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中国铝业股份有限公司广西分公司发展循环经济,建设绿色矿山,提高资源综合利用水平;严格处理"三废",积极复垦还地,避免浪费土地资源,保护生态环境,造福当地人民。其经验和做法为建设绿色矿山,发展矿业循环经济提供借鉴。  相似文献   

采矿工业导致众多重金属残留侵入周围土壤中,对生态环境和土壤安全造成了严重的影响和破坏。重视矿区土壤污染问题,采取相应的有效措施进行治理已刻不容缓。从矿山土壤污染的现状出发,分析了矿山污染土壤的危害,系统地介绍了矿山污染土壤的修复方法,并探讨了藻类在矿山土壤治理方面所发挥的重要作用。为持续改善矿区环境质量,强化矿业污染治理,有效防控矿山土壤污染做出参考。  相似文献   

阐述了挥发性有机物(VOCs)控制技术的评价原则、评价步骤和影响 VOCs 控制技术评价的因素,从技术、经济、社会和其他方面初步构建了 VOCs 控制技术的评价指标体系.进一步介绍了评价指标的量化方法.VOCs控制技术评价指标体系的建立,为科学、全面、客观地评价和筛选 VOCs 控制技术奠定坚实的基础.  相似文献   

循环经济是实现可持续发展的一种最佳模式。在系统查阅国内外循环经济发展现状、循环经济指标体系研究进展的基础上,确立了区域循环经济指标体系的设置原则、思路及指标筛选方法,构建了由经济、社会、环境、生态、循环经济特征和管理组成的指标体系,确定了评价标准及评价模型——线性加权和法。将构建的指标体系应用于国内某园区,结果表明,该园区循环经济处于中等偏上发展水平,识别了影响园区持续发展的关键瓶颈问题,提出了建议和对策。  相似文献   


浅论区域开发环境影响评价的指标体系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
彭应登  梁鹏 《化工环保》1997,17(1):36-39
论述了区域开发环境影响评价应建立能反映环境可持续性和跨边界性的指标体系,提出了建立该指标体系的原则与方法。  相似文献   

采用层次分析法建立了由总到分的递阶层次结构模型评价指标体系,以ADC发泡剂(偶氮二甲酰胺)生产先进企业的数据为基础,确定了各指标的基准值及权重,建立了ADC发泡剂清洁生产评价体系,介绍了定量评价指标和定性评价指标的考核评分计算方法以及企业清洁生产综合评价指数的计算方法.  相似文献   

以国内先进企业的数据为基准值,采用层次分析法建立了由定量和定性两部分评价指标构成的硅氢氯化法生产三氯氢硅清洁生产评价指标体系,确定了评价指标体系准则层、指标层各定量指标权重值及定性指标分值,介绍了定量评价指标和定性评价指标的考核评分计算方法和综合评价指数的计算方法。应用该评价指标体系,对某三氯氢硅生产企业进行了实例评价,结果表明该评价指标体系能较好的反映三氯氢硅企业的清洁生产水平。  相似文献   

林业产业循环经济指标体系的构建与量化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
伴随着科学发展观和生态文明理念的提出,发展循环经济成为改变经济增长方式的必然选择。林业产业作为一项重要的公益事业和基础产业,在实践循环经济的过程中,有必要通过建立一套行之有效的指标体系以评价发展成果,这也是林业产业实现可持续发展的关键环节。在设计林业产业循环经济指标体系时,应当从循环经济的本质要求和林业产业自身特色出发,准确把握具体指标及其权重,挑选切实可行的计算方法,以使该指标体系成为客观、准确评价林业产业循环经济发展的标准。  相似文献   

清洁生产指标评价方法   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
陈平 《化工环保》2004,24(1):55-57
提出了一种用层次分析法进行清洁生产指标评价的方法。其主要步骤为:指标体系的具体设置、指标权重的确定、指标最大值及最小值的确定、指标数据的标准化处理、指标的综合评价及对生产工艺或企业进行分类。用该法对烧碱生产工艺进行的案例分析表明,该法的评价结果是合理的。  相似文献   

矿山开采过程中对生态环境破坏极大,从而危及人类的生存与健康.开展矿山生态修复极为必要,对实现科学发展具有重要的现实意义.在叙述国内外矿山生态修复研究进展的基础上,介绍了目前矿山生态修复中的主要方法和工程措施,综合应用矿山生态修复技术,才能使矿山生态环境系统结构合理,功能完整,从而保证修复后矿山生态环境系统自然维持,达到矿山生态修复的目的.  相似文献   

提供一种简便、实用的土壤腐蚀性评价方法,以解决因土壤中存在砂石阻隔电子的移动,使电阻率及氧化还原电位测量出现较大偏差,从而影响土壤腐蚀性评价的技术问题。结合甘肃地区4个750 kV变电站的现场检测实例表明,采用本方法所得土壤腐蚀性结果与现场腐蚀速率测试结果相吻合,验证了该评价方法的效果。  相似文献   

This paper reports some of the findings of the ‘GERLA’ project: GEstione Rifiuti in Lombardia – Analisi del ciclo di vita (Waste management in Lombardia – Life cycle assessment). The project was devoted to support Lombardia Region in the drafting of the new waste management plan by applying a life cycle thinking perspective. The present paper mainly focuses on four Provinces in the Region, which were selected based on their peculiarities. Life cycle assessment (LCA) was adopted as the methodology to assess the current performance of the integrated waste management systems, to discuss strengths and weaknesses of each of them and to design their perspective evolution as of year 2020.Results show that despite a usual business approach that is beneficial to all the provinces, the introduction of technological and management improvements to the system provides in general additional energy and environmental benefits for all four provinces. The same improvements can be easily extended to the whole Region, leading to increased environmental benefits from the waste management sector, in line with the targets set by the European Union for 2020.  相似文献   

推动建筑业绿色供应链的协同合作关系,是建筑业转变增长方式,实现高质量、绿色发展的重要前提,也是建筑全生命周期涉及的复杂主体实现利益共享的关键,以建筑业绿色供应链价值流分析为支撑,识别全生命周期不同阶段的主体及其作用关系,从而构建建筑业绿色供应链多主体协同关系模型,为多元主体合作及利益分享机制的构建奠定基础。  相似文献   

It is shown that the conventional recycling rate fails to reflect environmental performance for packaging flows with both recycle and reuse. The reuse rate, the total number of reuse trips and the reuse- lifetime are also shown to be inadequate. A new rate index defined in terms of the total amount of packaging material reaching the consumer is proposed. It reflects immediate improvements in environmental impact according to specific criteria and it reduces to the conventional rate for systems with only recycle. Albeit this shortcut environmental assessment is not entirely comprehensive and does not unveil a full sustainability profile, it may be useful for immediate packaging flow evaluation and policy implementation. For given packaging production technology it reveals a specific maximum level on recycling, below which environmental impacts from processing are limited or reduced, even if production level grows. Cleaner technologies in reprocessing of recycled materials may elevate this maximum level while still limiting or reducing environmental impacts.  相似文献   

泄漏检测与修复(LDAR)是国际上通用的减少石化行业VOCs无组织排放的技术方法。在对天津市60套石化化工装置进行LDAR核查评估及专家咨询的基础上,将层次分析法(AHP)与模糊综合评价法(FCE)相结合,建立了一个4层次24个指标的评估指标体系,通过AHP确定指标权重,利用FCE进行模糊综合评分。以甲、乙两石化企业为例进行LDAR评估指标体系的验证,结果表明,该指标体系评估结果与实际LDAR核查评估结果一致,具有良好的实际应用价值。  相似文献   

Dynamic respiration index (DRI) is an effective respirometric method to measure the biological stability of municipal solid waste (MSW). It allows testing MSW biological stability under standardized conditions and is now used as a routine analytical method. However, the method needs to be studied for precision parameters to ensure the quality of results generated.This work reports on a DRI validation study, detecting repeatability (r) and reproducibility limits (R). To perform the study, 4-6 Italian laboratories took part in an interlaboratory test for the validation of the DRI method on four different municipal solid wastes from different mechanical-biological treatment full-scale plants. Precision values (r and R) of DRI, expressed as relative standard deviation, were in the range of 3.6% and 15.5%, and were acceptable when compared with previous data obtained in another respirometric test. On the other hand, no regressions were found between r and R, and DRI, and as a consequence prediction of precision values was not possible a priori for different DRI levels, unless the same typology of waste was considered.  相似文献   

This paper reports the environmental results, integrated with those arising from mass and energy balances, of a research project on the comparative analysis of strategies for material and energy recovery from waste, funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research. The project, involving the cooperation of five University research groups, was devoted to the optimisation of material and energy recovery activities within integrated municipal solid waste (MSW) management systems. Four scenarios of separate collection (overall value of 35%, 50% without the collection of food waste, 50% including the collection of food waste, 65%) were defined for the implementation of energetic, environmental and economic balances. Two sizes of integrated MSW management system (IWMS) were considered: a metropolitan area, with a gross MSW production of 750,000 t/year and an average province, with a gross MSW production of 150,000 t/year. The environmental analysis was conducted using Life Cycle Assessment methodology (LCA), for both material and energy recovery activities. In order to avoid allocation we have used the technique of the expansion of the system boundaries. This means taking into consideration the impact on the environment related to the waste management activities in comparison with the avoided impacts related to the saving of raw materials and primary energy. Under the hypotheses of the study, both for the large and for the small IWMS, the energetic and environmental benefits are higher than the energetic and environmental impacts for all the scenarios analysed in terms of all the indicators considered: the scenario with 50% separate collection in a drop-off scheme excluding food waste shows the most promising perspectives, mainly arising from the highest collection (and recycling) of all the packaging materials, which is the activity giving the biggest energetic and environmental benefits. Main conclusions of the study in the general field of the assessment of the environmental performance of any integrated waste management scheme address the importance of properly defining, beyond the design value assumed for the separate collection as a whole, also the yields of each material recovered; particular significance is finally related to the amount of residues deriving from material recovery activities, resulting on average in the order of 20% of the collected materials.  相似文献   

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