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地下管线与百姓生活息息相关。随着我国城市化进程的加速,城市地下管线建设发展非常迅猛,但随之而来的地下管线安全方面的问题也越来越多。从近年来发生的多起典型地下管线事故来看,城市的发展与地下管线的安全问题密切相关,相互影响。安全是城市发展的前提,地下管线在现代城市安全中占有的位置越来越受到关注,需要在城市化进程中前置考虑地下管线的安全问题。  相似文献   

城市地下管线是指城市范围内供水、排水、燃气、热力、电力、通信、广播电视、工业等管线及其附属设施,是保障城市运行的重要基础设施和“生命线”。近年来,随着城市快速发展,地下管线建设规模不足、管理水平不高等问题凸显,一些城市相继发生大雨内涝、管线泄漏爆炸、路面塌陷等事件,严重影响了人民群众生命财产安全和城市运行秩序。为切实加强城市地下管线建设管理,保障城市安全运行,提高城市综合承载能力和城镇化发展质量,经国务院同意,现提出以下意见:  相似文献   

近年来,城市集中供热得到了迅猛的发展.随着城市供热需求的增加,供热地下管线长度迅速增长,供热地下管线事故时有发生,城市供热地下管线安全问题已成为市政地下管线安全研究的重点问题和城市发展过程中亟待解决的热点问题.本文从事故致因论的角度和事故树的方法对供热地下管线系统的危险因素和薄弱环节进行分析研究,探讨合理有效的预防对策,有效消除事故隐患,减少事故发生,对确保城市供热管网安全、稳定、正常供暖具有重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

<正>为切实加强城市地下管线建设管理,保障城市安全运行,提高城市综合承载能力和城镇化发展质量。贯彻《关于加强城市地下管线建设管理的指导意见》(国办发〔2014〕27号),总结交流国内外近年来在地下管线行业的技术进展与管理经验,提高我国地下管线行业的整体水平。经住房和城乡建设部、商务部批准同意,"2014中国国际地下管线大会"定于11月14—15日在北京市国家会议中心举行,会议主题为"智慧管线与城市安全"。中国城市规划协会地下管线专业委员会将与大会其他组织单位:  相似文献   

<正>近年来,青岛、大连等地相继发生地下管线泄漏爆炸事故,导致多人伤亡,并造成不良的社会影响。2014年6月,国务院办公厅出台《关于加强城市地下管线建设管理的指导意见》,明确把加强城市地下管线建设管理作为履行政府职能的重要内容,强化监控预警,对地下管线安全风险较大的区段和场所要进行重点监控。开展地下管网安全管理技术创新研究,是促进城市安全发展的重要内容。重庆市荣冠科技有限公司(以下简称"荣冠公司")是国家高  相似文献   

城市地下管线的现状、问题与治理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙平  王立 《安全》2008,29(5):31-33
城市中的供水、燃气、热力、电力、排水、中水、通信信息、有线电视、输油、照明和公安交通等市政管线工程,俗称生命线工程,是维持城市功能正常运转的关键。随着城市化水平的不断提高,现代城市对市政管线的需求量越来越大。近年来,城市地下管线事故时有发生,2006年1月3日的京广桥塌陷重大事故,  相似文献   

为了辨识和发现城市地下管线占压隐患,采用GIS空间分析方法,构建了城市地下管线近线占压和压线占压识别数学模型,建立了占压隐患分析的技术流程。结合W城市某区域的综合地下管线普查数据,进行了该区域的占压隐患辨识,分析结果提交相应城市规划部门,经核实符合研究区建设发展实际情况。分析结果验证了基于GIS的地下综合管线占压辨识模型、流程的有效性,可为城市地下管线的规划设计、安全运营、维修维护提供科学依据。  相似文献   

城市燃气管线泄漏极易导致火灾爆炸等重大安全事故,严重威胁城市安全。通过监测预警技术,快速准确地发现泄漏,防止可燃气体聚集,是保障燃气管线安全运行的重要手段。提出了一种燃气管线相邻地下空间安全监测预警方法,构建了风险识别、预测预警、分析推演和决策支持一体化安全监测系统,并应用于合肥市2.5 km燃气管线及其相邻空间高风险区域。结果表明,提出的燃气管线相邻地下空间安全监测方法可用于燃气管线泄漏监测预警,以减少或避免燃气泄漏引发的火灾爆炸事故。  相似文献   

近年来,国内地下管线事故频发,其中尤为突出的是青岛"11·22"中国石化东黄输油管道泄漏爆炸特别重大事故,该事故不仅造成了严重的人员伤亡和经济损失,也使得城市安全发展与地下管线规划之间的矛盾再一次成为人们关注热议的焦点。  相似文献   

南京“7&#183;28”丙烯爆炸事故,给城市地下管网的安全敲响了警钟,教训惨重,发人深省,如何确保这些“地下血脉”的畅通和安全,不仅是紧迫的现实课题,更是实现安全发展,确保广大人民群众生命财产安全的历史责任。常州市武进区两年前就对城市专业管线特别是地下管网的安全管理进行了认真的实践和探索,累积了很好的做法和办法,笔者经过调研,撰写了此篇文章,推荐给广大读者,以期对我们开阔城市地下管网的安全监管思路有所裨益。  相似文献   

PE管道固有较高的性价比,广泛应用在能源、燃气等工程中,但因其焊接接头质量难以检测、位置探查难度大,使PE管道的安全状况难以控制,导致泄漏等事故。基于PE管材的失效模式,参照钢质管道的检验经验,中国特种设备检测研究院研究确定了PE管道基于失效模式的全面检验关键技术,并围绕关键技术开展了多项研究,取得了一系列科研成果,如:PE管焊接质量超声相控阵动态聚焦和B扫查成像检测、探地雷达、泄漏在线检测、老化及安全评价、风险评估方法等。这些系列成果,在新疆、青海、内蒙古、宁夏等城市PE燃气管网中得到了有效应用,检验出多项安全隐患,为城市燃气的安全提供了保障,为今后全面开展PE管线检验,提供了成功经验。  相似文献   

On the midnight of July 31st, 2014, a catastrophic vapor explosion occurred in the downtown of Kaohsiung city. The incident was initiated from a leak of an underground pipeline transporting pressurized propylene liquid. Analysis of pipeline operation logs and pipeline break release modeling suggested that at least 90,000 kg of propylene leaked, entered the underground trench and spread into the trench 4.5 km in distance before meeting an ignition source some three hours later after the leak. The ignition caused a significant confined vapor explosion which blew out the road above the underground trench, damaged more than one hundred vehicles on the road with thirty two fatalities and more than three hundred injuries. This article will first describe the background of the pipeline installation follows by an in-depth look at the explosion incident covering the events leading to the explosion, explosion damage, cause of the leak, spread of the leak, identification of a probable ignition source, and root causes in safety culture. Finally, lessons learnt and recommendations are given to prevent and mitigate the occurrence of similar incidents.  相似文献   

城市埋地燃气管道一旦失效会产生泄漏,甚至引发火灾爆炸等事故,造成人员伤亡和财产损失等严重后果,影响社会稳定,因此其安全运行十分重要。由于城市地下环境的复杂性,使得埋地燃气管道失效的因素多种多样,且具有模糊性;由于城市地面状况各异,所以构成失效后果的因素也具有不确定性。文章以某市在役燃气管道为例,使用模糊数学语言表达了埋地燃气管道的失效可能性和失效后果,采用模糊综合评价模型对燃气管道的失效可能性和失效后果进行了评价,并以美国石油协会(API)风险矩阵表征了埋地燃气管道的风险等级,得到不同管道单元的风险级别和管道单元数,根据不同的风险等级采取不同的策略或措施,完善管道的完整性管理,降低管道的使用风险,确保城市燃气管网的正常安全运行。  相似文献   

In the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and other countries with advanced pipeline management, some organizations are responsible for pipeline safety protection management for underground hazardous materials. The security and maintenance of a hazardous material pipeline are serious considerations for urban safety, because the materials transported by underground pipelines contain hazardous goods, such as the flammable or explosive particles of solids, liquids, and gases. Damage to a pipeline by external forces often leads to secondary disasters, such as the leakage of hazardous materials, fires, explosions, and environmental pollution. Such events seriously affect the safety of individuals and their property.Accordingly, this study used seismic scenario analysis with a spatial grid to evaluate earthquake damage to an underground pipeline in an urban area. Damage to underground pipelines was classified, pipeline disaster management procedures were discussed, and improvement measures were proposed, such as establishing a geographic information platform and conducting disaster impact assessments for hazardous material pipelines. Underground hazardous material pipelines were assessed in scenarios including earthquakes. Such assessments are intended to provide disaster reduction plans and disaster prevention drills to improve pipeline safety as well as the planning for pipeline materials to aid seismic resistance.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the analysis of the possibility of domino effect in underground parallel pipelines relying on historical accident data and pipeline crater models. An underground pipeline can be considered as safe following an accident with an adjacent gas or liquefied pipeline when it remains outside the ground crater generated. In order to prevent the domino effect in these cases, the design of parallel pipelines has to consider adequate pipeline separations based on the crater width, which is one of the widely used methods in engineering applications. The objective of this work is the analysis of underground petroleum product pipelines ruptures with the formation of a ground crater as well as the evaluation of possible domino effects in these cases. A detailed literature survey has been carried out to review existing crater models along with a historical analysis of past accidents. A FORTRAN code has been implemented to assess the performance of the Gasunie, the Batelle and the Advantica crater models. In addition to this, a novel Accident-Based crater model has been presented, which allows the prediction of the crater width as a function of the relevant design pipeline parameters as well as the soil density. Modifications have also been made to the Batelle and Accident-Based models in order to overcome the underestimation of the crater width. The calculated crater widths have been compared with real accident data and the performance evaluation showed that the proposed Accident-Based model has a better performance compared to other models studied in this work. The analysis of forty-eight past accidents indicated a major potential of underground parallel pipelines domino effect which is proven by two real cases taken from the literature. Relying on the investigated accidents, the crater width was smaller than or equal to 20 m in most cases indicating that the definition of underground pipeline separations at around 10 m would be sufficient to ensure a small probability of the domino effect.  相似文献   

A reliability model for underground pipeline management that can quantify the trade-off between risk reduction and increased maintenance costs in various underground piping management scenarios can be useful for many pipeline-maintenance decision-makers. In this paper, we propose a comprehensive framework for analyzing underground pipeline management options. Pipeline reliability is calculated using time-dependent and independent limit state functions with a probabilistic model and a deterministic model about the frequency of a failure occurrence event. The proposed framework includes the target reliability, consequences, and cost model, and has the advantage that it can be intuitively utilized for piping management decision-making. We conducted several case studies using a Monte Carlo simulation on pipelines in industrial complexes in Korea.  相似文献   

为了探测和辨识地下燃气管道,避免燃气管道改扩建的过程发生第三方破坏引发安全事故,提出1种基于声信号特征分析的燃气管道探测识别方法,该方法考虑燃气管道声信号声压级低以及易衰减的特点,采用Hilebert-Huang变换算法分析燃气管道流噪声信号特征,建立燃气管道流噪声信号的特征数据库,并通过BP神经网络进行模式识别,判别...  相似文献   

城市天然气管道半定量风险评估方法研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
以实现天然气管道风险评估资源的合理分配,确定天然气管道定量风险评估的重点为目标,改进燃气管道风险评估方法的肯特模型,探求城市天然气管道的半定量风险评估方法;分析了城市埋地天然气管道失效可能性与失效后果的影响因子,并研究其评分标准;分别给出了城市天然气管道失效可能性与失效后果的等级划分标准,并运用半定量风险矩阵进行燃气管道单元的风险初步排序,以确定高风险管道单元;对城市天然气管道进行半定量风险评估,可为识别管道沿线高风险后果区域、风险动态排序、风险预警及制定事故应急预案等提供科学依据和方法指导,具有重要的工程应用价值。  相似文献   

未确知测度模型在城市燃气管道安全评价中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以未确知理论为基础,详细阐述未确知测度模型的建模过程。结合未确知测度模型,对影响城市燃气管道安全的因素进行系统的分析与评价。针对邯郸市城市燃气管道的工程实际,收集实测数据,确定安全评价指标,运用模型对实例进行计算求解,对邯郸市3区10个测点的管道安全级别进行评价。经调查检验,评价结果符合实际。该方法的提出旨在更有效地对燃气管道的安全进行评价,为有关部门提供采取安全措施的依据。  相似文献   

为准确检测煤矿井下瓦斯抽采主管道泄漏位置,提出基于稳态模型的管道泄漏检测与定位方法,采用Comsol数值模拟及地面相似实验研究压力梯度法对煤矿井下抽采管道泄漏检测与定位的可行性及准确性。研究结果表明:管道未泄漏时,管内沿线压力呈均匀分布,当管道突发泄漏时,管内压力分布呈现明显弯折现象,弯折处即为管道漏点位置,并对管道阻力计算公式进行修正,提高了检测准确性;随着管道泄漏程度的加大,湍流效应显著增强,漏点处速度、压力产生明显突变,且当其他条件恒定时,随着管道泄漏孔径的扩大,管道的漏入量越大,定位的相对误差越小;在宏岩矿开展地面相似实验,实验结果绝对误差为4.5 m,相对误差为6%;在阳煤五矿井下8421抽采巷进行现场应用,绝对误差134 m,相对误差约7.95%。  相似文献   

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