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战略环境影响评价的实施与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
战略环评将环境、社会和经济做为一个系统,进行整体、全面的综合评价,为决策提供依据、方案和措施,使决策更为科学、合理、严谨、可行,真正从决策到源头控制,减轻环境污染和生态破坏.从战略环境影响评价的兴起发展和法律意义入手,从理论和实践上全面系统的论述和探讨了如何有效实施战略环境影响评价的对策与措施.  相似文献   

加强环境法制教育有利于提升公众的环境保护理念,促进环保社会治理。日本和我国台湾地区在环境教育法律依据、教育内容、教育职责、教育制度等方面的经验可供我们借鉴。在我国大陆开展环境教育法制建设,须强调政府的主导作用,强调党、政府、社会、公民和市场关系的制度化,解决组织主体、参与主体和经费保障等关键问题,符合实际并发挥实际作用。在党内法规方面,要制定与国家立法相衔接的环境保护党内法规和其他规范性文件;在国家立法的建设方面,制定专门了《环境教育法》或者《环境教育条例》,按照十八届四中全会决定要求,把全民普法和守法作为依法治国的长期基础性工作,明确中央和地方政府、企业、学校、社会组织和公民个体的环境宣传教育权利和义务,把环境宣传教育作为基础性工作纳入国民经济和社会发展计划,完善环境信息公开、社会监督、行政监督和司法监督等制度和机制,采取有针对性和可接受的宣教方法与机制,促进环境保护宣传教育制度得以运行。  相似文献   

浅谈建筑材料利用与环境保护   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建筑材料在取材、生产加工、运输、使用和废弃的过程中,排放出大量废水、废气和废渣,对人类的健康造成威胁,产生有害物质,导致大气、水体和土壤污染.因此要开发与生产资源节约型和环保型建筑材料,制定健全的建材环保法规来保护环境.  相似文献   

在系统阐释页岩气高效开发的政治、经济、社会和环境友好属性的基础上,构建了涵盖目标体系、行动者系统和协同体系的页岩气高效开发理想类型。结果表明:立足于我国现代能源体系建设,碳达峰、碳中和目标的实现和生态文明建设的内在需要,页岩气高效开发是国家、地方政府、企业和社区居民的利益集合体,决定于利益相关者的一致性集体行动,政策协同、管理协同、责任协同和利益协同是实现页岩气高效开发的基础和前提条件。  相似文献   

近年来的理论研究和实践探索证明,发展循环经济有利于加快形成节约能源资源和保护生态环境的产业结构、增长方式、消费模式,有利于建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会,有利于促进人与自然的和谐,是贯彻落实科学发展观、构建和谐社会、维持中华民族当前和长远发展的内在要求和必要选择.  相似文献   

国家自2021年起出台了一系列政策、规划和文件推动石化行业“双碳”转型,涉及源头控制、生产 过程、末端降碳、科技助力、金融支持、标准计量及产业规模等方面,从我国成品油和化学品供需关系看,“减油 增化”势在必行。国际能源公司对炼油和化工业务进行优化整合,重点投资和合作天然气、新能源等业务。国 际化工公司产业链长,产品差异化和优势化明显,已在生态发电、航空、建筑、新能源汽车、电子电器、氢能等领 域的材料和技术解决方案占领市场,国内石化企业现已开展了面向“碳中和”的转型尝试,向规模化和一体化、 高端化学品、耦合新能源等方向发展。“双碳”背景下,石化企业面临着巨大的机遇和挑战,应以国家和行业政 策为纲领指引,分析自身优劣势,结合当地资源,调整化工产品结构,发展与当地市场衔接的化学品产业链,并 注重跨行业合作推动自身转型。  相似文献   

地面煤层气开发过程存在废水、废气、噪声等环境污染和生态环境破坏,随着国家鼓励煤层气产业向基地化和规模化发展,受环境影响的地区不断增多,地区环境影响程度加重,同时新工艺技术的发展,使得煤层气开发的环境影响更加复杂化、特殊化,相应的环境管理规章制度和政策亟待完善。针对煤层气开发环境影响新变化,提出国家、地方环保部门应制定和完善环境管理规章制度和保护措施、煤层气开采企业应严格执行环保相关法规和规范、加强对开采所在区域的环境监测、加大受影响和污染地区的环境修复和治理力度等对策建议。  相似文献   

以工业"三废"(废气、废水和固体废弃物)为研究对象,选取废气、二氧化硫、烟尘、粉尘、废水、化学需氧量(COD)、氨氮、固体废弃物和危险废弃物等9个具体指标建立城市工业污染评价指标体系。基于三角白化权函数,将江苏省13个城市的工业污染情况分成不同灰类进行综合聚类评估。研究表明,受规模效应、结构效应和广义技术效应的影响,南京、苏州和无锡属于相对严重污染,常州、镇江、扬州、泰州、南通、淮安和徐州属于一般污染,盐城、宿迁和连云港属于相对轻微污染。  相似文献   

本文主要论述了在实现我国中长期环境与资源保护战略目标过程中,环境形势的长期性、艰巨性和复杂性;指出必须通过发展观念、经济增长方式、经济体制和政策职能的转变,树立和落实全面、协调和可持续的科学发展观,促进经济、政治、文化、生态环境的全面发展。  相似文献   

广西绿城水务股份有限公司于2006年9月注册成立,注册资本5.89亿元,主要从事自来水的生产和销售,城市污水处理,给排水设施的建设及运营,给排水电气自动化和信息的技术咨询、技术开发、技术转让、技术培训、技术服务,水质检测,管道听漏、检漏、修漏,市政公用事业的投资、经营和管理等业务,是一家供排水  相似文献   

低相位噪声源是一种频率准确度、稳定度都很高且相位噪声又非常低的频率源.本文在简要着重描述了VCXO压控晶振锁相源、高频单元、低相位噪声微波倍频链、低噪声直流稳压电源等低相位噪声频率源关键部件的设计和研制过程.所研发的低相位噪声频率源的频率范围从5 MHz至20 C Hz点频输出,在100MHz频率时相噪达-176dBc...  相似文献   

"低碳生活"是一种通过降低碳的排放减少对大气的污染,进而建立起来的发展持续型和环境友好型的全新生活方式,其核心内容是低污染、低消耗和低排放,以及多节约。"低碳生活"是低碳社会的重要组成部分。日常生活中"低碳生活"的实现途径主要是节电、节气和回收。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Historical flow records are used to estimate the regulatory low flows that serve a key function in setting discharge permit limits through the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, which provides a nationwide mechanism for protecting water quality. Use of historical records creates an implicit connection between water quality protection and climate variability. The longer the record, the more likely the low flow estimate will be based on a broad set of climate conditions, and thus provides adequate water quality protection in the future. Unfortunately, a long record often is not available at a specific location. This analysis examines the connection between climate variability and the variability of biologically based and hydrologically based low flow estimates at 176 sites from the Hydro‐Climatic Data Network, a collection of stream gages identified by the USGS as relatively free of anthropogenic influences. Results show that a record of 10 to 20 years is necessary for satisfactory estimates of regulatory low flows. Although it is possible to estimate a biologically based low flow from a record of less than 10 years, these estimates are highly uncertain and incorporate a bias that undermines water quality protection.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Water resource planning is based primarily on 20th century instrumental records of climate and streamflow. These records are limited in length to approximately 100 years, in the best cases, and can reflect only a portion of the range of natural variability. The instrumental record neither can be used to gage the unusualness of 20th Century extreme low flow events, nor does it allow the detection of low‐frequency variability that may underlie short‐term variations in flow. In this study, tree rings are used to reconstruct mean annual streamflow for Middle Boulder Creek in the Colorado Front Range, a semi‐arid region of rapid growth and development. The reconstruction is based on a stepwise regression equation that accounts for 70 percent of the variance in the instrumental record, and extends from 1703–1987. The reconstruction suggests that the instrumental record of streamflow for Middle Boulder Creek is not representative of flow in past centuries and that several low flow events in the 19th century were more persistent than any in the 20th century. The 1840s to early 1850s period of low flow is a particularly notable event and may have coincided with a period of low flow in the Upper Colorado River Basin.  相似文献   

Research shows that public commitment making helps promote pro-environmental behavior. However, not everyone may be willing to make such commitments. Therefore, it is important to investigate the conditions under which commitment making is likely to occur. We expected dispositional trust and situational expectations to determine the willingness to install a system of public commitments. Two studies are presented which show that group members low in dispositional trust (low trusters) are likely to choose for a public commitment system when their situational expectations concerning other group members' contributions are high, while those high in dispositional trust (high trusters) are likely to choose for a public commitment system when their situational expectations concerning other group members' contributions are low. It appears that for both low and high trusters the choice for a system of public commitments is instigated by a motivation to further the collective outcomes.  相似文献   

燃煤工业锅炉氮氧化物的排放控制技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
燃煤工业锅炉的氮氧化物污染防治在我国尚处于起步阶段,需要从经济性、NOx脱除效率以及工程实现的难易程度等方面考虑,选取合适的NOx排放控制技术用于燃煤工业锅炉的改造,其中SNCR技术成本相对较低,以锅炉炉膛为反应器,可通过对锅炉的改造实现。研发低成本的低温或中温脱硝催化剂或者适应工业锅炉负荷变化的SNCR技术是关键。  相似文献   

环境管理绩效反映了环境管理投入与产出之间关系。2009年国内绝大多数省份的环境管理均存在着低效的局面,且环境管理效率的地区差异也比较明显。从区域分布来看,西部地区最高、中部次之、东部最差。而造成综合效率不高的主要原因是由规模效率引起的,说明投入的资源存在着浪费现象,单纯地依靠增加环境管理投入来提高环境管理产出的作用已经不大,必须依靠内部的技术进步和管理创新。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: It is important to extract and assess low flow recession characteristics for water resources planning in the upper reaches of streams. However, it is very difficult to express synthetically the low flow recession characteristics for a stream flow. In this paper, first a new method of constructing the master recession curve based on the exponential expression is proposed and applied with the restriction that there are no regulation or diversion structures in the upper reaches above the measurement station. Daily precipitation and stream flow were used for the analysis. Second, analysis for a recession constant was conducted and the relationship between the recession constant and low flow and/or geology was qualitatively examined. In conclusion, the application of the proposed method indicated that it is objective and useful for constructing the master recession curve. It became apparent that the recession constant of a master recession curve may be defined as the total index of low flow characteristics. In addition, it was found that baseflow value increases in the order of Paleozoic, Mesozoic, Tertiary, and Quaternary.  相似文献   

乌鲁木齐市环境与社会经济发展协调程度分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文阐述了协调发展度的含义,运用环境效益与社会经济效益协调发展的定量评价公式,分析了乌鲁木齐市1991-2015年环境与社会经济协调发展度的现状和趋势,得出乌鲁木齐市目前属于中级协调发展环境滞后型,并且环境经济的协调程度从1991年的“双低”型发展到1996年、2000年的“一高一低”型,到2015年可实现“双高”型。  相似文献   

An ideal solvent for CO2 capture by chemical absorption has to meet a number of requirements, such as high CO2 capacity, high rate of reaction, low costs, low corrosive behaviour, low degradation and low vapour pressure; above all, it has to show a low regeneration heat duty. This heat can be approximated as the sum of three terms: the sensible heat to raise the solvent from absorber to desorber temperature, the heat of evaporation required to produce the stripping steam in the reboiler, and the heat necessary to desorb the CO2 from the solution (heat of absorption).Many solvent screening studies focus almost exclusively on solvents that show a low heat of absorption. In these studies, the strong dependence of the three contributors to the overall regeneration heat duty on the chosen process parameters and on one another are often neglected.This work explains why the focus on solvents with a low heat of absorption, without considering the overall process, is not sufficient in quantifying the energy performance of alternative solvents. By using thermodynamic interrelations and underpinned by process simulations it is shown that operating parameters of the process, in particular the desorber pressure, must be taken into consideration in the evaluation of new solvents.  相似文献   

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