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人造树叶是种人工的合成树叶,主要由玻璃晶片制成,是人造树木的部分.在这种树叶中,排列着微小的水流管道,可使水流到达树叶进行蒸发.整个装置的驱动力来自中枢茎杆,茎杆中有与电路相连的金属片,起到电容器的作用.水流经过树叶时,会与空气中的气泡定期相遇.由于水和空气的电学性能不同,因此,水流和气泡的每次邂逅都会产生些许电流.因此,人造树叶可将光能转化成电能,实现真正零排放. 相似文献
正美国加利福尼亚州的劳伦斯利弗莫尔国家实验室日前宣布,其核聚变能源研究取得了重大进展,聚变产生的能量第一次超过了激发聚变所需的能量。这意味着核聚变将有可能为人类未来带来几乎取之不尽、用之不竭的能源。劳伦斯利弗莫尔国家实验室的物理学家奥马尔·哈利肯等研究人员是核聚变实验的主要负责人。 相似文献
太阳是最伟大的.人们歌颂太阳,常把有为的人生比作太阳,反衬太阳之可爱,这些都说明在人们的心目中,太阳具有巨大的能量. 相似文献
中科院合肥物质科学研究院11月29日举行新一代“人造太阳”实验装置(EAST)辅助加热系统工程开工典礼。该系统开工启动,标志着EAST装置进行重大升级改造,进人物理实验能力大幅提升的“EAST二期”。 相似文献
沼气发电工程作为解决环境问题、提供清洁能源的有效方法,其运行不仅解决了沼气工程中的一些主要环境问题,而且高效率地产生大量电能和热能,为沼气的综合利用开拓了更广泛的应用前景。上海东海啤酒有限公司采用国内刚刚兴起的沼气发电技术,变害为宝,取得了社会、经济、环境的效益三丰收。 相似文献
感谢上天,世界尚存,你我同在,但是末日之说让人们开始反思当下的生活.影片《2012》中天崩地裂、地动山摇、火山喷发、洪水肆虐、城市毁灭的景象难道就只是电影中的虚幻?如果你觉得那些虚幻离我们还很遥远,那么从近年的海地7.3级地震,智利8.8级强震,冰岛火山喷发,青海省玉树7.1级地震,巴基斯坦洪灾肆虐,甘肃省舟曲发生特大泥石流灾害,印尼地震引发海啸,斯里兰卡洪水,新西兰地震,云南盈江地震,缅甸和印度洋的地震,日本的九级地震及没完没了的余震…… 相似文献
和谐是我们现今社会与时代的主题词。在和谐社拿的感召下,人与自然与环境相处达到和谐是人们的追求。我的思绪飘向遥远的大西北,飘向西北第一村——白哈巴村。 相似文献
位于广州市荔湾区站前街的流花侨苑花园,是藏在闹市中的花园式社区。没到侨苑花园社区时,早从当地环保局的人那里听过一个名叫肖明的老人,还有老人的故事。而这位老人的故事,基本和流花侨苑花园联系在一起,老人的故事也基本发生在侨苑花园之内。二十多年了,老人的故事与侨苑花园的传闻相互交织,这愈加增加了我前往探访的渴望。 相似文献
介绍了从含银的废催化剂中回收白银的一种新方法。采用氨浸A还原剂还原,浸出率98.5%,还原率99.9%,直接可获高纯度的银粉,金属银纯度可达99.9%。 相似文献
《Journal of Cleaner Production》2008,16(6):709-715
ENERGY STAR® is a voluntary government/industry partnership that offers information to businesses and consumers on energy-efficient solutions, making it easier to save money and protect the environment for future generations. Introduced in 1992 by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), this voluntary labeling program was designed to identify and promote energy-efficient products as basic pollution prevention opportunities. The ENERGY STAR label can now be found on appliances, office equipment, lighting, buildings, and more. In 2002, ENERGY STAR was extended beyond its role in identifying energy efficient products to identifying energy-efficient production. The ENERGY STAR industry program focuses on encouraging and enabling sustainable corporate energy management. One of the three information tools EPA developed under ENERGY STAR, which also includes energy management networking and industry specific energy guides, is the energy performance indicator (EPI). The EPI is a statistical benchmarking tool that provides a “birds-eye” view of sector-specific plant-level energy use via a functional relationship between the level of energy use and the level and type of various production activities, material input's quality, and external factors, e.g. climate and material quality. The EPI uses stochastic frontier regression to estimate the lowest observed plant energy use, given these factors. This statistical model also provides a distribution of energy efficiency across the industry, which allows the user to answer the hypothetical but very practical question, “How would my plant compare to everyone else in my industry, if all other plants were similar to mine?” The result is a tool that can be used by corporate and plant energy managers to estimate the energy efficiency of their portfolio of plants. This paper describes the role of the EPI within the context of the overall goals of ENERGY STAR and gives examples of how this information tool was developed and is being used. 相似文献
Stephen M. Freedman 《Agriculture, ecosystems & environment》1983,10(1):63-74
The potential biomass energy that can be derived from the harvest of rice crop residues is calculated for three methods of crop production. The potential energy available amounts to 3.70 × 1010 J ha?1 year?1 for traditional methods, 7.93 × 1010 J for the labor-intensive and 8.36 × 1010 J for the capital-intensive methods. The net energy benefits available for cooking, heating and biogasification are calculated on a per hectare basis taking into account the costs of collection, transportation and processing. The amounts of energy available for cooking and heating range from 3.70 × 109 to 8.33 × 109 J ha?1, and the amounts of energy for methanol use range from 1.85 × 109 to 4.17 × 109 J ha?1 year?1.The ecological problems associated with soil erosion, nutrient loss and pesticide use are evaluated in terms of the compensatory energy costs involved, and the resultant net energy balance for each method of rice production is calculated. The net energy available per hectare for the traditional method is 3.43 × 1010 J, for the labor-intensive method, 7.25 × 1010 J and for the capital-intensive method, 7.02 × 1010 J. The harvest of rice crop residues in the developing world could provide up to 5.80 × 1018 J year?1.The use of rice crop residues is investigated within the context of the rural village energy system. The prospects for the use of rice crop residues are evaluated in relation to alternative energy sources and it is concluded that regional residue harvest programs should be implemented cautiously, integrating soil management and environmental planning procedures where appropriate. 相似文献
U. K. Misra 《Die Naturwissenschaften》1966,53(6):158-159