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以陕西省安塞县大南沟和县南沟两个典型小流域的农户为研究对象,基于参与式农村评估技术的农户调查资料,采用多变量的描述分析与双变量的相关分析方法,对农户主要农业生产决策行为及其影响因素和农户对土地政策的认知进行了分析.结果表明:受家庭收入、收入来源和户主年龄以及教育程度等社会经济因素的影响,农户生产决策行为均有较大的差异.88%的农户表示愿意继续增加农业投入,以增加家庭收入.其中绝大多数农户都表示愿意通过增加土地投入和提高单产的方式来增加家庭收入,且投入取向受市场价格机制的驱动.主要以蔬菜和林果等经济类农产品为主.而小部分农户希望通过扩大承包地面积或外出打工来增加家庭收入.对农户的土地政策认知调查分析表明,农户对土地所有权的认识比较模糊,89%的农户不能正确地回答出农村土地所有权归集体这一根本制度.只有54.7%的农户知道"土地使用权30年不变"的政策.大部分农户对这一政策比较赞成,认为此政策不仅对农民有利,而且有利于土地质量的提高,也愿意增加土地的长期投资以提高土地质量,但仍然有近一半的农户担心政策会发生变化.  相似文献   

江苏省农户秸秆还田的影响因素分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
农户秸秆还田不仅有利于土壤有机质的增加,实现耕地的可持续利用,而且在发挥我国农田土壤固碳潜力,积极应对气候变化方面具有重要意义.文章以江苏省农户调查数据为基础,建立Logistic模型,对影响农户秸秆还田的因素进行分析,以期为制定促进农户秸秆还田的政策提供科学依据.结果表明,不同地区农户对于秸秆还田的决策存在差异:在较为发达地区,秸秆还田与否,农户更多的是从秸秆处理的边际成本出发;而略欠发达地区,则主要是基于秸秆的利用效益.此外,技术因素也影响农户秸秆还田的行为决策.在制定促进秸秆还田技术应用的激励政策时,要充分考虑地区农业生产以及农户生产经营的基本特征及差异,因地制宜,有效地促进秸秆还田在各地区最大限度地被应用和推广.  相似文献   

作为化肥施用的决策主体,农户绿色施肥技术采纳决策和采纳程度受内在感知和外部环境的双重影响。系统分析农户绿色施肥技术采纳行为对推动农业绿色高质量发展具有重要的理论和现实意义。基于山东省苹果种植户680份实地调研微观数据,运用Heckman模型实证分析了内在感知和外部环境对农户绿色施肥技术采纳决策和采纳程度的影响及差异。研究结果表明:(1)农户对绿色施肥技术的采纳决策存在“高意愿、低行动”现象,且平均采纳程度不高;(2)技术感知显著正向影响农户绿色施肥技术采纳行为,经济价值对农户绿色施肥技术采纳行为的影响明显大于社会价值和生态价值;(3)表征外部环境的指令性规范和示范性规范均显著正向影响农户绿色施肥技术采纳决策,生态补偿对其采纳程度具有显著影响。因此,为激励农户绿色施肥技术采纳行为的积极性和主动性,应加大绿色施肥技术的宣传教育,积极培育新型农业经营主体,提高农户采纳绿色施肥技术的内在动力。  相似文献   

本文采用综合评价法,对高产淡水鱼生产区——浙江省湖州市菱湖镇郊15个农户的综合功能效益作了调查研究。结果表明,仅有少数农户综合功能效益水平较高,具有生产资料较完备,充分利用系统内部资源及各业之间密切配合,生产技术和经营水平较高,注意闲季户外收入等特点;大多数农户的综合功能效益水平则较低,尚有较大的潜力。池塘水体富营养化、水体污染及市场影响是所有农户的共同问题,急需采取有效措施加以解决。  相似文献   

绿色化生产作为农业可持续发展的主要方式,不但为政府所提倡,更是农业发展的未来导向,农户是否自觉采用绿色化生产技术关乎未来农业可持续发展的进展情况。利用山东、湖北两省的农户调查数据和全国合作社调查数据,分析了家庭经济水平对农户自觉采用绿色化生产技术的影响。结果表明:家庭经济水平是制约农户自觉采用绿色化生产技术的重要因素,提高农户的家庭经济水平有利于增强农户实施秸秆还田和减少普通农药施用的生态自觉性。然而,农户减少普通化肥施用的生态自觉性普遍较低,改变农户的传统观念,提高其生态自觉性,促使农户合理施用化肥尤为重要。同时,务农年限、绿色认知、种植面积、家庭总人口、技术指导和地域差异也会影响农户绿色化生产技术采纳的生态自觉性。对此,政府应着力于农户收入多元化发展,努力提高其家庭经济水平,在此基础上积极培育新型职业农民,因地制宜加大新型实用农机研发力度,以此促进农户生态自觉性的养成与提高。  相似文献   

基于558份农户调查问卷和可持续生计框架,运用多指标综合评价法和脆弱性评估模型,识别不同喀斯特地貌背景下的农户生计脆弱性影响因素。结果表明:(1)不同喀斯特地貌背景下农户生计脆弱性的影响因素具有一定的趋同性。(2)从不同喀斯特地貌区看,农户的生计脆弱性表现出显著差异性和逆向海拔梯度性,花江高原峡谷区的生计脆弱性明显高于撒拉溪高原山地区,花江高原峡谷区农户受自然资本和金融资本风险影响,具有极弱的风险抵御能力。(3)花江高原峡谷区农户的人力资本、物质资本、社会资本与撒拉溪高原山地区农户的金融资本都具有减轻农户生计脆弱性的作用,而自然和社会的资本风险增加了花江高原峡谷区农户的生计脆弱性,人力与物质的资本风险则增加了撒拉溪高原山地区农户的生计脆弱性。在日益严峻的生态退化环境和生计胁迫下,保障金融资本、提高教育水平、扶持生计多样化经营活动和完善社会网络结构是这2类区域精准扶贫的主要方向。  相似文献   

本文分析了鄂中丘陵地区一个典型农户生态系统的能流途径,人工辅助能的输入结构,各亚系统的能量输入、输出组成和能量流动关系,以及能量转化效率。以70个农户的样本分析研究了投能结构对能效的影响规律。结果表明,当地农户生态系统仍是一种以有机能为主要人工辅助的封闭性较强的能量转化系统;增加人工辅助能,特别是无机能的投入可以增加能量产出。  相似文献   

农业文化遗产地拥有独特的自然与文化资本禀赋,文化资本是这些地区获得农业文化遗产地称号的文化资源,也是区别于其他社群的文化符号,构成了当地农户生计资本的一部分,保障了人与自然的兼容互惠、和谐共生。基于敖汉旗农户的实地调研数据,在可持续生计分析框架下加入文化资本,定量分析农业文化遗产地农户文化资本对其亲环境行为的影响。主要结论有:(1)在农户资本结构中,文化资本和人力资本得分占比较高,金融资本和物质资本偏低。(2)文化资本、人力资本和自然资本均正向显著影响其亲环境程度。(3)当农户对土地依赖程度较低时,在农户农牧业收入占比较低的状况下,文化资本的增加会抑制其亲环境行为。在自然资本水平较低的情况下,农户物质资本、金融资本和社会资本的增加会负向影响其亲环境生产。对土地依赖程度较高时,农户文化资本显著正向影响其亲环境行为。在此基础上提出关注传统农业文化力量、提升农户农牧业收入、积极推进农地适度规模化经营、实现农户文化资本在亲环境生产方面的持续性促进作用等建议。  相似文献   

病虫害综合防治(1PM)技术旨在结合生物、农学及物理防治方法,合理使用化学农药,降低农业生产成本,保护农业劳动者健康和生态环境.以联合国开发计划署(UNDP)、环境保护部对外合作中心和全国农业技术推广中心联合启动实施的“中国含滴滴涕三氯杀螨醇生产控制及IPM技术替代全额示范项目”为例,系统分析影响农户参与IPM培训积极性的主要因素.结果表明,农户种植规模对农户参与IPM培训的积极性影响显著,学员性别和年龄不是影响其参加培训积极性的显著因素;学员参加培训的次数越多,其对IPM技术的采纳率越高.农民田间学校应更多地吸收老人和妇女参加三氯杀螨醇替代技术及IPM培训  相似文献   

稀土尾砂堆积场地种植芙蓉李的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自1988至1994年,在查明稀土尾砂农业理化性质的基础上,采用不铺覆客土和不灌溉的方法,在江西省稀土尾砂堆积场地进行种植果树芙蓉李和温州蜜柑的试验。试验结果表明,芙蓉李能良好生长,增加农户收入和提高土壤肥力,改善了生态环境。  相似文献   

Two contrasting strategies have been proposed for conserving biological diversity while meeting the increasing demand for agricultural products: land sparing and land sharing production systems. Land sparing involves increasing yield to reduce the amount of land needed for agriculture, whereas land‐sharing agricultural practices incorporate elements of native ecosystems into the production system itself. Although the conservation value of these systems has been extensively debated, empirical studies are lacking. We compared bird communities in shade coffee, a widely practiced land‐sharing system in which shade trees are maintained within the coffee plantation, with bird communities in a novel, small‐scale, land‐sparing coffee‐production system (integrated open canopy or IOC coffee) in which farmers obtain higher yields under little or no shade while conserving an area of forest equal to the area under cultivation. Species richness and diversity of forest‐dependent birds were higher in the IOC coffee farms than in the shade coffee farms, and community composition was more similar between IOC coffee and primary forest than between shade coffee and primary forest. Our study represents the first empirical comparison of well‐defined land sparing and land sharing production systems. Because IOC coffee farms can be established by allowing forest to regenerate on degraded land, widespread adoption of this system could lead to substantial increases in forest cover and carbon sequestration without compromising agricultural yield or threatening the livelihoods of traditional small farmers. However, we studied small farms (<5 ha); thus, our results may not generalize to large‐scale land‐sharing systems. Furthermore, rather than concluding that land sparing is generally superior to land sharing, we suggest that the optimal approach depends on the crop, local climate, and existing land‐use patterns. Un Método para Reservar Tierras a Pequeña Escala para Conservar la Biodiversidad en Paisajes Agrícolas Tropicales  相似文献   

改性竹炭颗粒对水溶液中孔雀绿的吸附动力学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用不同的酸碱溶液处理竹炭,研究改性竹炭颗粒对水溶液中孔雀绿的吸附效果,再对筛选出的竹炭颗粒进行吸附动力学试验,并用准二级动力学模型和颗粒扩散模型对试验数据进行拟合,在此基础上进一步探讨影响吸附过程的因素。试验结果表明,用0.5 mol.L-1NaOH溶液处理过的竹炭颗粒吸附效果最佳,最大吸附量可达9.96 mg.g-1。颗粒扩散模型能更好地描述吸附动力学过程。竹炭颗粒的质量增加会降低孔雀绿分子的扩散速率;孔雀绿溶液的初始浓度增加则提高孔雀绿分子的扩散速率;颗粒直径、搅拌速度以及溶液的初始pH值也会影响吸附过程。  相似文献   

Bamboo forests, due to their special characteristics and ecological functions, play an important role in sustainable forest management and rural development in China. Over the past two decades, China has successfully established millions of hectares of bamboo forest, which has restored fragile ecosystems, provided benefits to local communities, alleviated rural poverty and eased timber shortages. However, there is potential for further improvements to the bamboo forest estate. This paper analyses the current state of bamboo forest resources and management, and the roles of the bamboo forest industry in social development, economic growth and ecosystem protection in China. We examine the main issues related to governance systems, local economic development and traditional management practices. Finally, we suggest some directions for future development.  相似文献   

Based on a survey of 107 farm households by means of participatory rural appraisal, this paper presents a region-level analysis of farmer's perception and response towards land policies and eco-environment in the Loess hilly area, China. The surveyed farmers are divided into two groups, farmers on non-irrigated farmland and farmers on irrigated farmland. The results indicate that most farmers mainly depend on cropland, especially the farmers on non-irrigated farmland. Farmers believe that stability and persistence of land policies are important, and most hold a positive attitude towards the Grain-for-Green Programme. The farmers on irrigated farmland have a more favourable attitude to environmental conservation than the farmers of non-irrigated farmland. Nearly 80% of interviewees consider that the local eco-environment has improved in the last ten years. About 45% never consider the environmental impact of their agriculture practices. About 55% think drought is the most important reason for eco-environment deterioration, overgrazing and serious soil erosion. Soil and water conservation is not conscious and voluntary behaviour for farmers, it is only a measure to guarantee their basic agricultural production and to improve their living conditions. Results indicate that farmers on nonirrigated land find engineering approaches more beneficial to agronomic methods. However, the farmers on irrigated farmland pay more attention to improving farmland quality.  相似文献   

Land degradation in terms of soil degradation is a major environmental issue posing threat to sustainable livelihood in the semi-arid region of Central Myanmar. However, the studies on soil degradation status and its impacts in this region are very scanty. The objective of this study was to determine the impact of land degradation on crop production both in terms of area and yield in the Dry Zone of Myanmar. Remote sensing and geographic information system-based modelling was utilized to assess and map soil erosion rates. Household survey was conducted to understand the causes of land degradation and its impacts on crop productivity and livelihoods. It has been found out that the current rate of soil erosion ranged from 0 to 114 t ha–1 yr–1, and that the average rate of soil erosion increased from 14.2 to 54.6 t ha–1 yr–1 over a period from 2000 to 2012. The major types of land degradation were physical and chemical soil degradation. Farmers identified topographic condition, soil types, improper crop management practices and climatic factors as the main causes of soil erosion. The observed crop yields of monsoon rice, groundnut, sesame and cotton in the highly degraded area were 3–12 times lower compared with the yields of these crops grown in less degraded area. Livelihoods of the farmers in the high-degraded area were affected by crop yield reduction, increased cultivation cost and increased uncultivable land area. The impact of land degradation on crop production was dependent on the severity of degradation. This suggests that advanced conservation measures are immediately required and the supportive policy strategies need to be implemented to educate farmers and to strengthen extension services for sustainable land management in the Dry Zone of Myanmar.  相似文献   

We present a new explanation and empirical evidence showing that rural subsidies to large farmers tend to be associated with low land productivity and excessive deforestation. We develop a lobbying model where wealthy farmers trade bribes or political contributions to government politicians in exchange for subsidies; farmers are able to tilt the terms of the bargaining game with policy makers in their favor by pre-committing to an inefficient choice of semi-fixed inputs. Government proneness to accept political contributions or bribes and its willingness to provide subsidies cause farmers to adopt inefficient modes of production as a mechanism to capture such subsidies. Our predictions are consistent with stylized facts on land use in Latin America, and suggest that subsidy schemes have been counterproductive—distorting and constraining development, and triggering excessive depletion of natural resources. We validate some of the predictions of the model through econometric analyses using a new data set for nine countries in Latin America.  相似文献   

We present a new explanation and empirical evidence showing that rural subsidies to large farmers tend to be associated with low land productivity and excessive deforestation. We develop a lobbying model where wealthy farmers trade bribes or political contributions to government politicians in exchange for subsidies; farmers are able to tilt the terms of the bargaining game with policy makers in their favor by pre-committing to an inefficient choice of semi-fixed inputs. Government proneness to accept political contributions or bribes and its willingness to provide subsidies cause farmers to adopt inefficient modes of production as a mechanism to capture such subsidies. Our predictions are consistent with stylized facts on land use in Latin America, and suggest that subsidy schemes have been counterproductive—distorting and constraining development, and triggering excessive depletion of natural resources. We validate some of the predictions of the model through econometric analyses using a new data set for nine countries in Latin America.  相似文献   


Over-population in relation to poor land productivity and cultivation in less fertile lands is resulting in land degradation and deforestation in UP hills. Growing demand of more food production and increasing need for more cash in hand have forced the hill people to cultivate all kinds of land, resulting in the denudation of land resources and soil erosion. These changes resulted in out migration of the area's human resource. A new management system for the revival of natural resources and the sustainable utilization of the area's human population and livestock has been proposed, involving active local participation in order to change the existing land-use to a system based on the soil fertility scale.  相似文献   

Conversion of Cropland to Forestland Program (CCFP) has greatly impacted China’s agricultural sector, and more specifically rural farmers. While changes in living standards as a result of the implementation of the CCFP have been analyzed, little research has been conducted regarding the impacts of such policies on farming operations. As agriculture contributes nearly 10% of national GDP, it is important to analyze the implications of policies on a national industry. An input-oriented data envelopment analysis (DEA) model was used to examine the technical efficiency of farming operations following implementation of the CCFP, using survey data from farmers in Jiangxi, Shaanxi, and Sichuan provinces. Additionally, the impact of factors such as urbanization, age and education, and land fragmentation was examined with respect to farming operational efficiency. Scale inefficiency was found to have the greatest effect on overall inefficiency in farming operations in comparison to pure technical inefficiency, which was largely influenced by the presence and degree of land fragmentation of land holdings. Findings can be used to inform national land-use policies facilitating land fragmentation in China and address gaps in existing broader level studies that utilize non-parametric approaches to examine the technical efficiency of Chinese farmers affected by the CCFP.  相似文献   

采用固定样方法和定位观察法连续测定了2003~2007年间卧龙自然保护区大熊猫野化培训圈内及其附近区域的拐棍竹无性系种群数量和生长发育特性等参数,运用收获法与非破坏性重量估测法建立了不同龄级和残桩的竹子种群和分株生物量估测模型,进而利用最佳模型计算并评估了野化培训大熊猫采食和人为砍伐对拐棍竹无性系种群生物量和植株个体生物量的影响.结果表明:在环境条件、种群密度、生长发育特征和种群生物量等基本相似的基础上,大熊猫采食和人为砍伐不仅降低实验期间的竹子生物生产力,而且影响到后期阶段实验种群的恢复与发展.大熊猫采食样方中的竹子种群生物量虽然较对照样方低,就竹笋生物量而言,约为对照的57.79%,这与野化培训圈的面积较小、竹种单一而使采食比重(67.07%)较大有关,但其各龄级植株个体生物量均能达到大熊猫的取食利用标准(仅2004年生竹除外),具有持续供给大熊猫食物资源的潜力;而人为砍伐措施与大熊猫采食相比,影响效果极为强烈,它严重降低了拐棍竹无性系的种群生物量,尤其是竹笋重量更是如此,仅为对照样方的14.69%,且植株个体鲜重远低于大熊猫的觅食条件.因此,竹笋和无性系植株的生物量是大熊猫采食标准的主要因素.  相似文献   

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