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居民感知是检验韧性社区建设的主观但直接的工具。文中在界定台风灾害社区韧性感知内涵的基础上,分析了台风灾害社区韧性感知的路径;进一步从社区韧性“能力—过程—目标”三维度内涵构建台风灾害社区韧性感知评估理论框架。该理论框架包含设施稳定感知、响应效率感知、居民参与感知、灾害程度感知、物质建设感知和组织建设感知6个维度,能全面反映台风灾害下居民对社区韧性的感知。然后,采用专家赋权法确定所识别的28个评价指标的权重,形成台风灾害社区韧性感知评价指标体系。最后,选取浙江温岭3个社区作为研究案例进行了实证研究,并基于感知的评价结果,对台风灾害社区韧性的提升提出针对性的建议。  相似文献   

全球日益紧张的人地关系背景下,自然灾害事件的频发导致防灾减灾任务艰巨而迫切,提升灾害响应、防御与适应能力是减轻灾害风险,促进区域可持续发展的重要途径。目前学术界对“Resilience”一词有多种翻译,不利于灾害韧性的深入研究与概念推广。该文通过对“Resilience”的概念进行辨析,认为“韧性”一词最接近原词所表达的内涵,并对韧性发展历史进行了回顾;明晰了灾害韧性的含义。从能力取向、过程取向、结果取向、整合取向四个方面阐述了其内涵,梳理了个人(心理)、基础设施系统、社会-生态系统三个灾害韧性的研究主体及其主要研究方法,从时空特征显现、实践化发展与韧性转型方面对未来灾害韧性的研究进行多维度展望。  相似文献   

近年来随着极端暴雨事件频发,城市雨洪灾害对社区造成严重的经济损失和人员伤亡,引起社会普遍关注。作为应对灾害风险的新理念,韧性成为城市防洪减灾领域的研究热点,其中社区雨洪韧性有助于提升社区应对突发雨洪灾害冲击的能力,减少灾后损失。通过梳理国内外文献,阐释社区雨洪韧性的概念与内涵,辨析其与雨洪风险概念,明确两者评估的目的和侧重点;梳理社区雨洪韧性量化评估的重点,分别对社区雨洪风险、基础设施韧性和社区雨洪韧性综合框架量化的评估方法展开研究,并比较主要模型方法的特征和优缺点。总结现有研究,发现社区雨洪韧性评估的内容更加丰富,量化的方法趋于复杂,但仍存在社区应对雨洪灾害的风险动态研究较少、基础设施系统间关联和耦合研究不足等问题。建议在未来的研究中,以丰富理论体系和实证研究为导向,结合社区防洪减灾规划和发展目标,推动雨洪韧性评估方法科学化和动态化,因地制宜地改进评估方法在实践中的应用。  相似文献   

张磊 《灾害学》2021,(2):159-165,175
韧性理论引入灾害风险管理领域,为世界防灾减灾实践提供了新理念,并在国内外韧性城市社区建设中得到广泛应用,但针对乡村地区,尤其是高脆弱性的贫困村韧性社区建设的研究还较为鲜见。该文以韧性理论为基础,结合乡村振兴战略规划,通过对贫困村社会生态系统特征的分析,探讨了新时期我国贫困村灾后恢复重建与灾害风险管理发展方向及特点。研究发现:贫困村不仅产业经济落后,而且还具有自然环境复杂、基础设建设滞后、社会公益设施匮乏、教育水平较低、自然灾害频发等特点。这类灾害多发区与贫困人口聚集区在空间上的叠加,成为我国社会生态系统高脆弱性地区,面临着严峻的防灾减灾与扶贫开发的双重挑战;基于韧性理论视角,通过构建贫困村适灾韧性系统,开展贫困村社区韧性综合评价,调整贫困村灾后恢复重建规划编制理念等,以推动贫困村灾后恢复重建的转型;在此基础上,结合贫困村社会生态系统特点,以建立健全贫困村灾害风险管理机制、探究提升贫困村适灾韧性社区建设的新途径、协同灾害管理与乡村振兴发展目标、开展灾区恢复重建动态监测与后效评价等政策举措为抓手,深化贫困村灾害风险管理实践,提升贫困地区可持续发展能力。  相似文献   

为实现对城市韧性的有效评价,本论文在系统研究国际城市韧性评价体系的基础之上,结合中国城市发展的现状,基于对城市灾后实际恢复过程的系统考察,建立了基于恢复过程的城市韧性评价体系。该评价体系通过解析城市灾后恢复过程的四个阶段:救援阶段(Rescue)、避难阶段(Refuge)、重建阶段(Rebuild)、复兴阶段(Revival),从社区与人口(Community and Population)、政府与管理(Official Organization and Management)、住房与设施(Valuable Housing and Facilities)、经济与发展(Economy and Development)、环境与文化(Renewable Environment and Culture)共五个维度,以62项指标对城市的韧性进行系统分析。这一体系可以简称为城市韧性评价的ReCOVER体系,其中“Re”代表了城市恢复的四个阶段,COVER则分别代表了城市韧性的五个维度。进而以该体系为基础,对我国大陆31个省级行政区域的城市韧性进行了五个维度、四个阶段的实证研究,并对城市韧性的提升策略,给出了分析建议。  相似文献   

文中采用传统文献阅读和文献计量分析方法,对CNKI和Web of Science数据库中关于灾害韧性研究的1 327篇文献进行系统回顾及科学知识图谱分析,力图展现国内外灾害韧性研究的主题脉络、前沿趋势,并尝试提出未来应给予重视的若干论题。结果表明:(1)国内外灾害韧性研究热度均处于不断攀升态势;期刊分布集中,而机构分布相对分散;国内外均未形成稳定的核心作者群;高共被引的文献侧重于社区灾害韧性评估。(2)国内重视城市尺度的灾害韧性研究,国外则更强调社区韧性的探索;国内外热点均包括地震、洪水、干旱、飓风、海啸等多元灾种韧性的研究。(3)灾害韧性研究存在对农村社区关注不足、国内城市韧性定量评估有待加强、全过程动态评估视角缺位、多灾种复合韧性研究薄弱等问题。研究结果定量、直观地刻画了国内外灾害韧性研究的当前科学进展及其不同侧重倾向,有望为该领域研究深入凝练关键科学问题、洞察预判未来发展动向提供积极的参考价值。  相似文献   

随着城市外部环境的不断变化,城市面临的不确定性扰动也在不断增加,为了实现城市可持续发展,提高城市韧性已成为全球共识。因此,该文从社会、生态、基础设施和经济韧性四个层面建立城市韧性评价体系,基于熵权法确定权重,利用TOPSIS模型对长春市2016—2020年的城市韧性进行评价,结果表明:(1)长春市城市韧性水平在2016—2020年间随时间呈增长趋势;(2)长春市城市韧性水平在空间上存在差异,具体表现为“南高北低”;(3)在不同时期,不同层面的韧性对城市韧性的影响不同。最后,基于上述所选取的四个层面提出提高城市韧性的策略,为长春市城市韧性建设提供依据。  相似文献   

城市内涝风险识别、预警及韧性评估是补齐城市安全风险短板的关键。在简单回顾国内外研究进展的基础上,对其研究思路和技术方法进行了概况性评述和深入分析,发现由暴雨预报转向风险预警的研究程度还需要深入,韧性评估技术没有一个科学的衡量标准,仍存在争议,难以精准服务城市内涝防御和城市安全应急管理。在未来发展趋势上,要进一步加强基于暴雨-内涝-灾损过程的风险感知、“数据+模型”双驱动下的城市内涝风险预警、考虑内涝灾害保险的韧性评估等技术攻关,为城市安全、城市韧性建设提供科学理论和实用技术的有力支撑。  相似文献   

刘辉  程振超  王丹 《灾害学》2023,(2):25-30
基于城市韧性评价的国内外研究现状,分析了城市消防韧性评价的评价对象及指标体系框架,明确了城市消防韧性的内涵。通过火灾风险评估和城市灾害韧性研究,从宏观城市尺度围绕抵抗、恢复和适应特征深入分析影响城市消防韧性的因素,探讨了城市区域特征、火灾防范水平以及医疗、灭火救援能力等因素对抵抗、恢复特征的影响。在适应特征方面,创新性地引入学习力指标并结合国家消防相关法律法规和创新型城市的建设提出创新力指标,构建了在抵抗力、恢复力和适应力下11个二级指标和42个三级指标的城市消防韧性评价指标体系,以期为城市消防韧性的量化评价方法研究和安全韧性城市建设提供参考依据。  相似文献   

唐彦东  张青霞  于汐 《灾害学》2023,(1):141-147
近年来,韧性作为应对灾害风险的新理念越来越受到国际社会的广泛关注,而社区韧性评估对社区韧性理念的实施具有重要推动作用。在阐述国外韧性概念发展历程的基础上,阐释了社区韧性的基本内涵。国外学者大多认为韧性包含减轻灾害影响、缩短恢复时间、降低脆弱性三个方面,并从社区韧性是不断变化和适应的过程或能力、维持稳定运转的能力、恢复和与响应相关的能力三个角度及其组合来定义社区韧性。评估维度主要从系统构成、社区资源与能力和外部影响因素三个视角构建。社区韧性评估方法分为定性、定量、混合法三类。定性评价法主要包括框架法和要素描述法,定量法主要包括记分法、综合指数法、函数模型法,论述了各类方法的优势与局限性。  相似文献   

我国自然灾害种类多、影响范围大,各类灾害风险交织叠加,防灾减灾工作面临严峻挑战,同时也对“十四五”期间综合防灾减灾规划编制提出了更高要求。韧性是一种应对风险的科学理念,运用韧性理念指导防灾减灾规划编制有助于发挥规划在防灾减灾工作中的引领作用,全面提高防灾减灾工作治理体系与治理能力。在对韧性概念理念与内涵进行了深入分析的基础上,该文将“城市安全五维体系”运用于防灾减灾领域并对防灾减灾工作内容进行了重构,通过五维体系视角回顾上两版国家层面综合防灾减灾规划,总结了综合防灾减灾规划趋势,系统梳理了综合防灾减灾规划编制背景,基于韧性理念提出了“十四五”综合防灾减灾规划编制建议。  相似文献   

中国自然灾害灾后响应能力评价与地域差异   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
灾后恢复是减灾管理的重要环节。从灾害系统角度界定了恢复性的概念;构建了由地均粮食产量、单位面积上拥有的病床床位数、人均城乡居民储蓄存款余额、地均财政收入、人均财政收入、基本建设投资和综合通行能力等指标组成的评价指标体系;提出了灾后恢复能力指数模型;对全国县域单元进行了灾后恢复能力评价。结果表明:我国灾后恢复能力指数Z值呈现“东高西低”的地域差异;贫困县域Z值普遍偏低,西藏、新疆西部、西南云贵地区、北方农牧交错带应是当前进行恢复能力建设的重点区域;城市Z值普遍较高,其地域差异与城市经济水平相对应。研究结果可为自然灾害救助区划提供依据,为减灾县域管理决策提供支持。  相似文献   

The concept of school-based disaster risk reduction (DRR) education has increasingly become popular as greater emphasis is placed on the role of schools in reducing risks and building the resilience of the education system. This paper discusses the variations in the implementation of DRR education among primary schools in different areas including urban, rural, mountainous, plain and coastal areas in Da Nang City, Central Vietnam. For rural schools, similarities in the implementation of DRR education are observed and schools in both rural plain and rural mountainous areas stress the provision of disaster-related training. In addition, improvement of school buildings and external relationship is important for the resilience of urban schools. Specifically, for schools in urban coastal areas, school location and structure are significant, while for schools in the urban plain lands, enhancement of collaboration with their community has the most potential to contribute to the resilience of a school. From that, this research proposes that leadership and prioritization are key factors in helping schools to manage internal and external resources to efficiently overcome challenges and effectively promote DRR education towards the enhancement of schools’ resilience.  相似文献   


Destructive earthquakes in urban or rural areas around the world have caused severe damage to local societies. Pre-disaster prevention and post-disaster reconstruction can significantly reduce the impact of earthquakes on communities. To explore the popular research topics and trends in this area, CiteSpace was used to develop a knowledge map visualization. It was found that the main research into earthquake disaster prevention and reconstruction has been focused on disaster risk reduction planning, disaster mitigation knowledge, participatory disaster governance, and community resilience building. In this Special Issue, there were six distinctive earthquake disaster research papers that covered scientific, social, and institutional aspects. It was concluded that to reduce the effects of earthquake disasters, an interdisciplinary research approach and systems thinking is needed. The investigation also revealed that there has been a paradigm shift from post-disaster reconstruction to pre-disaster prevention to build community and urban resilience.  相似文献   

This paper investigates empirically how the international aid community (IAC)—donors and practitioners—considers and implements disaster resilience in a specific country setting, Nepal, and throughout the rest of the world. A key finding is that there is ambivalence about a concept that has become a discourse. On a global level, the IAC utilises the discourse of resilience in a cautiously positive manner as a bridging concept. On a national level, it is being used to influence the Government of Nepal, as well as serving as an operational tool of donors. The mythical resilient urban community is fashioned in the IAC's imaginary; understanding how people create communities and what type of linkages with government urban residents desire to develop their resilience strategies is missing, though, from the discussion. Disaster resilience can be viewed as another grand plan to enhance the lives of people. Yet, regrettably, an explicit focus on individuals and their communities is lost in the process.  相似文献   

In response to increasingly frequent and severe flooding events, tracking the explanatory elements of integrative planning effort can provide useful assessment of initiatives that foster improved community disaster resiliency. In this research, we address the effect of local hazard mitigation plan quality on mitigating disaster risk with an emphasis on the relationship between plan quality and community resilience. Using content analysis and principles of plan quality metrics, we evaluate local hazard mitigation plans to determine how well they support disaster risk reduction. Analytically, these metrics and relevant controls were incorporated into both a log-linear two-stage least squares model and a quantile regression model to explain flood loss at the county level for the US Mississippi River Basin. Findings suggest that better plan quality and high levels of community resilience result in reducing disaster losses.  相似文献   

A number of recent studies on disaster reconstruction have focused on the concept of community resilience and its importance in the recovery of communities from collective trauma. This article reviews the contributions the anthropological literature and the ethnographic case studies of two post‐Hurricane Mitch housing reconstruction sites make to the theorising of community and resilience in post‐disaster reconstruction. Specifically, the article demonstrates that communities are not static or neatly bounded entities that remain constant before, during and after a disaster; rather, communities take on shape and qualities depending on the relationships in which they engage with government agencies and aid organisations before and after disasters. Consequently, the article argues that definitions of community resilience and disaster mitigation programmes must take the emergent and relational nature of communities into account in order to address the long‐term causes and impacts of disasters.  相似文献   

The concept of resilience revisited   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Manyena SB 《Disasters》2006,30(4):434-450
The intimate connections between disaster recovery by and the resilience of affected communities have become common features of disaster risk reduction programmes since the adoption of The Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015. Increasing attention is now paid to the capacity of disaster-affected communities to 'bounce back' or to recover with little or no external assistance following a disaster. This highlights the need for a change in the disaster risk reduction work culture, with stronger emphasis being put on resilience rather than just need or vulnerability. However, varied conceptualisations of resilience pose new philosophical challenges. Yet achieving a consensus on the concept remains a test for disaster research and scholarship. This paper reviews the concept in terms of definitional issues, the role of vulnerability in resilience discourse and its meaning, and the differences between vulnerability and resilience. It concludes with some of the more immediately apparent implications of resilience thinking for the way we view and prepare for disasters.  相似文献   

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