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随着人类社会的发展,工业生产与环境污染之间的问题日益突出,工业生态学将工业社会视为一个生态系统,成为人类实现可持续发展的重要途径。本文研究了环境信息披露的有关内容,提出了工业生态学指导下的环境信息披露涵义,重点要披露生态系统下企业间合作的环境信息,同时就如何加强我国环境信息披露提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

对工业生态系统及其特性的哲学理解   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
本文从哲学角度对工业生态学的核心内容-工业生态系统的特性进行了研究,分析了工业生态系统和自然生态系统的本质区别,指出了在“创建”工业生态园区时应满足的条件以及决策中应注意的问题。  相似文献   

工业生态学及其应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
出现仅十年的工业生态学已进入到快速发展的时期,它以新的眼光来看待经济的发展。把整个工业系统作为生态系统中的一个特殊形式来看待,本文从工业生态学的基本概念出发,分析了其基本原理,并以“卡伦堡共生体系”为例,介绍了工业生态学在实际中的应用。  相似文献   

工业生态学及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从出现至今仅十年的工业生态学,已进入到快速发展的时期,工业生态学以新的眼光来看待经济的发展,它把整个工业系统作为生态系统中的一个特殊形式来看待,本文从工业生态学的基本概念出发,分析了其基本原理,最后以“卡伦堡共生体系”为例,介绍了工业生态学在实际中的应用。  相似文献   

生态工业园——可持续的工业革命   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
工业的快速发展,加剧了城市生态环境的变化。而工业的规模化生产,使城市生态系统中有限的资源变得越来越稀缺。生态经济的不断发展又要求人们在追求经济效益的同时,兼顾与生态效益与社会效益的和谐统一。城市工业生态系统是城市生态系统的子系统,而城市工业园区则是城市工业生态系统的核心部分,也是城市工业发展的动力和方向。如何运用工业生态学的基本原理以及借鉴国外生态工业园区的成功经验,以完善我国城市工业园区建设,从而促进工业的可持续发展,是摆在我们面前的历史难题。生态工业园是人类探索经济发展新途径的产物,它可使社会经济、环境和人类的需求三者之间达到平衡,是工业生态学的一个重要研究领域。本文从生态工业园的概念出发,分析了国内外生态工业园的发展状况及其类型,并对其今后的发展作了展望。  相似文献   

4.1引言 在这一章中.我们将讨论工业生态学的内容,工业生态学是以将工业系统比喻成生态系统为基础的。根据工业生态学的概念,工业系统应遵循支配自然系统的同样的原则.目的在于去模仿更高的总效率。像生态经济学家一样,工业生态学家认为经济蕴育在地球的生态系统之中.这是经济遵循自然原则的另外一个原因。事实上,正如我们在这一章将要看到的一样.工业生态学与生态经济学是密切相关的.但更侧重于产业和产品。继续按照这种思路思考下去.顺着以下章节更进一步的看到两个具体的工具.  相似文献   

面对资源的有限性和生态恢复的长久性,传统工业的可持续发展面临着严峻的挑战,工业生态学的产生与发展成为必然,而生态工业园是工业生态学的重要研究内容。阐述了工业生态学的概念、发展、研究对象.研究内容。论述了生态工业园及国外生态工业园的建设与发展过程。并以“卡伦堡共生体”为例进行了案例分析。提出了国外生态工业园研究与实践中潜在的问题及对我国工业园发展与管理的启示。  相似文献   

生物多样性的价值   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生物多样性包括遗传、物种,生态系统多样性三个层次。生物多样性的价值主要表现在:第一,对农业生产的价值,第二,对医学价值;第三,对工业生产的价值;第四,稳定生态系统的价值;第五、教育,科研及旅游价值,第六,为人类提供适应未来变化的资源。  相似文献   

我国制糖(甘蔗)生态工业模式及典型案例分析   总被引:24,自引:8,他引:16  
在对我国制糖工业发展现状与趋势分析的基础上,基于工业生态学原理提出了制糖(甘蔗)生态工业模式,剖析了其生态学组成和结构、工业代谢类型及主要特征,并以我国建立的第一个国家生态工业园——贵港生态工业园为例进行了案例研究。研究表明,通过引入生态工业理念,对制糖行业进行生态化重构。构建生态工业链和生态工业网,可从根本上削减制糖工业对环境的污染,增强制糖工业的可持续发展能力,取得明显的社会、经济和环境效益。  相似文献   

应用工业生态学解决污染与发展问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
面对日益尖锐的污染与发展之间的矛盾,在清洁生产基础上兴起的工业生态学是一门新的边缘学科,其概念和原理来源于生物生态学。讲述了工业生态学的概念、核心要旨和研究方法。对其在工业体系中的应用进行了初步的探讨,并提出了一些新的思路。  相似文献   

This contribution to the Journal of Cleaner Production special issue ‘Applications of Industrial Ecology’ is based upon an extensive literature review, which produced four criteria to characterise research on the concept of industrial ecology (IE). The criteria are (1) material and energy flows, (2) systems improvement, (3) systems adaptation and (4) change management. The criteria were analysed against the six subject areas of the Technology and Climate Change (CLIMTECH) Research Programme in Finland to identify the applications of the concept of industrial ecology. The results of the analysis contribute (a) to the debate on the characteristics of the emerging concept of IE, (b) show IE characteristics of a large Finnish research project in the field of climate change mitigation and (c) invite scholars in the field to study the observed unclear and fuzzy role of the concept of IE in practical research project work. Responses to this article are encouraged for publication in the future issues of Journal of Cleaner Production.  相似文献   

产业生态学及其实施的观念创新   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
产业生态学是20世纪90年代在可持续发展思想的推动下迅速崛起的,旨在探讨产业系统与生态系统相互作用关系并促使其可持续发展的一门新学科,尽管尚不完善,但产业生态学的思想和原理已逐步得到产业界和许多国家政府的高度重视,并成为指导其产业可持续发展的重要理论工具。该文论述了产业生态学的产生和内涵,着重提出了实施产业生态学战略所必须的诸多观念创新。  相似文献   

产业生态学与生态产业建设战略研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
介绍了产业生态学的特征和基本原则,提出了生态产业的概念、特点及其建设战略。  相似文献   

介绍了产业生态学的兴起,阐述了作为一门交叉学科,产业生态学广泛吸取了其他学科的理论和方法,例如生态学中的系统演化理论、经济学中的投入产出分析方法等,并在这些理论和方法的基础上,形成了自身的理论和方法体系,其中包括物质和能量流分析、生态效率、生产者责任延伸制、产品导向的环境政策等。提出随着这些理论和方法研究的不断完善和深入,产业生态学将广泛用于企业、区域、国家甚至全球层面上,在更广的领域和范围内发挥积极作用。  相似文献   

In this article, industrial ecology is used as a framework for analysing transport energy and its implication for products. The importance of the energy use for transport in a natural resource production system is analysed. By using fish as a case study, it is shown that the amount of energy for transport is highly dependent on the transport mode used. When applying industrial ecology principles for making assessments of the environmental impacts of products, the whole product chain is examined. This is an extended life-cycle approach, which also includes the transport of the finished products from the exporter to the importing country. This last part of the transport chain can be extremely energy demanding, as is shown for the case of fish transport. This finding has implications for the products, and for the form in which the products should be transported. Increasing the energy efficiency of production systems is an important industrial ecology principle, and must be taken into consideration when analysing product chains. A revision of today's practice of transporting large quantities of fresh whole fish by transcontinental airliners is bound to be necessary. This is a consequence of the demands for increased energy efficiency of tomorrow's industrial production systems.  相似文献   

The application of ecological concepts to the industrial setting has been touched upon by literature across several disciplines. Two emerging ecological planning approaches, landscape ecology and industrial ecology, are applied here to look at alternative ways of planning industrial parks. As an emerging field, landscape ecology provides different viewpoints from the traditional approach of natural conservation, which mainly focuses on the protection of nature. The approach of landscape ecology regards the environment as a land mosaic, a mixture of natural and urban environment, which concerns a manageable human-scale environment across one or two human generations. Industrial ecology, on the other hand, goes beyond the traditional “end of pipe” idea of pollution control and learns from the ecosystem concept. The current paper is an attempt to reconcile these two fields as an integrated approach to the planning of industrial areas. Using a case study of Singapore’s Jurong Island industrial park, two fundamental issues behind the idea of landscape ecology and industrial ecology are raised. If raw materials, energy and by-products are more easily replaced or reused by technology and management, then research on industrial ecology and related knowledge will be crucial for developing natural resource substitution by innovative technology and new ways of environmental management. Where it is difficult to substitute natural resources, the skills of planning and managing natural resources will take priority over other strategies. In this situation, the knowledge of landscape ecology needs to be applied to the prediction, design and evaluation of ecologically optimum resource uses, patterns and processes in the mixture of natural, urban and industrial environment. A new concept, “nurtured landscape”, is proposed for mediating between the natural ecosystem and the urban/industrial environment. The nurtured landscape provides a basis for the development of new ecological technology using landscape to ameliorate the polluting effects of the urban/industrial neighbourhood. The planning of Singapore’s Jurong Island industrial park provides a test of applying the principles of landscape ecology and industrial ecology to the possible transformation of an industrial area.  相似文献   

Industrial symbioses (ISs) and eco-industrial parks (EIPs) are key concepts of industrial ecology (IE). The aim of ISs and EIPs is to minimise inefficient material and energy use by utilising local by-product and energy flows. Industrial symbioses tend to develop through spontaneous action of economic actors, for gaining of economic benefit, but these systems can be designed and promoted via policy instruments as well. A literature review showed that national programmes for eco-industrial parks can be found in different parts of the world. In the action programmes and other sustainable consumption and production (SCP) policy documents of the EU, on the other hand, industrial symbioses gain less recognition as a path to enhanced sustainable production. In this article, we consider this and also analyse how the evolution and environmental performance of an industrial symbiosis system centred on a Finnish pulp and paper mill have been affected by SCP policy instruments. With regard to the system forming the subject of the case study, and Finnish industrial systems in general, policy instruments have succeeded in reducing emissions but not in systematically encouraging operators toward symbiosis-like activities. All in all, few studies exist on the overall impact of policy instruments promoting design of eco-industrial parks. It is not self-evident that symbiosis-like production systems would be sustainable in every case, as the background assumptions for political promotion of EIPs suggest. We concluded that industrial symbioses should be analysed and developed on a life cycle basis, with documentation of the real environmental benefits due to efficient resource use and decreased emissions in comparison to standalone production. ISs can then bring eco-competitiveness to companies in relation to SCP tools, such as environmental permits, ecolabels, and future product regulation based on the Ecodesign Directive in Europe. Indirect encouragement of symbiosis through land-use regulation and planning, in such a way that material fluxes between companies are possible both in operations and in financial terms, may prove effective. The same holds for waste policies that encourage increased reuse of a company’s waste by other enterprises.  相似文献   

Industrial ecology (IE) is an emerging framework adopted in the manufacturing, construction, and process industries to provide innovative solutions in strategic planning, leading to cleaner operation and production. An IE framework integrates a large number of processes, economic constraints, and environmental, health and safety considerations for optimized resource utilization. This paper provides a review of environmental management practices in the mining and minerals industry, emphasizing two concepts: IE and cleaner production. The mining and minerals industry provides primary materials for industrial activities; as such, it is an important component in the “industrial ecosystem.” This industry is subject to very stringent social and environmental scrutiny, while providing society with required natural resources to meet essential sustainable development requirements. The implementation of an IE framework in the sector will contribute to sustainable development.  相似文献   

Using chemical process simulation to design industrial ecosystems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Chemical process simulation (CPS) software has been widely used by chemical (process) engineers to design, test, optimise, and integrate process plants. It is expected that industrial ecologists to bring these same problem-solving benefits to the design and operation of industrial ecosystems can use CPS. This paper provides industrial ecology researchers and practitioners with an introduction to CPS and an overview of chemical engineering design principles. The paper highlights recent research showing that CPS can be used to model industrial ecosystems, and discusses the benefits of using CPS to address some of the technical challenges facing companies participating in an industrial ecosystem. CPS can be used to (i) quantitatively evaluate and compare the potential environmental and financial benefits of material and energy linkages; (ii) solve general design, retrofit, or operational problems; (iii) help to identify complex and often counter-intuitive solutions; and (iv) evaluate what-if scenarios. CPS should be a useful addition to the industrial ecology toolbox.  相似文献   

Material flow analysis (MFA) has become a useful tool for industrial ecology (IE) to analyze the metabolism of social systems, such as countries and regions. This paper proposes to use the indicators derived from MFA, complemented with water and energy indicators, to analyze the efficiency and the materialization ranks of industrial areas. The methodology is applied to a case study of an industrial area located in Catalonia (Spain). Despite the heterogeneity of the area, by using simple data the indicators detect companies with high consumption or inefficiency. These companies have many opportunities to improve on these aspects and the indicators can measure and reflect their evolution. In addition, the results show the importance that some flows such as water inputs (1.5 times higher than material inputs) and indirect flows associated with imports, which often are omitted, can have in some study cases.  相似文献   

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