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城镇防灾避难场所规划研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城镇防灾避难场所是城镇灾后应急避难、救援、恢复重建的重要组成部分,也是城镇平时功能的主要构成部分。首先按照应对灾害的主要类型,将避难场所分为气象型避难场所和地质型避难场所,相对应的为建筑型避难场所与场地型避难场所。继而与城市规划中的用地性质相关联,从防灾避难的角度将城镇用地划分为"靶区""防灾避难据点"与"防灾避难通道"。总结城镇防灾避难空间结构的组成要素、组构原则与组成方式,并以三种模式进行模型化构建。进而概括了城镇防灾避难场所的规划要点、规划内容与技术路线,并以深圳防灾避难场所规划加以佐证。得出了结论:防灾避难场所是城镇整体空间不可分割的一部分;城镇防灾避难空间规划应从城镇整体空间结构出发,合理规划防灾避难场所与防灾避难通道,优化用地功能与规模,提升城镇整体的防灾避难能力。  相似文献   

Bangladesh is one of the poorest and the most disaster‐prone countries in Asia; it is important, therefore, to know how its disaster reduction strategies are organised and planned. Cyclone shelters comprise a widely acceptable form of infrastructural support for disaster management in Bangladesh. This paper attempts to analyse empirically their use during cyclones in a sample study area along the southwest coastal belt of the country. It shows how the location of a cyclone shelter can determine the social power structure in coastal Bangladesh. The results reveal that the establishment of cyclone shelters in the studied communities is determined by neither a right‐based nor a demand‐based planning approach; rather, their creation is dependent on the socio‐political affluence of local‐level decision‐makers. The paper goes on to demonstrate that socially vulnerable households (defined, for example, by income or housing conditions) are afforded disproportionately less access to cyclone shelters as compared to less socially vulnerable households.  相似文献   

防灾公园的减灾功能   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
地震灾害避难疏散的经验与教训表明 ,城市公园是重要的避难场所 ;防灾公园是减灾功能特别强的城市公园 ;城市公园改造成防灾公园或规划建设新的防灾公园可以提高城市公园的综合防灾减灾功能。发生城市突发事件时 ,防灾公园可以用作紧急避难所、灾害对策据点。防灾公园具有供居民避难以及确保避难人员基本生活条件的功能、防灾减灾功能、情报收集与传递功能、医疗与救护功能、运输基地功能等。强化防灾公园减灾功能的主要措施是广泛采用高新科学技术 ,并对防灾公园系统实施综合性的科学管理  相似文献   

陈晨  程林  修春亮 《灾害学》2019,(4):165-171
在阅读大量国内外文献基础上,对避难场所相关概念进行归纳总结,梳理避难场所相关研究的脉络,分析避难场所相关研究的演变与发展。重点对评价和选址两大研究主题进行深入探讨与归纳总结。已有研究成果较为丰富,但仍存在不足之处。目前,避难场所相关概念较多,尚无共识。已有研究对象多局限于绿地,而对城市中其他能够保障居民灾时安全的开敞空间挖掘不够。空间布局研究较为零散,方法有待更新,评价结果难以深入到城市内部空间结构,且忽略了居民避难行为的影响力。未来应①着力探索高效、规范的识别方法,明确城市中能真正保障居民灾时安全的避难空间;②强化灾害行为学研究,基于居民灾时行为特征进行避难空间评价与选址;③探讨避难空间在大城市蔓延与土地利用系统变化过程中的空间布局、演变特征与驱动力。  相似文献   

This paper documents the culture‐specific understanding of social capital among Haitians and examines its benefits and downsides in post‐disaster shelter recovery following the 12 January 2010 earthquake. The case study of shelter recovery processes in three socioeconomically diverse communities (Pétion‐Ville, Delmas and Canapé Vert) in Port‐au‐Prince suggests that social capital plays dual roles in post‐disaster shelter recovery of the displaced population in Haiti. On the one hand, it provides enhanced access to shelter‐related resources for those with connections. On the other hand, it accentuates pre‐existing inequalities or creates new inequalities among displaced Haitians. In some cases, such inequalities lead to tensions between the have and have‐nots and instigate violence among the displaced.  相似文献   

中小学校作为避难疏散场所的规划对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中小学校具有布局有效,设施齐备,广为人知,生活方便,互救互联,便于疏散等多方面的优点,其作为可利用的应急避难场所重要资源,在城市规划中占有重要的位置。城市因为人员密集,中小学校的利用是满足紧急避难要求所必需的,但是在汶川、玉树等特大地震的抗震救灾实施工作中,暴露出很多建设、规划以及配置等多方面的问题。基于此,通过对中小学校作为避难疏散场所的必要性和有效性进行研究,并从不同角度,不同层面的有效避难面积数据进行统计和分析,结合我国的城市规划和避难疏散规划的现状和相关标准进行比对,研究我国中小学校建筑和规划在避震疏散结构体系和避灾要求方面存在的问题,提出适宜于城市规划和建设的中小学校避难疏散利用对策,为今后中小学校的防灾规划提供依据和参考。  相似文献   

Disaster recovery is a key capability of federal, state, and local government. To support this capability effectively practitioners need useful and validated metrics to document how well a community is recovering from a particular disaster. This study developed and categorised recovery indicators according to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)'s Recovery Support Functions and Recovery Mission Area Core Capabilities through a literature review, an evaluation of the pre‐disaster recovery plans for 87 coastal jurisdictions, and a case study of two communities (New Hanover County, North Carolina, and the City of Hoboken, New Jersey). Metrics identified in the literature were validated through the recovery plan review and the case study. The research team also identified sources for both baseline and current status data. Based on these findings, a user‐friendly checklist for practitioners was established, which will be piloted with practice partners during a future disaster recovery initiative.  相似文献   

我国东南沿海农村地区是世界上遭受台风灾害袭击最严重的地区之一。根据实地考察数据与分析资料,通过对台风灾害的全面风险分析与评估,依据应急过程的内在特点和避难所的功能特点,从台风避难场所的规划设计、内部硬件设施、外部软件环境三个方面出发,建立了层次化评价指标体系,应用层次分析法建立配置层次分析模型,确定指标权重,利用模糊综合评价法构建了评价模糊矩阵,进行模糊运算,得出综合评定结果。实例证明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

辜智慧  徐伟  袁艺  周洪建  葛怡 《灾害学》2011,26(3):115-119,138
灾害避难场所不仅在灾中或灾后能为农村灾民提供一个临时安置或生存场所,而且更是农村整合其有限资源开展防灾减灾工作的平台,在农村社区减灾中工作发挥着重要的作用,然而相关研究工作较少。以四川省彭州市小鱼洞镇为例,通过对政府既定的避难场所进行安全性、通达性、收容性、生活性等分析,综合评价这些避难场所的布局合理性。以期为该区避难所的进一步建设提供科学依据,也为农村灾害避难所的规划和评价提供参考实例。  相似文献   

Barry J. Barnett 《Disasters》1999,23(2):139-155
Governments often provide grants or low-interest loans to disaster victims. Yet these programmes have proven to be quite costly. In addition, questions have been raised about associated behavioural incentives. Conceptually, government disaster insurance programmes should be more efficient, consistent and equitable than ex post facto disaster relief in the form of grants and loans. Yet the performance of government disaster insurance programmes has been mixed, at best. This article reviews the history of US federal natural disaster assistance to individuals and concludes with a recommendation for a new government role in the provision of disaster insurance.  相似文献   

Participation has long been considered important for post‐disaster recovery. Establishing what constitutes participation in post‐disaster shelter projects, however, has remained elusive, and the links between different types of participation and shelter programme outcomes are not well understood. Furthermore, recent case studies suggest that misguided participation strategies may be to blame for failures. This study analysed 19 shelter projects implemented in the Philippines following Typhoon Haiyan in November 2013 to identify the forms of participation employed. Using fuzzy‐set qualitative comparative analysis, it assessed how household participation in the planning, design, and construction phases of shelter reconstruction led to outcomes of household satisfaction and safe shelter design. Participation was operationalised via eight central project tasks, revealing that the involvement of households in the early planning stages of projects and in construction activities were important for satisfaction and design outcomes, whereas engagement during the design phase of projects had little impact on the selected outcomes.  相似文献   

How should one measure the recovery of a locale from a disaster? The measurement is crucial from a public policy and administration standpoint to determine which places should receive disaster assistance, and it affects the performance evaluation of disaster recovery programmes. This paper compares two approaches to measuring recovery: (i) bouncing back to pre‐disaster conditions; and (ii) attaining the counterfactual state. The former centres on returning to normalcy following disaster‐induced losses, whereas the latter focuses on attaining the state, using quasi‐experimental design, which would have existed if the disaster had not occurred. Both are employed here to assess two housing recovery indicators (total new units and their valuations) in Hurricane Katrina‐affected counties (rural and urban). The examination reveals significantly different outcomes for the two approaches: counties have not returned to their pre‐disaster housing conditions, but they do exhibit counterfactual recovery. Moreover, rural counties may not be as vulnerable as assumed in the disaster recovery literature.  相似文献   

以综合灾害风险防范模式作为理论基础,从中国气象防灾减灾工作机制的特点出发,结合当前的社会学和经济学研究方法,构建包含气象服务水平评价、灾害防御行为评价的防灾减灾综合效益评价指标体系,涵盖从前期预报预警,到后期灾害应对的3个一级指标,8个二级指标和17个三级指标;并基于社会学调查的技术方法,实时跟踪2017-2018年登陆中国东部的17次台风天气过程,在针对当地的公众、政府机构以及社会联动部门人员开展问卷调查的基础上,开展台风灾害防御效益评估研究。根据调查数据和综合评估方法,计算出2017-2018年期间17次台风气象灾害防御过程中所避免人员伤亡数,公众减少经济损失量,以及为社会所带来的综合效益值。研究结论可以为政府和利益相关方进行成本效益核算,提升气象灾害综合防御能力提供科学依据。  相似文献   

谢瑞杭  周铁军  潘崟 《灾害学》2022,(1):220-228
地震是西南地区面临的最严重和破坏性最强的灾害类型,在农村迫切需要安全可靠的社区避难建筑保障村民的生命安全.近年来国家高度重视避难建筑建设,要求提高室内避灾规模,而我国缺乏农村社区避难建筑设计的规范标准,既有研究也有所不足.因此,该文系统介绍了核定西南农村社区避难建筑面积指标的研究方法与技术依据.首先说明了避难建筑面积配...  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to deepen the understanding of the relationship between country logistics performance and disaster impact. The relationship is analysed through correlation analysis and regression models for 117 countries for the years 2007 to 2012 with disaster impact variables from the International Disaster Database (EM‐DAT) and logistics performance indicators from the World Bank. The results show a significant relationship between country logistics performance and disaster impact overall and for five out of six specific logistic performance indicators. These specific indicators were further used to explore the relationship between country logistic performance and disaster impact for three specific disaster types (epidemic, flood and storm). The findings enhance the understanding of the role of logistics in a humanitarian context with empirical evidence of the importance of country logistics performance in disaster response operations.  相似文献   

Decisions on selecting an appropriate site for temporary shelter used to be taken in a limited amount of time after a disaster. The need for a systematic method in this area inspired the MADM (multi‐attribute decision making) for complex disaster management decisions. This research proposes a model for appropriate and systematic site selection for temporary shelters, before an earthquake, using a geographical information system and MADM based on an earthquake damage assessment. After the effective criteria for site selection of temporary shelters are determined, the geographical layers of these criteria are prepared for Municipal District No.1 of Greater Tehran, the capital of Iran. Given these attributes and the required shelter area (415–610 hectares), 14 zones are proposed initially. Various MADM methods are used for the final selection. The mean of the aggregated ranking results are determined, and 10 of the 14 initial zones are ranked.  相似文献   

Gall M 《Disasters》2004,28(1):82-97
This paper, through spatial-analysis techniques, examines the accessibility of emergency shelters for vulnerable populations, and outlines the benefits of an extended and permanently established shelter network in central Mozambique. The raster-based modelling approach considers data on land cover, locations of accommodation centres in 2000, settlements and infrastructure. The shelter analysis is a two-step process determining access for vulnerable communities first, followed by a suitability analysis for additional emergency shelter sites. The results indicate the need for both retrofitting existing infrastructure (schools, health posts) to function as shelters during an emergency, and constructing new facilities - at best multi-purpose facilities that can serve as social infrastructure and shelter. Besides assessing the current situation in terms of availability and accessibility of emergency shelters, this paper provides an example of evaluating the effectiveness of humanitarian assistance without conventional mechanisms like food tonnage and number of beneficiaries.  相似文献   

In this study we use a cross-sectional survey to evaluate the nutritional response to the 1998 Bangladesh Flood Disaster by 15 relief agencies using standards developed by the Sphere Project. The Sphere Project is a recent attempt by agencies around the world to establish universal minimum standards for the purpose of ensuring quality and accountability in disaster response. The main outcomes measured were resources allocated to disaster relief types of relief activities and percentage of agencies meeting selected Sphere food aid and nutrition indicators. Although the process of nutritional response was measured, specific nutritional and health outcomes were not assessed. This review found that self-reported disaster and nutritional resources varied widely between implementing agencies, ranging from US $58,947 to $15,908,712. The percentage of resources these agencies allocated to food aid and nutritional response also varied, ranging from approximately 6 to 99 per cent of total resources. Agencies met between 8 and 83 per cent of the specific Sphere indicators which were assessed Areas in which performance was poor included preliminary nutritional analysis; beneficiary participation and feedback; disaster preparedness during non-emergency times; monitoring of local markets and impact assessment. Agencies were generally successful in areas of core humanitarian response, such as targeting the vulnerable (83 per cent) and monitoring and evaluating the process of disaster response (75 per cent). The results here identify both strengths and gaps in the quality of humanitarian response in developing nations such as Bangladesh. However, they also raise the question of implementing a rights-based approach to disaster response in nations without a commitment to meeting positive human rights in non-disaster times.  相似文献   

灾害造成人员伤亡价值损失的评估   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
根据灾害造成的人员伤亡的特点和灾害损失评估的目的 ,提出了评估灾害造成人员伤亡价值损失的基本原则 ,即系统化评估原则、从整个国家和社会的角度出发进行评估的原则、基于灾害后果的评估原则、“有无对比”的原则、货币计量与非货币计量相结合以货币计量为主的原则、不考虑沉没成本的原则和基于未来获利能力的原则。在给出灾害造成的人员伤亡的数量及其分布状况的假设后 ,应用人力资源价值理论 ,提出了评估灾害造成的人员伤亡价值损失的方法和模型。为采用统一价值尺度评估灾害损失提供了基础 ,也使得灾害损失评估理论与方法体系更趋于完善。  相似文献   

The humanitarian sector is increasingly aware of the role that good quality evidence plays in the underpinning of effective and accountable practice. This review addresses the need for reliable evidence by evaluating current knowledge about the intersection of two key outcome targets of post-disaster shelter response: supporting shelter self-recovery and building back safer. Evidence about post-disaster shelter programmes that aim to improve hazard resistance while supporting shelter self-recovery has been systematically analysed and evaluated. Technical support, especially training in safer construction techniques, was found to be a central programme feature, but the impact of this and other programme attributes on building safety was largely not ascertainable. Programme reports and studies lack sufficient detail, especially on the hazard resistance of repaired houses. Accounts of shelter programmes need to include more reliable reporting of key activities and assessment of outcomes, in order to contribute to the growing evidence base in this field.  相似文献   

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