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隋秀文  邵帅  张芸  张树深 《环境科学学报》2014,34(10):2592-2598
本文研究水泥熟料生产过程中各个生产系统的效率,并对余热发电前后每个系统的效率进行分析对比,从而得出各个系统的资源能源利用程度以及余热发电工程对每个系统能量利用率的影响,诊断水泥熟料生产过程的损失发生位置并发现系统的节能和余热回收利用的潜力,为管理者实施节能降耗的方案提供技术支持.研究表明,实施余热发电工程前,水泥熟料生产的原料制备系统、煤粉制备系统、回转窑系统的效率分别为4.5%、1.4%和33.7%;实施余热发电工程后,效率分别为7.8%、2.8%和38.1%.余热发电工程可回收回转窑系统总投入的3.7%,同时使原料制备系统、煤粉制备系统、回转窑系统的效率分别提高3.3%、1.4%和4.3%.  相似文献   

面向循环经济的矿产资源开发利用模式   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10  
夏青  梁钰 《自然资源学报》2006,21(2):288-292
科学的发现与技术进步使一些矿物逐渐变成为人类所利用的资源。矿物的开发利用又为可持续发展的实现提供支持。论文面向循环经济,对经济发展的模式进行了探讨,分析了矿产资源开发利用的循环经济途径,针对矿业的特点,从企业、产业园区、区域3个层次确定了矿产资源的开发利用模式,提出了相应的产业政策。研究认为:①循环经济模式是矿业可持续发展的惟一途径;②矿产资源的开发利用在不同的层次应采取各自的发展模式;③煤炭是我国的主要能源,煤炭资源的循环经济模式可以提高资源的利用率和减少对环境造成的破坏与污染,促进国民经济可持续发展。  相似文献   

Non-renewable resources, including metals, minerals, and fossil fuels, are being consumed at ever-increasing rates. Only a small proportion of this consumption of natural capital is being converted to other forms of durable human capital; the majority, especially of fuels, is being consumed unrecoverably. Worse is the fact that the majority of the benefits from this consumption accrue inequitably, not only between the developed and developing world, but also within these worlds where income disparity is increasing dramatically.One solution to the problem of non-renewable resource depletion is to change the valuation of these materials, such that their prices reflect fully internalized costs plus the “cost of replacement.” Given that non-renewable resources are irreplaceable, this latter cost should be set high enough to encourage extensive conservation through recycling and reuse. A place to start in revaluing non-renewable resources such as metals is through royalty rates on mined product. Currently, royalty rates are very low, and are often charged only on profits. I propose that minimum royalty rates on revenues should be set by international agreement, and that these rates should be slowly increased over several years to allow markets time to adjust. In this way, consumers would be made directly aware of the irreplaceable value of minerals and metals, leading to a change in usage patterns, and the benefits of resource extraction would be more equitably distributed to producer nations. Ensuring that these new revenues are actually invested back into society as sustainable development requires a commitment to quality governance.  相似文献   

The resources sector has come to accept that the global quest for sustainable development is one of the key shapers of its future development and business success. While much uncertainty remains regarding the full ramifications of sustainable development, it is uncontested that preventive environmental and resource productivity strategies, or eco-efficiency (EE), are conditional for the minerals industry's ability to progress in sustainable development. A customised framework for EE in minerals processing is proposed. It connects five prevention practices (process design; input substitution; plant improvement; good housekeeping; and reuse, recycling and recovery) with five resource productivity themes (resource efficiency; energy use and greenhouse gas emissions; water use and impacts; control of minor elements and toxics; and by-product creation). These are illustrated with practical examples from gold, base metals, alumina, aluminium and pigment operations in Australia. This illustrates that EE is possible from technical and operational perspectives, with implementation ultimately depending on the ability of project teams to build a convincing business case. Moreover, from a technology perspective, EE can be fostered at three distinct and mutually reinforcing innovation platforms: operations; plant design; and process technology.  相似文献   

废锂离子电池兼具资源化价值与环境危害双重属性,故对其进行有价资源的二次回收再生,并同时实现无害化处理具有重要现实意义。火法技术因其处理流程短、高效、易工业化应用等特点,已成为废锂离子电池资源化研究热点之一,其主要基于高温条件下的化学转化,实现有价金属Li、Co、Ni等的回收或资源化再生。系统介绍了火法技术在废锂离子电池正极材料资源化中的应用及其研究现状,包括电极材料解离、有价金属冶炼回收、正极活性材料再生等方面,分析了不同热处理技术的优势及其存在的问题,并展望了未来废锂离子电池正极材料火法资源化处理技术的研究方向。  相似文献   

典型复合包装的全生命周期环境影响评价研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
采用生命周期评价法研究了牛奶纸塑铝复合包装的全生命周期环境影响,并与塑料包装的环境影响进行比较评价.通过现场和资料调研的方式获得整个生命周期的能量物质的输入输出和环境外排的数据.结果表明,纸塑铝复合包装和塑料包装的环境影响值分别为5.225, 4.670Pt,在整个生命周期中,环境影响比重最大的是原材料获取阶段,两者均在80%左右.塑料包装在化石资源消耗方面是纸塑铝复合包装的2倍多,由于化石资源消耗是不可再生的,因此其对环境的影响无法通过相关途径降低.纸塑铝复合包装的环境影响较大的原因是其尚未得到很好的回收再生利用,通过发展铝塑分离再生技术和提高纸塑铝复合包装回收率可以降低其环境影响.  相似文献   

锂电池以其优异的性能得到了广泛的应用,其废弃量也在逐步增加.如果不对其进行有效的处理回收,不仅给环境保护带来巨大的压力,而且也会造成钴、锂、镍和锰等有价金属的极大浪费.综述了国内外对废旧锂电池回收技术的研究现状,比较了不同回收途径的优缺点,讨论了回收技术的发展方向,着重介绍了共沉淀法在废旧锂电池有价金属回收中的应用.此外,随着锂离子电池生产技术的发展,新的电极材料将会出现并取代过渡金属氧化物,同时也需要相应的电解液与之匹配,这将向废旧锂电池回收技术提出了新的要求.  相似文献   

State and federal governments in Australia have implemented a range of assistance programs for manufacturing industries to become more resource efficient and reduce waste. While many of these programs focus on Cleaner Production at single sites, an increasing number of assistance programs are offered across supply chains. Sustainability Victoria, a Victorian government authority, supports projects that focus on resource efficiencies across supply chains in key industry sectors.In this study, tools were adapted and utilised to identify efficiency potentials and losses across supply chains in the timber furniture manufacturing and the food industry sector. In this respect, waste generation and value loss due to inefficient use of critical materials within the processes were estimated from purchase and waste handling data. Primary companies were chosen to undertake efficiency trials that could demonstrate value gain across the supply chain.This study describes the realisation of greater efficiencies in material usage when engaging proactively with supply chain partners immediately adjacent to the primary company. Demonstration trials confirmed that through a more integrated approach among supply chain partners the potential in using materials more efficiently and design processes can lead to enhanced productivity without compromising environmental burden. Hence, the study describes targeted resource efficiency, recycling and process optimisation opportunities as identified in the supply chain trials on timber furniture manufacturing and food industries.  相似文献   

本文简介了资源物理学及其拓广,提出了所有自然资源都可以用度量,给出了评价自然资源消耗的生态价值系数表达式和过程分析法,借助它可以优化资源的利用。  相似文献   

In this paper, a process for the fermentative production of hydrogen is analysed with respect to its exergy efficiency. Parametric studies show the influence of used feedstock, applied process parameters as well as process and heat integration measures on exergy efficiency. It is shown that heat integration and recirculation of fermentor effluents reduce process irreversibilites and the amount of exergy leaving the process in waste streams. Nevertheless, depending on the used feedstock, a large amount of exergy leaves the process via by-products. Internal use of by-products and waste materials for providing process heat could increase chemical exergy efficiency up to 74%.  相似文献   

京津冀电子废弃物回收利用潜力预测及环境效益评估   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
陈盼  施晓清 《环境科学》2020,41(4):1976-1986
电子废弃物是京津冀区域重要的"城市矿山"之一,全面系统地评估该地区电子废弃物产生量及其回收利用的资源环境效益,可为该区域通过电子废弃物协同精准管理来解决资源环境问题提供科学依据和方法支撑.基于改进的保有量系数法、物料系数法、市场价值法及污染系数法,通过估算废弃电视、电冰箱、空调、洗衣机和计算机5类主要产品("四机一脑" )的产生量、资源可回收量、资源回收价值及资源环境效益等,对2010~2025年京津冀电子废弃物的回收利用潜力及环境效益进行预测和评估.结果表明,2010~2025年京津冀废弃"四机一脑"产生量不断增加,2010~2018年期间年均增长率为7.75%,此后预计将以年均3.07%的速度递增,2025年废弃"四机一脑"总量将达到1861.74万台,可回收普通金属27.19万t、塑料12.75万t和贵金属19.45 t.2019~2025年期间,废弃空调和计算机的资源回收经济价值较高,二者之和占年回收总价值的77.22%;铜和金的回收经济价值贡献比分别为43.37%和19.82%,显著高于其他资源.预计2025年资源回收总价值达50.24亿元,是2010年的3.13倍,其中普通金属、贵金属和塑料的回收价值分别为28.68、13.27和8.29亿元.若2025年产生的电子废弃物全部被规范回收利用,能够减少原生矿石开采913.23万t,减少标准煤利用122.71万t,减少废水、废气、废渣及重金属排放量分别为1231.19、473.89、785.10和6.08万t,减少温室气体排放32.92万t (以CO2-eq计).废弃空调的回收利用潜力最大,但资质处理企业废弃空调回收处理能力亟待提高.为高效回收利用京津冀电子废弃物,未来应尽快完善基金补贴制度,加强对非正规拆解部门的监督与管理,通过建立区域信息共享平台,实现电子废弃物全生命周期区域协同管理.  相似文献   

北京城市物质代谢的能值分析与生态效率评估   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
张妍  杨志峰 《环境科学学报》2007,27(11):1892-1899
城市如同生命体一样,需要持续不断的代谢过程完成其正常运转.城市可持续发展研究的关键是城市物质代谢流量及其代谢效率研究,但物质代谢流量仅能反映代谢速率,而其生态效率则反映了支持社会经济发展的物质代谢能力.采用能值分析方法,引入"生态效率"概念,构建了城市物质代谢生态效率的度量模型,从代谢流量及其效率2个方面核算了北京市资源环境及经济发展的代谢状况.结果表明:1990~2004年,北京市可利用总能值非常丰富,经济发展程度较高;来自本土可更新自然资源相对匮乏,大部分来源于不可更新资源和系统购买的资源与服务;城市废弃物资源化水平有待提高,环境压力较大;生态效率指数呈现出增加的趋势,2004年生态效率指数比1990年提高了3.6倍,表明城市自组织能力、发展潜力以及再生循环能力不断提高.说明提高城市物质代谢生态效率的根本途径是经济效率、资源效率和环境效率的协同发展,以及逐步构建废物资源化的循环链条.  相似文献   

资源物理学及资源消耗的生态价值系数评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文简介了资源物理学及其拓广,提出了所有自然资源都可以用度量,给出了评价自然资源消耗的生态价值系数表达式和过程分析法,借助它可以优化资源的利用。  相似文献   

废旧塑料是一种很有价值的可回收利用资源,经过再生可制取高品质塑材制品。但目前因塑料种类、颜色等原因,难有统一、合适的预处理技术,从而导致废旧塑料回收率低和塑材产品品质低等问题。针对废旧塑料的分选、破碎、清洗预处理技术影响塑材产品品质因素进行研究,重点考察破碎料粒度与氯乙烯(VCM)含量对再生塑料物化性质的多因素影响,实验结果表明,PVC型材产品杂质粒子数≤12个/900cm2,优于国标GB5761-1993相应的SG3型号优等品要求的16个/900cm2,且水循环利用率大于90%,环保效益好,具有极大的推广价值。  相似文献   

显示屏(监视器和电视机)经历了从阴极射线管到平板显示器技术的快速变化。截至目前为止,只有少量的平板显示器已记录在废物收集点。平板显示器的数量越来越多,在未来需要足够的用于回收的基础设施。本文旨在通过液晶显示屏幕的回收对经济影响的案例研究来提供数量、成分、回收利用技术和经验的基本数据。对于组件和材料也适用于其他类型的电子产品,如黑色金属和有色金属,印刷电路板或电缆,回收途径和技术是众所周知的和可用的。目前,液晶显示器(LCD)在欧洲不回收。处置时,例如,通过焚烧,有价值的材料,其成分是不再可用。例如:铟具有重要战略意义的应用,如,太阳能光伏作为一种稀缺资源。液晶显示器在欧洲具有回收基础设施,因此是有用的。  相似文献   

使用物质流分析方法和情景分析法探讨了1949~2050年玻璃的物质流动和初级资源可持续性.结果表明,废日用玻璃和废玻璃纤维是资源损失的关键节点;在不同需求增长率下,初级资源需求会在2030~2050年某个时期超过当前资源储量.2045年前,期望将废平板玻璃回收利用率提高到70%、废日用玻璃回收利用率提高到60%,使玻璃硅质资源可以满足低增长需求.为了达到循环目标,政府应持续推进垃圾分类,鼓励企业从设计端延长玻璃产品寿命,提高回收利用技术,建立完善的回收再利用体系.  相似文献   

电子废弃物资源循环是一系统问题,除电子废弃物收集计划与物流、政策措施外,电子废弃物资源流程结构的建立和资源回收技术是保证。全面分析了电子垃圾中的资源结构,论述了从电子废物中回收材料的各种可行方法,尤其是从电子废物中回收玻璃、塑料和金属的各种再循环技术。如玻璃,讨论了从玻璃—玻璃和从玻璃—铅的再循环技术;如塑料,分析了化学再循环、机械再循环和热量再循环方法;如金属,讨论了铜、铅,以及贵重金属如银、金、铂和钯的回收过程与程序,最后对生物技术在电子垃圾金属回收中的应用这一环境友好的新技术做了介绍。  相似文献   

《Journal of Cleaner Production》2007,15(13-14):1359-1372
This paper mostly deals with the role of energy, matter and information flows within both environmental and human-dominated systems. Sustainable growth and development of both kinds of systems require optimum use of available resources for maximum power output, as suggested by Lotka's Maximum Power Principle [Lotka AJ. Contribution to the energetics of evolution. In: Proceedings of the national academy of sciences of the United States of America, vol. 8. 1922, p. 147–50; Lotka AJ. Natural selection as a physical principle. In: Proceedings of the national academy of sciences of the United States of America, vol. 8. 1922, p. 151–5.], recently restated by Odum [Odum HT. Maximum power and efficiency: a rebuttal. Ecol Model 1983;20:71–82; Odum HT. Environmental accounting. Emergy and environmental decision making. N.Y.: John Wiley & Sons; 1996.] as Maximum Em-Power Principle within the framework of his Emergy Synthesis approach. In times of declining resources, this principle translates into increased efficiency and optimum use of any kind of waste and co-products. Ecosystems and any self-organizing systems always apply this strategy and their selection–evolution mechanisms are based on their ability of growing on any untapped resource available. In order to do so, they increase the number of components and patterns for resource degradation in order to optimize the resource throughput and power output. Such a strategy also applies to human-dominated, economic systems, where the ability of dealing with co-products and wastes by means of appropriate designs as well as reuse and recycling processes may lead to “zero-emission” patterns (increased complexity, optimal resource throughput, minimization of emissions, resource exchange among system's components) and be the key for successful and sustainable development. In this paper Life Cycle Assessment and Emergy Synthesis approaches are suggested as joint tools for qualitative and quantitative evaluation of progresses towards industrial symbiosis and more sustainable production and consumption patterns within a zero emission framework.  相似文献   

废旧车用动力锂离子电池的回收利用现状   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
论述了废旧车用动力锂离子电池的国内外回收利用现状,并鼓励相关企业进行梯级利用,当废旧动力锂离子电池不再适合梯级利用时,则进行回收处理。基于废旧动力锂离子电池正极涂层中的有价金属回收机理,将回收工艺归纳为物理化学法、化学法和生物法三大类,概括了现阶段我国汽车动力锂离子电池回收存在的一些问题和发展趋势。总体看来,动力锂离子电池的回收利用不仅能带来巨大的环境效益,同时也能产生显著的经济和社会效益。  相似文献   

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