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An exploratory study of the area surrounding a historical Pb?CZn mining and smelting area in Zawar, India, detected significant contamination of the terrestrial environment by heavy metals. Soils (n?=?87) were analyzed for pH, EC, total organic matter (TOM), Pb, Zn, Mn, and Cd levels. The statistical analysis indicated that the frequency distribution of the analyzed parameters for these soils was not normal. The median concentrations of metals in surface soils were: Pb 420.21 ?? g/g, Zn 870.25 ?? g/g, Mn 696.70 ?? g/g, and Cd 2.09 ?? g/g. Zn concentrations were significantly correlated with Cd (r?=?0.867), indicating that levels of Cd are dependent on Zn. However, pH, electrical conductivity and total organic matter were not correlated significantly with Cd, Pb, Zn, and Mn. To assess the potential mobility of Cd, Pb, and Zn in soils, single (EDTA) as well as sequential extraction scheme (modified BCR) were applied to representative (n?=?23) soil samples. The amount of Cd, Pb, and Zn extracted by EDTA and their total concentrations showed linear positive correlation, which are statistically significant (r values for Cd, Pb, and Zn being 0.901, 0.971, and 0.795, respectively, and P values being <0.001). The correlation coefficients indicate a strong relation between EDTA-extractable metal and total metal. These results appear to justify the use of ??total?? metal contents as a useful preliminary indicator of areas where the risks of metal excess or deficiency are high. The EDTA extractability was maximum for Cd followed by Pb and Zn in soils from all the locations. As indicated by single extraction, the apparent mobility and potential bioavailability of metals in soils followed the order: Cd ?? Pb >?> Zn. Soil samples were sequentially extracted (modified BCR) so that solid pools of Cd, Zn, and Pb could be partitioned into four operationally defined fractions viz. acid-soluble, reducible, oxidizable, and residual. Cadmium was present appreciably (39.41%) in the acid-soluble fraction and zinc was predominantly associated (32.42%) with residual fraction. Pb (66.86%) and Zn (30.44%) were present mainly in the reducible fraction. Assuming that the mobility and bioavailability are related to solubility of geochemical forms of metals and decrease in the order of extraction, the apparent mobility and potential metal bioavailability for these contaminated soil samples is Cd > Zn > Pb.  相似文献   

Risk assessment of metal-contaminated soil depends on how precisely one can predict the solubility of metals in soils. Responses of plants and soil organisms to metal toxicity are explained by the variation in free metal ion activity in soil pore water. This study was undertaken to predict the free ion activity of Zn, Cu, Ni, Cd, and Pb in metal-contaminated soil as a function of pH, soil organic carbon, and extractable metal content. For this purpose, 21 surface soil samples (0–15 cm) were collected from agricultural lands of various locations receiving sewage sludge and industrial effluents for a long period. One soil sample was also collected from agricultural land which has been under intensive cropping and receiving irrigation through tube well water. Soil samples were varied widely in respect of physicochemical properties including metal content. Total Zn, Cu, Ni, Cd, and Pb in experimental soils were 2,015?±?3,373, 236?±?286, 103?±?192, 29.8?±?6.04, and 141?±?270 mg kg?1, respectively. Free metal ion activity, viz., pZn2+, pCu2+, pNi2+, pCd2+, and pPb2+, as estimated by the Baker soil test was 9.37?±?1.89, 13.1?±?1.96, 12.8?±?1.89, 11.9?±?2.00, and 11.6?±?1.52, respectively. Free metal ion activity was predicted by pH-dependent Freundlich equation (solubility model) as a function of pH, organic carbon, and extractable metal. Results indicate that solubility model as a function of pH, Walkley–Black carbon (WBC), and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA)-extractable metals could explain the variation in pZn2+, pCu2+, pNi2+, pCd2+, and pPb2+ to the extent of 59, 56, 46, 52, and 51 %, respectively. Predictability of the solubility model based on pH, KMnO4-oxidizable carbon, and diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid-extractable or CaCl2-extractable metal was inferior compared to that based on EDTA-extractable metals and WBC.  相似文献   

Accumulation of metals in soil at elevated concentrations causes risks to the environmental quality and human health for more than one hundred million people globally. The rate of metal release and the alteration of metal distribution in soil phases after soil washing with a sulfosuccinamate surfactant solution (Aerosol 22) were evaluated for four contaminated soils. Furthermore, a sequential extraction scheme was carried out using selective extractants (HAcO, NH(2)OH·HCl, H(2)O(2) + NH(4)AcO) to evaluate which metal species are extracted by A22 and the alteration in metal distribution upon surfactant-washing. Efficiency of A22 to remove metals varied among soils. The washing treatment released up to 50% of Cd, 40% of Cu, 20% of Pb and 12% of Zn, mainly from the soluble and reducible soil fractions, therefore, greatly reducing the fraction of metals readily available in soil. Metal speciation analysis for the solutions collected upon soil washing with Aerosol 22 further confirmed these results. Copper and lead in solution were mostly present as soluble complexes, while Cd and Zn were present as free ions. Besides, redistribution of metals in soil was observed upon washing. The ratios of Zn strongly retained in the soil matrix and Cd complexed with organic ligands increased. Lead was mobilized to more weakly retained forms, which indicates a high bioavailability of the remaining Pb in soil after washing. Comprehensive knowledge on chemical forms of metals present in soil allows a feasible assessment of the environmental impact of metals for a given scenario, as well as possible alteration of environmental conditions, and a valuable prediction for potential leaching and groundwater contamination.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to evaluate, using soil columns, the mobilization and redistribution of heavy metals (Zn, Cd, and Pb) among different soil fractions by soluble organic ligands within poultry litter. Uncontaminated soil was amended with Zn, Cd, and Pb to achieve concentration levels of 400, 8, and 200 mg kg−1 soil, respectively. Columns repacked with this amended soil were leached with distilled water, 0.01 M EDTA, 0.01 M CaCl2, or poultry litter extract (PLE) solutions. After leaching, the soil samples in the columns were sequentially extracted for exchangeable (EXC), carbonate (CARB) organic matter (OM), Mn oxide (MNO), Fe oxide (FEO), and residual (RES) fractions. Considerable mobilization of Zn, Cd, and Pb occurred in soil during EDTA leaching. Leaching with PLE and CaCl2 solutions significantly decreased Zn and Cd concentrations in the EXC, CARB, and OM fractions. These solutions significantly decreased Pb concentration in the EXC fraction, while PLE solubilized more Pb from EXC fraction than CaCl2. Thus, the applied poultry litter may change Zn, Cd, and Pb fractions in metal-amended soil and possibly enhance metal mobility.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to evaluate the degree of mobility and fractionation of cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), lead (Pb), nickel (Ni), and zinc (Zn) after the addition of municipal solid sewage sludge (MSS) in a sandy calcareous soil. Treatments were (1) soil application of MSS, (2) soil application of enriched municipal solid waste compost (EMSS), and (3) control soil. The MSS application represented a dose of 200 Mg dry weight per hectare. Soil columns were incubated at room temperature for 15 days and irrigated daily with deionized water to make a total of 505 mm. At the end of leaching experiments, soil samples from each column were divided into 14 layers, each being 1 cm down to 10 and 2.5 cm below that and analyzed for diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA)-extractable Cd, Cu, Pb, Ni, and Zn. The fractionation of the heavy metals in the top five layers of the surface soil samples was investigated by the sequential extraction method. All soil layers of the columns receiving MSS and EMSS had significantly higher concentrations of DTPA-extractable heavy metals than control soil. The maximum concentration of heavy metals in treated soil was in the surface layer and declined significantly with depth. Sequential extraction results showed that in the treated soil, a major proportion of Cd, Pb, and Ni was associated with organic matter (OM) and exchangeable (EXCH) fractions, and a major proportion of Cu and Zn was associated with residual (RES) and OM fractions. Based on relative percent, Pb, Cd, and Ni in the EXCH fraction was higher than Cu and Zn in soil leached with MSS and EMSS, suggesting that application of this MSS to a sandy calcareous soil, at the loading rate used here, may pose a risk in terms of groundwater contamination with Pb, Cd, and Ni.  相似文献   

Lead,cadmium, arsenic and zinc in the ecosystem surrounding a lead smelter   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A lead smelter has been operating at Belledune in the province of New Brunswick, in eastern Canada, since 1966. This paper presents data on the concentrations of the four primary metals emitted from the smelter — lead, cadmium, arsenic and zinc — which were measured in the terrestrial environment near the smelter and the concentrate transport route. Deposition of these metals to the snowpack and the uptake by grass forage are discussed in relation to non-regulatory guidelines, toxicity and atmospheric emissions. A 1992 snowpack transect survey extending 0.5–40 km northwest, southeast and south of the smelter revealed lead concentrations of 2–3193 ppb, cadmium <0.10–49.7 ppb, arsenic <3.0–72.0 ppb, and zinc 3–401 ppb. Deposition estimates within this zone for lead were between 0.046 and 20.1 kg/ha/yr, cadmium <0.007 and 313 g/ha/yr, arsenic <0.016 and 453 g/ha/yr and zinc 0.020 and 2.52 kg/ha/yr. Concentrations of these metals in the snowpack were highest within 3 km of the smelter and were detectable at greater distances SE of the smelter. Lead was dispersed greater distances from the smelter than cadmium or arsenic. Snowpack samples collected within 5–20 m of the railway contained 140–7270 ppb of lead, 0.4–36.9 ppb of cadmium, <3.0–72.0 ppb of arsenic and 41–13100 ppb of zinc. Grass forage sampled within 0.6–16 km of the smelter contained lead 5–152 ppm, cadmium 0.10–4.1 ppm, and zinc 22–154 ppm. Highest concentrations of lead, cadmium and zinc in grass forage were found were found within 2.2 km of the smelter. Grass forage collected within 10–70 m of the railway contained lead 13–288 ppm, cadmium 0.4–1.3 ppm and zinc 98–831 ppm.  相似文献   

This research was conducted to search and identify spontaneously growing heavy metal-tolerant plant species that are potentially useful for phytoremediation in contaminated sediment. Five sites were selected for collection of plants growing on polluted shore (river bank) sediment of the Xiang River, China. The concentrations of Zn, Pb, Cu and Cd in plants, sediments, and grasshoppers were determined using flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS700, Perkin-Elmer, USA). Considering translocation factor and bioaccumulation factor, Rumex crispus (Polygonaceae), Rumex dentatus (Polygonaceae), and Lagopsis supina (Labiatae) could be potentially useful for phytostabilization of metals. R. crispus can be considered potentially useful for phytoextraction of Cd. In light of the biomagnification factors, grasshoppers are deconcentrators for Pb and Cd, microconcentrators for Zn and macroconcentrators for Cu to the plants, respectively. To the best of our knowledge, the present study is the first report on Zn, Pb, Cu and Cd accumulation in R. crispus and L. supina, providing a pioneer contribution to the very small volume of data available on the potential use of native plant species from contaminated sediments in phytostabilization and phytoremediation technologies.  相似文献   

Cattle in the Kempen area (in the province North-Brabant, the Netherlands) were investigated for cadmium, lead, zinc, and copper in livers and kidneys. The animals originated from farms located within a 20 km radius around several zinc refinery plants. The local soil is polluted with zinc and cadmium because of a thermal refining process used in the past.Mean cadmium organ concentrations were 2.5 times, and mean lead organ concentrations were 1.5 times higher than the concentrations found in controls. Copper levels tended to be decreased, but zinc levels did not differ from controls.The observed cadmium and lead organ concentrations did not indicate intoxication of the animals, but 22% of the kidneys and 3% of the livers investigated trespassed the maximum tolerance limit of cadmium with regard to human consumption.Continuous control of cadmium organ contents in organs from slaughtercattle kept in cadmium-polluted areas is recommended.  相似文献   

An ultrasonic bath and an ultrasonic probe have been used to develop rapid versions of the three-stage Community Bureau of Reference (BCR, now the Standards, Measurement and Testing Programme) sequential extraction procedure. The effect of the ultrasonic treatments on the extraction of copper, iron, manganese and zinc from a sewage sludge-amended soil has been assessed. Recoveries similar to those of conventional shaking (i.e., conventional value, +/- 30%) could generally be obtained for copper, manganese and zinc, but not for the important matrix element iron. With the use of compromise sonication conditions, steps 1, 2 and 3 of the sequential extraction (excluding the hydrogen peroxide digestion in step 3, which was not performed with sonication) could be completed in 3, 5 and 1 min, respectively, using the ultrasonic probe, and in 3, 1 and 1 h, respectively, using the bath. The extraction procedures developed using the soil performed well when applied to lake sediment BCR CRM 601. Analyte partitioning was generally similar to that obtained with mechanical shaking, and overall metal recoveries were 84-98% of those obtained with the conventional BCR protocol, except for copper extracted with the probe (74%). Poorer performance (analyte recoveries, 58-104%) was obtained when the methods were applied to an intertidal sediment. This highlights the difficulty of developing a version of the BCR extraction, with ultrasonic assistance, which gives a performance equivalent to conventional shaking when applied to different substrates.  相似文献   

The concentrations of lead, cadmium and copper in roadside soil and plants in Elazig, Turkey were investigated. Soil samples were collected at distances of 0, 25 and 50 m from the roadside. The concentrations of lead, cadmium and copper were measured by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (FAAS). A slotted tube atom trap (STAT) was used to increase the sensitivity of lead and cadmium in FAAS. Lead concentrations in soil samples varied from 1.3 to 45 mg kg−1 while mean lead levels in plants ranged from120 ng g−1 for grape in point-4 to 866 ng g−1 for apple leaves in point-2. Lead analyses showed that there was a considerable contamination in both soil and plants affected from traffic intensity. Overall level of Cd in soil samples lies between 78 and 527 ng/g while cadmium concentration in different vegetations varied in the range of 0.8–98.0 ng g−1. Concentrations of copper in soil and plant samples were found in the range of 11.1–27.9 mg kg−1 for soil and 0.8–5.6 mg kg−1 for plants. Standard reference material (SRM) was used to find the accuracy of the results of soil analyses.  相似文献   

The capacity of mammal hair to absorb toxic metals and its utility in biomonitoring has been broadly studied. Though these metal-binding properties has generally been attributed to the sulphur contained in cysteine, an amino acid that forms part of keratin, there are not many experimental studies that analyze the role of sulphur in the external deposition of potentially toxic metallic elements in order to better understand the potential of hair in biomonitoring and generate better tools for differentiating between internal and external deposition of contaminants. In this study, an experimental analysis is carried out using a scanning electron microscope on hairs of five terrestrial mammal species (Peromyscus furvus, P. maniculatus, Glossophaga soricina, Artibeus jamaicensis and Marmosa mexicana) treated with cadmium, copper and lead salts. We quantified absorbed metals as well as natural elements of the hair by energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) to analyze using simple statistics the role of sulphur in the absorption Cd, Cu and Pb. Given the lack of studies comparing the mechanisms of deposition of metal elements among different orders of Class Mammalia, external morphology was considered to be an important factor in the deposition of metallic particles of Cd, Cu and Pb. Bat species (Glossophaga soricina, Artibeus jamaicensis) showed a high concentration of particles in their scales, however, no between-species differences in metal absorption were observed, and during the exogenous deposition metal particles do not permeate the medulla. These results suggest that the sulphur in hair itself cannot bind metals to hair cuticle and that hair absorption capacity depends on a variety of factors such as aspects of hair morphology.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to measure the concentrations of lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), and zinc (Zn) in deciduous teeth from children living in Jordan and to investigate the affecting factors. Deciduous teeth samples (n?=?320, without fillings) were collected from 5- to 12-year-old children and analyzed for Pb, Cd, Cu, Fe, and Zn using inductively coupled plasma–optical emission spectrometry. A questionnaire was used to gather information on each child, such as sex, age, tooth type (incisors, canines, and molars), tooth position within the mouth (upper or lower jaw), caries status, presence of amalgam fillings inside the mouth, type of drinking water (tap water, home purified water, and plant purified water), and zone of residence (close to or far from heavy traffic roads). The mean concentrations of Pb, Cd, Cu, Fe, and Zn were 30.26, 0.55, 6.23, 34.72, and 128.21 μg/g, respectively. Our results indicate that there is a clear relation between the concentrations of the metals analyzed in this study and tooth type, tooth position within the mouth, caries status, presence of amalgam fillings inside the mouth, and type of drinking water. No significant differences in the concentrations of the five metals analyzed were observed due to sex. Our results also show that no significant difference among Pb, Cd, Cu, Fe, and Zn concentrations and age among the ages of 5–6, 7–8, 9–10, and 11–12, except for Pb, which decreases at age 11–12.  相似文献   

The technique of diffusion gradient in thin films (DGT) for assessing bioavailable metals has not been tested under field conditions. We assessed the relationships of DGT- and cation exchange resin-membrane-measured concentrations of Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn with plant uptake of the metals under greenhouse and field conditions. In the greenhouse, the effective concentrations of Cu, Pb, and Zn by DGT correlated significantly with uptake by sorghum (Sorghum bicolor), but cation exchange resin-membrane-measured concentrations of Cd, Pb, and Zn did not correlate with sorghum uptake. In the field, the DGT-measured concentrations of Cd, Pb, and Zn were not linearly related to uptake Cd, Pb, and Zn by lettuce (Lactuca sativa) except for Cu uptake (r = 0.87, p < 0.05). Similarly, it was only the resin-membrane-extractable Pb that correlated with Pb uptake by lettuce (r = 0.77; p < 0.05). However, fitting non-linear regression models improved the plant metal uptake predictions by DGT-measured bioavailable Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn under field conditions. In conclusion, the DGT technique was fairly predictive of bioavailability in the greenhouse, but not in the field.  相似文献   

Experiments were carried out to monitor the equilibrium distribution of lead, cadmium and copper between an aqueous phase modelling natural water and a solid phase modelling natural sediment, under varying conditions. The aqueous phase was analysed using ETAAS and differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry (DPASV), whereas XRD and FTIR were used to study the solid phase. Sorption isotherms at constant pH were measured. Conditional distribution constants were calculated as functions of the pH, the time of equilibration and the amount of solid material. The results obtained stress the need for standardization of the approaches to the study of water-sediment interactions in order to be able to evaluate and compare the extensive data from field measurements and to predict these interactions.  相似文献   

The increasing order of the mean concentrations of Cd, Cu, and Zn in the tissues of Mugil cephalus of seven coastal lagoons of Sinaloa State (NW Mexico) was liver > gills > muscle, while for Pb it was gills > muscle ≥ liver. There were no differences between the mean concentrations of Cd and Pb of the three tissues determined in the samples of the seven lagoons and, although there were some significant differences, there was no indication of a latitude-related trend in the distribution of Cu and Zn: the Cu content of the muscle tended to be higher in the northern than in the southern lagoons, although in the case of the gills the highest and lowest mean values indicated an opposite trend, with the highest and lowest values in one southern and one northern lagoon. In the case of the liver, there were no differences and no indication of a regional trend. There were no differences in the mean Zn contents of muscle and gills; in the case of the liver, one of the lagoons of the central part of the state had a significantly higher value than one of the southern lagoons and all the rest had similar values. In addition, there was no clear indication of season-related differences in any of the three tissues. According to our results, the metal contents of the muscle of this species are not of concern for human health, since the allowable ingestion would be in the order of 0.9 kg/day.  相似文献   

Estimation of essential and toxic element intakes is crucial to evaluate the risks of deficiency or toxicity. The purpose of this study was to investigate and also to compare the dietary intakes of zinc (Zn) and copper (Cu) by adults living in Shiraz, Iran, determined by two procedures: duplicate portion sampling of 21 hospital meals combined with either instrumental analysis (voltammetric measurement) or the use of food composition tables (FCTs). The level of exposure to lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) was evaluated as well. The daily Zn intakes of both methods were not significantly different and were higher than the RDA values except the value measured by the instrumental analysis which was lower than the RDA established for a male adult. Daily intake of Cu determined by instrumental analysis was significantly lower and closer to RDA for adults compared with the value estimated by FCTs. The dietary intakes of Pb and Cd were 313 and 61 % of the respective provisional tolerable weekly intakes (PTWIs), respectively. The accuracy of two methods used for estimation of Zn intake was similar. In the case of Cu, the use of FCTs, in which the influence of environmental conditions and dietary habits of meal preparation is not taken into account, overestimated dietary intake. The risk of zinc deficiency was found in adult males. Moreover, the estimated intake of Pb, but not Cd, could be a cause of concern for Shiraz population. Thus, conducting regular periodic studies to assess the dietary intake of mentioned elements are recommended.  相似文献   

对铜的 3条谱线 (2 49.2 nm、2 61 .4nm,3 2 4.8nm ) ,铅的 2条谱线 (2 83 .3 nm、2 1 7.0 1 nm )以及锌的 2条谱线(3 0 7.6nm、2 1 3 .9nm ) ,共 7条谱线的灵敏度、检测限、线性范围进行了归纳性总结 ,并对多种共存元素可能存在的干扰情况进行了研究 ,认为利用元素不同分析谱线的分析灵敏度差异 ,根据被测元素在样品消解液中含量 ,选择合适的谱线进行分析 ,既降低工作强度 ,又能获得满意结果  相似文献   

Total suspended particulates (TSP) were collected with a high volume sampler from the indoor work environment of 23 industries in Al-Rusayl Industrial Estate in Muscat, Oman. The values measured ranged from 39 microg m(-3) to 1033 microg m(-3). TSP in the ambient air of the area was found to have an average value of 1802 microg m(-3). TSP were analyzed for Pb, Cu, Ni, Zn and Cr. Compared to other metals, Pb emission was high with values ranging from 3 to 15 109 ng m(-3) with the mean value being 1 293 ng m(-3); Cu concentration varied from 3 to 2600 ng m(-3) with a mean value of 131 ng m(-3); Ni concentration ranged from 6 to 46 ng m(-3) with a mean value of 17 ng m(-3); Cr concentration ranged from 1 to 133 ng m(-3) with a mean value of 23 ng m(-3) while that of Zn varied from 0.01 to 1 978 ng m(-3) with the mean value being 464 ng m(-3). The concentrations of Pb, Ni, Cu, Cr, and Zn in the ambient air were also measured and found to have the following values: 122, 18, 16, 5 and 0.01 ng m(-3), respectively. These values indicate that the industries in the area do not contribute significantly to heavy metal air pollution.  相似文献   

Cadmium, zinc and copper levels were determined in the renal cortex and liver of 60 inhabitants of Cracow, Poland. Cadmium levels in the renal cortex were contained in broad limits of 5–176 g/g, mean 50.6 g/g (wet weight). Maximum levels were found in the age group of about 50–60 years. The levels were slightly higher in men (53 g/g) than in women (45 g/g), with no effect of location within the region. The levels in smokers (62 g/g) were much higher than in non-smokers (32 g/g). The above relations were less pronounced for cadmium levels in the liver. Whole body retention of cadmium followed the pattern of cadmium in renal cortex. The level of zinc in renal cortex reflected those of cadmium. A significant proportion of the population (54% in smokers, 9% in non-smokers) showed cadmium levels in renal cortex exceeding the reference level of 50 g/g recently accepted for general population. In the view of the authors the exposure to cadmium of the population of Cracow is excessive and calls for attention.The study was performed under a KBN grant No 40106 91 01.  相似文献   

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