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农业区划与农业产业化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农业区划与农业产业化具有非常密切的联系。农业区划部门应当抓住中央农村工作会议关于促进农业产业化发展的机遇,深化农业区划,促进农业产业化。本文论述了农业区划与农业产业化的关系,并按照发展农业产业化的要求,提出了农业区划部门当前急需做好的主要工作。  相似文献   

在农业区划的基础上,逐步制定农业发展规划,标志着农业区划工作进入了一个新的发展阶段。四川省农业资源调查和农业区划工作,总的来看阶段性的任务已基本完成。按照农业资源调查→区划→规划→样板→  相似文献   

农业区划与实事求是   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农业区划与实事求是李守义(辽宁省喀左县科学技术委员会,喀左122300)于永祥(辽宁省喀左县农业区划办公室,喀左122300)联系我国40年来农业区划事业起落兴衰的历史,重温中共中央关于建国以来党的若干历史问题的决议,从中发现农业区划与“浮夸风’不相...  相似文献   

自1987年全国科技大会把农业资源调查和农业区划确定为国家“六五”期科技攻关顶目中的第一项以来,四川省进行了布署和落实。全面开展了四川省农业资源调查和农业区划工作。 10年来,我省先后动员、组织了3万多名干部和科技人员组成的专业队伍,从我省实际出发,由点到面、由粗到细、由浅到深,在全首57万km~2的土地上开展了大规模的农业资源调查和农业区划研究,取得了大量的资料数据,形成了1.7亿多份、2亿多文字的研究成果报告。为了总结经验,在新形势下研究农业区划如何更好地为区域规划的开发服务、为全面振兴农村经济和为使我省农业再上一个新台阶服务,经四川省政府批准,于12月18日至20日在成都召开了四川省农业资源调  相似文献   

根据全国农业区划办和四川省政府今年要编制省、市(地、州)、县农业区划开发规划,为宏观决策提供科学依据的要求,为了搞好这项工作,今年年初四川省农业区划办决定举办全省市(地、州)、县以上区划办干部参加的农业综合开发规划培训班。培训班为2期,第1期于6月18日~28,第2期为7月2~13日,2期共有260人,全省各市(地、州)、县基本上都派人参加了学习。参加培训的人员都是今后要从事各市(地、州)、县农业综合开发规划编制的人员。培训班邀请了有关专家、学者讲授了区域开发规划编制的理论、方法、规划  相似文献   

磐安县农业后备土地资源开发潜力与途径吕思田(淅江省磐安县农业区划办公室,磐安322300)1991年,我县开展了由县农业区划办牵头,农业、林业、水电、土地管理等部门参加的全县农业综合开发后备土地资源评价研究工作。从全县农业后备土地资源调查看,“四低”...  相似文献   

为适应新时期历史任务的需要,农村由传统农业向现代化农业、自给经济向商品经济转化;本世纪末实现工农业年总产值翻两番,保证人均供给400kg粮食,农民收入逐步接近城市居民收入的水平。在这种新形势下,进一步加强基础研究,对农业区划的性质进行探讨是非常必要的。一、农业区划的研究性质及科学依据在现阶段,农业资源调查和农业区划研究的性  相似文献   

广元市农业区划办公室在市农业区划委员会和国土局的领导下,把待开发土地资源调查及其评价,作为农业区域开发的前期重要基础工作,使开发前基础调查工作取得可喜的进展.他们针对前些年阶段性农业资源调查资料比较粗略,尤其是未利用土地的种类、分布、质量都不甚详尽,难以适应当前大规模农业开发形势的要求状况,拟定和开展了“广元市待开发土地资源调查及其评价”课题研究.旨在为全市的国土资源管理、农业区域开发规划的编制、土地开发项目储备和择优等方面提供准确可掌的基础依据.  相似文献   

开展县级农村经济区划的几点思考吕思田,陈加升(浙江省磐安县农业区划办,磐安322300)1意义1.1形势的需要我国一直都强调农业和农村工作在全局中的重要地位,要求各级各部门都要统一和提高对农业问题的认识,一个重视农业和加强农业、支持农业的人环境、大气...  相似文献   

加快黔东南州森林资源的开发丁建红(黔东南州农业区划办公室,凯里556000)开发利用林区自然资源,发展多种经营,是林业建设的重要组成部分。从众多改革成功的经验来看,要启动贫困山区的商品经济,必须充分开发利用本地丰富的自然资源,变资源优势为产品和商品优...  相似文献   

This assessment of the environmental protection regulatory system for the $2.2 billion iron and steel plant, oil refinery, and thermal generating station composing the core of the greenfield Nanticoke industrial complex is based upon: the use of governmental and industrial research in project management; technology and institutional arrangements for environmental protection; evidence of environmental changes to date; analysis of government and industrial approval files; and interviews with government, industry, and interest group representatives. Planning, regulation, and management have been reasonably efficient and effective to the beginning of the operational stage for all three major industries as of spring 1980. Of major future concern, however, is management of the cumulative and synergistic impacts of the industries and associated development on air quality as well as the lands, waters, and sensitive ecosystems of the nearby Lake Erie coast. Continuous monitoring, more comprehensive research, and better overall coordination of government, industrial, and public interests are required if Nanticoke benefits are to be achieved without undue cost to pre-project resource users within and outside the Haldimand-Norfolk region.  相似文献   

郑军  刘婷 《中国环境管理》2023,15(4):18-25,43
气候变化问题是人类社会共同面临的重大挑战,关系到人类生存和各国利益。推进碳达峰碳中和是中国的一项重大战略决策,是负责任大国对国际社会的庄严承诺,也是推动高质量发展的内在要求。本文归纳分析欧盟、美国、日本、韩国、德国、英国等主要发达经济体碳达峰的经济社会特征、碳中和的路径共识,系统梳理推动实现碳达峰碳中和的经验举措,对比分析中国国内进展和差距,并提出重点借鉴的国际经验与启示。研究发现,中国已经逐步具备实现碳达峰国家的基本特征,但相比发达国家,在降碳效果核算评估、低碳安全高效能源系统构建、碳价格传导机制设计、低碳技术创新和新业态模式打造、法规制度系统化构建等方面仍有差距,仍需加强政策驱动和重点国际经验借鉴,进一步优化“双碳”目标评估指标体系,将构建清洁、低碳、安全、高效能源系统作为能源生产和消费革命的主要目标,有序推进碳排放权交易市场建设和能源资源市场化价格调控,强化绿色低碳技术的研发创新,加快构建形成系统性推动“双碳”目标的法规体系。  相似文献   

为科学把握新疆维吾尔自治区区域创新系统的演进脉络和规律,将新疆区域创新系统40余年的发展历程划分为萌芽、过渡、构建与完善4个阶段,从环境要素、创新主体、企业创新、结网程度4个方面对各阶段进行盘点总结,分析推动区域创新系统发展的动力因素,总结出新疆区域创新系统发展的1个核心与4条历史主线,并得出两点基本经验:一是政府核心科技政策的实时引导与政策创新始终是系统发展的重要牵引力;二是系统的开放与市场化的深入始终为新疆区域创新系统发展的源动力。  相似文献   

生态文明党内法规是中国特色社会主义法治体系的重要组成部分。党的十八大以来,随着生态文明写入党章,生态文明专门党内法规及相关党内法规对生态文明的规定得到丰富和发展。但由于建设时间短,加上我国正处于经济社会发展的转型期,生态文明党内法规体系建设存在相关党内法规制定的规范性和权限的明确性不够、法规的系统性和体系的层次性不够、条文的清晰性和规范的可操作性不够、适用的涵盖性和内外的衔接性不够等问题。为此本文建议:①统筹规划,开展生态文明党内法规的系统性和规范性建设;②重点建设,分级分领域制修订生态文明建设和改革的专门党内法规;③全面融入,将生态文明的建设和改革要求分解到各级各类党内法规中;④厘清关系,加强与国家生态环保法律法规的衔接和协调。  相似文献   

新型城镇化所存在的资源环境问题及对策初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
新型城镇化是我国城镇化发展的必然选择,是我国城镇化健康发展的根本保证。土地资源、水资源、能源等和生态环境是城镇发展的基础和根本保障。城镇化的快速发展导致一系列资源环境问题,因而,城镇化与资源环境有着密切的关系。本文从我国新型城镇化的发展背景、内涵出发,从水资源、土地资源、能源、环境容量几个方面深入探讨了我国新型城镇化所存在的资源环境问题,并在此基础上提出对策,这对于促进新型城镇化的健康发展和我国资源环境的可持续发展均具有重要的学术价值与实践意义。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Sustained interest in and concern about the health status of the aquatic environment has resulted in extensive research focused on (1) effects of pollution on survival, growth, and reproduction of resource species at all life stages; (2) diseases of fish and shellfish, as they may be related to pollution and as they may serve as indicators of environmental stress; and (3) contaminant body burdens in fish and shellfish - their effects on the aquatic animals and their potential effects on humans. Effects, lethal and sublethal, of pollutants on life history stages of fish and shellfish have been documented, as have impacts on local stocks in badly degraded habitats, but as yet there has been no adequate quantitative demonstration of effects on entire aquatic species - probably because of the difficulty in sorting out relative effects of the many environmental factors that influence abundance. Sublethal effects, especially those that result in disease, have been examined intensively, and some diseases and disease syndromes have been associated statistically with pollution. Other pollution indicators (biochemical, physiological, genetic, behavioral, and ecological) have also received some attention, as have body burdens of contaminants in aquatic species. Research, especially that conducted during the past decade, has done much to clarify the many pathways and toxic effects of contaminants on aquatic animals, and has also helped to identify mechanisms for survival of fish and shellfish in the presence of environmental changes caused by human activities.  相似文献   

After a century of major technicaladvance, essentially achieved by and for theindustrialized countries, the evolution of thefood sector in southern countries should nolonger be thought of in terms of a ``headlongpursuit.'' In the present context of demographicgrowth, urbanization, poverty and disparities,environmental degradation, and globalization oftrade, new priorities have emerged, and newethical questions have been raised, mainlyrelated to sustainability and equity. Thispaper analyses these ethical concerns in thefollowing terms: can the model of food sectordevelopment initiated by the industrializedcountries be applied to the entire world on asustainable and equitable basis, given theeffects of this development with regard to theenergy consumed, the changes in dietarybehavior and related nutritional problems, thenew demands in terms of food safety, thequestions of biodiversity, ownership ofknowledge, cultural identities, gender issues,and Man's relationship to food and Nature?  相似文献   

中国旅游整体形象的塑造与国际营销   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东方华夏文明源远流长,是中国旅游最核心最具竞争力的形象,这一形象由"历史中国、自然中国、当代中国"三个形象面构成。为了实现这一形象的塑造,应该将区域个体形象与整体形象结合起来,打造地标性产品,实现企业、政府、非政府组织等不同营销渠道之间的交叉、融合、互补,建立起与旅游形象相匹配的价格策略,以培植和增强中国旅游的国际竞争力。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper presents hydrological characteristics of the streamflow of the Dismal, Middle Loup, North Loup, and Cedar Rivers in the Nebraska Sand Hills and their relation to climate and ground water variation. Time series of streamflow, precipitation, temperature, and ground water levels from 1976 to 1998 were used to analyze trends and fluctuations of streamflow and to determine relationships among streamflow, climate, and the ground water system. An increase of precipitation and a decrease of maximum temperature over the period resulted in higher ground water levels and increased streamflow in the region. The high permeability of the soil and the thick unsaturated zone enhance precipitation recharge, limit surface runoff, and prevent ground water losses through evapotranspiration. Thus, an abundance of ground water is stored, supplying more than 86 percent of streamflow in the four rivers. Streamflow is generally more constant in the Sand Hills than elsewhere in the region. The four rivers present different hydrologic characteristics because of the spatial heterogeneity in hydrogeologic conditions. Streamflow of the Dismal and Middle Rivers, which are less sensitive to climatic variation, is much steadier than that of the North Loup and Cedar Rivers.  相似文献   

The Akaki River, laden with untreated wastes from domestic, industrial, and commercial sources, serves as a source of water for irrigating vegetable farms. The purpose of this study is to identify the impact of waste-water irrigation on the level of heavy metals and to predict their potential mobility and bioavailability. Zn and V had the highest, whereas Hg the lowest, concentrations observed in the soils. The average contents of As, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Zn, V, and Hg of both soils; and Pb and Se from Fluvisol surpassed the mean + 2 SD of the corresponding levels reported for their uncontaminated counterparts. Apparently, irrigation with waste water for the last few decades has contributed to the observed higher concentrations of the above elements in the study soils (Vertisol and Fluvisol) when compared to uncontaminated Vertisol and Fluvisol. On the other hand, Vertisol accommodated comparatively higher average levels of Cr, Cu, Ni, Zn, etc V, and Cd, whereas high contents of Pb and Se were observed in Fluvisol. Alternatively, comparable levels of Co and Hg were found in either soil. Except for Ni, Cr, and Cd in contaminated Vertisol, heavy metals in the soils were not significantly affected by the depth (0–20 and 30–50 cm). When the same element from the two soils was compared, the levels of Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Se, Zn, V, Cd at 0–20 cm; and Cr, Ni, Cu, Cd, and Zn at 30–50 cm were significantly different. Organic carbon (in both soils), CEC (Fluvisol), and clay (Vertisol) exhibited significant positive correspondences with the total heavy metal levels. Conversely, Se and Hg contents revealed perceptible associations with carbonate and pH. The exchangeable fraction was dominated by Hg and Cd, whereas the carbonate fraction was abounded with Cd, Pb, and Co. conversely, V and Pb displayed strong affinity to reducible fraction, where as Cr, Cu, Zn, and Ni dominated the oxidizable fraction. Cr, Hg, Se, and Zn (in both soils) showed preference to the residual fraction. Generally, a considerable proportion of the total levels of many of the heavy metals resided in non residual fractions. The enhanced lability is generally expected to follow the order: Cd > Co > Pb > Cu > Ni > Se > V and Pb > Cd > Co > Cu > Ni > Zn in Vertisol and Fluvisol, respectively. For the similar wastewater application, the soil variables influence the status and the distribution of the associated heavy metals among the different soil fractions in the study soils. Among heavy metals that presented relatively elevated levels and with potential mobility, Co, Cu, Ni (either soil), V (Vertisol), Pb, and Zn (Fluvisol) could pose health threat through their introduction into the food chain in the wastewater irrigated soils.  相似文献   

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