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Restriction fragment-length polymorphisms of mitochondrial (mt) DNA, generated by six-base restriction enzymes, were used to examine the stock structure of the two major commercial species in New Zealand fisheries, orange roughy (Hoplostethus atlanticus Collett) and hoki (Macruronus novaezelandiae Hector). Samples of orange roughy from six spawning sites around New Zealand and one site off Tasmania show significant genetic heterogeneity. Samples from two sites around the south of New Zealand were genetically similar to each other, but dissimilar to samples from all other sites. The common haplotype observed in northern sites was absent from the two southern sites. Low numbers of unique haplotypes were restricted to the Challenger Plateau in the Tasman Sea. There was no significant genetic heterogeneity in five samples of hoki from two spawning sites off New Zealand and one site off Tasmania.  相似文献   

The lipids of 2 species and 1 group of copepods, 4 species of euphausiids, 2 species of mysids, and 6 species of decapods, taken from different depths in the North-eastern Atlantic Ocean and Western Mediterranean Sea, have been analysed specifically for their wax ester content. The mid-water animals living below 500 m contained large amounts of wax ester (30 to 80% total lipid), while those animals living in the upper 600 to 700 m or on the sea floor had only small wax ester fractions (5 to 10% total lipid). It is suggested that the wax esters are laid down by those animals living in areas of low food density, where energy conservation is important, partly to achieve a more neutral buoyancy. In addition, it would appear that wax esters can function as energy reserves.  相似文献   

We examined site differences in the elemental composition of the primordium and ontogenetic variability of Sr in otoliths of fish from Australia and New Zealand and, as an out-group, the North Atlantic. Differences among sites in primordium composition are slight, but significant for all five elements assayed (Sr, Pb, Cu, Zn and Hg), but principally reflect differences between the North Atlantic and SW Pacific specimens, do not replicate for independent samples in the SW Pacific and constitute a poor “natural tag” in roughy, with <25% of fish successfully assigned to source location. However, mean Sr weight-fractions at the primordium showed similar latitudinal variation across sites in Australia, New Zealand and the Tasman Sea, indicating both spatially structured populations and a common structuring process across the region. Comparisons of ontogenetic variability of Sr in otoliths from juveniles and young adults within and between sites in the SW Pacific strongly support the hypothesis that variability in this element is site-specific and environmentally sensitive, although the environmental factors involved are not obvious. The otolith analysis confirms previous suggestions that juvenile and adult Hoplostethus atlanticus are relatively sedentary, but also indicates that the population sub-structuring by age within sites is more complex and there are likely to be more spawning areas in Australian waters than previously thought. More broadly, although single point analysis of otolith composition at the primordium resolves a population structure in roughy, alone it is not precise enough to test hypotheses about the processes causing this structure. Ontogenetic variability in Sr provides better resolution of spatial structure, even in a relatively homogenous marine environment like the deep ocean, and also provides insight into behavioural and ecological factors. Ontogenetic analyses of Sr in otoliths are expensive to obtain, require more effort in specimen preparation than single point analyses, and are difficult to compare statistically, but the increased information they yield warrants their broader consideration in marine species.  相似文献   

Allozyme and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) genetic variation was compared in orange roughy (Hoplostethus atlanticus Collett) collected from waters off southern Australia and from waters about 22 000 km away in the North Atlantic west of Scotland. Samples were screened for 11 polymorphic allozyme loci and with 9 restriction enzymes. Significant heterogeneity between the two areas was detected for three allozyme loci (ADA *, CK * and GPI-1 *), and the overall G ST (gene-diversity statistic) value of 1% was small but significant. Significant mtDNA haplotype heterogeneity was observed after 2- of haplotype frequencies but not after a G ST analysis. Nucleotide sequence-diversity analysis showed very low net divergence (0.0023%) between the two samples. The Australian orange roughy had a lower allozyme heterozygosity and a lower mitochondrial DNA nucleon diversity than the North Atlantic sample. The very limited, although significant, allozyme and mitochondrial DNA heterogeneity between these areas suggests that there is some gene flow between these two populations. The species appears to be widespread, with its presence reported from the southern Pacific, southern Indian, and northern and southern Atlantic Oceans, and it is likely that gene flow between the antipodes is mediated by stepping-stone exchange between adjacent populations rather than by direct migration.  相似文献   

Resting metabolic rate was measured in demersal stages of the teleostNotothenia neglecta Nybelin from the South Orkney Islands, Antarctica, from 1985 to 1987. The relationship between and body mass (Mb) conformed to the general relationship , wherea is a proportionality constant andb is the scaling exponent. (mg O2 h–1) was found to scale toMb (0.82±0.011) in the summer (November to April, 1.6 to 1 850 g,n=56) and toMb (0.76±0.013) in the winter (May to October, 0.9 to 1 850 g,n=57) (values ofb are means ± SD). Although the scaling exponents were significantly different (P<0.01), was similar in the juvenile stages of summer- and winter-caught fish matched for body mass. The effects of activity on oxygen consumption was studied using a Brett respirometer. Adult stages had a factorial aerobic scope for activity of 5.7, which is similar to that reported for demersal fish from temperate latitudes. The effects of temperature on resting metabolism was investigated in fish with similar sedentary lifestyles from the North Sea (Agonus cataphractus andMyoxocephalus scorpius) and the Indo-West Pacific (Paracirrhites forsteri, P. arcatus, Neocirrhites armatus andExallias brevis). Extrapolated values of for the tropical species approached zero at 5 to 10°C. For a standard 50 g fish, for the tropical species at 25°C was in the range 3.4 to 4.4 mg O2 h–1, compared with 1.3 mg O2 h–1 forNotothenia neglecta at its acclimation temperature. Thus, the maximum metabolic rate of sedentary tropical species at 24°C is likely to be 2 to 4 times higher than inN. neglecta at 0°C. This suggests that the energy available for sustained activity is significantly lower in cold- than in warm-water fish.  相似文献   

Frequencies of electromorphs encoded by 14 polymorphic loci were used to estimate genetic distances among samples of the rabbitfishes Siganus argenteus, S. doliatus, S. fuscescens, S. guttatus, S. javus, S. punctatus, S. randalli, S. spinus, S. vermiculatus, and S. (Lo) vulpinus. Samples of the surgeonfish Naso lituratus (Acanthuridae) were included in the electrophoretic survey for the purpose of outgroup comparison. A matrix of genetic-distance estimates was used for construction of dendrograms by neighbor-joining, complete-linkage and single-linkage procedures, and the unweighted pair-group method of arithmetic averages (UPGMA). Cluster analysis revealed interspecific relationships that are concordant with several predictions intimated in the most recent taxonomic revision of this assemblage of fishes. S. randalli and S. vermiculatus, the pair postulated to be sibling species on the basis of strikingly similar external morphology, were found to exhibit the lowest levels of genetic divergence relative to all other pairs of study species. S. randalli, S. guttatus, and S. vermiculatus comprised one of three clusters discerned in all resultant topologies (i.e., ball clusters). S. argenteus, S. fuscescens, and S. spinus, three fusiform-bodied species, formed a second ball cluster that was clearly separable from the remainder of the siganids studied (which are all relatively deep-bodied). A third ball cluster contained S. punctatus and S. vulpinus: S. doliatus was depicted as being allied with S. punctatus and S. vulpinus in the neighbor-joining and complete-linkage topologies but not in topologies generated by UPGMA and single linkage. It is noteworthy that S. punctatus, S. vulpinus, and S. doliatus are the only three species included in the present study which purportedly school when young but form pair-bonds as adults. In all topologies, S. javus occupied branches stemming from furcation points between fusiform-bodied and deep-bodied species. Of all the siganids studied, S. argenteus was found to be least divergent genetically from N. lituratus. S. argenteus is the only siganid known to spawn pelagic eggs and undergo a specialized pelagic stage (features typical within the Acanthuridae). Hence, genetic relationships within the Siganidae and among the Siganidae and a representative acanthurid coincide with a host of predictions stemming from morphologic and life-history studies of the Acanthuroidei.  相似文献   

From deep ( 1000 m), multi-depth zooplankton samples taken in the Azores frontal region from November 1980 to June 1981, high numbers of the two larval forms ofLepas pectinata, the commonest lepadid cirripede in this area, were sampled. The nauplii and cyprid larvae are large and long-lived. Nauplii were sampled where they feed, in the upper 150 m, closely associated with the fluorescence maximum. The cyprids were mainly sampled between 300 and 400 m, with a sharp cut-off in numbers just below the distribution peak. This deep distribution is intriguing, as the cyprids, which were not migrating diurnally, are non-feeding. To complete their life cycle they must settle on floating debris at the surface, where very few were sampled. They are negatively buoyant and there is no apparent physical reason for this deep distribution. There was no obvious pattern of changes in individual length or length/dry weight distribution with depth, the population appeared homogeneous. There was also no accumulation of other zooplankton at the same depth, or evidence from gut contents of large carnivores that the distribution pattern was caused by selective predation. A close association exists betweenL. pectinata andSargassum spp. weed, the cyprids preferentially settling on small fragments of weathered weed, the supply of which may be enhanced after winter. During winter, the harsh environment at the surface of the northern Sargasso Sea may discourage cyprid settlement. The deep distribution may be an ontogenetic migration conferring some survival advantage and saving energy due to the lower temperature and oxygen levels at depth. If it is a behavioural mechanism, duration of the cyprid stage will be extended until a more clement time of year, allowing them to settle over a longer period. The cyprids of other species were also sampled at depth, so the phenomenon appears to be widespread. If subsequent research confirms these observations as an ontogenetic migration, our current understanding of the fouling behaviour of oceanic lepadid cirripedes would be considerably modified.  相似文献   

Mean age and length at onset of maturity were estimated for orange roughy (Hoplostethus atlanticus) populations off New Zealand, Namibia, and Great Britain. Significant between-area differences were apparent in both these parameters. Implications of the between-area differences on stock structure of orange roughy in New Zealand waters are discussed. A proportional relationship between age at onset of maturity and modal size of fish in the mature population is demonstrated. This is consistent with later-maturing fish experiencing a longer period at a pre-maturity growth rate that is relatively faster than the rate of somatic growth after maturity. Received: 22 December 1997 / Accepted: 5 May 1998  相似文献   

H. Okada  S. Honjo 《Marine Biology》1975,31(3):271-285
The distribution of coccolithophores was studied in the neritic environment along the western margin of the Pacific Ocean: the Inland Sea of Seto, Yellow Sea, East China Sea, South China Sea, Java Sea, Timor Sea, Arafura Sea and Gulf of Carpentaria. The coccolithophore community in the Red Sea was also studied for comparison with the Pacific marginal seas. With minor exceptions, the coccolithophore communities were very similar throughout the neritic areas investigated, but differed completely from the pelagic community in three aspects. Firstly, almost all neritic coccolithophores, regardless of species, suffered various degrees and forms of malformation with relation to the morphology of their coccoliths, while such malformation was rare in the pelagic population. Nitrogen deficiency may cause such malformation. Secondly, the diversity of species in these marginal seas was much lower than in the pelagic environment, although no species was found to be exclusively neritic. Emiliania huxleyi, usually ubiquitous in oceanic areas and in various neritic environments of higher latitudes, was scarce, while Gephyrocapsa oceanica dominated the flora throughout the studied areas. Finally, the horizontal and vertical distributions of the neritic populations were sporadic compared to those of the rather uniform pelagic environments.  相似文献   

The concentrations of cadmium in 428 samples of the sea-skater Halobates micans from 57 locations in the central and south Atlantic Ocean ranged from 1.7 to 122 g Cd g-1 dry wt. The concentrations in females, males and nymphs were not significantly different. The data suggest that the cadmium concentrations in these insects are somehow related to surface currents. The highest values (50 to 70 g g-1, maximum value 122 g g-1) were recorded from the South Equatorial Current region; intermediate values (10 to 20 g g-1) from the Equatorial Counter Current and the North Equatorial Current; and relatively low concentrations (>10 g g-1) from the Canary Current in the north and the Benguela Current in the south. A remarkable feature of these data lies in the fact that they reveal areas of high Cd content which correspond closely with those indicated by data obtained by Bull et al. (1977) from a different set of samples, analyzed by different methods and obtained in different years.  相似文献   

Stomach contents of 687 orange roughy [Hoplostethus atlanticus (Collett, 1889)] from the Challenger Plateau, sampled in March, July and November 1984, were examined. The relative importance of different components of the diet was assessed using three feeding indices which combine, in different ways, percentage frequency of occurrence, percentage number, and percentage weight of prey categories. For both sexes, for all size classes and at any time of the year, the most frequent and abundant components of the diet were prawns, followed by fish, squid, amphipods and mysids. The main natant decapod families were Oplophoridae, Pasiphaeidae, and Sergestidae. Fish, mainly Chauliodontidae and Myctophidae, were the most important prey by weight. Most prey species were benthopelagic and mesopelagic organisms which move towards the surface at night. However, H. atlanticus can be caught by bottom trawl (between 750 and 1 200 m) during any 24 h period, and there was no evidence of vertical migration in search of their prey. When the fish grow in length, there is a transition in the diet from prawns, mysids, and fish, to prawns, fish and squid. Squid were not found in the stomach contents of fish smaller than 20 cm. These dietary changes may be linked to modifications in morphology with growth. The relative proportions of the main dietary items, and in particular the natant decapod families, varied with time of the year. Also, the stomach data seem to indicate an increasing importance of fish and squid in the diet in deeper water. H. atlanticus appears to be an opportunistic predator, consuming a wide variety of invertebrates and fishes. Our results provide evidence to support the notion that benthopelagic predators which consume vertically migrating mesopelagic fish, have an important role in the transfer of energy to the benthos.  相似文献   

Seabirds were systematically censused during more than 6 000 transect counts from research vessels in the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea during the summers of 1975 to 1984. Density indices were calculated for 1o latitude-longitude blocks for 71 species. Blocks were assigned to oceanographic regions (current systems and domains) on the bases of geography, sea surface temperature and salinity. Bird abundances across regions were patchy; concentrations occurred at boundaries. Regional avifaunas overlapped as a function of three factors: similarity of water-types, geographic adjacency, and proximity to nesting areas. Four major avifaunas were apparent: the Bering Sea (and adjacent regions), the Subarctic Current System/Transition Domain (and adjacent regions), Upwelling Domain, and North Pacific Central Water. The subarctic boundary sharply separated different avifaunas. Ocean productivity may be the factor that ultimately affects avifaunal composition.  相似文献   

Correlations and cross-correlations between forest fires in the province of British Columbia, Canada, and sea surface temperatures in the Pacific Ocean were evaluated. British Columbia has a long Pacific Ocean coastline; given that there may be teleconnections between the province's forest fires and climate variability over the ocean, significant correlations may exist between forest fires and the sea surface temperature of the Pacific Ocean. Fire occurrences and areas burned through lightning-caused and human-caused fires were analyzed against individual 1° × 1° grid cells of anomalies in the sea surface temperature to determine correlations for the period 1950-2006. Significant correlations (p < 0.05) for vast areas of the ocean were found between occurrences of lightning-caused fires and sea surface temperature anomalies for time lags of 1 and 2 years, whereas significant correlations between occurrences of human-caused fires and sea surface temperature anomalies occurred extensively for many time lags. To support the results of this approach, correlations between fire data and the Niño 3.4, Pacific Decadal Oscillation, and Arctic Oscillation indices were tested for the same period. Significant correlations were found between fire occurrences and these indices at certain time lags. Overall, fire occurrence appeared to be more extensively correlated with sea surface temperature anomalies than was area burned. These results support the hypothesis that teleconnections exist between fire activity in British Columbia and sea surface temperatures in the Pacific Ocean, and the correlations suggest that linear regression models or other regression techniques may be appropriate for predicting fire severity from the sea surface temperatures of one or more previous years.  相似文献   

 The levels and burdens of Cd, Zn, Cu and Hg were measured in the dorsal mantle, digestive gland and gonads of the squid Illex argentinus, from the Southwest Atlantic Ocean. Mature and immature individuals of both sexes were analysed. Correlations of heavy metal concentrations and burdens with sex and food habits were studied. The highest metal levels were found, particularly for Cd, in the digestive gland, which attained a concentration of up to 270 μg g−1 (wet weight). Dorsal mantle and gonads exhibited the same order of metal enrichment: Zn>Cu>Cd. Zinc and Cu levels were higher in ovaries than in testes and varied with the stage of maturation. The dorsal mantle exhibited the lowest heavy metal concentrations. Mercury levels were below the detection limit of the method in all the tissues analysed. Received: 7 September 1999 / Accepted: 9 March 2000  相似文献   

Results of isozyme electrophoresis were used to explore the genetic relationships between several Mediterranean morphs of Cerithium (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia), for which taxonomy is currently uncertain because of high intraspecific variability and low interspecific differentiation. The large species, classically known as C. vulgatum Bruguière, 1789 was identified at four sites (two in the French Mediterranean and two in southern Spain). Two different larval types were found in the French sites, but poecilogony could not be demonstrated. Individuals collected from harbours were not genetically distinct from open-sea populations of classic C. vulgatum. However, a population in the Embiez lagoon (French Mediterranean) which morphologically resembles C. vulgatum did display distinct genetic traits, supporting its status as a separate species. Of the small Cerithium species usually known as C. rupestre, two sympatric species (C.rupestre” Risso, 1826 and C. lividulum Risso, 1826) were distinguished. Genotype frequencies within the analysed populations revealed much heterozygote deficiency. F ST values (fixation index measuring the effects of population subdivision) suggest a higher genetic differentiation for C. lividulum populations than for C. vulgatum populations. We assume that a high larval dispersal capability (via planktotrophy) allows a high gene flow between populations of C. vulgatum. Received: 24 November 1998 / Accepted: 24 September 1999  相似文献   

The genetic structure of Patagonian toothfish populations in the Atlantic and western Indian Ocean Sectors of the Southern Ocean (SO) were analysed using partial sequences of the mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene and seven microsatellite loci. Both haplotype frequency data (F ST>0.906, P<0.01) and microsatellite genotype frequency data (F ST=0.0141–0.0338, P<0.05) indicated that populations of toothfish from around the Falkland Islands were genetically distinct from those at South Georgia (eastern Atlantic Sector SO), around Bouvet Island (western Atlantic Sector SO) and the Ob Seamount (western Indian Ocean Sector of the SO). Genetic differentiation between these populations is thought to result from hydrographic isolation, as the sites are separated by two, full-depth, ocean-fronts and topographic isolation, as samples are separated by deep water. The South Georgia, Bouvet and Ob Seamount samples were characterised by an identical haplotype. However, microsatellite genotype frequencies showed genetic differentiation between South Georgia samples and those obtained from around Bouvet Island and nearby seamounts (F ST=0.0037, P<0.05). These areas are separated by large geographic distance and water in excess of 3,000 m deep, below the distributional range of toothfish (<2,200 m). No significant genetic differentiation was detected between samples around Bouvet Island and the Ob Seamount although comparisons may have been influenced by low sample size. These localities are linked by topographic features, including both ridges and seamounts, that may act as oceanic “stepping stones” for migration between these populations. As for other species of deep-sea fish, Patagonian toothfish populations are genetically structured at the regional and sub-regional scales.  相似文献   

To describe the genetic relationship among regional populations of two commercially valuable species of marine fish, the orange roughy Hoplostethus atlanticus and the hoki Macruronus novaezelandiae, the mitochondrial (mt) DNA haplotypes of 59 individuals were defined by direct sequencing of the cytochrome b gene. Samples of orange roughy were collected on four fishing grounds around New Zealand, one off the west coast of Tasmania and one near South Africa from 1990–1991. Samples from hoki were collected on three fishing grounds around New Zealand and one off Tasmania during the same period. An average of 252 nucleotides were sequenced from each of 32 orange roughy and an average of 372 nucleotides from each of 27 hoki. Sequence variation allowed the definition of 9 unique orange roughy haplotypes and 5 hoki haplotypes. Genetic variation, as measured by both average sequence divergence and haplotype diversity, was high in the orange roughy (nucleotide diversity=0.590%, haplotype diversity=0.782) and low in the hoki (nucleotide diversity=0.076%, haplotype diversity=0.279) relative to a similar survey of the Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua. Differences in haplotype frequencies of orange roughy from New Zealand, Tasmania and South Africa were not significant, and the most common haplotype was found in similar frequencies in these three geographically distant regions. Differences in haplotype frequencies between the New Zealand and Tasmanian samples of hoki were significant, suggesting restricted gene flow between these two regions. The contrasting patterns of low but regionally subdivided genetic variation in the hoki versus high but geographically undifferentiated genetic variation in the orange roughy may be attributed to the low fecundity, slow maturation and long lifespan of the orange roughy relative to the hoki.  相似文献   

Geographical variations in the numbers, biomass and production of euphausiids and the contribution of common species to the total are described from samples taken during 1966 and 1967 in the North Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea by the Continuous Plankton Recorder at 10 m depth. Euphausiids were most abundant in the central and western North Atlantic Ocean and the Norwegian Sea. Thysanoessa longicaudata (Krøyer) was numerically dominant. Biomass was greatest in the Norwegian Sea and the north-eastern North Sea where Meganyctiphanes norvegica (M. Sars) accounted for 81 and 59%, respectively, of the total biomass. Production was highest off Nova Scotia and in Iberian coastal waters; the dominant species were T. raschi (M. Sars) in the former area and Nyctiphanes couchi (Bell) in the latter. The mean P:B ratios were correlated with temperature.  相似文献   

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