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在政策支持和实际需求的驱动下,可能会导致县级地区垃圾焚烧项目迅速增多,且带来潜在的环境监管压力和环境社会风险,需要给予持续的特别关注,并对地方做好环境监管和风险管控的指导。本文基于全国精细化的生活垃圾焚烧处理设施、生活垃圾产生量、网络舆情等数据,通过构建泰森多边形等空间分析方法进行了焚烧处理设施的服务范围识别及负荷率计算,通过自然语言处理技术进行了关于生活垃圾焚烧处理设施的情感分析。在此基础上,基于焚烧处理设施的负荷率和负面舆情比例,对全国31个省份环境社会风险进行定量的评估分析并提出对策建议,一是平衡解决“缺口大”和“吃不饱”问题,合理规划布局县级地区生活垃圾焚烧处理设施;二是聚焦负面舆情高发领域、区域,积极防范县级地区生活垃圾焚烧处理设施环境社会风险。  相似文献   

如何突破“邻避”设施建设困境,对改善城市人居环境以及推动生态文明建设具有重要意义。本文利用中国社会状况综合调查(CSS)2019年的数据,探讨了政府信息公开对“邻避”设施接受意愿的影响。研究发现:政府信息公开水平的提升有利于增强公众对“邻避”设施的接受意愿,该结果在一系列稳健性测试中依旧成立。政府信任是信息公开对“邻避”设施接受意愿影响的重要作用渠道,并且县级政府的信用作用要高于中央政府。相较而言,政府信息公开的作用对于教育水平较低以及中年群体的影响更为显著。基于此,本文提出调整“邻避”项目决策模式、丰富“邻避”项目信息公开方式、扩宽“邻避”项目监管渠道等对策建议,促进“邻避”设施顺利落地。  相似文献   

城市品质化发展与现代化治理的时代进程,迫切要求政府持续深化“邻避”风险防范化解。对城市“邻避”风险情境要素的考察发现,当前“邻避”风险的环境敏感性、经济相关性同近年来低烈度的区域扩散趋势叠加,政府“邻避”风险决策的地方性特征与治理议题的多元化趋势叠加,媒体在风险扩散中的高动员性与网络社群的分散化趋势叠加,公众“邻避”行动的抗争性与动机的多重性叠加。面对“邻避”风险情境演变所施加的治理压力,政府需从“增长逻辑”向“发展逻辑”转变,重新明确“邻避”风险治理中的政府角色。进而,本文从常态治理机制、提升决策品质、推动“去污名化”的知识生产、全面保障公众利益等方面具体探讨政府的治理应对。  相似文献   

进入新时代,具有“邻避”效应的重大项目和基础设施建设仍然是我国城镇化发展的“刚需”和重要支撑,环境“邻避”问题必将是当前及今后一定时期内城镇化进程中面临的常态。本文选取南方某省作为典型对象进行深入研究,结果表明,环境“邻避”问题总体风险形势平稳可控,防控重点领域仍以传统领域为主,公众诉求反应和抗争表达方式由激烈转变为相对理性,城市规划与建设的矛盾风险问题增多,风险传播快传导性强。本文系统总结出明确组织领导统筹机制、强化联动发挥协作效能、建设项目高标准实施、惠民措施灵活有效、社会力量聚合治理等地方实践经验。建议重点着力防范化解好传统领域风险,常态化推动机制发挥作用,充分发挥共建共治共享作用,以环境社会治理共享发展成果,提升环境“邻避”问题系统应对能力。  相似文献   

随着居民环境和公众维权意识的提高,邻避冲突会逐步从感性的情绪表达过渡到理性的利益诉求。选择房地产作为度量邻避设施导致的资产损失的媒介,基于双重差分模型构建了邻避设施导致的资产损失评估方法。以南京市为例,选择55个有效住宅社区1980个样本作为处理组,选择25个商圈住宅社区900个样本作为对照组,研究了化工厂、污水处理厂、公墓和监狱四种典型邻避设施对周边资产价格的影响。研究发现:不同邻避设施对周边资产影响不同;化工厂、监狱、公墓和污水处理厂的影响程度依次为302、284、194和180;区域繁华因素等可以消除邻避设施的部分影响;邻避设施周边资产的市场表现仅满足"上涨时涨得少",而不满足"下跌时跌得多"的特点。  相似文献   

环保型邻避矛盾是由环保问题引发的邻避矛盾。根据邻避设施对周边群众的环境影响,环保型邻避矛盾可分为环境要素敏感类、环境风险集聚类、基础设施建设类。该类矛盾具有参与人员多、诉求多样化、冲突响应度高的特点,如处置不当,易造成社会群体事件。在分析环保型邻避矛盾原因的基础上,从完善决策程序立法、开展环境风险评估、强化规划空间布局、严格环境准入等方面提出了弱化或避免的对策建议。  相似文献   

正所谓邻避主义,起初仅指公众基于环境和安全考虑而反对将诸如发电厂、火电站、核电站等有着巨大安全风险的基础设施建于自身周边地区的一种心理反应。后来,邻避主义从原先的以抵制危害性风险为主转变为抵制一切可能改变现状的建设和生产。近年来,我国环境事件频发,"邻避主义"这一西方发达国家曾经  相似文献   

<正>1970年代末以来,世界各国在城市化进程中普遍遇到邻避问题。邻避效应最早发生于美欧日等国,之后中国台湾、香港等地也出现。而我国内地自2003年首次发生邻避事件以来,邻避效应已持续十余年。从厦门、大连、昆明、成都、宁波等地发生的反PX项目事件,到北京六里屯、上海虹桥、广州番禺区、湖北仙桃等地发生的反垃圾焚烧发电厂项目事件,超过半数的邻避事件属于环境型邻避冲突。从2016年6月的仙桃事件看,市民聚集在一起反对垃圾焚烧发电站落户城区,当地政府始终采取不回应的处置方式,致使激愤的市民与  相似文献   

对垃圾焚烧项目开展了社会稳定风险等级评估,从项目的政策规划和审批程序、土地房屋征收方案、技术和经济方案、生态环境影响、项目建设管理、经济社会影响、安全生产与公共安全、与社会互适性以及其他共9个方面,建立评估指标体系。以某市静脉产业园为例,采用实地考察、群众调查、专家咨询和考察类似项目等方式进行社会调查,识别了6个方面共10个主要风险因素,采用AHP-FCE法对某市静脉产业园社会稳定风险等级进行评估,评估结果为该项目社会稳定风险等级为较大风险。  相似文献   

为了解决传统垃圾焚烧行业依靠规模扩张、管理粗放、运行效率低、邻避效应突出而引发的发展瓶颈,深圳能源环保股份有限公司(简称深能环保)通过集合“清洁高效、精准管控、数智融合、低碳循环、共建共享”,创新性地提出了“五位一体”垃圾焚烧智慧低碳发展新模式。该模式为推动新时代我国垃圾焚烧行业绿色、低碳、智慧、可持续发展提供了全新的思路,具有重要借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Not In My Back Yard (NIMBY) supporters are presented as citizens in opposition to local developments due to their spatial proximity. However, these conflicts have proven much more complex than the NIMBY concept can explain. The objective of this paper is to provide a framework to facilitate the understanding of opposition movements and how they can affect society at large, triggering social change. The conceptual framework is applied to a case of local opposition to a landfill project in Essonne, France. Through the analysis of the structure of the opposition movement and its changes over time, the author shows how it can evolve into a social movement that enriches democracy through the constitution of four types of capital: social, scientific, patrimonial and political. The author argues that scientific and patrimonial capitals allow social capital to evolve into political capital. The shift from being a self-interest to a civic interest movement is called enlightened resistance, which reveals local public interest, called territorial interests. When studying environmental controversies, the author emphasises the importance of recognizing the evolution through time of (1) social landscape, (2) different types of legitimate knowledge, (3) the role of place attachment, and (4) the political dimension of identities.  相似文献   

我国城市生活垃圾处理行业2010年发展综述   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
简述了2010年我国城市生活垃圾处理的总体状况;归纳了2010年国家发布和实施的有关标准和政策;介绍了2010年新批准申请CDM的填埋气体利用项目和垃圾焚烧发电项目、垃圾堆肥项目,以及新投入运行的生活垃圾焚烧发电厂;对城市生活垃圾处理行业的发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

/ Siting hazardous waste facilities is an extremely complex and difficult endeavor. Public aversion to the construction of these facilities in or near their community often results in concerted opposition, referred to as the NIMBY syndrome. For the most part, siting processes do not fail because of inadequate environmental or technical considerations, but because of the adversarial decision-making strategies employed by the proponents. Innovative siting processes used in the provinces of Alberta and Manitoba offer tangible evidence of the successful application of an innovative siting approach based on the principles of decentralization of decision-making authority and full and meaningful public involvement. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate four Canadian siting processes from the perspective of public participation and access to decision-making authority. Examples of siting processes related to hazardous waste management facilities are provided from the provinces of Alberta, Manitoba, British Columbia, and Ontario. Siting has evolved from approaches dominated by top-down decision making to increasing decentralized and pluralistic approaches. Focusing on social and political concerns of potentially affected communities and on the process of decision making itself are fundamental to achieving siting success. In Alberta initially, and later in Manitoba, this new "open approach" to siting has resulted in the construction of the first two comprehensive hazardous waste treatment facilities in Canada.KEY WORDS: Hazardous waste facilities; Siting methodologies; Public participation  相似文献   

During the 1990s the social scientific literature on local opposition to proposed developments has moved from a focus on individual motives to a concern with the social causes and significance of such protest. However, the language of NIMBYism is still widely used by researchers. Drawing on data from a case study of local responses to a proposed new road the central role that the language of NIMBY plays within siting disputes is illustrated, and it is concluded that academics interested in understanding the dynamics and process of local development disputes might usefully study participants' use of NIMBY, but should distance themselves from the activity of attributing NIMBYism to certain parties. In addition those concerned with managing, mediating or resolving local disputes should also steer clear of the language of NIMBY and engage with the diversity and complexity of local concerns and interests.  相似文献   


During the 1990s the social scientific literature on local opposition to proposed developments has moved from a focus on individual motives to a concern with the social causes and significance of such protest. However, the language of NIMBYism is still widely used by researchers. Drawing on data from a case study of local responses to a proposed new road the central role that the language of NIMBY plays within siting disputes is illustrated, and it is concluded that academics interested in understanding the dynamics and process of local development disputes might usefully study participants' use of NIMBY, but should distance themselves from the activity of attributing NIMBYism to certain parties. In addition those concerned with managing, mediating or resolving local disputes should also steer clear of the language of NIMBY and engage with the diversity and complexity of local concerns and interests.  相似文献   

This article presents an assessment of Russia's energy sector, its current state and planned future direction. The analysis of Russia's energy trends is based on a set of indicators for sustainable energy development (ISED), developed under the leadership of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The article discusses Russia's Energy Strategy to 2020, and outlines major developments and challenges of the country's energy system. Russia's energy priorities, captured in the Strategy to 2020, emphasize securing a stable and uninterrupted energy supply; reducing energy intensity and improving energy efficiency; developing the domestic energy resource base; reducing negative environmental impacts; and ensuring affordable energy for the poorer segments of the population. Energy needs and challenges are discussed in relation to the three aspects of sustainability as defined in Agenda 21: economic, social and environmental. Concerns are expressed regarding environmental repercussions of energy development, in particular since Russia's 1998 economic rebound. There are also concerns, despite the economic recovery, that anticipated increases in energy tariffs may exceed the affordability of poorer segments of the population.  相似文献   

Medical waste management in Korea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The management of medical waste is of great importance due to its potential environmental hazards and public health risks. In the past medical waste was often mixed with municipal solid waste and disposed of in residential waste landfills or improper treatment facilities (e.g. inadequately controlled incinerators) in Korea. In recent years, many efforts have been made by environmental regulatory agencies and waste generators to better manage the waste from healthcare facilities. This paper presents an overview of the current management practices of medical waste in Korea. Information regarding generation, composition, segregation, transportation, and disposal of medical wastes is provided and discussed. Medical waste incineration is identified as the most preferred disposal method and will be the only available treatment option in late 2005. Faced with increased regulations over toxic air emissions (e.g. dioxins and furans), all existing small incineration facilities that do not have air pollution control devices will cease operation in the next few years. Large-scale medical waste incinerators would be responsible for the treatment of medical waste generated by most healthcare facilities in Korea. It is important to point out that there is a great potential to emit air toxic pollutants from such incinerators if improperly operated and managed, because medical waste typically contains a variety of plastic materials such as polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Waste minimization and recycling, control of toxic air emissions at medical waste incinerators, and alternative treatment methods to incineration are regarded to be the major challenges in the future.  相似文献   

Climate change impacts are no longer just a future issue for communities in the Mediterranean climate regions. This comparative study offers insights on climate change risk perceptions and attitudes among environmental, economic and social stakeholders in coastal areas in northeastern Spain and South Australia, as well as compares interviewed stakeholders’ risk perceptions with available documentary data and participant observation. Using a community risk assessment approach, the results show that some stakeholders perceive that climate change is already and/or may further continue to affect their employment, mostly in a predominantly negative way. Interestingly, some other interviewed stakeholders consider that climate change creates opportunities through new and additional areas of work. The findings also suggest that climate change may influence relocation of coastal residential populations in both case studies, which is likely to be an acceptable option among the stakeholders. This acceptance can be linked to the fact that in both areas there is a significant percentage of resident population with migrant background. This study calls for a need to understand better the personal experience of climate change in industrialized countries, as well as to consider coastal relocation in the integrated coastal planning and other territorial and population policies.  相似文献   

我国城市生活垃圾焚烧处理发展分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市生活垃圾焚烧处理的减量化、资源化效果显著,近年来,在我国得到快速发展,逐步成为城市垃圾处理的重要手段。结合当前我国城市生活垃圾焚烧处理现状,分析了城市生活垃圾焚烧处理的环境防护、国家的政策与规划和技术发展方向。  相似文献   

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