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Phaeocystis pouchetii (Hariot) Lagerheim is widely distributed in polar waters, and forms massive near-surface blooms in the marginal ice-edge zone around Antarctica during spring and summer. UV irradiance in the Antarctic marine environment is reportedly as high in October and November as in mid-summer due to stratospheric ozone depletion. Because of the location and timing of theP. pouchetii bloom, this prymnesiophyte will be exposed to high levels of UV-B (280 to 320 nm) radiation. Colourless water-soluble compounds, produced by the colonial stage in the life cycle of this alga, absorb strongly between 250 and 370 nm, with absorbance maxima at 271 and 323 nm. The concentration of these compounds in culturedP. pouchetii depends on the strain, stage in the life cycle, and presence of bacteria. As well as conferring substantial protection to this alga, these substances may also provide UV protection to other organisms present in the water column.  相似文献   

In 1982 and 1983, blooms of the planktonic alga Phaeocystis pouchetii were studied in the East Frisian coastal waters off Norderney, FRG. Morphological variability of the colonies, population development, effects on inorganic nutrient and oxygen budget, and the role in the seasonal plankton bloom sequence were investigated. in both years two separate Ph. pouchetii blooms occurred in late spring and early summer that were formed by the globosa-type exclusively. The pouchetii-type was only present during the interval between the first and second blooms in 1982. Growth conditions for Ph. pouchetii seem to be most favourable after a breakdown of a diatom bloom when the silicate reserves have been exhausted, phosphate concentrations are relatively low, but a rich supply of dissolved inorganic nitrogen is available. Contrary to diatom blooms, Ph. pouchetii blooms result in a high production of particulate organic carbon (POC). Another characteristic is the release of great amounts of dissolved organic substances, which cause extensive sea foam formation during the peaks and the subsequent breakdown of the blooms. Due to increased assimilation during mass development and intense disintegration after the breakdown, variations of the oxygen content of the water are significant. Presumably the intensity of blooms has increased in the past decade as indicated by sea foam formation which has actually been excessive in some years.  相似文献   

An attempt is made to assess eutrophication in Greek coastal waters, since the measurements made to date at a few stations do not suffice. In this paper, for more accurate seasonal variations in the nutrient contents, the water masses and their volumes are taken into account. The Pagassitikos Gulf is given as an example and compared to other polluted areas in the Aegean. The variations in the levels of nutrients are due to differences in the sources, as well as the morphology of the bottom and the circulation of waters.  相似文献   

The occurrence of tetrodotoxin (TTX) in marine sinking particles was investigated. Sinking particles were collected in 1991 using sediment traps in the coastal area of Aburatsubo Inlet, Japan. TTX and related substances were analyzed by tissue culture bioassay, high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). TTX and related substances were detected from six samples. The concentrations were estimated to be ca. 200 to 1000 ng g-1 by the HPLC analyses. To our knowledge, this is the first report on the occurrence of TTX in particles in an aquatic environment. The present results indicate that sinking particles are one of the sources of TTX in the marine environment and that these particles play a role in the toxification of marine organisms.  相似文献   

Microzooplankton grazing and selectivity of phytoplankton in coastal waters   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Microzooplankton grazing activity in the Celtic Sea and Carmarthen Bay in summer 1983 and autumn 1984 was investigated by applying a dilution technique to high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) analysis of photosynthetic pigments in phytoplankton present within natural microplankton communities. Specific grazing rates on phytoplankton, as measured by the utilisation of chlorophyll a, were high and varied seasonally. In surface waters during the autumn, grazing varied between 0.4 d-1 in the bay and 1.0 d-1 in the Celtic Sea, indicating that 30 and 65% of the algal standing stocks, respectively, were grazed daily. Grazing rates by microzooplankton within the thermocline in summer suggest that 13 to 42% of the crop was grazed each day. Microzooplankton showed selection for algae containing chlorophyll b, in spite of a predominance of chlorophyll c within the phytoplankton community. Changes in taxon-specific carotenoids indicated strong selection for peridinin, lutein and alloxanthin and selection against fucoxanthin and diadinoxanthin. This indicates a trophic preference by microzooplankton for dinoflagellates, cryptophytes, chlorophytes and prasinophytes and selection against diatoms, even when the latter group forms the largest crop within the phytoplankton. Interestingly, those algal taxa preferentially grazed also showed the highest specific growth-rates, suggesting a dynamic feed-back between microzooplankton and phytoplankton. Conversion of grazing rates on each pigment into chlorophyll a equivalents suggests firstly, that in only one experiment could all the grazed chlorophyll a be accounted for by the attrition of other chlorophylls and carotenoids, and secondly that in spite of negative selection, a greater mass of diatoms could be grazed by microzooplankton than any other algal taxon. The former may be due either to a fundamental difference in the break-down rates of chlorophyll a compared to other pigments, or to cyanobacteria forming a significant food source for microzooplankton. In either case, chlorophyll a is considered to be a good measure of grazing activity by microzooplankton.  相似文献   

天津近岸海域微塑料污染现状分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
微塑料(microplastics,MPs)已成为继气候变化、臭氧问题、海洋酸化之后新的全球重大环境问题,为揭示天津近岸海域微塑料分布规律和影响因素,利用表层现场采样、密度悬浮法分离、光学显微镜相结合的方法,研究了天津开阔海域的3个断面微塑料的丰度分布,分析了微塑料的粒径范围、形状类型和化学成分.结果表明,所监测开阔海域的3个断面中,海水样品微塑料丰度在210—1170个·m~(-3)之间,均值为612个·m~(-3);微塑料类型包括细长形的纤维、不规则状的碎片和薄膜,纤维和碎片占到绝大多数,分别占到52.1%和46.8%;而检出微塑料颗粒粒径同大多数研究相同,粒径越小,含量越多,其中55.3%的微塑料颗粒粒径是小于0.5 mm;通过Mphunter软件分析出表层海水中微塑料的颜色以深色系(如:蓝色、黑色、红色)居多,少数有黄色、绿色、白色;利用Bio-Rad Knowltall光谱分析出海水中微塑料主要成分有PP-PE(聚丙烯-聚乙烯)、ABS(苯乙烯-丁二烯-丙烯共聚物)、CE(纤维素塑料)、EP(环氧树脂)、PA(聚酰胺)、PE(聚乙烯)、PET(聚对苯二甲酸乙酸脂)、PP(聚丙烯)、PVC(聚氯乙烯)9种塑料类型,含量由高到低依次为:PETPP-PEEPCEABSPEPAPVCPP.结果分析表明,天津近岸海域微塑料污染受到海洋产业发展的影响,如海洋渔业、港口运输等,同时由于天津属于工业化城市,人口密度也较大,因此海洋微塑料污染也受到陆源污水排放的影响.  相似文献   

The results obtained in the four seasonal cruises planned in the PRISMA II project are reported. These concern dissolved and colloidal organic carbon, free amino acids and total dissolved carbohydrates and heterotrophic activity. Main factors controlling organic matter degradation, resulting from laboratory tests not planned in the above project, are also discussed. Dissolved organic matter shows seasonal accumulation, which may be markedly different from year to year, and large contributions by colloidal and saccharide components. Heterotrophic activities play an important role in the carbon cycle, although laboratory runs highlight limitations caused by aging of organic matter and phosphorus deficiency.  相似文献   

Concentrations of a wide range of trace elements: arsenic, cadmium, cobalt, chromium, hafnium, nickel, thorium, uranium, zinc and the rare earth elements, cerium, europium, samarium, terbium and ytterbium were determined by instrumental neutron activation analysis in the brown alga,Fucus vesiculosus from Eckwarder Hörne, North Sea and from Rügen, Baltic Sea. Another brown alga,Sargassum filipendula from Sri Lanka, Indian ocean (representing an unpolluted control station) was similarly investigated. Cobalt, chromium and nickel concentrations were highest inF. vesiculosus from the North Sea while zinc was highest in samples from the Baltic Sea, reflecting high levels of these elements in coastal waters of the North and the Baltic sea. Cadmium, cobalt, nickel and zinc levels were lowest inS. filipendula from Sri Lanka, probably demonstrating lower levels of those elements in coastal waters. Concentration levels of hafnium, thorium, uranium, and the rare earth elements were highest inS. filipendula. Two years later in 1994,S. filipendula along withUlva sp. (green alga) was resampled from the same sampling site, and in addition to the above elements, six other trace elements (Ag, Ba, Br, Rb, Se and Sr) were determined.Sargassium filipendula showed a particular affinity for Ag, As, Br and Sr. For the other elements, marginal concentration differences were observed betweenS. filipendula andUlva sp., probably reflecting the regional background levels. Substantially higher concentrations of Hf, Th, U, and the rare earths were found again in the 1994Sargassum andUlva samples, reflecting the effect of a substrate rich in rare earth elements. The brown algae used in this study may be used to monitor trace elements in coastal waters.  相似文献   

Grazing of phytoplankton by copepods in eastern Antarctic coastal waters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chlorophyll a, primary productivity and grazing by copepods on phytoplankton were measured in the upper water column during the summer of 1994/1995 at a coastal site near Davis Station, East Antarctica. Chlorophyll a was at a maximum in mid-December, then dropped markedly as the coastal fast ice melted and broke‐out. Phytoplankton biomass increased again from mid‐ to late‐February. Copepods accounted for at least 65% of zooplankton biomass in the water column before sea ice break‐out, whereas larval polychaetes and ctenophores dominated after ice break‐out. Oncaeacurvata was the numerically dominant species throughout the study. The highest grazing rate (8.7 mg C␣m−3␣d−1) was recorded on 21 December when O.␣curvata accounted for 64% of the total. Grazing had decreased markedly by 28 December (0.9 mg C m−3 d−1); again O. curvata accounted for over 50% of the total ingested. Copepod grazing increased after ice break-out until the last experiment on 20 February (⋍5 mg C␣m−3␣d−1). The main species responsible for grazing during this period were O. curvata, Oithonasimilis, Calanoidesacutus and unidentified copepod nauplii. It was estimated that copepods removed between 1 and 5% of primary productivity. Received: 11 October 1996 / Accepted: 22 October 1996  相似文献   

The main objective of this paper is to present vertical and horizontal patterns of dissolved oxygen and nutrients found during four seasonal surveys (March, June, September and December 2000) in the Southern Adriatic Sea coastal waters. The multivariate technique Principal Component Analysis has been applied to our dataset considering the following parameters: seawater temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen and nutrients (nitrate, nitrite, phosphate, silicate). The resulting plot shows in a self-explanatory way that a seasonal trend was not observable in the investigated period and that no significant differences occur between the stations sampled in the Taranto Gulf and those along the Adriatic coast. Water column stratification persists in all seasons, except in spring, in the shallowest stations. The surface layer is characterized by a low nutrient content. The influence of the Northern Adriatic Surface Water in the Southern Adriatic sub-basin seems to be very low and can be traced by nitrate and silicate only in spring and winter. Regarding deep waters, nitrate distribution shows an increasing gradient moving from the coast to the open sea, having the lowest concentration in the shelf area and the highest in the most offshore stations of the Otranto Strait. In the Otranto Strait area the vertical distributions of physical and chemical parameters show, at middle depths, the inflow of Levantine Intermediate Water, traced by both the maximum of salinity, nitrate and phosphate and the minimum of oxygen. The LIW signal is lost moving northward. The outflow of Adriatic Dense Water is less evident, being traced only in spring by an oxygen increase at the bottom layer in the shelf area. The N:P ratio is highly variable but in the range already observed in the Southern Adriatic, suggesting a P-limitation, which can both contribute to the low primary productivity of the area and support the N:P ratio anomaly of the Eastern Mediterranean.  相似文献   

The main objective of this paper is to present vertical and horizontal patterns of dissolved oxygen and nutrients found during four seasonal surveys (March, June, September and December 2000) in the Southern Adriatic Sea coastal waters. The multivariate technique Principal Component Analysis has been applied to our dataset considering the following parameters: seawater temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen and nutrients (nitrate, nitrite, phosphate, silicate). The resulting plot shows in a self-explanatory way that a seasonal trend was not observable in the investigated period and that no significant differences occur between the stations sampled in the Taranto Gulf and those along the Adriatic coast. Water column stratification persists in all seasons, except in spring, in the shallowest stations. The surface layer is characterized by a low nutrient content. The influence of the Northern Adriatic Surface Water in the Southern Adriatic sub-basin seems to be very low and can be traced by nitrate and silicate only in spring and winter. Regarding deep waters, nitrate distribution shows an increasing gradient moving from the coast to the open sea, having the lowest concentration in the shelf area and the highest in the most offshore stations of the Otranto Strait. In the Otranto Strait area the vertical distributions of physical and chemical parameters show, at middle depths, the inflow of Levantine Intermediate Water, traced by both the maximum of salinity, nitrate and phosphate and the minimum of oxygen. The LIW signal is lost moving northward. The outflow of Adriatic Dense Water is less evident, being traced only in spring by an oxygen increase at the bottom layer in the shelf area. The N:P ratio is highly variable but in the range already observed in the Southern Adriatic, suggesting a P-limitation, which can both contribute to the low primary productivity of the area and support the N:P ratio anomaly of the Eastern Mediterranean.  相似文献   

Decomposition of urea in seawater was studied in Mikawa Bay, a shallow eutrophic bay on the southern coast of central Japan. The urea concentration in seawater ranged from 1.3 to 5.9 μg-at. N/1 and comprised 12 to 40% of the dissolved organic nitrogen. Using 14C labelled urea, the rate of CO2 liberation from urea and the incorporation rate of urea carbon into the particulate organic matter were determined. For the surface samples, high rates of CO2 liberation from urea as well as the incorporation of urea carbon into the particulate organic matter were observed in the light, while much lower rates were obtained in the dark. Incubation experiments with exposure to different light intensities revealed that the rate of CO2 liberation from urea and the incorporation of urea carbon into particulate organic matter changed with light intensity, showing a pattern similar to that of photosynthesis. The highest liberation and incorporation rates were observed at 12,000 lux. Incubation in light and in dark produced marked decreases and increases, respectively, in urea and ammonia, while no appreciable changes were observed for nitrate and nitrite. It is suggested that urea decomposition associated with photosynthetic activity of phytoplankton is one of the major processes of urea decomposition, and that it plays a significant role in the nitrogen supply for phytoplankton in coastal waters.  相似文献   

The colonization dynamics in trophic-functional patterns of periphytic protist communities was studied in coastal waters of the Yellow Sea, northern China, from May to June, 2010. The periphytic protists represented different trophic-functional structures during colonization process. Only certain trophic-functional groups (e.g., photoautotrophs, algivores and non-selectives) occurred within the protist communities with low species number and abundance at the initial stage (1–3 days), while more trophic-functional groups (e.g., photoautotrophs, algivores, non-selectives and raptors) contributed to the communities with increased and peaked species number and abundance at the transitional (7–10 days) and equilibrium (14–28 days) stages, respectively. All heterotrophic groups were significantly fitted the MacArthur–Wilson model in colonization curves and represented higher species number and colonization rates at a depth of 1 m than at 3 m. These results may provide necessary understandings for ecological researches and monitoring programs using periphytic protists with different colonization ages in marine ecosystems.  相似文献   

The growth of Antarctic Phaeocystis pouchetii and associated bacteria in culture, and the binding and release of manganese were investigated using cultures derived from three clonal isolates collected from Prydz Bay, Antarctica, in November and December 1982. The cultured strains accumulated manganese from the culture medium. The concentration of Mn2+ in the alga was up to 58 times that of the medium. The Mn2+ apparently binds to the mucilage secreted by the cells and gives the alga its characteristic brown colour. Oxidation or complexing of Mn2+ by P. pouchetii was also indicated. Bacterial growth on the mucilage is inhibited in rapidly growing cultures by acrylic acid produced in the mucilage. Once the growth of P. pouchetii and production of ccrylic acid slow, bacterial numbers increase, leading to the solubilization of the mucilage and the release of Mn2+. In cool-temperate, subpolar and polar seas where P. pouchetii may form dense blooms, the binding and subsequent release of manganese may have important consequences for competing phytoplankton.  相似文献   

This study examined microplastic particles present in the benthic invertebrates Sternaspis scutata, Magelona cinta (deposit feeders) and Tellina sp. (suspension feeder) from the surface sediments of off-Kochi, southwest coast of India. The microplastic particles and thread-like fibres detected in these organisms were identified to be polystyrene by using DXR Raman microscope. Examination of the microplastic particle in Sternaspis scutata by epifluorescent microscopy showed fragmentation marks on the surface suggesting that the microplastic particle was degraded/weathered in nature. The study provides preliminary evidence of the presence of microplastics in benthic fauna from the coastal waters of India. However, further studies are required to understand the sources, distribution, fate and toxicity of the different types of microplastics in benthic invertebrates in order to identify any potential threats to higher trophic level organisms.  相似文献   

In this paper, an integrated numerical and fuzzy cellular automata model was developed to predict possible algal blooms in Dutch coastal waters basing on the irradiance, nutrients and neighbourhood conditions. The numerical module used Delft3D-WAQ to compute the abiotic conditions, and fuzzy cellular automata approach was applied to predict the algal biomass that was indicated by chlorophyll a concentration. The simulated results of year 1995 were compared with that from BLOOM II model, and the advantages, disadvantages as well as future improvement were presented. In general, through this study, it is seen that the integrated modelling deserves more research inputs because: (1) the hydrodynamic processes and nutrients concentrations can be simulated in details by numerical method; (2) the irregular and sparse water quality and biological data, and the empirical knowledge from experts can be explored by the fuzzy logic technique; (3) the spatial heterogeneity, local interactions and the emerge of patchiness could be well captured through the cellular automata paradigm.  相似文献   

Linked river basin and coastal water models were applied to analyse the effects of an optimal nitrogen management scenario in the Oder/Odra river basin on water quality in the Oder (Szczecin) Lagoon and the Pomeranian Bay (Baltic Sea). This scenario would reduce nitrogen loads into the coastal waters by about 35%, a level which is similar to the load of the late 1960’s. During summer the primary production and algae biomass in the Oder estuary is limited by nitrogen, which makes a nitrogen management reasonable. The comparison of the late 1960’s and the mid 1990’s shows that an optimal nitrogen management has positive effects on coastal water quality and algae biomass. However, this realistic nitrogen reduction scenario would not ensure a good coastal water quality according to the European Water Framework Directive. A good water quality in the river will not be sufficient to ensure a good water quality in the lagoon. Nitrogen load reductions bear the risk of increased potentially toxic, blue-green algae blooms, especially in the Baltic coastal sea. However, to reach water quality improvements in lagoons and inner coastal waters, nitrogen cuts are necessary. A mere focus on phosphorus is not sufficient.  相似文献   

In October 2000, a mass mortality of blacktip sharks (Carcharhinus limbatus) and Atlantic sharpnose sharks (Rhizoprionodon terraenovae) in northwest Florida occurred in conjunction with a Karenia brevis red tide bloom. Before this incident, no information existed on red tide-induced shark mortalities or baseline brevetoxin levels in sharks and rays from red tide-endemic areas. We report here that brevetoxin accumulation in live and red tide-killed elasmobranchs is common during K. brevis blooms and non-bloom periods. Strong relationships were found between the frequency of red tide blooms and the average brevetoxin concentrations in elasmobranch tissues. The presence of brevetoxins in Atlantic coast sharks in the absence of documented K. brevis blooms may suggest that blooms are occurring in areas that are not well monitored. Although red tide-related shark mortalities are rarely observed, the presence of brevetoxins in shark embryos raises questions about the effects these toxins may have on the reproductive success of sharks.  相似文献   

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