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当前高职教育教学实践大多忽视学生主体性培育,造成学生主体性残缺不全,这种现实违背了素质教育的宗旨.为改变这种状况,结合公共英语课程教学实践,英语教师借助于课堂学习共同体,探索对高职生进行主体性培育的路径.英语教师要走下讲台,为学生主体性发挥创设环境;提供实践活动情境,唤醒学生的主体意识;借助于小组合作学习,促进学生主体参与,发展主体性能力;开展元认知策略训练,激发学生的自我主体性培育.  相似文献   

高职特色的《园林昆虫学》教学改革尝试   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高职特色的《园林昆虫学》教学改革,应主动适应经济社会的发展需要,突出实用性和针对性,加强实践能力培养,贯彻产学结合思想,从实际出发,办出特色.在遵循上述原则的基础上,调整教学课时的分配比例,联系生产单位实训,改革教学内容,改革教学方法,改革教学评估体系.  相似文献   

该文从教学手段、师资建设、课程结构、教学内容、教学方法等方面阐述了中职信息技术课程如何实施素质教育,提出要把培养学生自主意识、学习的兴趣和计算机应用能力放在信息技术课程教学的首位,优化师生双边关系,强化实践能力的培养.  相似文献   

浅谈《蔬菜栽培学》实践教学的改革   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
实践教学是蔬菜栽培学教学中的重要环节,结合五年的实践教学经验认为蔬菜栽培学实践教学应从学生思想、教学模式、教学内容和方法等方面进行改革和探索,从而提高实践教学的效果.  相似文献   

高职畜牧兽医专业《兽医基础》课程实践教学是高职畜牧兽医专业教育教学过程中的主要环节和特色部分,在高职人才培养过程中有着不可替代的作用,我们应不断强化、革新《兽医基础》课程实践教学.使其在新的形势下更加科学、规范,从而促进高职畜牧兽医专业人才教育的整体发展.参7.  相似文献   

创建具有特色的艺术设计教育体系探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立各具特色的学科体系,教育目标和教育手段以及教学内容应与企业对设计师的具体要求衔接,高校的办学问题、思路和社会需求紧密结合,才能创建社会真正需要的学科.使学生在校的学习能力和实践结合、实题真作、增加锻炼机会,增强学生能力;设计院校才能培养出时代和经济发展需要的合格的人才.参6.  相似文献   

当前影响高职思想政治理论课教学的原因与对策   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
从教学对象、教学理念、社会影响、教师素质等方面,论述了当前影响高职院校思想政治理论课教学的主要原因,提出应该改革教学模式,重视互动式、案例教学、实践教学,改革考评制度,重视能力培养,调动学生的积极性.  相似文献   

高职院校体育教学改革与创新初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目前,我国高等学校体育课程改革使高校体育教学发生了革命性的变化.高职院校体育教学理应进行理性思考,面对目前现存问题进行改革,创新体育教学体系,对教学模式、师资、教材等方面进行较大的调整与改革,以新的教学形式对学生的身体、心理和思想进行全面教育,建立和培养学生“健康第一”的终身体育理念.体育教师应全方位构建和提高创新教育能力,提高综合素质,以适应培养数以万计的高技能、全面发展的高素质高职人才和社会发展的需要,完成时代赋予的使命.  相似文献   

文章针对目前高职院校《医学信息检索》课教学的教学内容、教学方法和教学设施等方面存在的问题,阐述调整优化教学内容要从正确性、适应性、针对性、新颖性的角度来思考,认为改革教学方法,改善教学设施,必将激发学生的学习兴趣,提升课程教学效果.参3.  相似文献   

我国已建构起体系较完整的新闻伦理研究成果和教学内容.但新闻学界在新闻伦理范畴及其研究对象的界定上存在分歧,由此新闻伦理的研究与教学形成了不同的建构取向和建构体系.共同的主要不足在于,教材侧重于学理的论述和道德原则规范的阐释,以致新闻伦理教学成了一种道德说教.目前,我国新闻伦理研究与教学的重点应围绕新闻实践中引人关注的伦理问题和典型案例进行建构,注重培育学生解决新闻传播中的道德两难问题的能力.  相似文献   

The Problem of Disciplines/The Discipline of Problems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The successful conservation of biodiversity depends in part upon an accurate assessment of the diversity to be preserved. This assessment is in the domain of systematics, taxonomy, and general comparative biology. Specimens play a central role in this science, and research collections thus represent the touchstone of biodiversity. The massive job of describing and understanding avian diversity is far from complete, yet the specimen basis for much-needed work is not being added to our collections; current holdings are inadequate. The dwindling influx of specimens is due primarily to opposition to collecting, which is fueled by (1) focusing conservation at the level of the individual; (2) unfamiliarity with population biology; (3) misunderstanding of scientific research; (4) typological thinking; and (5) misplaced morality. Specimen-based avian research has a long and scientifically strong history, and the benefits of this research have been extensive. Our research collections must serve as functional biological libraries. The majority of avian populations can easily withstand the relatively tiny levels of collecting required to keep this science vigorous. Insofar as avian conservation necessarily includes the preservation of a myriad of species comprising the ecosystems upon which birds rely, this problem has broad implications for the conservation of biodiversity.  相似文献   

The traditional theory of exhaustion is revised to allow for long run capital mobility. This model is extended to include the impact of cumulative environmental damages on the optimal path of resource use. Models and optimal markets are then analyzed for cases where minerals are available over a continuum of quality and where recycling ameliorates inevitable exhaustion of non-renewable resources. Finally, the impact of technological change on long run trends in mineral prices is examined.  相似文献   

The recent extnction of the Caribbean monk seal Monachus tropicalis has been considered an example of a human‐caused extinction in the marine environment, and this species was considered a driver of the changes that have occurred in the structure of Caribbean coral reef ecosystems since colonial times. I searched archaeological records, historical data, and geographic names (used as a proxy of the presence of seals) and evaluated the use and quality of these data to conclude that since prehistoric times the Caribbean monk seal was always rare and vulnerable to human predation. This finding supports the hypothesis that in AD 1500, the Caribbean monk seal persisted as a small fragmented population in which individuals were confined to small keys, banks, or isolated islands in the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea. This hypothesis is contrary to the assumption that the species was widespread and abundant historically. The theory that the main driver of monk seal extinction was harvesting for its oil for use in the sugar cane industry of Jamaica during the 18th century is based primarily on anecdotal information and is overemphasized in the literature. An analysis of reported human encounters with this species indicates monk seal harvest was an occasional activity, rather than an ongoing enterprise. Nevertheless, given the rarity of this species and its restricted distribution, even small levels of hunting or specimen collecting must have contributed to its extinction, which was confirmed in the mid‐20th century. Some sources had been overlooked or only partially reviewed, others misinterpreted, and a considerable amount of anecdotal information had been uncritically used. Critical examination of archaeological and historical records is required to infer accurate estimations of the historical abundance of a species. In reconstructing the past to address the shifting baseline syndrome, it is important to avoid selecting evidence to confirm modern prejudices. Puntos de Referencia Cambiantes y la Extinción de la Foca Monje Caribeña  相似文献   

The Popularity of Biodiversity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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