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典型静电放电火花点燃危险性评价方法研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
通过研究典型静电放电火花的实际点燃能力 ,对实际生产工艺工程中的静电放电火花的点燃危险性进行定量评价。静电放电火花的放电相当能量、放电火花空间分布范围和放电火花持续时间 ,决定了静电放电火花实际点燃可燃物的可能性大小 ,因此不同类型的静电放电火花点燃可燃物的差异性很大。根据数据序列理论分析 ,引入静电放电火花点火源序列和可燃物危险性序列之间存在的关联性 ,反映了静电放电火花点燃可燃物的危险程度 ,可用于对静电放电火花的实际点燃危险性进行量化评价。对聚烯烃粉体生产工艺过程中典型和频发性的静电放电火花的点燃危险性进行了定量评价。  相似文献   

主要针对2011年冬季黑龙江省哈尔滨市地区降水过少而2012年春季极度干旱对森林可燃物含水率的影响进行研究。对在2011—2013年冬季反常气候影响下的黑龙江哈尔滨城市林业示范基地的樟子松、胡桃楸、白桦、蒙古栎林下可燃物含水率的动态变化进行了定点检测,并通过细致的分析发现随着气象条件的变化,不同森林可燃物含水率呈现出不同的变化趋势:樟子松林下可燃物含水率相比之下一直很高,胡桃楸林下可燃物含水率一直非常稳定,对环境条件的变化反映不太明显,而蒙古栎林下可燃物则处于中间,白桦林下可燃物对气象因子的变化最为敏感,上下波动很大。根据监测获得的数据对不同森林可燃物含水率和气象因子的关系进行了多元线性回归分析,并在符合一定条件的前提下建立了相对应的含水率预测模型,由于数据较少等原因,所得模型准确性有待验证,但是这也为哈尔滨城市林业示范基地森林含水率的预测奠定了基础。  相似文献   

一种预测森林可燃物含水率的方法   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17  
可燃物含水率的大小,特别是细小可燃物含水率的大小决定了森林燃烧的难易程度,为了预测森林可燃物的含水率,对东北林区的落叶松,白桦和柞树的细小可燃物的含不率变化进行了研究,并利用多元统计方法建立了各种可燃物的含水率与其相关因子的回归模型,从而在国家级森林火险预测预报系统吵实现了通过获取气象因子来预测森林可燃物含水率的设计思想。  相似文献   

大兴安岭天然林保护工程重点区域,也是森林火灾频发的重灾区。收集测定了177组森林地表可燃物含水率数据,整理成列联表,进行列联表分析。结果表明,所研究区域的森林地表可燃物在低海拔含水率较高,随着海拔的升高,含水率呈现明显的降低趋势。研究结果可为进一步建立更加精确的大兴安岭林区森林地表可燃物含水率预测模型提供理论基础,对于该林区火灾预防工作意义重大。  相似文献   

对大兴安岭落叶松林地表可燃物含水率影响因子进行分析,选取主要的环境因子,为该区域内林火管理工作提供重要的理论依据。利用软件SPSS Clementine12.0,将相对湿度、地表温度、空气温度作为输入神经元,将兴安落叶松林地表可燃物含水率作为神经网络输出神经元,建立基于BP神经网络的含水率模型。应用BP神经网络模型敏感度分析结果来评定环境因子对兴安落叶松林地表可燃物含水率影响的大小,分析表明,影响兴安落叶松林地表可燃物含水率的主要环境因子由小到大排序为:相对湿度、地表温度、空气温度。构建的兴安落叶松林地表可燃物含水率BP神经网络模型对该区域内的林火管理工作具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

黑龙江大兴安岭林区森林草类可燃物潜在能量研究   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
李华  杜军  田晓瑞 《火灾科学》2002,11(1):49-51
黑龙江大兴安岭林区森林草类植被能量释放主要取决于可燃物的生物量和发热量,可燃物的能量与含水率有着密切关系,而可燃物的含水率又与气角要素有着相关性。在对大兴安岭樟子松林、柞木林、山杨林、白桦林、落叶松、草类和采伐迹地等不同可燃物类型设置标准地并进行可燃物生物量调查的基础上,收集整理防火期内气象资料,分析可燃物含水率与气象因子的关系。结果表明,雨量多,相对湿度大,气温低,风小,含水率就多,相反则少;不同可燃物的发热量和生物量不同,潜在能量也不同,火的强度也不一样;不同可燃物类型,由于树种组成、年龄以及立地条件等不同,能量释放和火强度等也大不相同。  相似文献   

对建筑物中常见的3种可燃物三合板、纸、棉布进行了工业分析实验和轰燃观测实验.工业分析实验表明,这3种可燃物挥发分含量高,水分、灰分含量低.由轰燃观测实验得到了不同温度下3种可燃物的着火和火势蔓延的时间,分析了其对建筑火灾的影响.轰燃观测实验表明,在小于等于300 ℃时,可燃物的挥发分较难析出,故不会引起燃烧,但随着温度的升高,轰燃加快,火势迅速加剧.给出了一种简洁的轰燃判断方法,并对一个有限空间的轰然时间进行了预测.  相似文献   

广西苍梧马尾松林和大叶栎林的火行为比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马尾松(Pinus massoniana)是中国南方大面积造林的树种,也是抗火能力最弱的树种。研究了广西苍梧11龄马尾松用材林和4龄大叶栎萌芽林在正常冬季和干旱夏季情景下的火行为,用behaveplus计算了火线强度、蔓延速度、树冠火可能性等参数。结果表明,两种林分在干旱夏季的火行为高于在正常冬季的火行为。无论是在正常冬季还是在干旱夏季,都没有出现马尾松可燃物模型的火行为一致高于大叶栎可燃物模型的情况;天气、地形、可燃物床结构对可燃物含水率有很大影响,而含水率是火行为的决定因素。虽然大叶栎被划分为难燃树种,大叶栎萌芽林的火行为高于成年大叶栎乔木林,苍梧大叶栎萌芽林在极端干旱的夏季情景有被火把点燃的可能性。如果将大叶栎萌芽林作为防火林带使用,需要经常清除林下枯枝落叶,割除黑莎草,减少细小可燃物。  相似文献   

采用锥形量热仪,在不同辐射热流强度下,对三种燃烧性能等级(B级、C级和非阻燃)的中密度纤维板在不同相对湿度(0%、50%和98%)形成的含水率条件下进行了辐射引燃实验,测得点燃时间和热释放速率等参数。利用点燃理论中热厚型积分模型,推导了不同含水率不同燃烧性能等级(防火等级)纤维板的临界辐射热通量。通过对比发现,点燃时间随着板材含水率的增加而明显增大,而临界辐射热通量则几乎不受环境相对湿度(即含水率)的影响。添加阻燃剂可延长点燃时间,使板材临界辐射热通量增加,并能有效地降低纤维板材燃烧时的热释放速率。阻燃纤维板的临界辐射热通量要明显高于非阻燃纤维板,但是阻燃纤维板材之间相比,临界辐射热通量差别不大。因而,从本质安全的角度对材料的安全性进行评价,不能将临界辐射热通量作为单一的标准,必须综合多个参数进行全面评价。  相似文献   

非稳态火源热释放速率等效合成模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
火源热释放速率的设定直接关系到火灾数值模拟与仿真的准确性.为研究多火源作用下的火灾热释放速率,通过对非稳态火源引起火灾的火势蔓延情况进行迭代分析,结合热辐射点燃机理,对单一火源引发其他可燃物共同燃烧的火灾建立了热释放速率等效合成模型,并通过对某型飞机客舱ULD内货物进行实例分析来加以验证.结果表明,等效合成模型的最大热释放速率受初始火源位置、可燃物的燃烧特性及其摆放位置的共同影响.  相似文献   

A stochastic approach for evaluating the risk of vapor cloud explosions is proposed in this work. The proposed methodology aims to incorporate the effect of uncertainty into the risk analysis to produce a better overall view for the risk. Some stochastic variables are used to estimate the probability of vapor cloud explosions: frequency of the release, the probability of not having an immediate ignition, the probability of delayed ignition and the probability of a vapor cloud explosion given a delayed ignition, as well as different possible meteorological conditions. These stochastic variables are represented with probability distribution curves. Different curves for the frequencies of releases from process equipment types (steel process pipes, flanges, manual valves, actuated valves, etc.), different equipment diameters and different leak sizes are also used in this analysis. Monte Carlo simulation is performed to obtain the risk as a probability distribution using the Analytic Solver Platform. Then the risk distribution curve obtained by Monte Carlo simulation is used to estimate the probability of satisfying the risk tolerance criterion.  相似文献   

飞火颗粒点燃和火焰辐射引燃是森林-城镇交界域火灾两种主要引燃方式。已有很多研究关注单种引燃方式,但缺乏二者耦合作用下的引燃机理研究。实验研究了热颗粒与热辐射耦合作用下松针燃料床的点燃行为,分析了热颗粒尺寸、温度及辐射热通量对点燃特性的影响。实验结果表明:热颗粒和热辐射耦合作用的点燃危险性远远高于热颗粒或者热辐射单独作用下的点燃危险性。耦合作用时,点燃概率随颗粒尺寸、温度和辐射热通量增大而增大,热颗粒临界点燃温度以及临界辐射热通量均随热颗粒尺寸增大而降低;阴燃向明火转变的点燃时间随辐射热通量增大而降低,但与颗粒状态呈现出较为复杂的关系。  相似文献   

Based on existing MIE test results and new measurements, a statistical analysis for the MIE of hydrogen, ethene and propane is made by means of the logistic regression. The conditions necessary to carry out such an approach are discussed. It is shown that MIE values which are connected with a certain ignition probability could be determined adequately and lead to a more sophisticated result, also with regard to measurement uncertainties. This, in turn, leads to a better comparability and a higher informative content. At the same time, the MIEs of hydrogen, ethene and propane are reviewed. In doing so, a useful contribution to the discussion concerning the MIE of propane is made.  相似文献   

为探究煤炭生产过程中呼吸性粉尘难以捕捉且对人体造成伤害的问题,提出超音速水雾荷电降尘技术。基于荷电雾化机理,研究电极环直径、电极间距、电压3因素对超音速气动液滴荷电、雾化效果的影响。利用网状目标法测量雾滴群电流并计算荷质比,采用SPSS软件分析3因素与雾滴荷质比之间的相关性,并用激光粒度仪测量雾滴粒径。最后,采用最优荷电雾化参数进行喷雾降尘试验。研究结果表明:各因素对荷电效果的影响次序为:电压>电极间距>电极环直径;雾滴粒径随电压的升高而减小,随电极间距的增大先增大后减小,随电极环直径的增大先减小后增大;当电压12 kV,电极间距2.5 cm,电极环直径6 cm时,超音速荷电水雾降尘效果最佳,与普通水雾降尘相比,全尘降尘效率提高12.4%,呼尘降尘效率提高49.6%。  相似文献   

石化装置泄漏事故点火源及点火概率的确定   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
简要综述石化企业常见点火源的分类及点火概率的确定方法。首先介绍点火源的常见分类方式,通过事件树展示泄漏发生后立即点火和延迟点火造成的不同事故后果;其次总结目前国内外确定点火概率的两种方法,即基于事故统计的点火概率以及基于点火源分类和统计的方法。在基于事故统计的点火概率中,给出国外在易燃液体运输、井喷、储罐破裂、管道运输等行业发生泄漏事故后的点火概率。在基于点火源分类及统计的点火概率计算中,给出TNO、HSE推荐的点火概率计算方法。同时对国内的研究情况进行了总结,给出已发表的点火概率计算方法。最后简要介绍目前国内关于点火过程的试验研究。针对国内工厂实际情况确定不同点火源的点火概率的工作亟待开展。  相似文献   

Quantifying the risk of accidental ignition of flammable mixtures is extremely important in industry and aviation safety. The concept of a minimum ignition energy (MIE), obtained using a capacitive spark discharge ignition source, has traditionally formed the basis for determining the hazard posed by fuels. While extensive tabulations of historical MIE data exist, there has been little work done on ignition of realistic industrial and aviation fuels, such as gasoline or kerosene. In the current work, spark ignition tests are performed in a gaseous kerosene–air mixture with a liquid fuel temperature of 60 °C and a fixed spark gap of 3.3 mm. The required ignition energy was examined, and a range of spark energies over which there is a probability of ignition is identified and compared with previous test results in Jet A (aviation kerosene). The kerosene results are also compared with ignition test results obtained in previous work for traditional hydrogen-based surrogate mixtures used in safety testing as well as two hexane–air mixtures. Additionally, the statistical nature of spark ignition is discussed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This study investigated the impact of subjective reports of drowsy driving and non-driving duties on the falling asleep responses and road crash involvement of professional drivers in Crete. An attempt was also made to elucidate other driving parameters, such as freight transportation, which could be potential predictors of risky driving, after controlling for lifestyle patterns. METHOD: A sample of 317 professional drivers was studied through personal interviews. The interview questionnaire included items about sleep and fatigue as contributing factors to falling asleep probability and crash risk. In addition, the drivers reported the type of freight they carried in their last trip, as well as practices such as smoking and alcohol consumption. RESULTS: The first logistic regression analysis showed that the most significant predictors of falling asleep at the wheel were transportation of fruits/vegetables and livestock, non-driving hours of work, insufficient hours of sleep, and smoking. The second logistic regression analysis revealed all the previous items as powerful factors of crash probability, including the transportation of express freight and freezer. IMPACT: The findings of the current study are discussed as they pertain to directions for future studies and for the development of fatigue countermeasures.  相似文献   

Some results of determination of ignition energies for an aluminium powder with various oxide contents are presented. Common use of processes like high-speed cutting produce explosive dust clouds, so that we focused this study on hazard of metallic powders. An industrial aluminium powder has been used for this work. An original process, based on the principle of electrochemical anodisation, has been developed to increase, under control, the oxide coating of particles.

The sensitivity study to spark ignition was performed in an Hartmann explosion tube of 1.3L. The Langlie test method was applied to evaluate the energies leading to a probability of ignition of 50% (E50) of the selected samples. The results confirm that the ignition energies increase with the oxide content of the powder.  相似文献   

An analysis was completed of the hazards and risks of hydrogen, compared to the traditional fuel sources of gasoline and natural gas (methane). The study was based entirely on the physical properties of these fuels, and not on any process used to store and extract the energy. The study was motivated by the increased interest in hydrogen as a fuel source for automobiles.The results show that, for flammability hazards, hydrogen has an increased flammability range, a lower ignition energy and a higher deflagration index. For both gasoline and natural gas (methane) the heat of combustion is higher (on a mole basis). Thus, hydrogen has a somewhat higher flammability hazard.The risk is based on probability and consequence. The probability of a fire or explosion is based on the flammability range, the auto-ignition temperature and the minimum ignition energy. In this case, hydrogen has a larger flammability zone and a lower minimum ignition energy—thus the probability of a fire or explosion is higher. The consequence of a fire or explosion is based on the heat of combustion, the maximum pressure during combustion, and the deflagration index. Hydrogen has an increased consequence due to the large value of the deflagration index while gasoline and natural gas (methane) have a higher heat of combustion. Thus, based on physical properties alone, hydrogen poses an increase risk, primarily due to the increased probability of ignition.This study was unable to assess the effects of the increased buoyancy of hydrogen—which might change the probability depending on the actual physical situation.A complete hazard and risk analysis must be completed once the actual equipment for hydrogen storage and energy extraction is specified. This paper discusses the required procedure.  相似文献   

Repetitive streamer discharges caused by transients, e.g. due to high frequency overvoltages, can ignite combustible mixtures, which has to be taken into account concerning the safety assessment of electrical apparatus for usage in hazardous areas. Hydrogen/air mixtures were ignited inside a closed vessel using a rod/plane electrode configuration. Alternating voltage with a frequency between 600 and 750 kHz and amplitudes of up to 20 kV was used to produce streamer discharges. The ignition process and the subsequent flame front propagation were examined with respect to mixture composition and several electrical parameters using time-resolved measurements of planar laser-induced fluorescence (PLIF) of OH radicals. A multiple pulse laser and detection system was used to assemble four images during one experiment. These measurements have given detailed information about the point of ignition and flame velocities. The experimental results will be used to validate numerical simulations of ignition by streamer discharges, which will yield deep insights into this specific ignition process.  相似文献   

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