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Diffusion, sorption and biodegradation are key processes impacting the efficiency of natural attenuation. While each process has been studied individually, limited information exists on the kinetic coupling of these processes. In this paper, a model is presented that couples nonlinear and nonequilibrium sorption (intraparticle diffusion) with biodegradation kinetics. Initially, these processes are studied independently (i.e., intraparticle diffusion, nonlinear sorption and biodegradation), with appropriate parameters determined from these independent studies. Then, the coupled processes are studied, with an initial data set used to determine biodegradation constants that were subsequently used to successfully predict the behavior of a second data set. The validated model is then used to conduct a sensitivity analysis, which reveals conditions where biodegradation becomes desorption rate-limited. If the chemical is not pre-equilibrated with the soil prior to the onset of biodegradation, then fast sorption will reduce aqueous concentrations and thus biodegradation rates. Another sensitivity analysis demonstrates the importance of including nonlinear sorption in a coupled diffusion/sorption and biodegradation model. While predictions based on linear sorption isotherms agree well with solution concentrations, for the conditions evaluated this approach overestimates the percentage of contaminant biodegraded by as much as 50%. This research demonstrates that nonlinear sorption should be coupled with diffusion/sorption and biodegradation models in order to accurately predict bioremediation and natural attenuation processes. To our knowledge this study is unique in studying nonlinear sorption coupled with intraparticle diffusion and biodegradation kinetics with natural media.  相似文献   

Microbial degradation rates in the subsurface are not only limited by the physiological capacity of the organisms, but also by inefficient supply of nutrients to the microbes. Although mass transfer limitation of biodegradation in the subsurface has been postulated for years, experimental evidence is still scarce. In the column experiments described here, diffusive transport of 4-nitroanisole from the bulk solution to cells of Rhodococcus opacus strain AS2 immobilized on glass beads or sand appeared to be responsible for the slow transformation rates observed. Assuming steady state, we applied a coupled transformation/transport equation to these data (Best equation) and apparent bead-related mass transfer coefficients were found to increase in proportion to the surface area covered with bacteria. This implies that mass transfer coefficients for individual cells remained constant. In an idealized oligotrophic environment where cells are only loosely clustered and do not shield each other, we would therefore expect biodegradation rates to be independent from the longitudinal distribution of the total biomass along a given flow path. Moreover, apparent mass transfer coefficients increased with the grain size of the column fillings, but did not change upon varying the flow rate. With a limiting external transport step, overall transformation fluxes do not become saturated at concentrations as low as predicted for Michaelis-Menten-type kinetics. Mass transfer limitation thus offers a justification for the common assumption that biodegradation rates in the subsurface follow first order kinetics in a wide concentration range.  相似文献   

Sorption isotherms (pg-ng/L) were measured for 11 polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) of varying molecular planarity from aqueous solution to two carbonaceous geosorbents, anthracite coal and traffic soot. All isotherms were reasonably log-log-linear, but smooth for traffic soot and staircase-shaped for coal, to which sorption was stronger and more nonlinear. The isotherms were modeled using seven sorption models, including Freundlich, (dual) Langmuir, and Polanyi-Dubinin-Manes (PDM). PDM provided the best combination of reliability and mechanistically-interpretable parameters. The PDM normalizing factor Z appeared to correlate negatively with sorbate molecular volume, dependent on the degree of molecular planarity. The modeling results supported the hypothesis that maximum adsorption capacities (Qmax) correlate positively with the sorbent’s specific surface area. Qmax did not decrease with increasing sorbate molecular size, and adsorption affinities clearly differed between the sorbents. Sorption was consistently stronger but not less linear for planar than for nonplanar PCBs, suggesting surface rather than pore sorption.  相似文献   

An artificial neural network (ANN) model was developed to simulate the biodegradation of herbicide glyphosate [2-(Phosphonomethylamino) acetic acid] in a solution with varying parameters pH, inoculum size and initial glyphosate concentration. The predictive ability of ANN model was also compared with Monod model. The result showed that ANN model was able to accurately predict the experimental results. A low ratio of self-inhibition and half saturation constants of Haldane equations (< 8) exhibited the inhibitory effect of glyphosate on bacteria growth. The value of K(i)/K(s) increased when the mixed inoculum size was increased from 10(4) to 10(6) bacteria/mL. It was found that the percentage of glyphosate degradation reached a maximum value of 99% at an optimum pH 6-7 while for pH values higher than 9 or lower than 4, no degradation was observed.  相似文献   

A model is developed for hydrocarbon biodegradation, which includes saturated and unsaturated flow, multi-species transport, heat transport, and bacterial growth processes. Numerical accuracy of the model was tested against analytical solutions. The model was also verified against laboratory results for a saturated-flow problem and reasonable match was obtained. Expressions are proposed for inhibition due to water content and temperature fluctuations. Bioactivities under cyclic water content variation were studied under no-flow conditions. A quantitative approach was used to reconcile some of the apparent contradictory conclusions regarding the efficiency of biodegradation of soils under wetting and drying conditions. The efficiency depends on the nature of the oxygenation process. For cases involving the presence of dissolved oxygen and the absence of O2 vapor, subjecting the soil to constant water content close to its optimal value for degradation is most efficient. However, wetting and drying can enhance degradation if O2 is only provided through aeration or direct contact between air and the medium. Also presented are the results of a typical field application of the model and a discussion of the effects of tides, saturation inhibition, and heat inhibition. Other inhibition factors, such as pH or salinity, can be easily incorporated in the formulation. The quantitative approach developed here can be used in assessing bioremediation not only in tidal aquifers but also in areas where water-table or temperature effects are of significance. The approach can be useful in the design of remediation strategies under water-flow or no-flow conditions involving water content and temperature fluctuations.  相似文献   

In the presence of sorbents, the biodegradation rates of organic compounds can be decreased or increased. Four kinds of interactions have to be considered as follows: (1) chemicals in solution reacted with bacteria in solution; (2) sorbed chemicals reacted with bacteria in solution; (3) chemicals in solution reacted with sorbed bacteria and (4) sorbed chemicals reacted with sorbed bacteria. The corresponding rate constants K can be solved in our improved model. Some special situations are discussed.

The biodegradation of 2,4-D, as an example, reacted with a pure strain (Pseudomanos sp.) which was isolated from soil polluted by 2,4-D then labeled by radioactive 32P were performed in the presence of sediment (or soil). The results showed that 2,4-D sorbed on sediment (or soil) were available to neither bacteria in solution nor bacteria on sediment (or soil), but 2,4-D in solution can be degraded by both bacteria in solution and bacteria on sediment (or soil). Biodegradation of 2,4-D in the presence of sediment (or soil) agreed with results of Rao's model.  相似文献   

This study examined the efficiency of cotton grass fibers in removing diesel oil from the surface of water in conditions prevailing in the Baltic Sea. The effect of low temperature, salinity, and bacterial amendments were tested in laboratory-scale set-ups, whereas 600-L mesocosms filled with Baltic Sea water were used for testing the effects of diesel oil and rapid removal of the oil on microorganisms, phytoplankton, and mussels. Cotton grass proved to be an excellent sorbent for diesel oil from the water surface at a low temperature. Inoculation with diesel-enriched microorganisms enhanced degradation of oil significantly in laboratory-scale experiments. In mesocosm experiments, the addition of diesel oil (0.66 mg L(-1), 0.533 L m(-2)) to the basins resulted in higher microbial density than in all other basins, including inoculated ones, suggesting that the Baltic Sea contains indigenous hydrocarbon degraders. The removal of oil with cotton grass significantly improved the survival of mussels in the mesocosm tests: 100% mortality in diesel basins versus 0% mortality in basins with cotton grass, respectively. However, the surviving mussels suffered from histopathological changes such as inflammatory responses, degenerations, and cell death. The observed rescuing effect was observable even when the cotton grass-bound oil was left in the water. The results underline the importance of rapid action in limiting damage caused by oil spills.  相似文献   

Soil column experiments are used to investigate the fate of three pesticides of high, intermediate, and low solubility in groundwater: N- phosphonomethyl glycine (glyphosate); O,O-diethyl-S-[(ethylthio)methyl]phosphorodithioate (phorate); (2,4-dichlorophenoxy)acetic acid (2,4-D). Feed solutions are prepared by adding each pesticide (100 mg/L glyphosate, 50 micro g/L phorate, 50 mg/L 2,4-D) along with conservative tracer, KBr, in synthetic groundwater. The concentration of the pesticides in effluents is detected by ion chromatography (glyphosate, 2,4-D) and GC-FID (phorate). The Br(-) breakthrough curves are employed to estimate the dispersion coefficient and mean pore velocity in each column. Solute transport and reactive models accounting for equilibrium/non-equilibrium sorption and biodegradation are coupled with inverse modeling numerical codes to estimate the kinetic parameters for all pesticides.  相似文献   

Soil column experiments are used to investigate the fate of three pesticides of high, intermediate, and low solubility in groundwater: N- phosphonomethyl glycine (glyphosate); O,O-diethyl-S-[(ethylthio)methyl]phosphorodithioate (phorate); (2,4-dichlorophenoxy)acetic acid (2,4-D). Feed solutions are prepared by adding each pesticide (100 mg/L glyphosate, 50 μ g/L phorate, 50 mg/L 2,4-D) along with conservative tracer, KBr, in synthetic groundwater. The concentration of the pesticides in effluents is detected by ion chromatography (glyphosate, 2,4-D) and GC-FID (phorate). The Br? breakthrough curves are employed to estimate the dispersion coefficient and mean pore velocity in each column. Solute transport and reactive models accounting for equilibrium/non-equilibrium sorption and biodegradation are coupled with inverse modeling numerical codes to estimate the kinetic parameters for all pesticides.  相似文献   

In the present study surfactant addition with the help of either a mechanical dispersion or a thermal treatment was applied in order to increase the solubility and the bioavailability of phenanthrene in aqueous media, and therefore to promote its biodegradation. Among four tested surfactants (Tween 80, Brij 30, sodium dodecyl sulphate and rhamnolipids), Brij 30 (0.5 gL(-1)) showed the best results allowing us to attain about 20 mgL(-1) of soluble phenanthrene. An additional thermal treatment at 60°C for 24h, 200 rpm permitted to increase the solubility of phenanthrene in the presence of Brij 30 (0.5 gL(-1)) to about 30 mgL(-1). Higher dispersions of phenanthrene particles as well as the reduction of their size were obtained using Ultra-Turrax and French press. The biodegradation of phenanthrene by Pseudomonas putida was then investigated. The reduction of size of phenanthrene particles by mechanical dispersion did not influence its biodegradation, suggesting that P. putida consumed only soluble phenanthrene. The addition of Brij 30 (0.5 gL(-1)) permitted to obtain more phenanthrene metabolized. The use of Brij 30 coupled with a transitory heating of phenanthrene-containing medium at 60°C led to an even more complete biodegradation. This might be a promising way to enhance biodegradation of PAHs.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - A dual-permeability hydro-biodegradation model is developed to describe the leachate flow in municipal solid waste (MSW) and predict the long-term...  相似文献   

A one-dimensional steady state vapor intrusion model including both anaerobic and oxygen-limited aerobic biodegradation was developed. The aerobic and anaerobic layer thickness are calculated by stoichiometrically coupling the reactive transport of vapors with oxygen transport and consumption. The model accounts for the different oxygen demand in the subsurface required to sustain the aerobic biodegradation of the compound(s) of concern and for the baseline soil oxygen respiration. In the case of anaerobic reaction under methanogenic conditions, the model accounts for the generation of methane which leads to a further oxygen demand, due to methane oxidation, in the aerobic zone. The model was solved analytically and applied, using representative parameter ranges and values, to identify under which site conditions the attenuation of hydrocarbons migrating into indoor environments is likely to be significant. Simulations were performed assuming a soil contaminated by toluene only, by a BTEX mixture, by Fresh Gasoline and by Weathered Gasoline. The obtained results have shown that for several site conditions oxygen concentration below the building is sufficient to sustain aerobic biodegradation. For these scenarios the aerobic biodegradation is the primary mechanism of attenuation, i.e. anaerobic contribution is negligible and a model accounting just for aerobic biodegradation can be used. On the contrary, in all cases where oxygen is not sufficient to sustain aerobic biodegradation alone (e.g. highly contaminated sources), anaerobic biodegradation can significantly contribute to the overall attenuation depending on the site specific conditions.  相似文献   

A methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) / tert-butyl alcohol (TBA) plume originating from a gasoline spill in late 1994 at Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB) persisted for over 15 years within 200 feet of the original spill source. The plume persisted until 2010 despite excavation of the tanks and piping within months after the spill and excavations of additional contaminated sediments from the source area in 2007 and 2008. The probable history of MTBE concentrations along the plume centerline at its source was estimated using a wide variety of available information, including published details about the original spill, excavations and monitoring by VAFB consultants, and our own research data. Two-dimensional reactive transport simulations of MTBE along the plume centerline were conducted for a 20-year period following the spill. These analyses suggest that MTBE diffused from the thin anaerobic aquifer into the adjacent anaerobic silts and transformed to TBA in both aquifer and silt layers. The model reproduces the observation that after 2004 TBA was the dominant solute, diffusing back out of the silts into the aquifer and sustaining plume concentrations much longer than would have been the case in the absence of such diffusive exchange. Simulations also suggest that aerobic degradation of MTBE or TBA at the water table in the overlying silt layer significantly affected concentrations of MTBE and TBA by limiting the chemical mass available for back diffusion to the aquifer.  相似文献   

A proposed tracer diffusion test for the Exploratory Shaft Facility at Yucca Mountain, NV, is modeled. For the proposed test, a solution containing conservative tracers will be introduced into a borehole in the geologic medium of interest. The tracers will diffuse and advect from the saturated source region into the unsaturated matrix in the surrounding tuff. After some time, the borehole is to be overcored, and tracer concentrations in the fluid will be measured in the core as a function of distance from emplacement. The data will be used to evaluate diffusive behavior and to derive effective diffusion coefficients for the tracers in the specific tuff. Numerical simulations are used to study the effects of effective diffusion coefficient, porosity, saturation, and fracturing on tracer transport. Results are reported for numerical simulations of tests in the Topopah Spring Member and the Tuff of Calico Hills, which have significantly different porosities and saturations. The simulations make the following predictions: The spread of tracer during the test will be sensitive to the effective diffusion coefficient of the tracer. Tracer will diffuse farther in the Topopah Spring Member than in the Tuff of Calico Hills because of the former's lower porosity and saturation. Tracer transport by advection into the Topopah Spring Member will be greater than that into the Tuff of Calico Hills because of capillary effects. While advection will be a significant mechanism for tracer penetration into the Topopah Spring tuff, it will be less significant for tracer penetration into the Calico Hills tuff. The proximity of a single vertical fracture to the source region determines its effects on tracer transport, especially if the fracture diverts fluid flowing from the source region into the matrix.  相似文献   

Colloid-facilitated transport has been recognized as a potentially important and overlooked contaminant transport process. In particular, it has been observed that conventional two phase sorption models are often unable to explain transport of highly sorbing compounds in the subsurface appropriately in the presence of colloids. In this study a one-dimensional model for colloid-facilitated transport of chemicals in unsaturated porous media is developed. The model has parts for simulating coupled flow, and colloid transport and dissolved and colloidal contaminant transport. Richards' equation is solved to model unsaturated flow, and the effect of colloid entrapment and release on porosity and hydraulic conductivity of the porous media is incorporated into the model. Both random sequential adsorption and Langmuir approaches have been implemented in the model in order to incorporate the effect of surface jamming. The concept of entrapment of colloids into the air-water interface is used for taking into account the effect of retardation caused due to existence of the air phase. A non-equilibrium sorption approach with options of linear and Langmuir sorption assumptions are implemented that can represent the competition and site saturation effects on sorption of multiple compounds both to the solid matrix and to the colloidal particles. Several demonstration calculations are performed and the conditions in which the non-equilibrium model can be approximated by an equilibrium model are also studied.  相似文献   

Aerobic biodegradation of benzoate by Pseudomonas cepacia sp. in a saturated heterogeneous porous medium was simulated using the stochastic-convective reaction (SCR) approach. A laboratory flow cell was randomly packed with low permeability silt-size inclusions in a high permeability sand matrix. In the SCR upscaling approach, the characteristics of the flow field are determined by the breakthrough of a conservative tracer. Spatial information on the actual location of the heterogeneities is not used. The mass balance equations governing the nonlinear and multicomponent reactive transport are recast in terms of reactive transports in each of a finite number of discrete streamtubes. The streamtube ensemble members represent transport via a steady constant average velocity per streamtube and a conventional Fickian dispersion term, and their contributions to the observed breakthroughs are determined by flux-averaging the streamtube solute concentrations. The resulting simulations were compared to those from a high-resolution deterministic simulation of the reactive transport, and to alternative ensemble representations involving (i) effective Fickian travel time distribution function, (ii) purely convective streamtube transport, and (iii) streamtube ensemble subset simulations. The results of the SCR simulation compare favorably to that of a sophisticated high-resolution deterministic approach.  相似文献   

The impact of co-solutes on sorption of tetrachloroethene (PCE) by two porous media with low organic-carbon contents was examined by conducting batch experiments. The two media (Borden and Eustis) have similar physical properties, but significantly different organic-carbon (OC) contents. Sorption of PCE was nonlinear for both media, and well-described by the Freundlich equation. For the Borden aquifer material (OC = 0.03%), the isotherms measured with a suite of co-solutes present (1,2-dichlorobenzene, bromoform, carbon tetrachloride, and hexachloroethane) were identical to the isotherms measured for PCE alone. These results indicate that there was no measurable impact of the co-solutes on PCE sorption for this system. In contrast to the Borden results, there was a measurable reduction in sorption of PCE by the Eustis soil (OC = 0.38%) in the presence of the co-solutes. The organic-carbon fractions of both media contain hard-carbon components, which have been associated with the manifestation of nonideal sorption phenomena. The disparity in results observed for the two media may relate to relative differences in the magnitude and geochemical nature of these hard-carbon components.  相似文献   

The impact of co-solutes on sorption of tetrachloroethene (PCE) by two porous media with low organic-carbon contents was examined by conducting batch experiments. The two media (Borden and Eustis) have similar physical properties, but significantly different organic-carbon (OC) contents. Sorption of PCE was nonlinear for both media, and well-described by the Freundlich equation. For the Borden aquifer material (OC = 0.03%), the isotherms measured with a suite of co-solutes present (1,2-dichlorobenzene, bromoform, carbon tetrachloride, and hexachloroethane) were identical to the isotherms measured for PCE alone. These results indicate that there was no measurable impact of the co-solutes on PCE sorption for this system. In contrast to the Borden results, there was a measurable reduction in sorption of PCE by the Eustis soil (OC = 0.38%) in the presence of the co-solutes. The organic-carbon fractions of both media contain hard-carbon components, which have been associated with the manifestation of nonideal sorption phenomena. The disparity in results observed for the two media may relate to relative differences in the magnitude and geochemical nature of these hard-carbon components.  相似文献   

Nonideal transport of contaminants in porous media has often been observed in laboratory characterization studies. It has long been recognized that multiple processes associated with both physical and chemical factors can contribute to this nonideal transport behavior. To fully understand system behavior, it is important to determine the relative contributions of these multiple factors when conducting contaminant transport and fate studies. In this study, the relative contribution of physical-heterogeneity-related processes versus those of nonlinear, rate-limited sorption/desorption to the observed nonideal transport of trichloroethene in an undisturbed aquifer core was determined through a series of miscible-displacement experiments. The results of experiments conducted using the undisturbed core, collected from a Superfund site in Tucson, AZ, were compared to those obtained from experiments conducted using the same aquifer material packed homogeneously. The results indicate that both physical and chemical factors, specifically preferential flow and associated rate-limited diffusive mass-transfer and rate-limited sorption/desorption, respectively, contributed to the nonideal behavior observed for trichloroethene transport in the undisturbed core. A successful prediction of trichloroethene transport in the undisturbed core was made employing a mathematical model incorporating multiple sources of nonideal transport, using independently determined model parameters to account for the multiple factors contributing to the nonideal transport behavior. The simulation results indicate that local-scale physical heterogeneity controlled the nonideal transport behavior of trichloroethene in the undisturbed core, and that nonlinear, rate-limited sorption/desorption were of secondary importance.  相似文献   

Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) is one of the main additives in gasoline. Its degradation is known to be difficult in natural environments. In this study, significant MTBE degradation is demonstrated at a contaminated site in Leuna (eastern Germany). Since the extent of the plume appeared to be constant over the last 5 years, an extended study was performed to elucidate the degradation processes. Special attention was paid to the production, accumulation and degradation of metabolites and by-products. Groundwater samples from 105 monitoring wells were used to measure 20 different substances. During the degradation process, several intermediates such as tert-butyl alcohol (TBA), tert-butyl formate, formate and lactate were produced. However, the potentially carcinogenic by-product methacrylate was not detected in several hundred samples. At the Leuna site, MTBE degradation occurred under microaerobic conditions. In contrast to hydrocarbons and BTEX, there was no evidence for anaerobic MTBE degradation. Among the degradation products, TBA was found to be a useful intermediate to identify MTBE degradation, at least under microaerobic conditions. TBA accumulation was strongly correlated to MTBE degradation according to the kinetic properties of both degradation processes. Since maximum degradation rates (v(max)) and k(m) values were higher for MTBE (v(max)=2.3 mg/l/d and k(m)=3.2 mg/l) than for TBA (v(max)=1.35 mg/l/d and k(m)=0.05 mg/l), TBA significantly accumulated as an intermediate by-product. The field results were supported by bench scale model aquifer experiments.  相似文献   

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