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规划环境影响评价中的公众参与探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公众参与在规划环境影响评价中具有重要的意义,因此,首先讨论了规划环评中公众参与的涵义和作用,以及规划环评公众参与的对象、形式、时机,然后根据中国环境影响评价中公众参与的现状,提出了提高规划环评公众参与的有效性的途径。  相似文献   

规划环境影响评价(以下简称规划环评)改进与完善的方向必然是与决策体系的融合。以城乡规划为例,研究规划环评与城乡规划过程如何在制度层面和操作层面实现融合。提出了城乡规划与规划环评整合的实施框架,并识别出城乡规划的10个重要的决策阶段。进一步,针对其中的5个重要的决策阶段,阐明了规划环评如何参与规划过程,从而实现规划环评与决策过程全过程的融合。此外,要使规划环评真正发挥作用,需要使决策者将规划环评作为一种内部程序,而非外部强加的对其行政权力的干预。只有决策者认同规划环评可以成为部门协商与公众参与的平台,可以帮助其实现本部门的可持续发展目标,才可能在决策过程中考虑和采纳规划环评的成果。  相似文献   

香港区域发展的策略性环境影响评价(简称环评)从20世纪80年代起步,已形成包括行政规定和法例规定的制度框架,其策略性环评的实践范围也逐步从规划、计划向政策、策略扩展.从评价过程、评价方法、公众参与时段安排、决策出发点等方面分析了2个香港区域发展的策略性环评案例.结果表明,为使策略性环评取得预想的成果并有助于可持续发展,...  相似文献   

中国环境影响评价中的公众参与有效性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
公众参与不但是环评工作的重要内容,而且对实施可持续发展战略起着重要作用。文章阐述了环境影响评价中公众参与的概念、作用,分析了现阶段公众参与存在的主要问题,结合工作实践,并借鉴国外经验,提出了提高公众参与有效性的若干改进建议。  相似文献   

基于利益相关方分析法的规划环评公众参与研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用利益相关方分析法,并依据<中华人民共和国环境影响评价法>、<环境影响评价公众参与暂行办法>等相关法律法规要求,遵循随机性原则和利益相关性原则,确定参与规划环境影响评价(简称规划环评)的公众范围,着重分析规划环评中相关方利益诉求.以某电石化工产业基地规划环评为例,通过规划环评的公众参与,分析利益相关方的共同点、关心点和矛盾点,并围绕各利益中心结合法律、法规设置了不同类型的问卷调查表,根据调查数据分析结果提出规划调整建议,解决了规划环评中利益相关方面临的问题.研究表明,利益相关方分析能够反映规划的环境不合理性,有助于规划的调整与优化.  相似文献   

在环境保护问题日益受到关注的今天,公众参与无疑是一项值得肯定和提倡的制度。环境问题的特点决定了公众参与的必要性,公众参与的建立对环境保护起着至关重要的作用。在现今的法律中,已经有诸多关于公众参与的法律法规方面的相关规定;实践中,公众参与在某些地方、某些层面已经实行和落到实处。但是,面对环境“局部好转,总体恶化”的状况,公众参与凸显很多不足,需要在制度、法律等层面加以进一步完善。  相似文献   

建设项目环评中公众参与的现实意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环境影响评价中的公众参与在我国刚刚起步,这是建设项目环境管理中的新课题。本文通过阐述公众参与环境影响评价的意义,旨在进一步规范公众参与制度,使公众参与环境影响评价工作真正落到实处,发挥其更大的作用。  相似文献   

《规划环境影响评价条例》的颁布与实施,标志着环境保护参与综合决策进入了一个新阶段。规划环评是人类对环境问题、尤其是对末端治理反思的结果,是政治民主化和科技社会化发展的必然。《条例》注重实践检验,突出跟踪评价;坚持专家审查、决策管理、公众参与三结合,优势互补,相得益彰;追究法律责任,柔中有刚。重在追究个人责任,专家亦不例外。规划环评源于项目环评,高于项目环评。当前,项目环评和区域限批仍是规划环评的重要抓手。科学性是规划环评的生命线。实践决定一切,实践是实现规划环评科学性的惟一途径。规划环评任重道远。规划环评要坚持为经济服务,为规划服务,为公众服务,实现多方共赢,方能凝心聚力,一往无前。  相似文献   

论健全环境影响评价法律制度的几个问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
环境影响评价制度是从源头控制环境污染和生态破坏的法律手段,但中国的环境影响评价制度在实施中却存在执行率高、效果差的尴尬困境.探讨了健全环境影响评价制度的指导思想和途径,并从完善战略环境影响评价制度、环境影响评价审批制度、公众参与制度、法律责任制度等方面进行了具体论述.  相似文献   

遏制全球气候变化,控制温室气体的排放,已成为世界各国的共识,发展低碳经济也成为必然选择。环境影响评价(简称环评)制度作为与经济社会发展联系最为紧密的环境管理制度,如何利用现有的环评制度促进低碳经济的发展成为一项重要的研究内容。结合环评制度的特点,指出将"低碳"引入环评的必要性,并提出可采取宏观与微观相结合将"低碳"引入环评制度;在环评制度中通过完善能源分析引导能源结构调整和提高能源利用效率;通过增加碳排放指标促进低碳产业发展;通过研究污染物与温室气体的关联性,努力实现协同控制等建议。  相似文献   

This paper starts by investigating the rationales for public participation in environmental assessment. It is contended that access to participation may refer both to means as well as ends; thus, some advocates of citizen participation favour involvement for social and or political reasons (i.e. the participation is the end in itself). However, the value of that participation may also, as we shall see, advance quality and depth of knowledge (i.e. the participation is viewed only as a means to an end). The initial two sections, therefore, paint two broad brushstrokes: the first concerns why we should require public participation, and the second why that participation may improve the quality of our environmental assessment procedure. Further, it is then argued that the issues and problems of public participation vary across different environmental issues and also vary across different stages of the environmental assessment procedure and according to the scientific disciplines and practices involved. This paper points the way towards an open and representative style in which communities are included in environment assessment processes as a source of new or better knowledge, as well as a contribution towards what the EU refers to as the 'horizontal participatory approach'. The paper briefly considers methodological issues concerning ways in which participation might be carried out.  相似文献   

对化学工业建设项目环评设计的要点进行了讨论,以实际项目为例,提出要从实际生产出发,深入研究工艺流程、物料平衡、三废产生与处理等的“硬环节”;并从宏观层面,把握好环境风险影响、政策研究、公众参与等“软环节”的尺度。  相似文献   

城市规划的环境影响评价研究初探   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
环境影响评价法的颁布是中国环境影响评价的一个新阶段。中国至今尚无明确的、系统的规划环境影响评价的技术导则和规范,其评价理论仍在探索之中。分析了国内外规划环境影响评价的历史和现状。从区域环境影响评价的实践经验总结出了城市规划环境影响评价应强调城市发展的可持续性。探讨了该层次评价的介入时间、评价原则、环境影响因素识别及评价内容,提出从生态合理性、绿色化程度等方面考虑城市规划的生态环境影响。  相似文献   

根据委托代理理论,分析了中国环境影响评价制度中存在的问题,立足于绿色招商的理念,理顺建设项目环评委托代理关系,明确了建设单位、环评单位、招商部门、环保部门等相互之间的关系和职责,以使中国的环境影响评价制度更适应新型工业化道路发展的要求。  相似文献   

环境监测在环境影响评价中的作用分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在新时期,环境保护工作的发展面临着新的机遇和挑战。环境监测贯穿于整个环境影响评价体系之中,即环境影响评价中的评价初期、建设期、运行期以及后评价期,均需环境监测数据来支撑,因此,环境监测是环境影响评价的技术基础,同时还具有较强的监督功能。  相似文献   

Rapid environmental degradation in China makes understanding how perceived exposure to environmental harm influences environmental attitudes and participation in pro-environmental behaviors among the Chinese people crucial. We used a nation-wide survey dataset in urban China to test two hypotheses: experiencing environmental harm directly affects environmental behavior; environmental attitudes mediate the relationship between experiencing environmental harm and environmental behavior. We found respondents who experienced environmental harm had more pro-environmental attitudes. Experiencing environmental harm positively influenced pro-environmental behavior both directly and indirectly through the mediation of pro-environmental attitudes. Among the pro-environmental behaviors, environmental litigation was most strongly related with exposure to environmental harm. Our results suggest that more participation in pro-environmental behaviors may be expected as rapid economic development increases public exposure to environmental harm in urban China.  相似文献   

The central theme of this paper is that the assessment of environmental issues requires citizen participation for several reasons, including access to local knowledge, quality assurance and to reveal values and agendas. One methodology for involving the public is presented, based around the case of air pollution assessment in Sheffield. The study procedure of using citizen groups is described, and an analysis of the material from the groups is given. The final section argues that group discussions can be an appropriate methodology for involving the public in environmental assessment, and that the participants were able to comment on the validity and quality of such technical activities as continuous monitoring and computer modelling of air pollution in an urban environment.  相似文献   

The requirements for public participation in air pollution control programs have been significantly increased by the 1977 Clean Air Act Amendments. This paper is directed to state and local agency officials, to assist them in carrying out these responsibilities under the Act. The changes in the Act and the guidelines that have been issued pursuant to these new provisions are summarized. The elements of an effective public participation program are described. The current status of public participation in state implementation plan revision programs is reported.  相似文献   

This paper questions the assumption that public participation in integrated assessment (IA) means finding (better) ways to make the public engage with IA. Following other studies about public perceptions of expert/scientific knowledge, it is unclear why the public should - or even want to - approach issues (such as climate change) from the epistemologically privileged expert-framed perspectives of IA. The objective of this paper is to reverse the order and re-centre the problematique of public participation and IA toward a public-centred perspective, toward a 'folk integrated assessment'. In order to undertake this task, illustrations of how groups of lay members of the public perceive and think about issues such as climate change are presented and analysed. They reveal the already existing, always context-dependent complexity, diversity, richness and ambiguity of lay knowledge and 'integration' skills.  相似文献   

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