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The aim of this study was to identify areas of potential relevant exposure to pollutants within Rome's urban core. To meet this goal, intensive field campaigns were conducted and simulations were performed, using the flexible air quality regional model (FARM), to study winter and summer pollution episodes. The simulations were performed using a complete emission inventory that included traffic flow model results of the Roman street network to better describe, with respect to the available diffuse national emission inventory, the hourly variation of traffic emissions in the city. The meteorological reconstruction was performed by means of both prognostic and diagnostic models by using experimental data collected during the field campaigns. To evaluate the capability of the FARM model to capture the main features of the selected episodes, a comparison of modelled results against observed air quality data for different pollutants was performed at urban and rural sites. FARM performed well in predicting ozone (O3) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) concentrations, showing a good reproduction of both daily peaks and their diurnal variations. The model also showed a good capability to reproduce the magnitude of volatile alkane, aromatic and carbonyl compound concentrations. PM10 model results revealed the tendency to under-predict the observed values. PM composition model results were compared with observed data, evidencing good results for elemental carbon (EC), nitrate (NO3) and ammonium (NH4+), underestimation for sulphate (SO42−) and poor performance for organic matter (OM). The soil components of PM were found to be significantly under-predicted by the model, especially during Saharan dust episodes. Overall, the study results show large areas of high O3 and PM10 concentrations where levels of pollutants should be carefully monitored and population exposure evaluated.  相似文献   

The distribution of aerosol particles in the troposphere is described. Starting with long term mean seasonal flow and diffusivities as well as temperature, cloud distribution (six cloud classes), relative humidity and OH radical concentration, the steady state concentration of aerosol particles and SO2 are calculated in a two-dimensional global (height and latitude) model. The following sources and sinks for particles are handled: direct emission, gas-to-particle conversion from SO2, coagulation, rainout, washout, gravitational settling, and dry deposition. The sinks considered for sulphur emissions are dry deposition, washout, rainout, gasphase oxidation, and aqueous phase oxidation. Model tests with the water vapour cycle show a good agreement between measured and calculated zonal mean precipitation distribution.The steady state concentration distribution for natural emissions reached after 10 weeks model time, may be described by a mean exponent α = 3.2 near the surface assuming a modified Junge distribution and an increased value, α = 3.7, for the combined natural and man-made emission. The maximum ground level concentrations are 2000 and 10,000 particles cm−3 for natural and natural plus man-made emissions, respectively. The resulting distribution of sulphur dioxide agrees satisfactorily with measurements given by several authors.  相似文献   

《Atmospheric environment(England)》1981,15(10-11):2219-2222
During August 1978, The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) conducted a major field study at the Cumberland Steam Plant of the Tennessee Valley Authority. This study, known as the Tennessee Plume Study, was conducted as part of the EPA Sulfur Transport and Transformation in the Environment (STATE) Project. The field experiments included the release and tracking of tetroons from Cumberland during numerous intervals within the period of the study. On 15 August, 10 tetroons were released, traveling distances ranging from less than 25 km to in excess of 200 km. The tetroon position data were compared with three-dimensional (3-D) kinematic trajectory predictions from a 3-D regional-scale dynamic model. The average directional error was 7° where the maximum error was 14° and an error of less than 2° prevailed for 2 trajectories. The average displacement error was 9 % of the observed path of the tetroon, with the maximum being 30% and an error of 3% or less prevailing for 4 trajectories.  相似文献   

The Berkeley-Trent (BETR)-World model, a 25 compartment, geographically explicit fugacity-based model is described and applied to evaluate the transport of chemicals from temperate source regions to receptor regions (such as the Arctic). The model was parameterized using GIS and an array of digital data on weather, oceans, freshwater, vegetation and geo-political boundaries. This version of the BETR model framework includes modification of atmospheric degradation rates by seasonally variable hydroxyl radical concentrations and temperature. Degradation rates in all other compartments vary with seasonally changing temperature. Deposition to the deep ocean has been included as a loss mechanism. A case study was undertaken for alpha-HCH. Dynamic emission scenarios were estimated for each of the 25 regions. Predicted environmental concentrations showed good agreement with measured values for the northern regions in air, and fresh and oceanic water and with the results from a previous model of global chemical fate. Potential for long-range transport and deposition to the Arctic region was assessed using a Transfer Efficiency combined with estimated emissions. European regions and the Orient including China have a high potential to contribute alpha-HCH contamination in the Arctic due to high rates of emission in these regions despite low Transfer Efficiencies. Sensitivity analyses reveal that the performance and reliability of the model is strongly influenced by parameters controlling degradation rates.  相似文献   

Luo Y  Yang X 《Chemosphere》2007,66(8):1396-1407
This paper presented a framework for analysis of chemical concentration in the environment and evaluation of variance propagation within the model. This framework was illustrated through a case study of selected organic compounds of benzo[alpha]pyrene (BAP) and hexachlorobenzene (HCB) in the Great Lakes region. A multimedia environmental fate model was applied to perform stochastic simulations of chemical concentrations in various media. Both uncertainty in chemical properties and variability in hydrometeorological parameters were included in the Monte Carlo simulation, resulting in a distribution of concentrations in each medium. Parameters of compartmental dimensions, densities, emissions, and background concentrations were assumed to be constant in this study. The predicted concentrations in air, surface water and sediment were compared to reported data for validation purpose. Based on rank correlations, a sensitivity analysis was conducted to determine the influence of individual input parameters on the output variance for concentration in each environmental medium and for the basin-wide total mass inventory. Results of model validation indicated that the model predictions were in reasonable agreement with spatial distribution patterns, among the five lake basins, of reported data in the literature. For the chemical and environmental parameters given in this study, parameters associated to air-ground partitioning (such as moisture in surface soil, vapor pressure, and deposition velocity) and chemical distribution in soil solid (such as organic carbon partition coefficient and organic carbon content in root-zone soil) were targeted to reduce the uncertainty in basin-wide mass inventory. This results of sensitivity analysis in this study also indicated that the model sensitivity to an input parameter might be affected by the magnitudes of input parameters defined by the parameter settings in the simulation scenario. Therefore, uncertainty and sensitivity analyses for environmental fate models was suggested to be conducted after the model output was validated based on an appropriate input parameter settings.  相似文献   

A research tool for modeling the reactive flow and transport of groundwater contaminants in multiple dimensions is presented. Arbitrarily complex coupled kinetic–equilibrium heterogeneous reaction networks, automatic code generation, transfer-function based solutions, parameter estimation, high-resolution methods for advection, and robust solvers for the mixed kinetic–equilibrium chemistry are some of the features of reactive flow and transport (RAFT) that make it a versatile research tool in the modeling of a wide variety of laboratory and field experiments. The treatment of reactions is quite general so that RAFT can be used to model biological, adsorption/desorption, complexation, and mineral dissolution/precipitation reactions among others. The integrated framework involving automated code generation and parameter estimation allows for the development, characterization, and evaluation of mechanistic process models. The model is described and used to solve a problem in competitive adsorption that illustrates some of these features. The model is also used to study the development of an in situ Fe(II)-zone by encouraging the growth of an iron-reducing bacterium with lactate as the electron donor. Such redox barriers are effective in sequestering groundwater contaminants such as chromate and TCE.  相似文献   

The aerosol optical thickness over land is derived from satellite measurements of the radiance of scattered sunlight. These data are used to estimate the columnar mass density of particulate sulfur on a day with a large amount of sulfur. The horizontal transport of the particulate sulfur is calculated using wind vectors measured with rawins.  相似文献   

Cooling ponds receive large amounts of waste heat from power generation or industrial sources and release sensible and latent heat to the atmosphere. These area sources of relatively warm, moist air may have significant inadvertent effects on the local environment. This paper is a preliminary step in the development of a method for estimating the atmospheric perturbations produced by a cooling pond.A three-dimensional numerical model based on turbulence second-moment closure equations and Gaussian cloud relations has been developed. A simplified version of the model, in which only equations for turbulence energy and a master length scale are solved prognostically, is used. Numerical simulations, using as boundary conditions the data from a cooling pond study conducted in northern Illinois, are compared qualitatively with observations.  相似文献   

Acid deposition models are inherently simplified representations of real world behaviour and their performance is best evaluated by comparison with observations. National and international acid rain policy assessments handle observed and modelled deposition fields in different ways. Here, both the observed and modelled deposition fields are seen as uncertain and the Generalised Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation (GLUE) framework is used to choose acceptable sets of model input parameters that minimise the differences between them. These acceptable sets of model parameters are then used to estimate deposition budgets to the UK and to provide a probabilistic treatment of excess deposition over environmental quality standards (critical loads).  相似文献   

Air quality model simulations constitute an effective approach to developing source-receptor relationships (so-called transfer coefficients in the risk analysis framework) because a significant fraction of particulate matter (particularly PM2.5) is secondary (i.e., formed in the atmosphere) and, therefore, depends on the atmospheric chemistry of the airshed. In this study, we have used a comprehensive three-dimensional air quality model for PM2.5 (SAQM-AERO) to compare three approaches to generating episodic transfer coefficients for several source regions in the Los Angeles Basin. First, transfer coefficients were developed by conducting PM2.5 SAQM-AERO simulations with reduced emissions of one of four precursors (i.e., primary PM, sulfur dioxide (SO2), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), and volatile organic compounds) from each source region. Next, we calculated transfer coefficients using two other methods: (1) a simplified chemistry for PM2.5 formation, and (2) simplifying assumptions on transport using information limited to basin-wide emission reductions. Transfer coefficients obtained with the simplified chemistry were similar to those obtained with the comprehensive model for VOC emission changes but differed for NOx and SOz emission changes. The differences were due to the parameterization of the rates of secondary PM formation in the simplified chemistry. In 90% of the cases, transfer coefficients estimated using only basin-wide information were within a factor of two of those obtained with the explicit source-receptor simulations conducted with the comprehensive model. The best agreement was obtained for VOC emission changes; poor agreement was obtained for primary PM2.5.  相似文献   

Vehicular traffic contributes significantly to the aerosol number concentrations at the local scale by emitting primary soot particles and forming secondary nucleated nanoparticles. Because of their potential health effects, more attention is paid to the traffic induced aerosol number distributions.The aim of this work is to explain the phenomenology leading to the formation and the evolution of the aerosol number distributions in the vicinity of a vehicle exhaust using numerical modelling. The emissions are representative of those of a light-duty diesel truck without a diesel particle filter. The atmospheric flow is modelled with a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code to describe the dispersion of pollutants at the local scale. The CFD code, coupled to a modal aerosol model (MAM) describing the aerosol dynamics, is used to model the tailpipe plume of a vehicle with emissions corresponding to urban driving conditions. On the basis of available measurements in Schauer et al. (1999), three surrogate species are chosen to treat the semi-volatile organic compounds in the emissions.The model simulates the formation of the aerosol distribution in the exhaust plume of a vehicle as follows. After emission to the atmosphere, particles are formed by nucleation of sulphuric acid and water vapour depending strongly on the thermodynamic state of the atmosphere and on the dilution conditions. The semi-volatile organic compounds are critical for the rapid growth of nanoparticles through condensation. The semi-volatile organic compounds are also important for the evolution of primary soot particles and can contribute substantially to their chemical composition.The most influential parameters for particle formation are the sulphur fuel content, the semi-volatile organic emissions and also the mass and initial diameter of the soot particles emitted. The model is able to take into account the complex competition between nucleation, condensation and dilution, as well as the interactions among the different aerosol modes. This type of model is a useful tool to better understand the dynamics leading to the formation of traffic induced aerosol distributions. However, some key issues such as the turbulence in the exhaust plume and in the wake of the car, the magnitude and chemical composition of semi-volatile organic emissions and the possible nucleation of organic species need to be investigated further to improve our understanding of ultrafine particle formation.  相似文献   

A source-resolved model has been developed to predict the contribution of different sources to primary organic aerosol concentrations. The model was applied to the eastern US during a 17 day pollution episode beginning on 12 July 2001. Primary organic matter (OM) and elemental carbon (EC) concentrations are tracked for eight different sources: gasoline vehicles, non-road diesel vehicles, on-road diesel vehicles, biomass burning, wood burning, natural gas combustion, road dust, and all other sources. Individual emission inventories are developed for each source and a three-dimensional chemical transport model (PMCAMx) is used to predict the primary OM and EC concentrations from each source. The source-resolved model is simple to implement and is faster than existing source-oriented models. The results of the source-resolved model are compared to the results of chemical mass balance models (CMB) for Pittsburgh and multiple urban/rural sites from the Southeastern Aerosol Research and Characterization (SEARCH) network. Significant discrepancies exist between the source-resolved model and the CMB model predictions for some of the sources. There is strong evidence that the organic PM emissions from natural gas combustion are overestimated. It also appears that the OM and EC emissions from wood burning and off-road diesel are too high in the Northeastern US. Other similarities and discrepancies between the source-resolved model and the CMB model for primary OM and EC are discussed along with problems in the current emission inventory for certain sources.  相似文献   

上海地区气溶胶特征及MODIS气溶胶产品在能见度中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用气象站点能见度的历史资料和美国国家宇航局的MODIS卫星遥感手段获取10 km×10 km分辨率的气溶胶光学厚度(AOD)资料,建立二者的季节平均关系,得到了上海地区季节变化的气溶胶标高,并利用标高数据和AOD的季节分布,反演出上海地区季节变化的区域能见度分布,研究了近地层大气气溶胶与地面能见度的关系,分析了上海地区AOD的特征及能见度的时空分布特征.结果显示:上海地区冬春季平均能见度较差,外环线以内能见度在10 km以下;低能见度中心分布明显.  相似文献   

Intensive measurements of aerosol (PM10) and associated water-soluble ionic and carbonaceous species were conducted in Guangzhou, a mega city of China, during summer 2006. Elevated levels of most chemical species were observed especially at nighttime during two episodes, characterized by dramatic build-up of the biomass burning tracers levoglucosan and non-sea-salt potassium, when the prevailing wind direction had changed due to two approaching tropical cyclones. High-resolution air mass back trajectories based on the MM5 model revealed that air masses with high concentrations of levoglucosan (43–473 ng m?3) and non-sea-salt potassium (0.83–3.2 μg m?3) had passed over rural regions of the Pearl River Delta and Guangdong Province, where agricultural activities and field burning of crop residues are common practices. The relative contributions of biomass burning smoke to organic carbon in PM10 were estimated from levoglucosan data to be on average 7.0 and 14% at daytime and nighttime, respectively, with maxima of 9.7 and 32% during the episodic transport events, indicating that biomass and biofuel burning activities in the rural parts of the Pearl River Delta and neighboring regions could have a significant impact on ambient urban aerosol levels.  相似文献   

While not designed for such a task, meteorological satellites now play a growing role in our understanding of long range transport of secondary pollutants. This paper reports on a demonstration project showing that currently available synchronous satellite data can detect the aerial extent and motion of large-scale “hazy” air masses associated with sulfate and ozone episodes. An interactive computer graphics system is utilized showing that digital satellite data can obtain precise measurements of upward scattered solar radiation which is correlated to aerosol optical thickness and therefore to sulfate concentrations. Measurements over Lake Michigan for instance, reveal over-water image brightness enhanced fully 60–70% as visibility estimates of fbscatincreasedfrom 1.8 × 104m−1to 5.7 × 10−4m−1.Digital satellite data is shown to have great promise in mapping sulfate haze areas, especially over water.  相似文献   

Understanding the fundamentals of arsenic adsorption and oxidation reactions is critical for predicting its transport dynamics in groundwater systems. We completed batch experiments to study the interactions of arsenic with a common MnO2(s) mineral, pyrolusite. The reaction kinetics and adsorption isotherm developed from the batch experiments were integrated into a scalable reactive transport model to facilitate column-scale transport predictions. We then completed a set of column experiments to test the predictive capability of the reactive transport model. Our batch results indicated that the commonly used pseudo-first order kinetics for As(III) oxidation reaction neglects the scaling effects with respect to the MnO2(s) concentration. A second order kinetic equation that explicitly includes MnO2(s) concentration dependence is a more appropriate kinetic model to describe arsenic oxidation by MnO2(s) minerals. The arsenic adsorption reaction follows the Langmuir isotherm with the adsorption capacity of 0.053micromol of As(V)/g of MnO2(s) at the tested conditions. The knowledge gained from the batch experiments was used to develop a conceptual model for describing arsenic reactive transport at a column scale. The proposed conceptual model was integrated within a reactive transport code that accurately predicted the breakthrough profiles observed in multiple column experiments. The kinetic and adsorption process details obtained from the batch experiments were valuable data for scaling to predict the column-scale reactive transport of arsenic in MnO2(s)-containing sand columns.  相似文献   

A potential source contribution function (PSCF) can indicate the source areas of high air pollutant concentrations using backward trajectories. However, the conventional two-dimensional PSCF (2D-PSCF) cannot consider the emission and transport height of air pollutants. That missing information might be critical because injection height varies depending on the source type, such as with biomass burning. We developed a simple algorithm to account for the height of trajectories with high concentrations and combined it with the conventional PSCF to devise 3D-PSCF. We demonstrate the applicability of the 3D-PSCF by applying it to particulate PAH data collected from September 2006 to August 2007 in Seoul. We found variation in the results from 3D-PSCF with threshold heights from 3,000 to 1,500 m. Applying 2,000 m as the threshold height in the PSCF calculation most clearly determined the possible source areas of air pollutants from biomass fuel burning that were affecting the air quality in Seoul.  相似文献   

The flooding of abandoned mines in the Lorraine Iron Basin (LIB) over the past 25 years has degraded the quality of the groundwater tapped for drinking water. High concentrations of dissolved sulphate have made the water unsuitable for human consumption. This problematic issue has led to the development of numerical tools to support water-resource management in mining contexts. Here we examine two modelling approaches using different numerical tools that we tested on the Saizerais flooded iron-ore mine (Lorraine, France). A first approach considers the Saizerais Mine as a network of two chemical reactors (NCR). The second approach is based on a physically distributed pipe network model (PNM) built with EPANET 2 software. This approach considers the mine as a network of pipes defined by their geometric and chemical parameters. Each reactor in the NCR model includes a detailed chemical model built to simulate quality evolution in the flooded mine water. However, in order to obtain a robust PNM, we simplified the detailed chemical model into a specific sulphate dissolution-precipitation model that is included as sulphate source/sink in both a NCR model and a pipe network model. Both the NCR model and the PNM, based on different numerical techniques, give good post-calibration agreement between the simulated and measured sulphate concentrations in the drinking-water well and overflow drift. The NCR model incorporating the detailed chemical model is useful when a detailed chemical behaviour at the overflow is needed. The PNM incorporating the simplified sulphate dissolution-precipitation model provides better information of the physics controlling the effect of flow and low flow zones, and the time of solid sulphate removal whereas the NCR model will underestimate clean-up time due to the complete mixing assumption. In conclusion, the detailed NCR model will give a first assessment of chemical processes at overflow, and in a second time, the PNM model will provide more detailed information on flow and chemical behaviour (dissolved sulphate concentrations, remaining mass of solid sulphate) in the network. Nevertheless, both modelling methods require hydrological and chemical parameters (recharge flow rate, outflows, volume of mine voids, mass of solids, kinetic constants of the dissolution-precipitation reactions), which are commonly not available for a mine and therefore call for calibration data.  相似文献   

A simple algebraic model is proposed to estimate the transport of a volatile or soluble chemical caused by oscillatory flow of fluid in a porous medium. The model is applied to the barometric pumping of vapors in the vadose zone, and to the transport of dissolved species by earth tides in an aquifer. In the model, the fluid moves sinusoidally with time in the porosity of the soil. The chemical concentration in the mobile fluid is considered to equilibrate with the concentration in the surrounding matrix according to a characteristic time governed by diffusion, sorption, or other rate processes. The model provides a closed form solution, to which barometric pressure data are applied in an example of pore gas motion in the vadose zone. The model predicts that the additional diffusivity due barometric pumping in an unfractured vadose zone would be comparable to the diffusivity in stagnant pore gas if the equilibration time is 1 day or longer. Water motion due to the M2 lunar tide is examined as an example of oscillatory transport in an aquifer. It is shown that the tidal motion of the water in an aquifer might significantly increase the vertical diffusivity of dissolved species when compared to diffusion in an absolutely stagnant aquifer, but the hydrodynamic dispersivity due to tidal motion or gravitational flow would probably exceed the diffusivity due to oscillatory advection.  相似文献   

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