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济南市是资源型缺水城市,地表水遭到严重污染,已成为水质型缺水城市,导致地下水超采、地面沉降、泉水停涌等一系列环境、生态、经济问题,水资源已成为制约济南市发展的瓶颈因素.在对济南市水资源现状及相关问题进行详细分析的基础上,提出加强客水资源调用与管理、水资源循环利用、合理制定水价等水资源可持续利用的措施和对策.  相似文献   

在物质文明和精神文明高度发达的当今世界,全球却到处亮出了“水匮乏”、“水危机”的黄牌。保护水资源,保证水资源的可持续利用战略已经进入各国政府的决策系统,成为规划本国社会经济发展的决定因素之一,尤其在一些严重缺水国家和地区,更是如此。一个国家和地区的水资源,从多年平均值看,基本恒定,这是受制于天的,除非远距离调水,否则难以改变。我国水资源人均占有量相对贫乏,600多座城市中有300多座城市缺水,其中,有108座城市严重缺水。全国有7000万人口饮水困难,因干旱每年影响农业产量约200亿公斤,影响工业产值1200多亿元…  相似文献   

基于遗传算法的济南市水资源优化配置   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
济南作为全国重点缺水城市之一,水资源短缺已成为制约济南市经济社会可持续发展的瓶颈因素。水资源优化配置作为解决城市水资源短缺的重要手段,对保证整个济南市国民经济的可持续发展起着重要的支撑作用。以水资源优化配置理论为基础,分析了济南市水资源现状,并通过建立模型求解济南市水资源在国民经济各部门的配置。  相似文献   

严重缺水的中国水是世界上最宝贵的一种资源。水是生命之源,须臾不可或缺。在相当长的一个时期里面,水都被视为取之不尽、用之不竭的免费商品,对水资源的不合理利用导致缺水问题越来越严重。我国是国际上13个严重缺水国之一,人均水资源仅为世界平均数的1/4,640个城市中,有300多  相似文献   

多目标规划在产业结构优化中的应用——以秦皇岛市为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
秦皇岛是缺水城市,水资源短缺已成为制约经济发展的瓶颈。合理利用水资源对经济发展意义重大。本文采用多目标规划方法,构建了秦皇岛市水资源约束条件下的产业结构优化模型,提出了秦皇岛市产业结构优化方案。  相似文献   

正就在一些严重缺水城市不停"喊渴"之时,投资数千万甚至上亿元的豪华洗浴中心却频频亮相。记者近日在石家庄、银川、呼和浩特、合肥等地采访发现,当地洗浴中心规模越来越大,档次越来越高,"私采"地下水十分猖獗,水资源浪费惊人。(7月27日中国广播网)一方面是常规用水成为城市生活与发展的重大掣肘因素,另一方面是超豪华型洗浴中心放任水资源肆意横流——这就是缺水城市修炼成"浴都"的诡异现状。  相似文献   

众所周知,水已不再是前些年所说的那样取之不尽用之不竭的了。我国缺水城市目前已达300多个,每年由于缺水而影响工业产值达200亿元,水源缺乏已成为阻碍我国国民经济发展的重大问题。为了保护水资源的合理使用,促进企业节约用水、合理用水,我国南方有些省份已开始向企业征收水资源使用费,看来适当提高水资源使用费和超标准使用费已刻不容缓。  相似文献   

水资源开发利用与城市水环境建设问题对策初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文以科学发展观回顾以往水资源利用与城市水环境建设的实践,并以成都市水环境为例,发现包括上游河流水资源过度开发使下游河流生态受破坏;城市内水环境建设过多地填埋与覆盖原有水系河道造成城区缺水与污染隐患;城市上游优质水资源浪费;城市污水处理厂布局不合理,过多的集中在下游排放使纳污河生态环境严重破坏等问题,提出了一些研究项目与对策建议.  相似文献   

一个城市的适度人口规模既与经济发展水平密切相关,它是由所在地区的资源、环境等因素决定的。秦皇岛市是中国北方极度缺水的城市一,水资源构成了限制城市发展的短板因素。通过调整用水结构和采用节水技术,虽可使城市居民的用水份额适度增加,但总量约束决定了该城市的人口规模要保持在与水资源相适应的限度内。  相似文献   

我国是人口大国,人均水资源拥有量居世界109 位,是贫水大国。缺水是制约国民经济可持续发展的重要因素。因此,建立包括节水型农业,节水型工业、节水型城市的节水型社会应作为长期基本国策。充分利用现代科技和传统适用技术,大幅度提高水资源的综合利用率,以保证国民经济可持续发展。  相似文献   

济南市水资源主要存在着地下水限量开采、地表水严重不足、客水利用受到制约等问题。以济南市创建水利部水生态文明城市为背景,研究济南市水生态文明城市建设与产业布局优化,分析了济南市产业布局不合理给水资源保护和利用带来的严峻挑战,提出了以济南市水生态保护为目标的产业优化布局方案,建议大力发展水生态文明城市建设相关产业。  相似文献   

根据新兴城市东营市严重缺乏淡水资源的现实状况和本区内地下淡水资源是由浅层地下淡水、深层地下淡水和淡水透镜体组成的现状,在深入研究本区地下淡水的补给和动态变化的基础上,提出了从补给、开采和利用等各个层次上采取开源节流、循环利用、科学规划等方式,实现本区地下淡水资源的可持续利用.  相似文献   

A sharp decline in the water level in Jaipur city and its hinterland region in NW India has been observed during the last decades. Such a drop can be correlated with a widening gap between groundwater draft and recharge resulting from poor and erratic rainfall and over-exploitation of groundwater resources. The city has undergone uncontrolled urban expansion complete with a multifold rise in the population, which now stands at more than 3.3 million. Drying up of the surface water bodies has further led to a total dependence on groundwater resources to meet the rising domestic and industrial demand for water. There are about 1,000 bore wells drilled by Governmental agencies and an estimated 11,000 privately owned ones. The water is generally alkaline carbonate–bicarbonate type. We evaluated water quality for the period between 1993 and 2001 and observed notable deterioration that we attribute to inadequate recharge and a change in the potential water-bearing zones from alluvium to granite–gneiss bedrocks, caused by a drop in the water table. In addition, we also attribute the problem of high nitrate in groundwater in densely populated parts of Jaipur city to improper sewage disposal.  相似文献   

邵阳市旅游资源的定量评价与开发   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文介绍了邵阳市丰富的旅游资源,运用专家调查法建立了评价指标体系,对市域内主要旅游资源进行了定量评价;并在初步分析本市旅游业落后原因的基础上,提出了旅游资源开发利用对策。  相似文献   

未来地下水资源短缺,特别是由于地面沉降、地表退化、海平面上升等引起的地下水位下降,将对沿海地区的地质环境及人类的生存发展产生极大的影响。通过对崇明地区地下水资源利用现状以及影响地下水位下降的影响因素分析,提出了改善传统的灌溉系统来减少地下水资源的使用、海岸沿线修建人工湖泊防止海水入侵、鼓励农民大面积种植水稻、制定管理措施严格控制地下水的开采总量、进一步加强崇明岛地面沉降动态监测与研究等相应的防范措施。强调控制地下水位的下降,以减轻淡水资源短缺所造成的危害,具有特殊而重要的意义。  相似文献   

The Kabul Basin, which includes the city of Kabul, Afghanistan, with a population of approximately 4 million, has several Afghan, United States, and international military installations that depend on groundwater resources for a potable water supply. This study examined groundwater levels in the Kabul Basin from 2004 to 2012. Groundwater levels have increased slightly in rural areas of the Kabul Basin as a result of normal precipitation after the drought of the early 2000s. However, groundwater levels have decreased in the city of Kabul due to increasing water use in an area with limited recharge. The rate of groundwater-level decrease in the city is greater for the 2008–2012 period (1.5 meters per year (m/yr) on average) than for the 2004–2008 period (0–0.7 m/yr on average). The analysis, which is corroborated by groundwater-flow modeling and a non-governmental organization decision-support model, identified groundwater-level decreases and associated implications for groundwater sustainability in the city of Kabul. Military installations in the city of Kabul (the Central Kabul subbasin) are likely to face water management challenges resulting from long-term groundwater sustainability concerns, such as the potential drying of shallow water-supply wells. Installations in the northern part of the Kabul Basin may have fewer issues with long-term water sustainability. Groundwater-level monitoring and groundwater-flow simulation can be valuable tools for assessing groundwater management options to improve the sustainability of water resources in the Kabul Basin.  相似文献   

章丘市水资源储量丰富,但由于人工开采、工农业生产、矿坑排水等原因造成了严重的泉水断流,现已成为严重的资源型缺水地区。为了保证国民经济的持续发展,保护和改善生态环境,根据章丘市水文地质情况,提出了合理开采地表水与地下水、节水与提高重复利用率、加强地下水资源污染的防治与保护等措施。这些措施可以从根本上解决章丘市水资源短缺和水环境质量恶化的问题,并最终实现以水资源的可持续利用来支撑整个国民经济可持续发展的目的。  相似文献   

The Ta'iz region of Yemen is facing serious water problems. Total water use has become unsustainable. While agriculture places a heavy demand on the region's water resources, supplies for the fast growing city and the industrial sector are severely rationed despite their much higher willingness-to-pay for water relative to the returns on most agricultural uses. The article considers several decentralized management options for enhancing sustainability and improving intersectoral water allocation. These include, taxing groundwater extractions, taxing inputs used in pumping groundwater, and implementing a tradable water rights regime. The first two options could lead to resource conservation but are politically difficult to implement and may not necessarily result in better intersectoral water allocation. The tradable water rights regime has potential for achieving the twin objectives of resource conservation and improved intersectoral resource allocation. If farmers' de facto water rights were legitimized, this option would be more acceptable to them. However, the following additional conditions need to be met for making the option viable: (a) a set-aside allocation is made for lifeline supplies for the poor; ( b) the water law provides for separation of water rights from land rights; and (c) community organizations are involved as co-managers of the region's water resources.  相似文献   

随着社会经济的发展,水资源消耗日益增加,供需矛盾日益突出。秦皇岛市已面临水资源日益紧张的严峻形势,节流和开源,建立节水型社会体系,积极开发利用再生水、海水和雨水等非常规水源以及合理地配置和利用水资源,是实现秦皇岛市水资源可持续利用的有效措施。  相似文献   

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