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Using tracking radars, we investigated the variability of flight directions of long-distance nocturnal passerine migrants across seasons (spring versus autumn migration) and sites at the southern (56° N) and northern (68° N) ends of the Scandinavian Peninsula (Lund versus Abisko). Whilst most migrants at Lund are on passage to and from breeding sites in Fennoscandia, the majority of the migrants at Abisko are close to their breeding sites, and migration at Abisko thus to a large degree reflects initial departure from breeding sites (autumn) or final approach to breeding destinations (spring). The radar data were used to test predictions about differences in orientation and wind drift effects between adult and juvenile birds (a large proportion of autumn migrants consists of juvenile birds on their first journey), between situations far away from or near the goals and between different phases of migration (initial departure, en route passage, final approach to goal). The concentrations (both total and within-night concentrations) of flight directions differed significantly between seasons as well as sites, with the highest concentration at Lund in spring (mean vector length of track directions, r = 0.79) and lowest at Abisko during spring (r = 0.35). Partial wind drift and partial compensation were recorded at Lund, with a similar effect size in spring and autumn, whilst possible wind drift effects at Abisko were obscured by the large directional scatter at this site. The results from Lund support the prediction that the high proportion of juveniles in autumn contributes to increase the directional scatter during this season, whilst there was no support for predictions of differential wind drift effects between seasons and situations with different goal distances. The most striking and surprising result was the exceedingly large scatter of flight directions at Abisko, particularly in spring. We suggest that such an exaggerated scatter may be associated with final approach orientation, where migrants reach their specific goals from all various directions by final navigation within a more wide-ranging goal region. The larger scatter of autumn flight directions at Abisko compared to Lund may be due to exploratory flights in variable directions being more common at initial departure from breeding sites than later during migratory passage. These surprising results highlight the importance of studying and analysing orientation during final approach to (and initial departure from) migratory goals for understanding the orientation systems of migratory birds.  相似文献   

Migrating birds are expected to fly at higher airspeeds when minimizing time rather than energy costs of their migratory journeys. Spring migration has often been suggested to be more time selected than autumn migration, because of the advantage of early arrival at breeding sites. We have earlier demonstrated that nocturnal passerine migrants fly at higher airspeeds during spring compared to autumn, supporting time-selected spring migration. In this study, we test the hypothesis that seasonal airspeeds are modulated differently between short- and long-distance migrants, because of a stronger element of time selection for autumn migration over long distances. In support of this hypothesis, we demonstrate that the seasonal difference in airspeed is significantly larger (spring airspeed exceeding autumn airspeed by a factor of 1.16 after correcting for the influence of altitude, wind and climb/descent on airspeed) among short-distance compared to long-distance (factor 1.12) migrants. This result is based on a large sample of tracking radar data from 3 years at Falsterbo, South Sweden. Short-distance migrants also tend to fly with more favourable winds during autumn, indicating relaxed time constraints (being able to afford to wait for favourable winds) compared to long-distance migrants. These results indicate surprisingly fine-tuned seasonal modulation of airspeed and responses to wind, associated with behavioural strategies adapted to different levels of time selection pressures during spring and autumn migration.  相似文献   

Recent experiments exposing migratory birds to altered magnetic fields simulating geographical displacements have shown that the geomagnetic field acts as an external cue affecting migratory fuelling behaviour. This is the first study investigating fuel deposition in relation to geomagnetic cues in long-distance migrants using the western passage of the Mediterranean region. Juvenile wheatears (Oenanthe oenanthe) were exposed to a magnetically simulated autumn migration from southern Sweden to West Africa. Birds displaced parallel to the west of their natural migration route, simulating an unnatural flight over the Atlantic Ocean, increased their fuel deposition compared to birds experiencing a simulated migration along the natural route. These birds, on the other hand, showed relatively low fuel loads in agreement with earlier data on wheatears trapped during stopover. The experimental displacement to the west, corresponding to novel sites in the Atlantic Ocean, led to a simulated longer distance to the wintering area, probably explaining the observed larger fuel loads. Our data verify previous results suggesting that migratory birds use geomagnetic cues for fuelling decisions and, for the first time, show that birds, on their first migration, can use geomagnetic cues to compensate for a displacement outside their normal migratory route, by adjusting fuel deposition.  相似文献   

Migrating birds often alternate between flight steps, when distance is covered and energy consumed, and stopover periods, when energy reserves are restored. An alternative strategy is fly-and-forage migration, useful mainly for birds that hunt or locate their prey in flight, and thus, enables birds to combine foraging with covering migration distance. The favourability of this strategy in comparison with the traditional stopover strategy depends on costs of reduced effective travel speed and benefits of offsetting energy consumption during migration flights. Evaluating these cost-benefit effects, we predict that fly-and-forage migration is favourable under many conditions (increasing total migration speed), both as a pure strategy and in combination with stopover behaviour. We used the osprey (Pandion haliaetus) as test case for investigating the importance of this strategy during spring and autumn migration at a lake in southern Sweden. The majority, 78%, of passing ospreys behaved according to the fly-and-forage migration strategy by deviating from their migratory track to visit or forage at the lake, while 12% migrated past the lake without response, and 10% made stopovers at the lake. Foraging success of passing ospreys was almost as good as for birds on stopover. Timing of foraging demonstrated that the birds adopted a genuine fly-and-forage strategy rather than intensified foraging before and after the daily travelling period. We predict that fly-and-forage migration is widely used and important among many species besides the osprey, and the exploration of its occurrence and consequences will be a challenging task in the field of optimal migration.  相似文献   

Adult horseshoe crabs Limulus polyphemus (L.) feed on a wide variety of infaunal and epifaunal invertebrates during their spring spawning migration in Delaware Bay, New Jersey, USA. Comparison of the gut contents with estimates of available prey showed that the most abundant potential prey item, the bivalve Gemma gemma, was avoided. The thinner shelled but comparatively scarce clam Mulinia lateralis was a preferred prey item. In the laboratory, crabs fed on G. gemma when it was the only available item but not when M. lateralis or soft-shell clams, Mya arenaria, were offered in conjunction. Large M. lateralis (>10mm) were preferred to small M. lateralis; there was no discrimination between M. lateralis and M. arenaria of the same size. Male and female horseshoe crabs had similar gut contents and laboratory feeding preferences, despite the fact that females are larger than males. Crabs spawning later in the summer contained more food than did crabs collected at the peak of spawning activity.  相似文献   

Summary In Australia, the southern populations of the yellow-faced honeyeater, Lichenostomus chrysops (Meliphagidae), perform annual migrations, with routes following the eastern coastline. In order to assess the role of magnetic cues in the migratory orientation of this diurnal migrant, its directional behaviour was recorded in recording cages under natural and experimentally manipulated magnetic-field conditions. During autumn the birds tested indoors in the local geomagnetic field showed a directional change from north initially to northwest later in the season (Fig. 1 a, b), which corresponds well with the general pattern of movement of this species in the field. Deflecting magnetic north to ESE resulted in a clockwise shift of the mean direction by 77° and 71°, respectively (Fig. 1 c, d), while no significant directional tendencies were observed in a magnetic field with a compensated horizontal component (Fig. 1 e, f; see Table 1). In outdoor tests in spring, the birds preferred southerly directions when tested in the local geo-magnetic field. In a magnetic field with a reversed vertical component (i.e. with an inclination pointing down instead of upwards) the birds reversed their directional tendencies and oriented northward (Fig. 2, Table 2). These results clearly show: (1) that yellow-faced honeyeaters can use the magnetic field for direction finding, and (2) that their magnetic compass functions as an inclination compass, as has been shown for several holarctic migrants.Correspondence to: W. Wiltschko  相似文献   

Birds migrating along coastlines may be at increased risk if displacement occurs toward open-ocean. Eastern North America experiences prevailing northwesterly winds during autumn, which could compel some migrants to drift eastward. Therefore, migrants at stop-over sites along this route may be a mixture of on- and off-course individuals. We assessed whether orientation behavior of juvenile yellow-rumped warblers (Dendroica coronata) captured at a stop-over site in southern Nova Scotia was related to where they originated from (i.e., likely on/off-course). We hypothesized three scenarios after displacement: 1) continued orientation in the migratory direction selected before displacement, 2) orientation from the new location toward the previous destination, or 3) correction to regain the original pathway. Using stable isotopes, we determined that stop-over migrants originated from nearby areas (and assumed on-course) and as far away as western Hudson Bay, over 1,600 km northwest (and assumed off-course) of the site. We used video-based orientation registration cages to determine an individuals’ migratory orientation. Because numerous factors influence migratory orientation (e.g., fuel reserves, celestial cues), we simultaneously assessed the influence of body condition and cloud cover, in addition to geographic origin, on orientation behavior. Individuals that originated closer to the site tended to orient more southwesterly. Orientation directions became increasingly more west-northwesterly the further away an individual originated from the site (i.e., the more likely it was to have been displaced). The result is most consistent with scenario three: individuals from northwest origins likely respond to easterly displacement by orienting westerly to reestablish their previous migratory route.  相似文献   

How and when migrants integrate directional information from different sources may depend not only on the bird’s internal state, including fat stores, but also on the ecological context during passage. We designed experiments to (1) examine the influence of stored fat on the decision to migrate and on the choice of migratory direction and (2) investigate how the integration of orientation cue information is tied to energetic status in relation to migration across an ecological barrier. Migratory orientation of red-eyed vireos (Vireo olivaceus) at twilight was recorded using two different techniques, orientation cage experiments and free-flight release tests, during both fall and spring migration. During fall migration, the amount of stored fat proved decisive for directional selections of the vireos. Fat birds chose directions in accordance with migration across the Gulf of Mexico. Lean birds oriented either parallel to the coast line (cage tests) or moved inland (free-flight releases). Whereas only fat birds showed significant responses to experimental deflections of the geomagnetic field, lean birds displayed a tendency to shift their activity in the expected direction, making it difficult to evaluate the prediction that use of the magnetic compass is context dependent. Fat loads also had a significant effect on the decision to migrate, i.e., fat individuals were more likely to embark on migration than were lean birds (true for both cage and release experiments). During spring migration, a majority of experimental subjects were classified as lean, following their arrival after crossing the Gulf of Mexico, and oriented in seasonally appropriate directions. The vireos also showed significant responses to experimental deflections of the geomagnetic field regardless of their energetic status. Free-flight release experiments during spring migration revealed a significant difference in mean directions between clear sky and overcast tests. The difference may indicate a compensatory response to wind drift or possibly a need for celestial cues to calibrate the magnetic compass. Finally, this is the first demonstration of magnetic compass orientation in a North American vireo. Received: 15 December 1995/Accepted after revision: 24 March 1996  相似文献   

In a previous paper, we reported that juvenile barn swallows (Hirundo rustica) trapped during the autumn migratory season and tested in modified Emlen funnels under overcast conditions can use magnetic information for compass orientation, although they did not orient toward the expected migratory direction. To further investigate this behaviour, in the present paper, we report the results of two series of displacement experiments performed on juvenile barn swallows belonging to two different roost sites [Massaciuccoli Lake (ML) and Terzo Cavone (TC)] and tested using the same protocol as that previously adopted. On the whole, the outcome of the ML and TC experiments was quite different with respect to (a) the degree of bird activity within the funnel (substantially lower for TC) and (b) the effect of the experimental displacement on the directional preferences of the tested subjects (not detectable in TC, while evident in ML swallows). Taken together, these results suggest that migrating swallows could react differently to the experimental tests depending on the roost site where they were caught. Indeed, TC swallows, trapped in southern Italy, close to the seacoast, and characterized by fairly large amounts of fat stores, mainly broke off their migratory activity or reoriented their directional preferences toward inland sites, possibly in search of more profitable habitats. On the other hand, ML swallows, trapped about 660 km to the north and characterized by lower amounts of fat stores, apparently tried to compensate for the experimental displacement.
N. Emilio BaldacciniEmail:

The amphipod Gammarus zaddachi (Sexton) conducts extensive migrations along estuaries from near the limit of tidal influence in winter to more downstream reaches (where reproduction occurs) in spring. A return migration then takes place, primarily by juveniles, until the seaward areas are depopulated in winter. The present study was conducted between 1988 and 1990 in the Conwy Estuary, North Wales. This represents the first investigation on this species in a strongly tidal estuary, where the amphipods appear to migrate vertically into the water column on flood or ebb tides to control horizontal transport and to maintain preferred distributions. The timing of vertical migration seems to be largely controlled by an endogenous circatidal swimming rhythm. Phasing of peak activity relative to the time of expected high tide varies with season; upstream migrants in the autumn showed peak activity at the time of expected high tide, while in the spring at the time of downstream migration the rhythm was phase-delayed, with peak activity during the expected ebb tide. Together with the season, position along the estuary also affected the timing of peak endogenous activity; downstream migrants, originally active on the ebb tide and experimentally displaced seawards, showed a phase-advance of the rhythm relative to the time of high tide. Salinity-preference behaviour also varied between different developmental stages, with ovigerous females (downstream migrants) showing no preference between fresh and saline water, and juveniles (upstream migrants) showing a significant preference for freshwater. The interactions of endogenous rhythmicity and salinity-preference behaviour are discussed as controlling factors of migration in this species.  相似文献   

Hierarchical relationships among different compass systems in long-distance migrants are still a matter for discussion because different studies have led to highly variable and apparently contradictory results. We carried out cue-conflict experiments during spring migration on pied flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca (Passeriformes, Muscicapidae). Birds were exposed to a conflict between celestial and magnetic information by altering the polarized light pattern or magnetic field. The polarization pattern was shifted (±90°) with filters, whereas the magnetic field was altered (+90°) through Helmholtz coils. Birds were tested in modified Emlen funnels both before and after the cue conflict; during the tests, only the natural magnetic field was available. This protocol was designed to test whether the experimental birds recalibrated their magnetic compass on the directional information derived from the light polarization pattern when the region near the horizon was visible during the conflict. Contrary to this expectation, we did not record any significant shift in magnetic orientation after one or repeated exposures to the cue conflict. Our results support earlier studies, which suggest that the magnetic field is the primary compass cue during the migratory period.  相似文献   

Summary Reoriented autumn migration of chaffinches and bramblings occurs regularly in southernmost Sweden. The reoriented birds fly in a northeasterrly direction from the coast and inland, i.e. approximately opposite to the normal autumn migration direction. The daily peak of reoriented finch migration, as observed at inland sites 20–40 km from the coast, occurs on average 3.5 h later than the early morning departure in the normal migratory direction, and 1 h later than the peak of migration at the coast. According to trapping data the average weight of reoriented migrants and birds interrupting their migration at the coastline is significantly lower than the weight of migrants proceeding in the normal direction, and the proportion of yearlings seems to be larger in the former category. Censuses of flocks of resting finches showed that they mainly forage at stubble fields of summer rape Brassica napus, preferably fields surrounded by wooded vegetation offering shelter from predator attacks. Preferred food and habitats are mostly located inland, 20 km or more from the coast. These findings are consistent with the interpretation that reorientation constitutes an adaptive response by migrants with small fat reserves. When confronted with an ecological barrier, they return to suitable resting sites for restoring the fat reserves before crossing the barrier.  相似文献   

We examined the relationship between plasma levels of corticosterone and the migratory activity and directional preference of red-eyed vireos during fall migration at the northern coast of the Gulf of Mexico. Corticosterone is thought to play a role in physiological and behavioural processes before, during, and after long-distance migratory flights. An increase in corticosterone at the onset of migratory flights can be expected in birds that are energetically prepared to migrate in a seasonally appropriate southerly direction. Red-eyed vireos ( Vireo olivaceus) were tested in orientation cages under clear twilight skies. Just prior to the orientation experiments, blood was sampled to assay baseline corticosterone levels. Average corticosterone level for all birds was 22.8 ng/ml. Red-eyed vireos with higher than average baseline levels of corticosterone were significantly more active in orientation cages compared to birds with lower levels of corticosterone. Moreover, birds with higher than average levels oriented in a southwesterly direction, which is consistent with a trans-Gulf flight, whereas individuals with levels below average showed a NNW mean direction. Although there was no significant difference in baseline levels of corticosterone between fat and lean birds, individual mass loss between capture and test was negatively correlated with corticosterone levels. Results from this study clearly demonstrate that corticosterone influences departure decisions and the choice of direction during migration.  相似文献   

Pulse amplitude modulated (PAM) fluorescence has been used as a proxy of microphytobenthic biomass after a dark adaptation period of 15 min to stabilise the minimum fluorescence yield (F o 15). This methodology was investigated for in situ migratory and ex situ engineered non-migratory biofilms, comparing dark adaptation to low (5% ambient) and far-red light treatments over different emersion periods. Far-red and low light reduced potential errors resulting from light history effects, by reversal of non-photochemical quenching after 5 min of treatment, compared to over 10 min required by conventional dark adaptation. An in situ decline of minimum fluorescence yield over 15 min was observed during the dark adaptation for migratory biofilms, but was not observed in the non-migratory biofilms indicating that the major cause of decline was downward vertical migration of cells into the sediment. This pattern occurred in far-red light after 10 min, but not for the low light treatment, indicating that low light maintained the biomass at the surface of the sediment. It is therefore concluded that low light treatment is a better option than conventional dark adaptation for the measurement of minimum fluorescence as a proxy of microphytobenthic biomass.  相似文献   

Extensive ringing data from a coastal site (Falsterbo Bird Observatory) in southwesternmost Sweden were used to investigate the occurrence of reverse autumn migration among 20 passerine bird species of widely different migration categories. The data demonstrate that reverse migration is a widespread and regular phenomenon among nocturnal as well as diurnal migrants and among irruptive migrants, temperate zone migrants, and long-distance migrants destined for tropical winter quarters. The reoriented movements were directed approximately opposite to the normal migration direction, i.e. between NNW and ENE from the coast and towards inland. Median distances of reverse movements varied between 9 and 65 km. Some individuals of irruptive and partial migrants settled to winter in the reverse direction. Bird species with relatively small fat reserves at capture were more likely to perform reverse migratory movements than species with larger fat deposits. In two species birds performing forward migration were significantly heavier within 10 days after capture than individuals performing reverse movements. The reoriented movements probably are of adaptive significance for birds confronted with the sea and pre-disposed to refuelling during migration. A bimodal orientation mechanism will bring the birds from an area with high competition for food and high predation risk to more suitable resting and feeding grounds before resuming migration in the forward direction and crossing the barrier. Received: 11 July 1995/Accepted after revision: 19 November 1995  相似文献   

Near-term ecological forecasting has the potential to mitigate negative impacts of human modifications on wildlife by directing efficient action through relevant and timely predictions. We used the U.S. avian migration system to highlight ecological forecasting applications for aeroconservation. We used millions of observations from 143 weather surveillance radars to construct and evaluate a migration forecasting system for nocturnal bird migration over the contiguous United States. We identified the number of nights of mitigation required to reduce the risk of aerial hazards to 50% of avian migrants passing a given area in spring and autumn based on dynamic forecasts of migration activity. We also investigated an alternative approach, that is, employing a fixed conservation strategy based on time windows that historically capture 50% of migratory passage. In practice, during both spring and autumn, dynamic forecasts required fewer action nights compared with fixed window selection at all locations (spring: mean of 7.3 more alert days; fall: mean of 12.8 more alert days). This pattern resulted in part from the pulsed nature of bird migration captured in the radar data, where the majority (54.3%) of birds move on 10% of a migration season's nights. Our results highlight the benefits of near-term ecological forecasting and the potential advantages of dynamic mitigation strategies over static ones, especially in the face of increasing risks to migrating birds from light pollution, wind energy infrastructure, and collisions with structures.  相似文献   

Summary Young avian migrants of many species are able to find their species- or population-specific wintering area without the help of conspecifics. In orientation tests hand-raised birds have been demonstrated to choose appropriate population-specific migratory directions, suggesting a genetic basis to this behaviour. I here report results of a cross-breeding experiment between individuals of two blackcap (Sylvia atricapilla) populations with widely different migratory directions. The orientation of the F1 offspring was intermediate between and significantly different from that of both parental populations (Fig. 2). The variance of individual mean directions in the F1 generation did not increase compared with the parental groups, and the inheritance of migratory directions was not sex-linked. The data provide direct evidence for a genetic basis of migratory directions in birds and demonstrate a phenotypically intermediate mode of inheritance.  相似文献   

A multi-scale examination of stopover habitat use by birds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Buler JJ  Moore FR  Woltmann S 《Ecology》2007,88(7):1789-1802
Most of our understanding of habitat use by migrating land birds comes from studies conducted at single, small spatial scales, which may overemphasize the importance of intrinsic habitat factors, such as food availability, in shaping migrant distributions. We believe that a multi-scale approach is essential to assess the influence of factors that control en route habitat use. We determined the relative importance of eight variables, each operating at a habitat-patch, landscape, or regional spatial scale, in explaining the differential use of hardwood forests by Nearctic-Neotropical land birds during migration. We estimated bird densities through transect surveys at sites near the Mississippi coast during spring and autumn migration within landscapes with variable amounts of hardwood forest cover. At a regional scale, migrant density increased with proximity to the coast, which was of moderate importance in explaining bird densities, probably due to constraints imposed on migrants when negotiating the Gulf of Mexico. The amount of hardwood forest cover at a landscape scale was positively correlated with arthropod abundance and had the greatest importance in explaining densities of all migrants, as a group, during spring, and of insectivorous migrants during autumn. Among landscape scales ranging from 500 m to 10 km radius, the densities of migrants were, on average, most strongly and positively related to the amount of hardwood forest cover within a 5 km radius. We suggest that hardwood forest cover at this scale may be an indicator of habitat quality that migrants use as a cue when landing at the end of a migratory flight. At the patch scale, direct measures of arthropod abundance and plant community composition were also important in explaining migrant densities, whereas habitat structure was of little importance. The relative amount of fleshy-fruited trees was positively related and was the most important variable explaining frugivorous migrant density during autumn. Although constraints extrinsic to habitat had a moderate role in explaining migrant distributions, our results are consistent with the view that food availability is the ultimate factor shaping the distributions of birds during stopover.  相似文献   

Summary Migrating birds derive compass information from the sun, stars, geomagnetic field and polarized light, but relatively little is known about how these multiple sources of directional information are integrated into a functional orientation system. We found that migratory warblers exposed to a rotated polarized light pattern at sunset oriented at a constant angle to the axis of polarization. When polarized light cues were eliminated, this shifted orientation was maintained relative to the setting sun. Polarized light patterns, thus, appear to provide a calibration reference for the sun compass in nocturnal migrants, and may also play a role in calibrating other compass systems. Correspondence to: J.B. Phillips  相似文献   

Determining the magnitude of homing behaviour within migratory fish species is essential for their conservation and management. We tested for population genetic structuring in the anadromous alosines, Alosa alosa and A. fallax fallax, to establish fidelity of stocks to spawning grounds in the United Kingdom and Ireland. Considerable genetic differences were present among populations of both species, suggesting strong fidelity to breeding grounds and compatible with homing to natal origins. Moreover, the genetic structure of A. fallax fallax showed a clear pattern of isolation-by-distance, consistent with breeding populations exchanging migrants primarily with neighbouring populations. Spatial genetic differences were on average much greater than temporal differences, indicating relatively stable genetic structure. Comparing anadromous A. fallax fallax populations to the landlocked Killarney shad subspecies, A. fallax killarnensis (Ireland), demonstrated a long history of separation. These results demonstrating regional stock structure within the British Isles will inform practical management of stocks and their spawning habitats.  相似文献   

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