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Physical and chemical parameters have been analyzed in water samples from a brackish water lagoon, Küçükçekmece, located on the western outskirts of Istanbul. Samples were collected every two months for a year from nine sampling stations. Of the parameters measured, temperature, pH, salinity, nitrate and phosphate showed changes when compared with the previously published data. The lagoon was found eutrophic as it was reported previously. Sulphate and COD levels were higher when compared with the standards established by the Turkish Water Pollution and Control Regulation. Additionally, concentrations of heavy metals (Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn) in water and bottom sediments were measured and compared with the standards established by the Turkish Water Pollution and Control Regulation and with the previously published data. The results were analysed statistically with respect to location and any relationships between the concentration of the elements in corresponding water and sediment samples were examined. Principal Component Analysis of water samples allowed us to discriminate three areas affected mainly by heavy metal contamination, possibly due to industrial, commercial and/or urban activities. Generally, the concentrations of the heavy metals were higher at stations near the three estuaries, suggesting a direct influence of the three creeks on the pollution of the Küçükçekmece Lagoon. Although elevated levels of Cd were recorded in several water samples, it was not detected in sediment. On the other hand, a particularly high level of Cr pollution was recorded most of the water and sediment samples.  相似文献   

The glyphosate-based herbicide, Roundup®, is one of the most used pesticides worldwide. In concert with the advent of transgenic crops resistant to glyphosate, the use of this pesticide has led to an increase in agricultural yields. The objective of this study was to evaluate the genotoxic effect that the herbicide Roundup® (at a concentration of 6.67 μg/L, corresponding to 3.20 μg/L glyphosate) can have on the fish Corydoras paleatus. Treatment groups were exposed for 3, 6, and 9 days, and effects were analyzed using the piscine micronucleus test (PMT) and comet assay. A group subjected to filtered water only was used as a negative control. The PMT did not show differences between the control and exposed groups for any of the treatment times. In contrast, the comet assay showed a high rate of DNA damage in group exposed to Roundup® for all treatment times, both for blood and hepatic cells. We conclude that for the low concentration used in this research, the herbicide shows potential genotoxic effects. Future research will be important in evaluating the effects of this substance, whose presence in the environment is ever-increasing.  相似文献   

The study, which measured the concentrations of Hg, Pb, Cd, Zn and As in various fish tissues (muscle, gill and liver) of 10 fish species (Abramis brama danubii, Alburnus alburnus alburnus, Barbus meridionalis petenyi, Carassius auratius gibelio, Cyprinus carpio, Lepomis gibossus, Leuciscius cephalus cephalus, Perca fluviatilis fluviatilis, Rutilus rutilus, Scardinus erythrophtlalmus erythrophtlalmus) collected in the Šalek lakes, is the first survey regarding metal concentrations in fish species with samples originating from Slovene lakes, while only a limited number of such studies have been carried out in southeastern Europe. Since these lakes are situated in the close vicinity of the largest Slovene thermal power plant, the study provides an insight into the potential impact of increased levels of metals in the environment as well as an estimate of the contamination of fish tissues with metals. Furthermore, it was possible to compare the results obtained with those from other studies regarding metal levels in freshwater fish species. The mean metal concentrations of different tissues irrespective of species varied in the following ranges: Zn 4.31–199 mg/kg ww, Pb 0.01–0.48 mg/kg ww, As 0.02–0.44 mg/kg ww, Hg <0.01–0.31 mg/kg ww, Cd < 0.01–0.19 mg/kg ww. In general, higher contents of Hg were found in muscles and livers than in gills and higher contents of As in gills and livers than in muscles, respectively. The accumulation of Pb and Zn was most pronounced in gills. The result obtained regarding metal concentrations in fish revealed that the ecosystems of the Šalek lakes are not polluted with Hg and Pb, slightly loaded with As and Cd and moderately polluted with Zn. In addition, the potential human health risk due to fish consumption was assessed. This showed that the estimated weekly intakes for all metals were far below provisional permissible tolerable weekly intakes determined by WHO/FAO. The consumption of fish from the Šalek lakes, therefore, does not pose a risk to human health.  相似文献   

In this present study, airborne pollen in Çe?me was investigated between February 17, 2012 and February 17, 2014 using the volumetric method. Çe?me, one of Turkey’s most important tourism centers, which attracts numerous local and foreign tourists each year, is a district of Izmir, a province in the western part of Turkey. During the 2-year study, 12,905 pollen grains belonging to 64 taxa (33 arboreal, 31 non-arboreal plants) were detected. However, the 2-year data results revealed that the taxa with the pollen concentration more than 4% in the atmosphere were Cupressaceae/Taxaceae (4268 pollen, 33.07%), Olea europaea (1614 pollen grains, 12.51%), Pinaceae (1085 pollen grains, 8.41%), Quercus spp. (1081 pollen grains, 8.38%), Pistacia spp. (743 pollen grains, 5.76%), and Poaceae (557 pollen grains, 4.32%), all of which comprised 72.44% of the total count. The relationship between the daily pollen counts belonging to these six taxa and the hourly average temperature (°C), daily precipitation (mm), relative humidity (%), and wind speed (km/h) was assessed using the Spearman correlation test, and significant results were determined. During the study, the intradiurnal distribution of the aforementioned pollen varied. The highest pollen concentration was detected between 11:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. (first year 30.3%; second year 30.1%).  相似文献   

Spilled oil can interact with suspended particles in marine environments and form oil–mineral aggregates (OMAs). Some OMAs with densities higher than seawater density can settle to the seedbed to pose potential risks to benthic organisms. To understand the transport and fate of oil associated with OMAs and evaluate their potential risks, an integrated hydrodynamic and fate/transport model has been used in a hypothetical case study of 1,000 tonnes of South Louisiana oil spilled in the Bristol Channel. Several scenarios have been simulated under different wave and current conditions. By using OMA properties derived from laboratory measurements reported in literature, it has been found that the risk to the benthos is unlikely for the two hypothetical cases with strong currents, but it is likely for the wave only (weak current) case. The effects of other factors such as OMA properties and sediment concentration were also examined in terms of their effects on the transport process and risks.  相似文献   

The traditional northern Norwegian fish dish "m?lje", consisting of boiled cod, cod liver, cod liver oil and hard roe, is still consumed frequently during the winter months January to March. The liver of the cod is rich in lipids and the levels of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are relatively high. To better understand the short-term consequences of this traditional meal on the plasma levels of PCBs and p,p'-DDE, individual intake of liver and cod liver oil during one meal was measured. Blood samples were collected from 33 participants before the meal, and then 4 h, 12 h and 5 days after it. Lipid-weight and wet-weight levels of 10 PCB congeners and p,p'-DDE were determined in the plasma samples and the food. The plasma levels of p,p'-DDE was found to increase significantly from 0 to 4 h, both when expressed as wet-weight (35% change) and lipid-weight (20% change). The corresponding changes (0-4 h) in wet-weight levels of the most prevalent PCB congeners were non significant. By contrast, PCB congeners with low levels in the food showed a significant drop in lipid-weight levels during the first 4 h. The observed changes were independent of amount consumed. Significant differences in fasting and non-fasting samples were found for most PCBs and p,p'-DDE. For the lipid weight levels of sum PCBs there was a significant decrease of 16% from non-fasting to fasting samples. To obtain reliable data on human levels of POPs it is, on the basis of these findings, recommended that blood samples should be collected from fasting individuals and both wet-weight and lipid-weight levels should be reported.  相似文献   

Six samples of the red seaweed Plocamium cartilagineum (two both from Helgoland/Germany, Ireland, and the Antarctic) were analyzed by stable isotope analysis. The bulk δ(13)C values (-31 to -38‰) confirmed that this seaweed was exceptionally highly depleted in (13)C. The δ(15)N values were in the reported range for algae, and a moderate correlation between (13)C and (15)N content was observed. These measurements indicated that the season had a higher impact on the δ(13)C values than the location. Compound specific carbon isotope analysis by gas chromatography coupled with isotope ratio mass spectrometry (GC-IRMS) was used to verify an even stronger depletion in (13)C in the halogenated natural product (HNP) MHC-1 isolated from the seaweed samples. The δ(13)C values of MHC-1 in the range -42 to -45‰ are the lightest determined to date for polyhalogenated compounds in the molecular mass range between 250 and 800 Da. MHC-1 was also isolated from two fish samples. The much higher (13)C content in MHC-1 from the fish samples (-35.6 to -39.2‰) indicated carbon isotope enrichment due to partial transformation. In processes such as the reductive debromination, the partial transformation is associated with an increase in the (13)C content in the remaining non-metabolized share of a compound. Stable isotope analysis may thus provide insights into the degree of transformation of HNPs in environmental samples.  相似文献   

In the period 1999-2003 a monitoring study on the accumulation of organotin compounds in edible organisms in the Lagoon of Venice was conducted. Butyl and Phenyl derivatives were determined in pooled samples of Mytilus galloprovincialis and Tapes spp. with the aims of assessing organotin contamination in the Lagoon of Venice in the period just preceding their ban in Europe, monitoring the concentrations in organisms with a high commercial use, evaluating a potential hazard for human health due to seafood and identifying the possible contamination sources. Sampling stations (up to 20) were distributed around the Lagoon and particularly concentrated in the area close to the town of Chioggia. Significantly higher (analysis of variance (ANOVA), p < 0.05) tributyltin (TBT) concentrations were found in mussels (from 38 +/- 8 to 6,666 +/- 1,333 microg kg(-1) d.w., as TBT(+)), than in clams (from 6 +/- 1 to 2,256 +/- 451 microg kg(-1) d.w., as TBT(+)). During the 3 years of the survey no increase in average concentrations of the butyltin compounds (tributyltin (TBT) + dibutyltin (DBT) + monobutyltin (MBT)) was observed (ANOVA, p > 0.05) in either species. Furthermore, by analyzing the entire data set, it is evident that most stations show analogous concentrations in the 3 years for both species, whereas few have anomalously higher concentrations. If organotin concentrations in specimens from some sites are compared with the Tolerable Average Residue Level, a possible risk for human health must be considered.  相似文献   

This study examines spatial and temporal variability of bioaccumulation of cadmium, copper, and zinc in tissues of zebra mussels in the upper reach of the St. Lawrence River which originates at the outflow of Lake Ontario. It was hypothesized that concentrations of these metals in mussel tissues would decline over time and decrease with increasing distance from the outlet of Lake Ontario as a result of on-going efforts to reduce contaminant discharges into the lake. Size of mussels was also evaluated as a factor influencing bioaccumulation. Mussels were collected annually in October from six sites from 1994 to 2005, including one site near a local industry. Individuals were grouped into five or more size classes per site in each year. Soft tissues were analyzed for total cadmium, copper and zinc. Concentrations of cadmium and copper in tissues varied significantly both spatially and temporally. Cadmium concentrations were elevated at most sites; copper concentrations were moderately elevated compared with other studies in the Lake Ontario basin and St. Lawrence River. Zinc showed the most uniformity in mussels possibly due to internal regulation and to low levels of environmental exposure. Animal size correlated with copper concentrations of tissues in approximately 30% of samples but infrequently for cadmium and zinc. Cadmium and copper levels were found to decline downstream over time. Inter-annual variability of metal concentrations in mussel tissues suggests utilization in long-term monitoring programs to discern significant trends.  相似文献   

Environmental Monitoring and Assessment - Due to the concern with the quality of hydric resources, the monitoring is essential to evaluate and identify the anthropogenic and environmental...  相似文献   

Urbanisation is a ubiquitous phenomenon with greater prominence in developing nations. Urban expansion involves land conversions from vegetated moisture-rich to impervious moisture-deficient land surfaces. The urban land transformations alter biophysical parameters in a mode that promotes development of heat islands and degrades environmental health. This study elaborates relationships among various environmental variables using remote sensing dataset to study spatio-temporal footprint of urbanisation in Surat city. Landsat Thematic Mapper satellite data were used in conjugation with geo-spatial techniques to study urbanisation and correlation among various satellite-derived biophysical parameters, [Normalised Difference Vegetation Index, Normalised Difference Built-up Index, Normalised Difference Water Index, Normalised Difference Bareness Index, Modified NDWI and land surface temperature (LST)]. Land use land cover was prepared using hierarchical decision tree classification with an accuracy of 90.4 % (kappa?=?0.88) for 1990 and 85 % (kappa?=?0.81) for 2009. It was found that the city has expanded over 42.75 km2 within a decade, and these changes resulted in elevated surface temperatures. For example, transformation from vegetation to built-up has resulted in 5.5?±?2.6 °C increase in land surface temperature, vegetation to fallow 6.7?±?3 °C, fallow to built-up is 3.5?±?2.9 °C and built-up to dense built-up is 5.3?±?2.8 °C. Directional profiling for LST was done to study spatial patterns of LST in and around Surat city. Emergence of two new LST peaks for 2009 was observed in N–S and NE–SW profiles.  相似文献   

We investigated chlorinated hydrocarbon contaminants in aquatic mustelid species on the Fraser and Columbia Rivers of northwestern North America. Carcasses of river otter (Lutra canadensis) (N=24) and mink (Mustela vison) (N=34) were obtained from commercial trappers during the winters of 1990–91 and 1991–92. Pooled liver samples were analyzed for organochlorine pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), including non-ortho congeners, polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and dibenzofurans (PCDFs). Most samples contained detectable concentrations of DDE, PCBs, although there was substantial variability in patterns and trends among neighboring samples. Concentrations of DDE were in some mink and several otter samples from the lower Columbia River elevated (to 4700 g/kg wet weight); excluding one mink sample from the Wenatchee area, mean DDE levels generally decreased between 1978–79 and 1990–92. PCBs were present in all samples. PCB concentrations in otter livers collected from the lower Columbia were ten-fold lower than measured a decade previously; nevertheless, a sample taken near Portland had a mean concentration of 1500 g/kg, within a range of concentrations associated with reproductive effects in captive mink. Concentrations of 2,3,7,8-TCDD and TCDF were generally below detection limits, except for one otter collected near a pulp mill at Castlegar, on the upper Columbia, with 11 ng TCDD/kg in liver. Elevated concentrations of higher chlorinated PCDD/Fs, probably resulting from use of chlorophenolic wood preservatives, were found in both species; one otter sample from the lower Columbia had 2200 ng OCDD/kg. International TCDD toxic equivalent levels in mink (31 ng/kg) and otter (93 ng/kg) from the lower Columbia River approached toxicity thresholds for effects on reproduction in ranch mink.  相似文献   

Surface soil (0–20 cm) samples (n?=?143) were collected from vegetable, maize, and paddy farmland used for commercial crops in Liaoning, China. Sixteen priority polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) listed in US Environmental Protection Agency were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography using a fluorescence detector. The soil concentrations of the 16 PAH ranged from 50 to 3,309 ng/g with a mean of 388 ng/g. The highest concentration of total PAHs found in soil of the vegetable farmland was 448 ng/g in average, followed by maize and paddy with total PAHs of 391 and 331 ng/g, respectively. Generally, the low molecular weight PAHs were more predominant than the high molecular weight PAHs in most of the soils. The evaluation of soil PAH contamination based on the Canadian criterion indicated that only naphthalene, phenanthrene, and pyrene were over the target values in several sampling sites. Isomer pair ratios and principal component analysis indicated that biomass and coal combustion were the main sources of PAHs in this area. And the average value of total B[a]Peq concentration in vegetable soils was higher than paddy and maize soils. We suggest that biomass burning should be abolished and commercial farming should be carried out far from the highways to ensure the safety of food products derived from commercial farming.  相似文献   

Linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS) is a group of anionic surfactants employed in the formulation of laundry and cleaning products, with a global production rate of 4 million metric tons. Sediments from the Polish coast of the southern Baltic Sea were collected at ten stations. Total LAS concentrations, measured by high-performance liquid chromatography, were between 0.04 and 0.72 mg LAS·kg(-1) dry weight. Highest LAS concentrations were found in suspended matter collected from the Vistula River, sediment collected close to the Vistula River mouth and from the Gdańsk Deep, known as the depositional area. With the obtained environmental LAS concentrations, a risk assessment for this surfactant has been carried out, based on publicly available acute and chronic toxicity data in target organisms. The results indicated that LAS could pose a low risk for the existing benthic community applying worst case scenario assessment. This is the first time that levels of LAS have been measured in environmental samples of the southern Baltic Sea.  相似文献   

The relationship between parasites and environmental stress were studied in two tropical coastal lagoons of Northwest Mexico: Urias estuary (highly polluted) and Teacapan estuary (slightly polluted). Metazoan parasites were examined in 292 white mullet (Mugil curema) specimens collected bimonthly during a year from both systems. Haliotrema mugilinus, Metamicrocotyla macracantha, Ergasilus sp., Caligus sp., Holobomolochus sp., and Lernaeopodidae were found in gills, while Contracaecum sp. larvae III was found liver, hepatic portal vein and kidneys. Ecological indices were influenced by the slightly higher number of parasitic species in Urias compared to Teacapan, as well as the clear dominance of two species: Ergasilus sp. and Contracaecum sp. in both systems. In fact, Ergasilus sp. showed considerably higher abundance in Urias, possibly indicating that its success was a result of adverse conditions affecting the host, while Contracaecum sp showed higher abundances in Teacapan, suggesting that the environmental conditions occurring in Urias could have produced negative impacts on the nematode's infective potential.  相似文献   

More than 760 Tampa Bay (Florida, U.S.A.) sediment samples have been analyzed for organic contaminants (PAHs, organochlorine pesticides, and PCBs) since 1993. Data were analyzed to assess status by habitat (defined by overlapping salinity zones and sediment type). The habitats most degraded by PAHs and pesticides were generally located in lower salinity, fine-grained sediment habitats, which are typically confined to the Hillsborough River. PCB contamination was more common in mesohaline waters of the Palm and Hillsborough rivers. Higher salinity portions of the bay, where medium to coarse sand-sized sediments predominate, showed little evidence of contamination by PAHs, PCBs and pesticides other than lindane.  相似文献   

The metals distribution in the bed sediments of the Anllóns River was studied, with special emphasis on the evaluation of the metal distribution as a function of the granulometric fraction chosen for the analysis. Statistical significant differences between the distribution of K, Ca, Cr, Mn, As, Rb, Sr and Nb in the bulk (<2 mm) and fine fraction (<63 μm) were not found. Fe, Ni, Cu, Ga, Zr, Zn and Pb commonly appear in higher concentrations in the fine fraction, whereas Ti appears in higher concentrations in the bulk fraction. In general, it was observed that contamination phenomena tend to equalise the concentrations of both fractions, and this was mainly explained as the result of two processes. First, the formation of coatings over sands and, second, the formation of large aggregates (pseudo-sands) at sites located over basic rocks, whose chemical behaviour is closer to that of clays and could be responsible for significant adsorption processes. Normalisation techniques to evaluate contamination were applied by testing Nb, Sr, Rb or Ga as normaliser elements and by using crustal or shale average values for background concentrations. The most satisfactory result was obtained when using shale average values and Ga as the normaliser element. Arsenic was identified as the main contaminant of the basin, exceeding in all cases the low-effect reference values proposed by sediment quality guidelines and in two cases the medium-effect reference values. These sites were identified by multivariate techniques, which allow differentiating site 10 as affected by anthropogenic inputs related to past mining activities.  相似文献   

We report a combined two-year seasonal monitoring of Suquía River basin using both chemical parameters and biomarkers measured in Jenynsia multidentata, aiming to correlate external levels of contaminants with the response of oxidative stress biomarkers in this fish. Identified pollution sources correspond to city sewage as well as agricultural and small industry activities downstream from Córdoba city. Physicochemical parameters integrated into a water quality index (WQI) were measured in Suquía River during dry and wet seasons. Ag, Mn, Cu, Cr, Ni, Fe, Pb and Zn were also monitored in water and sediment samples. Biomarkers include detoxication and antioxidant enzymes: catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPX), glutathione S-transferase (GST) and glutathione reductase (GR). Enzymes showed a pollution dependent response, with increased activities in fish collected close to the sewage exit and progressive drop further downstream, matching changes in the Water Quality index. The combined use of biomarkers with water quality parameters allowed both the identification of pollution sources and the evaluation of effects of contaminants on the aquatic biota.  相似文献   

Surface soil (0-5 cm) samples from 17 sampling sites including different functional areas at Ji'nan city in Shandong Province of China were collected and analyzed for 16 EPA priority polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The total PAH concentrations were in the range from 1.31 mg kg(-1) to 254.08 mg kg(-1) (dry weight), and the average level of total PAHs was 23.25 mg kg(-1). The highest total PAHs concentrations were found in steel and iron plant at industrial areas. The total PAHs concentrations in industrial areas were markedly higher than those in other different functional areas. According to comparing total PAHs concentration in Ji'nan city to that of other urban areas, it was found that total PAHs concentrations were 6 to 137 times higher than other areas because of some specific sampling sites such as steel and iron plant and one main roadside. The results showed that PAHs in topsoil of Ji'nan city were suffered from strong pyrogenic influence, especially in industrial areas. However about 52.9% soil samples were mainly originated from both pyrogenic and petrogenic mixed sources based on Flu/Pyr ratios and Phe/Ant ratios. Furthermore, It was found that all individual PAHs except Fle were significantly correlated (P < 0.01) with LMW, HMW, total PAHs and SOM, and individual PAHs except Fle in soils were significantly correlated (P < 0.01) with each other. The nemerow composite index to assess the environmental quality showed that the soil sample of steel and iron plant in industrial areas and one main roadside were heavy pollution of PAHs, and about 47% soil sampling sites were safety, about 53% soil sampling sites were got different grades of PAHs pollution.  相似文献   

The present study illustrates an analysis of spinal deformities associated with metal accumulation in natural populations of Zosterisessor ophiocephalus derived from polluted (S1) and unpolluted (S2) areas in the Gulf of Gabès in Tunisia. Three basic types of spinal deformities were detected: kyphosis, scoliosis and lordosis. These basic deformities frequently co-occur. Spinal deformities were observed in 10.72% of the total examined fish (n = 494). Deformed fish were 3.85 times more frequent in S1 than in S2. In both sexes, the highest occurrence of deformities was observed in the 111-120 mm class decreasing thereafter with fish length. Hepatic concentrations of cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) were significantly higher in Z. ophiocephalus from S1 than those from S2. Comparisons between fish in each site showed that liver concentrations of Cd and Zn were significantly higher in deformed fish than in normal fish. The relationship between metals accumulation and observed spinal deformities as well as the suitability of this kind of studies for environmental monitoring are discussed.  相似文献   

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