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The growth of Scenedesmus quadricauda algae in a batch culture was examined in the presence of crude oil and fuel oil, added to the cultivation medium in the form of a water-soluble fraction (WSF), water extract (WE) and oil-water dispersion (OWD). On applying various concentrations of oils, a decrease in the number of cells, dry matter and chlorophyll 'a' production, with respect to the cell population, was observed. The extent of this decrease depended on the kind and concentration of the soluble and dispersed hydrocarbon fractions and on the proportions in which these occurred in the culture medium. On the other hand, the water extracts of both oils stimulated dry mass and chlorophyll 'a' content with respect to a single cell. This effect was accompanied by increased size of the algal cells. The WSF, WE and OWD of fuel oil, prepared from 200, 50 and 1 cm(3) of oil per dm(3) of BBM medium, respectively, had a similar inhibitory effect, which points to the dominant role of oil dispersion in the reduction of algal growth. Chemical analysis of the water extracts of fuel oil revealed the presence of 35 hydrocarbons of various kinds, mainly n-alkanes and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.  相似文献   

In vitro and greenhouse biotests were carried out to study the effects of various concentrations of crude oil on the mycorrhizosphere and the ability of ectomycorrhizal fungi to colonise Norway spruce and poplar seedlings grown on contaminated soil. Ectomycorrhizal fungi grown in pure cultures showed a variety of reactions to crude oil, ranging from growth stimulation to total inhibition of growth, depending on the species of fungi. Germination of poplar and spruce seeds was not significantly affected. The growth of spruce seedlings was not affected by crude oil, whereas that of poplar seedlings was significantly reduced at high concentrations. None of the concentrations had any effect on the degree of ectomycorrhizal and endomycorrhizal colonisation of poplar. With spruce, however, the ectomycorrhizal fungi showed species-specific reactions to increasing concentrations, in accordance with the results of the pure culture test. The length of time between soil contamination and seeding affects both seedling growth and the mycorrhizal infection potential of the soil. The results confirm the importance of mycorrhizal fungi in the bioremediation of soils contaminated by crude oil.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated Phragmites australis’ use of different forms of nitrogen (N) and associated soil N transformations in response to petroleum contamination. 15N tracer studies indicated that the total amount of inorganic and organic N assimilated by P. australis was low in petroleum-contaminated soil, while the rates of inorganic and organic N uptake on a per-unit-biomass basis were higher in petroleum-contaminated soil than those in un-contaminated soil. The percentage of organic N in total plant-assimilated N increased with petroleum concentration. In addition, high gross N immobilization and nitrification rates relative to gross N mineralization rate might reduce inorganic-N availability to the plants. Therefore, the enhanced rate of N uptake and increased importance of organic N in plant N assimilation might be of great significance to plants growing in petroleum-contaminated soils. Our results suggest that plants might regulate N capture under petroleum contamination.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Maize tolerance potential to oil pollution was assessed by growing Zea mays in soil contaminated with varying levels of crude oil (0, 2.5 and...  相似文献   

Plants of Bel-W3 and of seven commercial tobacco varieties (Nicotiana tabacum L.) were exposed to two relatively low ozone concentrations (90 or 135 ppb) for 20 consecutive days, for 8 h per day. Ozone caused necrotic and chlorotic spots, acceleration of leaf senescence, depression of photosynthetic mechanism, chlorophyll diminution and greater destruction of chl a than of chl b. The higher sensitivity of chl a was also confirmed by exposure of segments of leaves in test tubes to high ozone concentration (>1000 ppb) as well as by bubbling of ozone in extracts of chlorophyll in vitro. The quantum yield (QY) of photosynthesis was positively correlated with the chlorophyll content and negatively correlated with the visible injury and the chl b/a ratio.  相似文献   

The effects of crude oil and three oil spill dispersants (Corexit 9600, 9550 and 7664) on nitrogenase activity in the cyanobacteria Nostoc sp. were examined. The addition of oil to Nostoc sp. cultures resulted in a catastrophic decline in nitrogenase activity with activity ceasing 7 h after treatment. The addition of a dispersant with the oil did not ameliorate this effect. Cultures exposed to high concentrations of dispersants showed lower rates on nitrogenase activity than untreated cultures. However, it is unlikely that dispersant concentrations of this magnitude would occur in the field. At the lowest concentration tested, which approximates the manufacturer's recommended application rate, the effects of the dispersant appear to be negligible.  相似文献   

铜、镉复合污染红壤对黑麦草生长和土壤酶活性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用石灰石调节红壤酸性后,利用对铜、镉具有一定耐性的高产牧草黑麦草修复铜、镉复合污染土壤。分析黑麦草的生长、生理生化指标以及土壤中酶活性的变化,探索在修复铜、镉复合污染红壤的同时又满足饲料作物安全种植的土地利用方式。结果表明,对于弱酸性红壤(pH 6.0左右),土壤铜全量较低时(〈50 mg/kg),黑麦草的生物量、叶...  相似文献   

One-month-old soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merrill), cultivar 'Williams', plants were exposed to nitrogen dioxide (0.1, 0.2, 0.3 and 0.5 ppm) and carbon filtered air (control), 7 h per day, for 5 days, under a controlled environment. Leaf chlorophyll content (Ch a, Ch b, and total Ch content) and foliar nitrogen content (%N) were determined before and after the exposure. The influence of NO(2) treatments up to 0.3 ppm on leaf chlorophyll content was negligible although a stimulatory effect was evident in Ch a and total Ch content with 0.2 ppm NO(2). Marked decline in Ch content was observed with 0.5 ppm treatment; the reductions in Ch a and total Ch were 45% and 47%, respectively. Foliar-N contents of plants treated with 0.2 and 0.3 ppm NO(2) were higher than the control; plants exposed to 0.5 ppm NO(2) showed a 41% reduction in foliar-N compared to pre-exposure values.  相似文献   

Levels of cytochrome P450 enzymes were measured in pyloric caeca microsomes of the asteroid Coscinasterias muricata following exposure to sediment with nominal concentrations of 0, 0.1 or 2 ml crude oil kg(-1) (dry weight) and subsequent depuration. No significant differences were observed in total cytochrome P450 levels or cytochrome P418 levels following the exposure period. However after five days of depuration, levels of total P450 in the pyloric caeca of C. muricata exposed to the highest oiled sediment concentration were significantly lower than in specimens exposed to the other treatments. Cytochrome P418 levels were inversely related to total P450 levels following exposure and subsequent depuration. Preliminary results show that levels of CYP1A-like immunopositive protein (CYP1A-like IPP) in exposed asteroids exhibited a concentration response relationship following the exposure period. Variations in CYP1A-like IPP levels observed during the depuration period may be influenced by the sublethal toxicity of hydrocarbons within the crude oil.  相似文献   

The expected increase in offshore oil exploration and production in the Arctic may lead to crude oil spills along arctic shorelines. To evaluate the potential effectiveness of bioremediation to treat such spills, oil spill bioremediation in arctic sediments was simulated in laboratory microcosms containing beach sediments from Barrow (Alaska), spiked with North Slope Crude, and incubated at varying temperatures and salinities. Biodegradation was measured via respiration rates (CO2 production); volatilization was quantified by gas chromatography/mass spectrophotometry (GC/MS) analysis of hydrocarbons sorbed to activated carbon, and hydrocarbons remaining in the sediment were quantified by GC/flame ionization detector (FID). Higher temperature leads to increased biodegradation by naturally occurring microorganisms, while the release of volatile organic compounds was similar at both temperatures. Increased salinity had a small positive impact on crude oil removal. At higher crude oil dosages, volatilization increased, however CO2 production did not. While only a small percentage of crude oil was completely biodegraded, a larger percentage was volatilized within 6–9 weeks.  相似文献   

Maki H  Sasaki T  Harayama S 《Chemosphere》2001,44(5):1145-1151
We investigated the physicochemical changes resulting from irradiation by sunlight of biodegraded crude oil. An Arabian light crude oil sample was first subjected to microbial degradation. n-Alkanes and aromatic compounds such as naphthalenes, fluorenes, dibenzothiophenes and phenanthrenes possessing short, alkyl side chain(s) were almost completely degraded, while the contents of the saturated and aromatic fractions were reduced by 70% and 40%, respectively. This biodegraded oil was then suspended in seawater and exposed to sunlight irradiation for several weeks. The most remarkable change caused by the irradiation was a substantial decline in the aromatic fraction with a concomitant increase in the resin and asphaltene fractions. A 13C-nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopic analysis showed that the aromaticity of the biodegraded oil was significantly lower in the irradiated sample. A field desorption-mass spectrometric (FD-MS) analysis showed that sunlight irradiation reduced the average molecular weight of the oil components and formed oxygenated compounds. Consistent with this observation is that the oxygen content in the oil increased as the irradiation was prolonged. The bioavailability of the biodegraded oil was increased by the photo-oxidation: the growth of seawater microbes was minimal when the non-irradiated biodegraded oil was used as the source of carbon and energy; however, growth was significant when irradiated biodegraded oil was used. The concentration of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) increased linearly during the sunlight irradiation of the biodegraded oil, and this increase was matched by an increase in ultraviolet-absorptive materials in the seawater. The photochemically formed, water-soluble fraction (WSF) showed acute toxicity against the halophilic crustacean, Artemia.  相似文献   

A field investigation was conducted on a Louisiana Spartina alterniflora shoreline to evaluate the toxic effects of crude oil (Alaska North Slope crude oil, ANSC) and dispersed oil (ANSC + dispersant Corexit 9,500) on three aquatic species indigenous to the Gulf of Mexico: Fundulus grandis (Gulf killifish), Crassostrea virginica (Eastern oyster), and Litopenaeus setiferus (white shrimp). Results indicated that total hydrocarbons concentration value in oiled treatments decreased rapidly in 3h and were below 1 ppm at 24h after initial treatment. Corexit 9,500 facilitated more ANSC fractions to dissolve and disperse into the water column. L. setiferus showed short-term sensitivity to the ANSC and ANSC + 9,500 at 30 ppm. However, most test organisms (>83%) of each species survived well after 24h exposure to the treatments. Laboratory tests conducted concurrent with the field investigation indicated that concentrations of crude oil higher than 30 ppm were required for any significant toxic effect on the juvenile organisms tested.  相似文献   

Effects of ozone impact on gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence of juvenile birch (Betula pendula) stems and leaves were investigated. Significant differences in the response of leaves and stems to ozone were found. In leaves, O3 exposure led to a significant decline in photosynthetic rates, whereas stems revealed an increased dark respiration and a concomitant increase in corticular photosynthesis. In contrast to birch leaves, corticular photosynthesis appeared to support the carbon balance of stems or even of the whole-tree under O3 stress. The differences in the ozone-response between leaves and stems were found to be related to ozone uptake rates, and thus to inherent differences in leaf and stem O3 conductance.  相似文献   

Effects of crude oil on survival and behavior of the mayfly Hexagenia bilineata were evaluated in laboratory studies. Mayfly nymphs were exposed to the water soluble and oil residue fractions of crude oil. Mayfly survival was not reduced by a 96-h exposure to either the water soluble fraction or the oil residue mixed with sediment. However, significant mortality did result from a 21-day exposure to oil residue mixed with sediment at concentrations as low as 500 microg g(-1). Survival was also reduced after a 21-day exposure to oil-contaminated sediments (1905 microg g(-1)) collected 6 weeks after a crude oil spill in the Chariton River, Missouri. In a behavioral test measuring habitat exclusion, organisms did not avoid contact with sediment containing oil residue (50-800 microg g(-1)). Collectively, results from these studies indicate that exposure to oil residue in sediment will reduce survival of H. bilineata in the laboratory and may reduce survival in the environment for 6 weeks or more after an oil spill.  相似文献   

Plants of Bel-W3 and of seven commercial tobacco varieties (Nicotiana tabacum L.) were exposed to two relatively low ozone concentrations (90 or 135 ppb) for 20 consecutive days, for 8 h per day. Ozone caused necrotic and chlorotic spots, acceleration of leaf senescence, depression of photosynthetic mechanism, chlorophyll diminution and greater destruction of chl a than of chl b. The higher sensitivity of chl a was also confirmed by exposure of segments of leaves in test tubes to high ozone concentration (>1000 ppb) as well as by bubbling of ozone in extracts of chlorophyll in vitro. The quantum yield (QY) of photosynthesis was positively correlated with the chlorophyll content and negatively correlated with the visible injury and the chl b/a ratio.  相似文献   

For decades, trees have been exposed to atmospheric S pollution (acid rains). They can thus fulfil their S requirements not only via the roots, but also via their needles. However, whether leaf-absorbed S has a different fate from that of root-absorbed S, or may be toxic to the plant, remains uncertain. Norway spruce trees have been contaminated with (35)SO(4)(2-) either via a nutrient solution, or via a spray, and their (35)S distribution has been analysed. In the case of foliar contamination, a high percentage of (35)S(-) was present in the form of SO(4)(2-), both on the surface and inside the youngest needles. In the case of root contamination, the (35)S of the youngest leaves was mainly incorporated into insoluble organic compounds. Older needles showed a different S distribution.  相似文献   

Air-conditioners (AC) produce much dew and wet conditions inside their apparatus, when in operation. We studied the fungal contamination in AC and found that the average fungal contamination of AC filters was about 5-fold greater than that of a carpet, and Cladosporium and Penicillium were predominant in AC filters. The fungal contamination inside AC, which were used everyday, increased more markedly than those not used daily, e.g. a few days per week or rarely. Moreover, the airborne fungal contamination in rooms during air-conditioning was about 2-fold greater than one in rooms without AC, and was highest when air-conditioning started and decreased gradually with time. We recognized that the airborne fungal contamination was controlled by the environmental condition of the rooms, in which AC were used. It is suggested that AC might promote mold allergies in users via airborne fungal spores derived from the AC. On the other hand, AC was estimated to remove moisture in the room atmosphere and carpets, and reduce the relative humidity in rooms. It was found that the average fungal contamination in the house dust of carpets with AC was suppressed by two-third of that in rooms without AC. The use of AC for suppressing fungal hazards was discussed.  相似文献   

A Pyrolysis – Gas Chromatography – Mass Spectrometry (Py-GC-MS) method was developed for the analysis and profiling of crude and heavy fuel oil asphaltenes, for application in oil fingerprinting. Asphaltenes were precipitated from ten geographically different oils using n-pentane, and analysed by Py-GC-MS. Alkane profiles and sulphur/aromatic profiles were used to compare the oils, and to correctly differentiate oils from different geographical regions. Py-GC-MS could not differentiate a weathered oil sample and a fresh oil sample from the same source. The results of this study support the findings from a previously developed FTIR method for asphaltene profiling.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Oil spills generate several environmental impacts and have become more common with the increase in petroleum extraction, refining, transportation, and...  相似文献   

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