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Based on the analysis on the global economic crisis,climate change crisis and their mutual underlying reasons,the authors believe that low-carbon economy has become an inevitable choice to break through the dual crises,coordinate the economic development,and protect the global climate.The global trend of low-carbon economy finds expression in Green Recovery currently,while,in a long run,it will give rise to a new pattern of world competition in politics,economy,technology,trade and finance.The impact of the...  相似文献   

Economic values of water for the main Public Irrigation Schemes in the sub-middle region of the São Francisco River Basin, in northeastern Brazil, are determined in this study using an integration of a global agro-economic land and water use (MAgPIE) with a local economic model (Positive Mathematical Programming). As in the latter, the water values depend on the crops grown, and as Brazilian agriculture is strongly influenced by the global market, we used a regionalized version of the global model adapted to the region in order to simulate the crop land use, which is in turn determined by changes in global demand, trade barriers, and climate. The allocation of sugarcane and fruit crops projected with climate change by the global model, showed an impact on the average yields and on the water costs in the main schemes resulting in changes in the water values locally. The economic values for all schemes in the baseline year were higher than the water prices established for agricultural use in the basin. In the future, these water values will be higher in all the schemes. The highest water values currently and in the future were identified in municipalities with a significant proportion of area growing irrigated sugarcane. Being aware of current water values of each user in a baseline year and in a projected future under global climate and socioeconomic changes, decision makers should improve water allocation policies at local scale, in order to avoid conflicts and unsustainable development in the future.  相似文献   

入世后.中国将根据WTO的要求对农业贸易相关政策进行调整和改革,这将改变国内农业生产,进而影响到农村生态环境。在此背景下.本文首先界定了种檀业产品贸易自由化的涵义.并对其环境影响途径进行分析.然后利用计量经济方法着重分析了贸易自由化对国内种植业生产中化肥、农药使用的影响。研究结果表明,在种植业产品的贸易自由化中,进口渗透作用对缓解国内化肥、农药污染影响显着.而出口导向作用影响不明显。文章最后给出了减缓农产品贸易自由化的不利影响,发挥其有利影响的政策建议。  相似文献   

吐鲁番盆地的特殊气候条件,为经济作提供了良好的生长环境,而粮食生产受气候条件和经济作物快速增长的双重制约,发展非常困难,本文分析了吐鲁番地区粮食生产增长态热及制约因素,并应用多种模型对未来粮食变化趋势作了定量和定性的,在此基础上提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

The capability of Pacific Island countries’ agriculture to adapt to climatic and environmental changes is analysed. After presenting key features of the region’s food cropping systems, findings of genetic diversity studies for the most important food crops are reviewed and their implications for adaptation are discussed. Biophysical and economic vulnerabilities of the food system are identified. For the major food crops, the needs for genetic improvement are detailed, and practical solutions for broadening genetic bases are suggested. The paper concludes by identifying areas for additional research on crops and agro-ecosystems adaptation aiming at increasing the flexibility of agriculture in the Pacific. In this region, plant breeding has to cope with the insularity constraints of the small island states. The new varieties need to satisfy farmers’ agronomic requirements in very diverse environments. However, because of genotype-by-environment interactions (G × E), it is difficult to identify a variety that would be accepted by most farmers on different islands. A new type of breeding programme with a pragmatic approach is therefore necessary. The geographical distribution of allelic diversity appears as a practical and cost-efficient solution.  相似文献   

随着全球环境问题日趋严峻,可持续发展越来越重要,食品与环境如何相互影响,食品生产和消费过程中的碳减排问题,日益受到人们的广泛关注。"食物里程"通过考察食品从生产到餐桌的距离,量化食品生产、运输、消费过程的碳排放,考察食品对环境的影响,该指标得到政府、食品加工厂、贸易商、消费者、环保主义者和学者普遍关注。本文从食物里程的内涵着手,系统阐述食物里程概念的形成与发展,介绍食物里程的两种计算方法,包括投入产出-生命周期法和供应链中的能源使用等,食物里程涉及到碳排放的三个公认的评估标准:1PAS 2050,联合国气候变化框架公约清洁发展机制,ISO/CD 14067。在此基础上,本文从食物里程的价值角度、消费者角度及国际贸易角度对国内外相关研究进行系统的归纳与总结,提出未来的研究方向主要在于合理界定食物里程的内涵,科学利用食物里程改变生产和消费方式,从而改善环境,防止食物里程成为新的国际贸易壁垒。  相似文献   

Climatic change through global warming and drought is a major issue for agricultural production. Most researchers who discuss the effects of such changes on agriculture report estimated yield changes based on crop process models. However, studies focusing on the impact of climatic change on agricultural product markets are very rare. This paper examines the relationship between climatic change and world food markets, i.e., the supply and demand of crops, by using a stochastic version of a world food model, the International Food and Agricultural Policy Simulation Model. The results suggest that variations in the production of maize and soybeans in some major producing countries will be large, and variations in the producer prices of all crops will increase. Countries that suffer higher price risk because of high sensitivity to temperature fluctuations may need to consider changes in cropping patterns.  相似文献   

经济发展中的虚拟水贸易实施受到多种要素的影响与制约。在回顾当前虚拟水研究进展的基础上,从自然、经济、社会、生态、技术和政策六个维度系统分析了以农产品为主要载体的虚拟水贸易实施的影响因素,进而收集32个典型的虚拟水贸易实施国家的横截面数据,利用多元逐步回归的方法,以虚拟水对外依赖程度为因变量,对部分影响因素进行了实证检验,并根据实证结果从资源优化配置与区域经济贡献的角度解释了国内学者研究得出的我国区际间农产品虚拟水的流动格局。研究表明:耕地资源及水资源的稀缺程度、区域经济发展水平、社会调适能力是虚拟水进口的正向驱动因素,而农业用水效率则是虚拟水进口的逆向驱动因素。  相似文献   

虚拟耕地是指隐含在农产品贸易中,生产这些农产品过程中所必需占用的土地资源,有意识的在国际农产品贸易中实施虚拟耕地战略,对于平衡国内耕地赤字、保障粮食安全,发挥我国农产品在国际市场上的竞争优势具有重要的理论指导意义。首先介绍了虚拟耕地的定义及其量化方法,接着分析计算了我国谷物、油籽、棉花等几类主要农产品单位重量的虚拟耕地含量,在此基础上,对当前农产品进出口贸易中虚拟耕地的交易现状及未来发展趋势作了分析和预测。结果显示:近10 a来虚拟耕地净进口量出现持续增长,2006年,通过农产品国际贸易净进口虚拟耕地16602903.1 hm2,约占当年全国耕地总面积的12.77%。同时,虚拟耕地净进口量在今后若干年仍将保持增长态势。  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between the development of the dominant industrial food system and its associated global economic drivers and the environmental sustainability of agricultural landscapes. It makes the case that the growth of the global industrial food system has encouraged increasingly complex forms of “distance” that separate food both geographically and mentally from the landscapes on which it was produced. This separation between food and its originating landscape poses challenges for the ability of more localized agricultural sustainability initiatives to address some of the broader problems in the global food system. In particular, distance enables certain powerful actors to externalize ecological and social costs, which in turn makes it difficult to link specific global actors to particular biophysical and social impacts felt on local agricultural landscapes. Feedback mechanisms that normally would provide pressure for improved agricultural sustainability are weak because there is a lack of clarity regarding responsibility for outcomes. The paper provides a brief illustration of these dynamics with a closer look at increased financialization in the food system. It shows that new forms of distancing are encouraged by the growing significance of financial markets in global agrifood value chains. This dynamic has a substantial impact on food system outcomes and ultimately complicates efforts to scale up small-scale local agricultural models that are more sustainable.  相似文献   

Producing goods and services all needs water consumption. The water used in the process of an agricultural or industrial product is called the "Virtual Water" contained in this product.Through international trade, water-scarce countries and regions could purchase water-intensive products--especially foods, from water-rich countries to balance their water deficits and achieve water safety. China is one of the 13 most water-deficit countries whose water safety have been severely challenged. This paper generalized the recent global research development and made a brief introduction about the methods calculating virtual water content in specific products. As a case study, we qualified China's annual virtual water flows from year 2000 to 2002 with trade in crops, and ended with some policy advice for application and practice of virtual water strategy.  相似文献   

全球化正在导致城市与区域的空间重构。伴随世界经济增长重心向亚太地区转移,产生新的全球城市将成为亚太地区城市发展的特征之一。中国正成为东亚地区增长最快、经济最具活力的地区之一,上海则极有希望崛起成为一个重要的全球城市。首先总结了全球城市的特征,并简要从国际资本流、国际贸易、跨国公司总部、金融业及高级生产者服务业、国际交通通讯信息平台等方面分析得出上海已具全球城市雏形,同时也指出了其与主要全球城市的差距;在此基础上,阐述了上海为建设全球城市而必须进行的调整与转型,主要包括产业结构重构和转移、社会结构转型、城市空间扩展等方面;最后提出了上海全球城市的建设目标,即建成全球制造业管理中心、全球交通中心、全球交易中心。  相似文献   

长江流域粮食生产与经济发展在全国均占据重要地位,研究近25年长江流域粮食生产与粮食安全时空格局演变及影响因素,可为我国粮食安全及流域可持续发展提供科学依据。基于1990、1995、2000、2005、2010和2015年长江流域县域粮食产量、户籍人口数据、农业化肥使用量和粮食播种面积(740个区县),运用粮食变化指数、探索性空间数据分析(ESDA)、重心转移模型和空间误差模型(SEM)研究其时空格局演变特征及影响因素。研究结果表明:(1)1990~2015年长江流域粮食产量总体呈增长趋势,东西差异显著,年均增长率为0.5%,上中下游依次为0.6%、0.8%和 -0.7%;上游为劣势区,中游为优势增长区,下游为减弱区。(2)粮食产量冷点聚类一直分布在上游地区,聚类格局在2000年左右由西南边界的“L”型转变为西北倒“L”型;下游江淮地区与太湖平原的热点集聚在2000年后消失,且长期处于减产状态;人均粮食占有量与粮食产量时空格局演变呈较高的空间相似性,2000年为流域粮食生产与粮食安全格局发生变化的转折点。(3)1990~2015年长江流域一般余粮县和重要余粮县重心呈现出“南下西移”态势,缺粮县和供需紧平衡县重心发生了“从南向北、从西向东”迁移变化。(4)粮食播种面积和农业化肥施用量对粮食生产均具显著性正向效益。  相似文献   

This study uses the global pollutant emission databases and global input–output model in 2015 to calculate the impact of international trade on global water nitrogen emission patterns, based on considering the total amount of pollutant transfer and pollutant emission intensity of trade flows The main conclusions are as follows: (1) There are always a large amount of water nitrogen emissions transferring from developed economies to developing economies embodied in their bilateral trade activities. Small amount of transfers are of some areas with similar endowments of agricultural resources or long distances. (2) In 2015, the net import of water nitrogen pollution embodied in China’s trade was 160,000 tons, accounting for 2.72% of the global water nitrogen imports. The sharp increases in cereal imports, together with high food storage as well as high pollution intensity embedded in trade are the main reason. It is recommended that through applying alleviations such as agricultural machinery assistance and technical training to accelerate the transfer and spread of agricultural technology in Africa, Asia, and other regions, thus helping increase agricultural production productivity in underdeveloped areas and reducing the pollution intensity embodied in trade flows from underdeveloped areas to developed areas.  相似文献   

贸易中的虚拟水研究使人们认识到地区的水资源危机可以通过全球性的经济贸易来缓解。虚拟水的进出口是水资源的一个来源,通过贸易的形式、利用各种外部资源来缓解内部水资源的紧缺,最终解决水资源短缺和粮食安全问题,是社会实现水资源社会化管理、生态环境安全和社会经济可持续发展的战略保障。以浙江省为研究对象,首先利用各类农作物虚拟水含量标准,核算了1997~2006年10 a间浙江省粮食贸易的虚拟水含量。然后比较浙江省全年用水量和用水结构,计算得出粮食贸易产生的年净进口虚拟水量占浙江省年总用水量7.41%左右,占到年农业灌溉用水的1717%。研究结果表明,过去10 a浙江省粮食贸易的虚拟水是浙江省水资源的一个重要的补充。〖  相似文献   

长江流域粮食生产态势与潜力   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过大量的资料分析了长江流域在进入90年代后的粮食生产的消费态势。粮食生产过程中存在的主要问题,及其对讹诈 影响,资料分析表明,长流域七省一市的粮食生产表现为,粮食单产略有提高,粮食总产徘徊,粮食消费量与居民的经济收入密切相关。  相似文献   

在世界经济一体化进程中,国际贸易成为影响各国环境污染变化的重要因素,将其纳入经济增长与环境污染间关系的分析框架是环境学界关注的一个重要问题。本文基于联立方程模型,从经济产出、污染排放、污染治理和国际贸易等四个方面探讨了经济增长与污染排放的相互作用机理,并以美国、中国SO2排放为例进行了实证研究。结果表明:污染排放对经济产出有影响,且对美国和中国分别为正作用和负作用。经济增长增加了两国国内污染排放,且中国增加的相对更多。而污染治理均减少了国内污染排放,美、中的污染减排弹性系数分别为-0.277和-0.417。国际贸易对美国起到污染减排作用,对中国的影响不显著,考虑到贸易对中国经济增长的拉动作用,其经济规模间接污染效应不容忽视。对于中国而言,加大污染治理投资、改善贸易进出口状况、降低经济发展过程中的污染排放是实现经济与环境协调发展的有效途径。  相似文献   

As the world economy ‘globalizes’, trade has become a major mechanism by which much of the human population supports its needs. While trade in resource commodities (natural income) can increase the well-being of people in both exporting and importing countries, it can also lead to depletion of natural capital and the loss of ecosystems integrity. In recent years, various researchers have attempted to address this problem using a consumption-based perspective on ecological change. Their work shows that the loss of ecosystem integrity in almost any region of the world can be attributed to both local and international consumer demand. This paper illustrates the utility of modified eco-footprint analysis in assessing export-related ecological change in Costa Rica. We quantify ecological footprint of consumers around the world on the productive ecosystems of Costa Rica, document the changing character of this footprint and highlight some of the linkages between production for export in Costa Rica and ecological degradation. We then discuss the implications of the increasing trade-based entanglement of nations for ecosystems and global sustainability.  相似文献   

Virtual water embodied in international trade is equivalent to nearly one-third of global water withdrawal, confirming that trade plays a significant role in redistributing global water resources. This paper extends a virtual water analysis by measuring the extent to which virtual water embodied in traded industrial products affects the distribution of global virtual water. The distribution of global virtual water can be improved if trade in industrial products promotes virtual water outflows from water-abundant to water-scarce countries. Analyses were performed using an input–output model that can decompose water consumption into domestic demand and exports by destinations of trade. Focusing on Malaysia, the results indicate that trade in industrial products between Malaysia and its main trading partners have a limited capacity to improve the distribution of global virtual water. This limitation can be due to two reasons. Firstly, exports of Malaysian industrial products are mainly driven by less water-intensive sectors. Therefore, the amount of virtual water that outflows into other countries is also low. Secondly, trade in Malaysian industrial products largely involves water flows with other water-abundant countries. Only several water-scarce countries benefit from virtual water trade in industrial products with Malaysia, namely the Netherlands, Australia and China.  相似文献   


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