pelagic components and sediment aminopeptidase activity but negatively with epiphytic alkaline phosphatase activity. In conclusion, seagrass production and nutrient content was unrelated to pelagic bacteria activity, but did influence extracellular enzyme hydrolysis at the sediment surface and in the epiphytes. This study suggests that seagrass-derived organic matter is of secondary importance in Florida Bay and that bacteria rely primarily on algal/cyanobacteria production. Pelagic bacteria seem coupled to phytoplankton, while the benthic community appears supported by epiphytic and/or microphytobenthos production.  相似文献   

Wind tunnel experiments on rehabilitation surfaces at Eneabba, Western Australia evaluated the techniques used by Associated Minerals Consolidated Ltd. (AMC) and Allied Eneabba Ltd. (AEL) to stabilize regions being revegetated following heavy mineral sand mining. Newly landscaped areas proved to be the most erodible, beginning to erode at 9 m sec−1 and producing a soil flux of 10 kg m−1 min−1 at 18 m sec−1 wind speeds. Sandier, more organically-rich, surfaces in the rehabilitation areas were somewhat less erodible with losses of only 2 kg m−1 min−1 at wind speeds of 18 m sec−1. The mining companies use various nurse crops and top dressing mulch for surface stabilization. Rows of oats, sparse plantings of the grass cultivar “SUDAX” (Dekalb ST6) supplied by Westfarmers Ltd. and applications of Terolas, a cold, bituminous surface binding material supplied by Shell Co. of Australia Ltd., all proved successful in reducing wind erosion in this semi-arid region where more than 25% of summer days experience winds greater than 8 m sec−1.  相似文献   

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