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为保护浙江绍兴鉴湖水域水质,由浙江省科委立项研究的《鉴湖环境容量及水质规划》课题,经三年多的工作,业已由绍兴市环境保护科学研究所等四单位研究完成。并于1992年6月25日在绍兴由省环保局主持通过了鉴定。该项目在分析了水域自然环境特征及当前存在的主要环境问题基础上,进行了鉴湖水质现状、污染源调查及发展趋势预测,水域水量及污染物平衡计算。运用入湖污染物与水质关系的数学模型对该水域主要  相似文献   

本文根据太湖流域的环境特征,探讨性地提出了太湖水域环境保护功能区的划分,其目的是为了管理好太湖、利用好太湖。  相似文献   

沈家门渔港是我国重点渔港,东海渔场的重要补给基地。它位于舟山本岛东南隅,其海域由舟山本岛和从东至南环绕本岛的普陀山、小干等众多小岛构成,呈反L字形港湾。该港分东、中、西三个港区,整个港域面积约32万m~2。中、西港区狭长,而积仅8  相似文献   

实现中国能源与环境协调发展的战略对策杨宏伟 周大地(国家计委宏观经济研究院能源研究所,北京 100038)通过回顾发达国家在解决能源与环境协调发展过程中的经验和教训,阐明中国能源发展必须走可持续发展道路,应加强能源结构的优质化和能源生产、加工转换和利用过程中的污染控制,重视国内环境保护和全球环境保护对能源发展的要求,努力实现能源与经济、环境的协调发展,为全面建设小康社会提供可靠的能源保障和可行的环境空间。关键词 可持续发展 能源 环境 战略 中国城市水域生态化建设与管理研究初探于海霞 左玉辉(南京大学环境学院,…  相似文献   

由浙江省环境保护科研所等单位编制的《中国石化销售公司华东公司舟山石油中转库环境影响报告书》已于1991年8月16日在舟山市通过了评审。与会专家对报告书作了认真审议,一致认为该报告书重点突出,资料齐全,数据可靠,结论可信。其  相似文献   

青岛港务局第四港务公司(即黄岛油港)位于胶州湾内黄岛东北端,与青岛隔海相望,最近距离仅3浬。占地面积18万平方米,水域面积460平方公里,是1976年建成投产的大型原油、燃料油输运专用码头。设计年输出原油1000万吨,燃烧油11万5千吨。从投产以来到1987年底止,累计输送原油1亿另7百余万吨,上缴利润3亿5千万元,每年到港船舶300余艘次。来港作业的油轮为了达到适航状态,必须装载压舱水。目前国内航线不少油轮尚无专用压载舱,货、油舱兼装压舱水。这种水中含油量往往高达2000~3000毫克/升,是油港的主要污染源。油港周围水域盛产鱼、虾及各种珍贵的贝类,隔海相望的青岛是著名的旅游、避暑胜地。如果把大量未经处理的含油污水排入  相似文献   

为学习贯彻第七次全国环境保护大会和全国环境保护工作会议精神,积极探索环境保护新道路,开创环保新局面,环境保护部环境发展中心今日组织召开研讨会,从环境政策创新、环境管理创新、环境技术创新三方面探讨如何推动"十二五"环保工作再上新台阶。环境保护部党组成员、办公厅主任胡保林出席会议并作了专题报告。  相似文献   

利用Mapinfo建立杭州市环境信息系统的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要介绍了地理信息系统Mapinfo 4.0的主要功能和特点,从建立杭州市环境信息系统的方法思路、主要内容和主要功能等方面探讨了 Mapinfo 4.0在环境保护领域的应用。  相似文献   

我省地处东海之滨,风景秀丽,素称鱼米之乡,丝绸之府。三中全会以来,我省工农业得到了较快的发展,环境保护工作也有所加强。但由于在发展生产的同时,往往对环境保护工作重视不够,污染物随着生产的发展而加剧,致使舟山鱼场,淡水渔业、蚕桑等物产地和西洲、南湖、鉴湖等风景名胜区及其它江河湖海都受到不同程度的污染。现以轻工为例,我省轻工业厅所属的造纸、日用轻工、食品、盐业、纺织、化纤、丝绸七个专业公司有641个  相似文献   

环境保护目标责任制以新旧管理体制的兼容性适应现阶段经济体制和政治体制改革的状况,是环境保护管理体制现实性的改革道路。环境保护目标责任制以建立保障环境质量目标的决策行为方式,从环境保护责任约束机制、完善全社会环境管理制度等方面构造环境管理机制,从而改造了现行的环境管理体制。环境保护目标责任制尚处于初始阶段,面临着不断深化完善的任务。  相似文献   

Upon completion of exploration and extraction of mineral resources, many mining sites have been abandoned without previously putting environmental protection measures in place. As a consequence, mine waters originating from such sites are discharged freely into surface water. Regional scale analyses were conducted to determine the hydrochemical characteristics of mine waters from abandoned sites featuring metal (Cu, Pb–Zn, Au, Fe, Sb, Mo, Bi, Hg) deposits, non-metallic minerals (coal, Mg, F, B) and uranium. The study included 80 mine water samples from 59 abandoned mining sites. Their cation composition was dominated by Ca2+, while the most common anions were found to be SO4 2? and HCO3 ?. Strong correlations were established between the pH level and metal (Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu) concentrations in the mine waters. Hierarchical cluster analysis was applied to parameters generally indicative of pollution, such as pH, TDS, SO4 2?, Fe total, and As total. Following this approach, mine water samples were grouped into three main clusters and six subclusters, depending on their potential environmental impact. Principal component analysis was used to group together variables that share the same variance. The extracted principal components indicated that sulfide oxidation and weathering of silicate and carbonate rocks were the primary processes, while pH buffering, adsorption and ion exchange were secondary drivers of the chemical composition of the analyzed mine waters. Surface waters, which received the mine waters, were examined. Analysis showed increases of sulfate and metal concentrations and general degradation of surface water quality.  相似文献   

总述了“九五”期间我国环境保护主要成就,并明确指出“十五”期间环境保护的指导方针,指出为实现“十五”环境保护目标,推进环境保护与经济建设双赢,必须建立面向市场的环境保护机制,依靠科技创新,发展绿色经济。  相似文献   

The European Union Water Framework Directive requires the achievement of environmental objectives for the ecological quality of water bodies. A comparable implementation of the Directive throughout member countries of the European Union is necessary to verify equal protection of surface waters. The Directive specifies that member states determine ecological quality by means of biological indices. To improve comparability of water quality assessment, this research carried out an intercalibration trial between the Slovak Saprobic Index and the Italian protocol of the Extended Biotic Index, as part of a cooperative program between Italy and the Slovak Republic. When assessing streams with no or low pollution, statistics showed similar results for both methods. In contrast, the comparison of indices was not accurate in the case of severely affected waters. Reliable conversion formulas are feasible to transform the Italian Extended Biotic Index into the Slovak Saprobic Index, and not vice versa.  相似文献   

农业生产面源污染控制探讨   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13  
就农业面源污染对农业可持续发展的影响,以及造成面源污染的原因进行了分析,从观念上、政策上、技术上对农业面源朽染控制做了一些探讨,以促进农村水环境保护和农业的可持续发展。  相似文献   


Background, aim and scope

Groundwaters and source waters are exposed to environmental pollution due to agricultural and industrial activities that can enhance the leaching of organic contaminants. Pesticides are among the most widely studied compounds in groundwater, but little information is available on the presence of phthalates, alkylphenols and bisphenol A. These compounds are used in pesticide formulations and represent an emerging family of contaminants due to their widespread environmental presence and endocrine-disrupting properties. Knowledge on the occurrence of contaminants in source waters intended for bottling is important for sanitary and regulatory purposes. So the aim of the present study was to evaluate the presence of phthalates, alkylphenols, triazines, chloroacetamides and bisphenol A throughout 131 Spanish water sources intended for bottling. Waters studied were spring waters and boreholes which have a protection diameter to minimize environmental contamination.

Materials and methods

Waters were solid-phase extracted (SPE) and analysed by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Quality control analysis comprising recovery studies, blank analysis and limits of detection were performed.

Results and discussion

Using SPE and GC-MS, the 21 target compounds were satisfactorily recovered (77?C124?%) and limits of quantification were between 0.0004 and 0.029???g/L for pesticides, while for alkylphenols, bisphenol A and phthalates the limits of quantification were from 0.0018???g/L for octylphenol to 0.970???g/L for bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate. Among the 21 compounds analysed, only 9 were detected at levels between 0.002 and 1.115???g/L. Compounds identified were triazine herbicides, alkylphenols, bisphenol A and two phthalates. Spring waters or shallow boreholes were the sites more vulnerable to contaminants. Eighty-five percent of the samples did not contain any of the target compounds.


Target compounds were detected in a very low concentration and only in very few samples. This indicates the good quality of source waters intended for bottling and the effectiveness of the protection measures adopted in Spain. None of the samples analysed exceeded the maximum legislated levels for drinking water both in Spain and in the European Union.  相似文献   

Olympic shooters discharge, annually, thousands of tons of lead shot which pose toxic risks to animals and may pollute both surface and ground waters. Non-toxic steel shot is an acceptable and effective substitute, but International Shooting Sports Federation (ISSF) rules prevent its adoption. The present policy and rules of the ISSF on lead shot use contravene the International Olympic Committee (IOC) Charter position on environmental protection. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), a formal Olympic partner on environmental protection, has no stated policy on contamination from lead ammunition, despite having declared lead a Priority Area for remedial action, and is pressing to remove lead from the global human environment. The IOC Sport and Environment Commission and UNEP could examine the continued use of lead shot ammunition and advise the IOC Executive Board on appropriate changes in policy and rules that could halt the massive lead shot contamination of shooting range environments world-wide.  相似文献   

Many drugs such as beta-blockers have been shown to occur in aquatic environments. Even if adequate ecotoxicity data are not available, it is of primary importance to get informations about their fate in environmental waters, particularly about their photofate in sewage treatment plant effluents (STP). The main difficulties when studying pharmaceutical photochemical behaviour in environmental waters, are linked to the very low environmentally relevant concentrations (ng L(-1) to microg L(-1)) which can generate problems in terms of analytical sensitivity. Moreover, the complexity of environmental matrices can modify micropollutants degradation kinetics. The photodegradation of beta-blockers has been compared at two concentration levels (10 microg L(-1) and 10 mg L(-1)) and in two different matrices (pure water and STP effluent). It has been shown that the concentration does not influence beta-blockers degradation pathways, thus allowing the identification of degradation compounds using the 10 mg L(-1) solutions. Although environmental waters speed up the degradation process, the same photoproducts were appeared in both matrices. Using LC-MS/MS, hydroxyl radical additions have been identified as an important degradation pathway for especially pindolol, propranolol and timolol, leading to several positional isomers, corresponding to mono-, di- or tri-hydroxylations. Kinetics of appearance/disappearance of these photoproducts have been studied in STP effluents.  相似文献   

围绕新形势下创建环保工作新道路这一主线,抓住十二五时期重大环境问题做了深刻思考,提出编制十二五环保规划应建立六个机制,即环境现状的评估机制、总量控制的扩项机制、污染减排的拓展机制、专项规划的环评机制、规划项目的筛选机制、规划执行力的保障机制,对基层工作具有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

浙江近岸海域有害赤潮发生区麻痹性贝毒素研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用小白鼠生物检测法和高效液相色谱法对采自浙江舟山海域和浙江中南部海域的麻痹性贝毒素进行了调查分析。结果表明,浙江舟山海域六横岛的西格织纹螺含有贝毒,其毒素为3,7Mu/g,舟山海域有毒贝类检出率为3.1%;浙江中南部海域南麂列岛的棒锥螺含有贝毒,其毒素〈1.7Mu/g,浙江中、南部海域有毒贝类检出率为9.1%。  相似文献   

危险废物处理技术进展及若干建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
较系统地论述了国内固体废物的目前状况、产量,分析了一些典型危险废物处理过程中存在的主要问题和解决方法,提出了深人开展危险废物处理与资源化研究的方向,并给出了环保部门应对危险废物进行处理的建议。  相似文献   

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