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正相比其他一般火灾风险的普通场所而言,医疗建筑引发火灾的风险较高,发生火灾后,人员疏散困难,容易造成群死群伤恶性事故。然而,目前部分医疗建筑的消防安全状况不容乐观。一些医疗建筑楼层不断增高、床位不断增多,规模持续扩大,但其防火技术措施和消防管理却难以与之同步发展,致使医疗建筑火灾时有发生。1医院消防安全现状(1)火灾荷载大。医院内可燃物种类繁多,火灾荷载大。常见的可燃物包括:医院病房、治疗室内家  相似文献   

为研究火源位置对室内火灾传热传质及烟气危害性的影响,利用火灾动力学模拟器构建室内火灾模型,并开展室内火灾模拟试验;设置3种不同火源位置场景,通过小尺寸火灾试验来验证数值模拟程序及参数,确保计算结果的合理性后,进行数值计算;探讨在3种场景下的速度场、温度场及烟气的剂量有效分数(FED)的变化。研究表明:水平方向上,室内火灾通过门对室外最大影响范围为房间水平长度的66. 7%;当火源位置处于房间地面几何中心时,从开始着火到烟气具有致死性所需的时间最长,比最短场景多21. 75%。  相似文献   

为了分析悬挂链式辐照室的火灾危险性,采用实验测定得出室内典型辐照物品的点着温度,通过设置3组火灾场景模拟得到卡源故障下各火灾场景辐照室内温度变化曲线。结果表明:各火灾场景卡源初期1 h,温度上升速度较快。随着时间的增长,室内温度不断上升,但上升速率逐渐放缓。在火灾场景A,B,C等3组条件下卡源故障分别发生9,4,2.4 d后,室内局部温度能达到210℃,室内辐照物品有可能被引燃。  相似文献   

正冬季,是家庭火灾发生较为频发的季节。一方面各种电暖设备、空调长时间开启,使用频率大幅提升;另一方面不合理用电、缺乏用电常识,加之冬季天气干燥,也增加了火灾危险性;特别是随着电动自行车的增多,室内给其充电无人看管,也是引发火灾的主要因素。如何在这一时期预防家庭火灾,至关重要。发生原因火灾的发生有其自身规律,冬季火灾多发,既有自然气候、文化民俗等因素,也有经济社会快速发  相似文献   

轰燃前火灾温度方法的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国建强 《安防科技》2006,(7):31-32,25
在预测室内轰燃前火灾温度的多种方法中,McCaffrey等人的方法比较典型.轰燃综合预测法是在其基础上引入了内衬材料的热惯性.在总结前人的研究方法的基础上,从数据处理和理论分析上都进行了合理的改进,提出了估计室内轰燃前火灾温度的新方法.  相似文献   

杨玲 《安防科技》2011,(4):32-33
随着社会经济的发展,各类大型室内市场数量不断增加,规模不断扩大,市场内火灾隐患四伏、火灾事故时有发生。预防大型室内市场重特大火灾事故的发生,关键在于加强基础建设,切实把好建筑防火设计的源头关。本文就目前大型室内市场的火灾特点、建筑现状、防火设计中存在的问题及对策等问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

基于风暴识别算法的森林火灾识别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用风暴识别算法对森林火灾进行了识别。首先根据参数阈值调整后的风暴识别算法,得到二维分量,结合不同云回波与火灾回波的差异,对火灾回波进行识别。根据算法对浙江省温州市三次森林火灾过程进行识别,结果显示:对于三次火灾过程都能够有效识别。对于火灾发生初期和熄灭时,由于回波强度较弱,回波结构松散,与小范围弱回波混合,导致漏识别。当回波中存在小范围地物杂波时,由于其尺度与小面积火灾接近,最终导致误识别。在森林火灾发生时,该算法可以帮助识别发生火灾的位置,为消防人员提供及时可靠的火灾地点及起火时间。  相似文献   

由于商业建筑的特殊性,导致其发生火灾后所造成的后果非常严重. 在总结大型商场火灾特点的基础上,对武汉市大型商场的火灾危险性及预防措施进行了初步分析和探讨.  相似文献   

我国每年要发生大量火灾,开展火灾事故调查工作,查明火灾原因和火灾性质,对于研究火灾发生规律、获取火灾信息、提出科学的火灾预防措施以及有针对性教育火灾责任者等都具有着十分重要的意义.  相似文献   

地铁火灾研究现状综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文列举了20世纪90年代以来世界各国地铁工程发生的特、重大火灾案例,分析了地铁隧道火灾产生的多种原因及火灾的特点,并重点对国内外地铁工程对于火灾的预防对策和灭火措施作了总结.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: This paper examines the contribution of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission's (CPSC) 1973 cigarette ignition mattress flammability standard to reduce mattress fires since 1980, when the U.S. Fire Administration's National Fire Incident Reporting System became fully operational. METHOD: The paper attempts to separate the effect of the cigarette ignition standard from the declining trend in mattress fires that would have resulted without the standard. We analyze the impact of the 1973 cigarette standard on smoking material ignition fires, deaths, and injuries as well as its effect on fires, deaths, and injuries from all ignition sources (smoking material ignitions, open-flame ignitions, and other ignition sources). Impacts on Industry: The results suggest that the 1973 mattress standard has effectively reduced the mattress fire risk and that further reductions in risk via actions tied specifically to cigarette ignition are likely to be difficult to achieve.  相似文献   

The technology of correspondence analysis was applied to high-casualty fire data in China. The aim of this study was to investigate the associations between fatality levels and influence factors that involve place, cause, time of day, month, year and province. The variable fatality in a fire has four levels: 3, 4-5, 6-9 and ?10. The results show that hotels, welfare houses and hospitals tend to be strongly associated with fatality level ?10. The fires caused by work-related tasks tend to precipitate a relatively high number of fatalities and are strongly associated with fatality level 6-9. Fires that occur in the daytime (8:00-19:59) are associated with higher fatalities than fires that occur at night (20:00-7:59). The months in the cold season, such as winter or the beginning of spring, tend to be associated with fatality levels 4-5, 6-9 and ?10. CA dynamically portrayed the fatality tendency over the past 8 years, and 2007 tended to be associated with fatality level ?10. Fatality characteristics of provinces are identified, and Beijing, Shandong and Jilin are strongly associated with fatality level ?10. To explore whether associations between influence factors and fatality levels of high-casualty fires in China resemble corresponding associations of HCFs in the United States, data on fires with fatality level ?5 in the two countries were collected. The results of four sets of comparisons indicate that the associations between influences and fatality levels in the two countries present contrasting features. Some practical applications are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Fire is the most commonly occurring major accident hazard in the chemical and process industries, with industry accident statistics highlighting the liquid pool fire as the most frequent fire event. Modelling of such phenomena feeds heavily into industry risk assessment and consequence analyses. Traditional simple empirical equations cannot account for the full range of factors influencing pool fire behaviour or increasingly complex plant design. The use of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modelling enables a greater understanding of pool fire behaviour to be gained numerically and provides the capability to deal with complex scenarios.This paper presents an evaluation of the Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) for predictive modelling of liquid pool fire burning rates. Specifically, the work examines the ability of the model to predict temporal variations in the burning rate of open atmosphere pool fires. Fires ranging from 0.4 to 4 m in diameter, involving ethanol and a range of liquid hydrocarbons as fuels, are considered and comparisons of predicted fuel mass loss rates are compared to experimental measurements.The results show that the liquid pyrolysis sub-model in FDS gives consistent model performance for fully predictive modelling of liquid pool fire burning rates, particularly during quasi-steady burning. However, the model falls short of predicting the subtleties associated with each phase of the transient burning process, failing to reliably predict fuel mass loss rates during fire growth and extinction. The results suggest a range of model modifications which could lead to improved prediction of the transient fire growth and extinction phases of burning for liquid pool fires, specifically, investigation of: ignition modelling techniques for high boiling temperature liquid fuels; a combustion regime combining both infinite and finite-rate chemistry; a solution method which accounts for two- or three-dimensional heat conduction effects in the liquid-phase; alternative surrogate fuel compositions for multi-component hydrocarbon fuels; and modification of the solution procedure used at the liquid-gas interface during fire extinction.  相似文献   

A historical analysis was carried out on 189 accidents that occurred in gas and oil fuel fired equipment. The variation of frequency as a function of time, the main causes leading to a fire or an explosion, as well as the consequences of the accidents were studied. Explosion was the most frequent accident, followed by fire; in a few cases the final outcome was a release. Accidents in gas fired combustion equipment were significantly more frequent than those in the liquid fired ones. The main causes were tube rupture and/or error in ignition/reignition sequences, followed by loss of flame in the combustion chamber and, with a minor frequency, entrance of non-expected fuel and presence of non-combusted materials. The consequences on people were much more important in case of explosions than in case of fires. Even though the equipment involving combustion chambers can be considered essentially safe, this historical analysis has shown that accidents continue to occur with certain frequency because the number of existing units is quite high and the possibility of human error during its operation and maintenance is still significant.  相似文献   

马大和 《林业劳动安全》2007,20(2):38-39,21
火烧防火线在东北林区应用广泛,是预防森林火灾的重要措施.这项工作由于受天气、可燃物、点火技术等各方面因素影响较大,应用时具有一定的风险性.本文针对火烧防火线过程中,用火条件的选择、点火技术的运用以及用火安全等方面加以分析.  相似文献   

The total flooding application water mist system is a new type of environmentally-friendly fixed extinguishing system. The optimizing design can improve its fire extinguishing performance. At present, the water mist fire extinguishing system in the engine room of the offshore deepwater semi-submersible support platform has not attracted sufficient attention. In this paper, the water mist in the engine room of a deepwater semi-submersible support platform was studied. It contains the effect of water mist on the heat absorption and oxygen insulation of diesel pool fires. The applicable parameters of the water mist fire extinguishing system were also determined. Moreover, based on the shielding of the fire source in the engine room and the different requirements for water mist extinguishing parameters, a hierarchical multi-parameter combined high-pressure water mist fire extinguishing system was proposed. In the full-scale experimental engine room model, according to the fire extinguishing experiments for diesel pool fires with different areas, this kind of hierarchical multi-parameter water mist system is very effective on shielded and non-shielded fires. In addition, it is still effective even in a non-closed environment coupled with smoke exhausting.  相似文献   

室内火灾条件下复合板装潢材料火灾特性的实验研究   总被引:12,自引:7,他引:5  
运用ISO Room方法在全尺寸室内墙角火源条件下进行了复合板装潢材料火灾特性的研究,详细讨论了复合板的点燃,火焰传播和炭化物性以及室内火灾的发展过程。在墙角火源条件下,内火灾发展过程可分为四个不同阶段,而在每一发展阶段,东面和北面墙上复合板分别存在四个和三个明显不同的区域。当区域四内的复合板东面和北面墙上复合板分别存在四个和三个明显不同的区域。  相似文献   

Spill fires are common during oil product storage and transportation after a loss of containment. Since the burning fuel is moving and the fuel depth is quite shallow, the burning rate in a spill fire is different from that of a pool fire with a static burning zone. Unlike pool fires, which have been studied for decades and have well-established correlations for burning rate, research on spill fires is inadequate. In this paper, continuously released n-heptane spill fire experiments were conducted on open water surfaces with varying fuel discharge rates. The pool diameters were measured, and the spill fire burning rates were estimated based on a dynamic balance between fuel supply and combustion. The burning rates in n-heptane pool fires from the literature were reviewed and compared with the estimated burning rates in spill fires of the same dimension. The spill fire burning rate was found to be close to that in a pool fire during the initial burning phase but lower than that in a bulk burning pool fire and that in a “fuel-level-controlled” pool fire. The distinction between the burning rates of spill fires and pool fires is explained by the heat balance analysis of the fuel layer. A model for the spill fire burning rate was proposed accordingly. The results calculated with the presented model are closer to the measured data than those calculated with pool fire models.  相似文献   

Most metal hydrides are pyrophoric and water-reactive. Summaries of metal hydride fire incidents are presented to illustrate ignition scenarios, threats to personnel and equipment, and fire suppression experiences. Met-L-X™, a sodium chloride-based, certified, Class D fire suppression agent, has successfully extinguished some metal hydride fires by coating the hydride and excluding air access. However, the still hot hydride is prone to re-ignition upon surface disturbance, such as may be necessary during disposal. Previously reported testing of various Class D agents and moist sand for sodium hydride fires is reviewed here along with certification and ad hoc testing of existing Class D agents and recent testing of a new candidate Class D agent. Hydride explosibility testing is also briefly summarized. Additional fire and explosibility tests, as well as suppression agent reactivity evaluations, are recommended.  相似文献   

Wet benches are typically utilized in semiconductor facilities for wafer and parts cleaning. Heaters and some flammable liquids, such as acetone and isopropyl alcohol (IPA), are employed during the cleaning process. Wet bench fires have caused serious losses in the semiconductor industry. To assess the fire protection performance, several field tests were performed using a water mist system installed in the wet bench. In this study, acetone pan fuel was used as fire source. The test parameters were operational pressure, pan size, nozzle location, cylinder obstruction and degree of door closure. An appropriate design for operating pressure and the location of water mist nozzles extinguished wet bench fires effectively in the early fire stages. The nozzles are suggested to be fixed above or on the each side of the pan, ensuring that mist can completely cover a pan surface with sufficient momentum. With this suggested design, fires can be extinguished in the pan and do not spread over the wet bench.  相似文献   

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