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Any screening approach, including with cell-free DNA, will have an inferior detection rate compared with 100% diagnostic testing with chromosomal microarrays. Cell-free DNA-based screening, however, should not be seen as a threat to informed choice or maximising the benefits of diagnostic testing. Screening methods have become so much better that more women are now comfortable relying on such screening and do not need the certainty of a diagnostic test. This has not lead to a decline in detection of fetal chromosome abnormalities—in fact, we are now seeing historically high yields from prenatal screening. There are both economic and ethical consequences of offering universal diagnostic testing and abandoning the presumption of a normal infant in otherwise uncomplicated pregnancies. However, for some women, comprehensive information and diagnostic accuracy are important. Offering these women all options, with a careful and comprehensive explanation of the risks and benefits of each, results in outcomes that are best aligned with woman's preferences while at the same time requiring fewer diagnostic tests and lowering costs. It is one of the primary challenges of the modern era of prenatal testing to ensure that women receive sufficient information on which to make informed decisions.  相似文献   

The recently enacted federal law, the ‘Prenatally and Postnatally Diagnosed Conditions Awareness Act’ (United States Public Law 110–374) seeks to improve opportunities for parents and pregnant women to anticipate and understand the likely life course of children born with Down syndrome and other (unspecified) conditions. The law is in part a response to the continued growth of prenatal screening and testing. For example, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists' Practice Bulletin 77 recommends that ‘Screening and invasive diagnostic testing for aneuploidies be available to all women who present for prenatal care before 20 weeks of gestation regardless of maternal age.’ Emerging technologies anticipate an era in which the scope of prenatal screening and testing will be much larger than it is today. Inevitably, more women will find themselves facing the hard question of whether to continue or end a pregnancy in which a fetus has been found to have a significant abnormality. While the new federal law is not likely to have a major impact on obstetric practice, it may be a harbinger of renewed wide-scale public debate concerning the ethics of prenatal screening. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The field of prenatal screening and diagnosis for fetal anomalies has been marked by a rapid succession of technological advances, including most notably, chromosomal microarray analysis, and next generation sequencing. Despite the diagnostic advantages of these technologies, their incorporation into prenatal testing has created additional challenges of revealing genomic variants of unknown or uncertain significance, and secondary findings. While detailed posttest counseling about uncertain variants is best performed by medical geneticists, many of the screening and diagnostic tests that lead to this information are actually ordered by general maternity health care professionals (HCPs), such as obstetricians, midwives, and family physicians. Maternity HCPs support pregnant women through to the conclusion of their pregnancy and the postpartum period, and thus are close observers of the psychosocial impart of fetal genomic uncertainty on women and their families. While there have been many studies exploring the handling of genomic uncertainty by genetics HCPs, there has been relatively less attention paid to maternity HCPs without speciality training in genetics. This review explores the current literature surrounding nongenetic maternity HCPs' views and experiences of genomic uncertainty and returning uncertain results in the prenatal setting.  相似文献   

Two consecutive pregnancies in a woman with initially undiagnosed type I distal arthrogryposis (DA) are reported. A prenatal diagnosis of the condition was made by ultrasound in the 17th week of gestation in one of the pregnancies, whereas in the subsequent pregnancy the disorder was excluded as early as 13 weeks' gestation. The diagnoses were verified at birth. The feasibility of prenatal diagnosis of DA type I in the second trimester is thus confirmed and its possibility in the late first trimester is suggested.  相似文献   

Two linked probes were used to determine the Huntington's disease status of the fetus conceived by a woman affected with the condition. The fetus was found to be unaffected with a certainty of 97 per cent. The ethical issues associated with presymptomatic testing were avoided since the mother presented with initial symptoms of Huntington's disease, but other psychological and ethical issues arose. The concerns of an affected woman planning a pregnancy, and the dilemmas involved in decision-making regarding prenatal diagnosis and possible selective abortion were exposed and explored with the patient and her husband.  相似文献   

Genetic counselling in a dizygotic twin pregnancy is complicated by the large number of possible pregnancy outcomes and by the conceivable differences in the parental valuation of these outcomes. We present the probability distributions of the pregnancy outcomes in dizygotic twin pregnancies for women from 35 to 45 years old without prenatal diagnosis and with transabdominal chorionic villus sampling (TA-CVS) or amniocentesis (AC), using data from the literature. TA-CVS always gives a higher probability of a favourable pregnancy outcome (the birth of one or two infants with a normal karyotype) than AC. For a 35-year-old woman, a 0·7 per cent risk of an unfavourable pregnancy outcome without prenatal diagnosis has to be weighed against the 2·1 per cent excess risk of loss of the entire pregnancy after TA-CVS. For a 45-year-old woman, a 10·2 per cent risk of an unfavourable pregnancy outcome without TA-CVS has to be balanced against a 4·4 per cent excess risk of pregnancy loss after TA-CVS. This study provides a quantitative tool for the support of individual parents with respect to the decision to undergo prenatal diagnosis in a dizygotic twin pregnancy.  相似文献   

The management of isolated fetal choroid plexus cysts remains controversial. We have prospectively studied 15 565 pregnancies at two large obstetric units for the presence of choroid plexus cysts. In all cases where cysts were present at 19 weeks' gestation or greater, and were multiple, bilateral or solitary and greater than 5 mm maximum diameter, women were offered amniocentesis or placental biopsy, irrespective of the presence or absence of other abnormalities. Choroid plexus cysts were present in 152 (0·98 per cent) of cases. Four cases (2·6 per cent) of autosomal trisomy (three of trisomy 18, one of trisomy 21) were detected on prenatal karyotyping. In all cases, choroid plexus cysts were the only detectable prenatal anomaly. This study and a review of other large studies do not support the view that isolated choroid plexus cysts are a benign variant, the risk of trisomy being 1 in 82. Until further evidence is available, we recommend that cases of isolated fetal choroid plexus cysts at 19 weeks' gestation or greater should be offered prenatal karyotyping.  相似文献   

Prenatal prediction in families at risk for autosomal recessive proximal spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) mainly of type I is often requested due to the high incidence and the fatal outcome of the disease. So far, only indirect genotype analysis can be performed in SMA families, since the gene has not yet been identified. We present our experience of 109 prenatal diagnoses obtained in 91 families by use of single- and multi-locus polymorphic microsatellites of the region 5q11.2–q13.3. The marker combinations and specific features of the closest microsatellites are described in detail. From 137 requests for prenatal prediction of SMA between October 1991 and August 1994, 28 families were excluded, mostly because the clinical diagnosis was uncertain or doubtful. Others had to be classified as ‘SMA-variants’ or showed autosomal dominant transmission of SMA. Of the 109 prenatal diagnoses performed, 29 fetuses were diagnosed to be at high risk (>99 per cent) of developing the disease, while in seven additional pregnancies no exact prediction could be made due to a recombination event in one parental haplotype. Altogether, recombinations between closely flanking markers were observed in 14 cases. In 35 cases, the parents decided to terminate the pregnancy. Of the remaining pregnancies, 32 could be followed beyond term. All infants were reported to develop normally without signs of SMA. Two children were born with transverse reduction defects of one hand, which was most likely related to early chorionic villus sampling at 9 and 10 weeks' gestation. No further abnormalities could be detected. The limits of indirect genotype analysis and the problems of diagnostic accuracy and heterogeneity of proximal SMA are discussed.  相似文献   



This study aimed to assess the diagnostic yield of prenatal genetic testing using trio whole exome sequencing (WES) and trio whole genome sequencing (WGS) in pregnancies with fetal anomalies by comparing the results with conventional chromosomal microarray (CMA) analysis.


A total of 40 pregnancies with fetal anomalies or increased nuchal translucency (NT ≥ 5 mm) were included between the 12th and 21st week of gestation. Trio WES/WGS and CMA were performed in all cases.


The trio WES/WGS analysis increased the diagnostic yield by 25% in cases with negative CMA results. Furthermore, all six chromosomal aberrations identified by CMA were independently detected by WES/WGS analysis. In total, 16 out of 40 cases obtained a genetic sequence variant, copy number variant, or aneuploidy explaining the phenotype, resulting in an overall WES/WGS diagnostic yield of 40%. WES analysis provided a more reliable identification of mosaic sequence variants than WGS because of its higher sequencing depth.


Prenatal WES/WGS proved to be powerful diagnostic tools for fetal anomalies, surpassing the diagnostic yield of CMA. They have the potential to serve as standalone methods for prenatal diagnosis. The study highlighted the limitations of WGS in accurately detecting mosaic variants, which is particularly relevant when analyzing chorionic villus samples.  相似文献   

Array genomic hybridization (AGH) can detect chromosomal gains or losses that are 100 times smaller than those identifiable by conventional cytogenetic methods. Genome-wide AGH can identify genomic imbalance that causes birth defects and mental retardation at least twice as frequently as conventional cytogenetic analysis. Using AGH as a prenatal test for fetal genomic imbalance offers the promise of detecting pathogenic gain or loss of genomic material more quickly and much more frequently than current methods. However, the chance of finding a result of uncertain clinical significance is much greater than with conventional cytogenetic analysis, and the benefit–cost ratio of doing AGH in addition to conventional cytogenetic analysis in pregnancies at high risk for Down syndrome is likely to be poor. Very little is known about the natural history and range of clinical variability associated with most pathogenic submicroscopic copy number variants (CNVs). It seems doubtful that patients can be adequately counseled for prenatal AGH testing in most cases because the risks and benefits are unknown. At present, AGH should be offered for prenatal diagnosis only if the pregnancy is at especially high risk of having a pathogenic CNV or if AGH is being done as part of a clinical trial. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

One hundred and fifty-one women of advanced maternal age who underwent genetic termination of pregnancy (TOP) were studied for their reproductive behaviour and the type of procedure for prenatal diagnosis in a subsequent pregnancy. A total of 59 women (39 per cent) had a further pregnancy. In all continuing pregnancies prenatal diagnosis was performed, of which 75 per cent consisted of chorionic villus sampling (CVS). Reproductive behaviour following a genetic termination was negatively correlated with maternal age and parity. Both reproductive behaviour and the choice to undergo a diagnostic procedure in the next pregnancy were independent of the type of diagnostic procedure in the previous affected pregnancy.  相似文献   

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists currently recommends that all pregnant women be offered screening for chromosomal abnormalities, regardless of maternal age. Traditional screening tests have detection rates ranging from 85% to 90% and false-positive rates of 3% to 5%. A woman with an abnormal noninvasive test is offered a diagnostic test, but diagnostic tests are associated with a risk of pregnancy loss. Recently, analysis of cell-free fetal DNA (cffDNA) in maternal blood has been shown to have potential for the accurate detection of some of the common fetal autosomal aneuploidies. As part of a technology assessment for the California Technology Assessment Forum, we critically reviewed the evidence for the use of cffDNA as a prenatal screening test. We evaluated the evidence for its use as either a ‘primary’ or an ‘advanced’ screening test and for its use in screening for three different trisomies: 21, 18, and 13. We evaluated whether the use of cffDNA met established technology assessment criteria and established conclusions about evidence-based use of this new technology. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Rapid karyotyping in the second and third trimesters has important implications for the management of pregnancies at risk. From September 1985 to March 1992, 735 amniotic fluid samples sent to our laboratory for rapid karyotyping from 64 different diagnostic centres of the Federal Republic of Germany were included in a comparative study on harvesting for chromosome analysis using the ‘pipette method’ or the ‘in situ’ technique. The average time between preparation of the amniotic fluid and verbal notification of the analysed karyotype was 5·41 days. The ‘pipette method’ needed on average 4·65 days, and the ‘in situ’ technique 5·97 days. In comparison with other more invasive techniques available for rapid karyotyping such as cordocentesis and placental biopsy, amniocentesis and subsequent chromosome harvesting using the ‘pipette method’ and/or the ‘in situ’ technique proved very useful and efficient. The overall incidence of chromosome aberrations was 15·3 per cent. The high rate of structural chromosome aberrations and uncommon aneuploidies found in our investigation (12 per cent) indicates that for rapid karyotyping in the second and third trimesters, conventional cytogenetic techniques cannot be replaced by faster techniques based on fluorescent in situ hybridization on interphase cells in the near future.  相似文献   

The rising rate of multiple pregnancies and its association with advanced maternal age has expanded the need for prenatal diagnosis in twins and higher order gestations. The complexity of the invasive diagnostic procedures and the risk of loss of an unaffected twin raise significant clinical, technical and ethical issues. In this review we discuss the specific issues of early scanning, counseling and determination of chorionicity prior to invasive procedures in twins. We present the available data describing the risk associated with these procedures in twins and compare data of fetal loss rate from different studies. We also discuss the issues of fetal blood sampling and late karyotyping in twin pregnancies. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The effectiveness and costs of prenatal screening programmes for Down's syndrome using maternal serum markers will vary significantly depending on the biological cut-off values chosen in order to select women, at each maternal age, who will be sent for amniocentesis. On the basis of the first French prospective study of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) measurement in maternal serum, this paper shows that the screening protocol currently used in France, where hCG cut-off values are defined in order to offer amniocentesis to women of all ages with a 1 percent fetal risk of Down's syndrome, would detect 64·06 per cent of all cases of trisomy 21 at birth and would be highly profitable for the French social security system. On the basis of a representative sample of 100 000 pregnant women, the total costs of screening would reach $8 302 000 but would generate net potential savings of $32 186 000 in terms of life-long costs of care for trisomic 21 children which would be ‘avoided’ by termination of pregnancy following a positive diagnosis of Down's syndrome. Economic assessment shows that cost-benefit analysis would justify lower hCG cut-off values and a higher detection rate of fetal Down's syndrome (74·45 per cent) than the current French protocol. This paper concludes that it is ethical and value-laden issues, such as the consequences for women and couples of false positives and false negatives of screening, rather than economic and financial arguments that may set limits to the utilization of screening for Down's syndrome using maternal serum markers like hCG.  相似文献   

A single copy Y-chromosome DNA sequence was amplified using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) from the peripheral blood of 30 women who had achieved a pregnancy through an in vitro fertilization (IVF) programme. The time of conception was known precisely and was confirmed by serial ultrasound scans. Conceptions were dated as the number of weeks after fertilization plus 2, to give a time equivalent to the obstetric menstrual dating of the pregnancy (LMP). Y-chromosome-specific DNA was detected in all pregnancies with a male fetus (18/30). The earliest detection was at 4 weeks and 5 days, and the latest at 7 weeks and 1 day. Y-chromosome-specific sequences were no longer detected in any of the male pregnancies 8 weeks after delivery. No Y-chromosome sequences were detected in any of the pregnancies where only female babies were delivered. This demonstrates that fetal DNA appears in the maternal circulation early in the first trimester, that it can be identified in all pregnancies tested by 7 weeks, that it continues to be present throughout pregnancy, and that it has been cleared from the maternal circulation 2 months after parturition. Early non-invasive prenatal diagnosis for aneuploidies and inherited disorders will be possible in all pregnancies if fetal cells can be isolated free from maternal contamination (or identified accurately in the presence of maternal cells) without problems of contamination from previous pregnancies.  相似文献   

Prenatal genetic diagnosis provides information for pregnancy and perinatal decision-making and management. In several small series, prenatal whole exome sequencing (WES) approaches have identified genetic diagnoses when conventional tests (karyotype and microarray) were not diagnostic. Here, we review published prenatal WES studies and recent conference abstracts. Thirty-one studies were identified, with diagnostic rates in series of five or more fetuses varying between 6.2% and 80%. Differences in inclusion criteria and trio versus singleton approaches to sequencing largely account for the wide range of diagnostic rates. The data suggest that diagnostic yields will be greater in fetuses with multiple anomalies or in cases preselected following genetic review. Beyond its ability to improve diagnostic rates, we explore the potential of WES to improve understanding of prenatal presentations of genetic disorders and lethal fetal syndromes. We discuss prenatal phenotyping limitations, counselling challenges regarding variants of uncertain significance, incidental and secondary findings, and technical problems in WES. We review the practical, ethical, social and economic issues that must be considered before prenatal WES could become part of routine testing. Finally, we reflect upon the potential future of prenatal genetic diagnosis, including a move towards whole genome sequencing and non-invasive whole exome and whole genome testing. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A woman in the 32nd week of pregnancy was referred for investigation because of fetal abnormalities, including an abdominal wall defect, detected by ultrasonography. In view of the increased risk of chromosome abnormality, amniocentesis was performed to enable informed decisions about the management of the pregnancy and delivery to be taken. Cells from the liquor were inoculated into standard lymphocyte culture medium and incubated for 72 h. Slides with a high mitotic index and good quality metaphases, comparable to those from a blood culture, were obtained after harvesting. Cytogenetic analysis showed the karyotype to be 46,XY,—14,+t(13ql4q), which is consistent with Patau's syndrome. This technique appears to be an option for rapid karyotyping in cases of abdominal wall defect, where a chromosomal abnormality is suspected.  相似文献   

The high detection rate (DR) for Down syndrome (DS) pregnancies which can be achieved by measuring fetal nuchal translucency (NT) early in pregnancy can be improved by combining it with placental hormones [pregnancy-associated plasma protein A (PAPP-A) and free β-human chorionic gonadotrophin (fβ-hCG)] and maternal age (‘combined test’). In this study we wanted to assess the DR using the ‘combined test’ in an unselected population of self-referred pregnant women at a false-positive rate (FPR) of about 5%. NT, PAPP-A, fβ-hCG and maternal age were measured in all women with singleton pregnancies who booked for delivery in our hospital from 1 December 1997 to 31 April 2000 and who were between 10 and 13 completed weeks of gestation [crown–rump length (CRL) 35–70 mm]. The specific DS risk was calculated using the computer program Alpha Version 5aa (Logical Medical Systems, London, UK). A total of 4939 women were tested. Out of 14 DS pregnancies that occurred during this period of time, 12 were detected with the test. A total of 246 women had a false-positive test result in a non-DS pregnancy (FPR 5.0%). This makes the ‘combined test’ by far the best test for the detection of DS pregnancies in a low-risk population. The constant increase in maternal age at the time of delivery can also lead to an improved DR if a simple age-dependant protocol for DS detection is used, but only at the price of a much higher number of amniocenteses and subsequent abortions. The DR for DS can be increased much more markedly using the ‘combined test’ with a FPR that still remains at the level as it was in the early 1970s. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The article presents the results of a 4-month-period survey by questionnaire among all women attending the Marseille Centre for Prenatal Diagnosis for amniocentesis. Socio-cultural status of women getting access to amniocentesis is significantly higher than in the general population of pregnant women in the same geographic area of south-eastern France. Sociocultural status is also higher among women who have to cover costs of procedure to get access to amniocentesis than among those who benefit from it free-of-charge according to French Social Security regulations. In contrast, risk perception and attitudes toward termination of pregnancy are similar in these two groups. A total of 24·4 per cent of respondents declared that they got access to amniocentesis ‘on their own initiative’, the remaining 75·6 per cent declaring that they ‘were following medical advice’. Multidimensional analysis shows that the women who do not benefit from free-of-charge amniocentesis, and who have a high level of education and no antecedents of fetal and perinatal deaths, are more likely to perceive themselves as ‘self-referring’. The study indicates that institutional coverage may be effective in reducing socio-cultural inequities in access to prenatal diagnosis. But such a policy may conflict with the respect of women' s individual autonomy in the amniocentesis decision.  相似文献   

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