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以益新煤矿为例,针对矿区拟破坏的土地,综合考虑研究区自然、社会经济条件、政策法规、公众意愿、土地适宜性等因素,对比已复垦土地的利用方向,参照其他矿业城市采煤塌陷地的复垦利用模式,提出适合于研究区域的土地复垦模式,主要包括农用生态园模式、建设用地模式、矿山公园模式.  相似文献   

采煤沉陷区生态环境形势严峻,土地复垦势在必行。分析了采煤沉陷对邹城矿区生态环境的影响,并提出了疏干法、就地平整法、挖深垫浅法等实际的土地生态修复措施。  相似文献   

使用Map Objects组件和Ⅶ语言,对露天矿区排土场土地复垦的成本构成及计算进行了系统设计,系统包括排土场土地复垦成本计算和排土场空间地理信息管理两大功能。以安太堡露天煤矿为例,建立了成本计算系统,为露天矿区排土场土地复垦的成本计算提供了重要手段,提高了排土场空间信息管理工作的效率。  相似文献   

从美国矿区土地复垦的主体、资金来源、管理体系、费用评估、效果评价及环境影响等角度,介绍了燃煤副产物在矿区土地复垦的应用情况。美国自1977年联邦《复垦法》施行以来,已形成了完整的矿区土地复垦指导体系,并拥有大量成功案例。若能借鉴美国经验,将我国燃煤副产物应用于矿区土地复垦,不仅能促进我国土地复垦工作开展,还能有效解决燃煤副产物处置难的问题。  相似文献   

采煤沉陷已成为煤矿区危害范围最广、影响程度最大、延续时间最长的一种工程地质灾害,在对赵各庄煤矿矿山地质环境调查的基础上,分析采空沉陷区对土地资源影响特征,并预测采空沉陷区土地资源影响和破坏发展趋势,指出了沉陷区土地复垦规划原则,提出了合理的复垦建议。  相似文献   

随着矿产资源开发的加剧,矿山环境日益恶化,对矿山企业及周边村民造成严重影响。联合工艺复垦可有效控制及减轻矿山环境带来的影响,及时恢复生态环境及矿区土地复垦,可取得良好的复垦经济效益、生态效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

丛枝菌根在矿区生态重建中的应用及其前景分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前国内外矿山复垦研究的新热点是应用现代微生物工艺技术加速新覆盖土的改性与熟化。在总结分析国内外微生物复垦技术研究现状的基础上,对丛枝菌根应用于矿区复垦的前景进行了展望。加快这项技术的应用研究,对拓宽我国科学复垦技术研究领域、提高土地复垦率具有重要意义。  相似文献   

从VB、MapX和Matlab的技术结合点入手,发挥两者优势并应用于矿区土地管理信息系统的设计与实现。以矿区土地复垦管理信息系统的开发应用为例,重点介绍了当前VB与MATLAB编程的ActiveX方法。  相似文献   

矿区复垦土地的评价方法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
建立了一套适合矿区复垦土地评价的指标体系,提出了先对复垦土地的环境质量进行评价,当环境质量达标时再对其进行综合评价的思路。详细分析了各因子作用分值与作物产量的关系,根据因子的不同情况采取了不同的计算分值的方法,分别计算了当地正常农田的质量总分值以及复垦土地的总分值,并对两者进行了比较。  相似文献   

我国因各种人为因素造成破坏和废弃的土地近2亿亩,其中80%以上未得到复垦利用。最近,国土资源部等7部委联合发文要求,在建设用地批复、采矿许可证发放或矿产资源开发利用年度检查时,要征收土地复垦费。对复垦费投资估(概)算不足的,不予批准立项。据国土资源部耕地保护司司长潘明才介绍,我国土地复垦“旧帐未还、新帐又欠”,据估算,因各种人为因素造成破坏和废弃的土地近2亿亩,其中仅采矿破坏的土地约为9000万亩。目前,全国土地复垦率仅12%。潘明才介绍说,修建一条公路临时用地一般占总用地量的1/5左右:“空心村”现象普遍存在,一些老宅基地…  相似文献   

采煤塌陷区的生态环境治理是生态环境保护的一项重要内容。当前,采煤塌陷区所在的地方政府已经采取了相关的生态修复措施,并建立了相应的管理机构,有了一定的法制建设进展。但与采煤塌陷区生态修复相关的管理机制尚存在不足,诸如管理主体欠缺、管理体制不顺、法治不健全等问题普遍存在。因此,需要在环境管理转型的要求下进一步完善。  相似文献   

以黑龙江垦区土地资源利用为例,运用统计分析方法,结合土地利用变化幅度和土地利用动态度等分析指标,对黑龙江垦区土地利用现状与动态变化进行分析。在此基础上,提出了黑龙江垦区土地利用中存在的主要问题:耕地面积总量增加,但人均耕地面积下降;土地资源利用效益有待提高;土地质量逐年下降,生态环境趋于恶化;部分农场场址道路建设用地过大,土地浪费现象严重;土地后备资源日益匮乏,开发整理复垦难度大等5个方面,并提出了相关的对策建议。  相似文献   

Land subsidence caused by extensive groundwater pumping has become a factor which cannot be ignored in the sustainable exploitation of groundwater resources. The Hangzhou–Jiaxing–Huzhou Plain is one of the locations with China’s most severe land subsidence problems; the region has experienced dramatic land subsidence since the 1960s. Historical records of groundwater extraction, hydraulic head, and land subsidence show the latter to be the result of continual and excessive extraction of groundwater from deep confined aquifers. This study reconstructs land subsidence using an integrated regional groundwater flow and land subsidence model. The model is calibrated using land subsidence and groundwater level measurements from 1996 to 2007. Simulation results reproduce the cones of depression for groundwater heads and nadirs of land subsidence reasonably well. The calibrated model is used to evaluate the efficacy of land subsidence prevention plans from 2008 to 2010, and to predict future land subsidence over the next decade considering several groundwater exploitation scenarios. The results show the main cause of land subsidence to be inelastic compaction of the aquifer system resulting from continuously declining water levels. The model reveals that while the area of land subsidence will continue to extend, the rate of this extension may be significantly decreased by reduction of groundwater extraction. If the current land subsidence prevention and reclamation plans are continued and surface water diversion projects implemented, though land subsidence cannot be halted, the rate at which it is occurring can be effectively reduced.  相似文献   

The subsidence caused by coal mining in areas where cropland and coal resources overlap in the eastern plains of China with high ground water levels has caused large amounts of water to collect in cropland, significant damage to cropland, and a sharp contradiction between people and land distribution within this region. Systematic analysis and calculation were conducted on these areas by using GIS spatial overlay analysis technology, subsidence and occupied cropland estimation models, and crop yield reduction prediction model to reveal the overlapped characteristics and extent of farmland damage, as well as to evaluate the effects of farmland damage to grain yield, farmland landscape, agricultural population, and dynamical equilibrium of the total cultivated land. Results showed that the overlapped areas of cropland and coal resources on the eastern plains of China occupied an area covering 1.33 × 105 km2, which accounted for 31.93% of the total cropland area. In 2020, the accumulative total area of destroyed cropland reached 3.83 × 103 km2, thus reducing grain yield by 9.63 × 108 kg, and increasing the number of landless farmers to 1.91 × 106. Furthermore, the quality and production capacity of cultivated land decreased, farmland landscape patterns changed, land patterns and structures were adjusted, the dynamical equilibrium of the total cultivated land was difficult to guarantee, and social instability increased in coal mining subsidence areas. These findings provided a scientific basis for relevant government departments to enact countermeasures for the coordinative production of coal and grain.  相似文献   

Governments differ significantly in their attempts to mitigate the effects of mining disturbance. The approaches of Australia, Canada and the United States are reviewed here, relative to coal-mining reclamation. State and provincial examples (Queensland, Alberta and Montana) are used to illustrate legislation and planning below the national level. This paper explores three main issues that contribute to coal-mining reclamation: governmental level of legislation and planning; legislative scope; and inter-governmental co-ordination. The legislative histories vary, but are young and evolving. All require the submission of a reclamation plan before granting mining permits, enforce reclamation standards by security deposits and contain provisions for non-compliance. Australia and Canada are only beginning to address reclamation planning at the national level, whereas the United States has done so since 1977. The relationship to the environmental impact assessment process is uneven across the three nations. The United States and Canada have a larger percentage of their mined landscapes in a reclamation process, due partly to more stringent regulation. Reclamation effectiveness seems to centre less on centralization versus decentralization, and more on comprehensive scope, preventive approaches and multi-level governmental co-ordination.  相似文献   

基于土地适宜性评价方法,着重选取极限值条件法、AHP层次分析法、加权指数和法对白山市道清沟煤矿区的土地适宜类和土地质量等进行系统综合的分析,判定道清沟煤矿待复垦土地的类型、数量和质量。基于土地破坏现状和适宜性评价结果,提出以工程措施为主、生物化学措施为辅助的土地生态重构对策。  相似文献   

Ground subsidence in abandoned underground coal mine areas can result in loss of life and property. We analyzed ground subsidence susceptibility (GSS) around abandoned coal mines in Jeong-am, Gangwon-do, South Korea, using artificial neural network (ANN) and geographic information system approaches. Spatial data of subsidence area, topography, and geology, as well as various ground-engineering data, were collected and used to create a raster database of relevant factors for a GSS map. Eight major factors causing ground subsidence were extracted from the existing ground subsidence area: slope, depth of coal mine, distance from pit, groundwater depth, rock-mass rating, distance from fault, geology, and land use. Areas of ground subsidence were randomly divided into a training set to analyze GSS using the ANN and a test set to validate the predicted GSS map. Weights of each factor’s relative importance were determined by the back-propagation training algorithms and applied to the input factor. The GSS was then calculated using the weights, and GSS maps were created. The process was repeated ten times to check the stability of analysis model using a different training data set. The map was validated using area-under-the-curve analysis with the ground subsidence areas that had not been used to train the model. The validation showed prediction accuracies between 94.84 and 95.98%, representing overall satisfactory agreement. Among the input factors, “distance from fault” had the highest average weight (i.e., 1.5477), indicating that this factor was most important. The generated maps can be used to estimate hazards to people, property, and existing infrastructure, such as the transportation network, and as part of land-use and infrastructure planning.  相似文献   

分析评价了灾后重建土地利用规划的管理机制与实施对策。研究结果表明,为了确保减灾防灾目标的实现,有效抗御地震灾害,灾后重建应对土地利用进行科学的管理和规划,建立预防机制,从源头上消除安全隐患;提高工程建设安全标准,加强建筑质量安全监管;要有切实可行的规划实施对策和措施,确保规划目标的贯彻落实。国家应给予灾后重建特殊的政策支持,以人为本,科学规划,切实加强与灾后重建各相关规划相协调;从严控制新增建设用地,严格保护耕地,节约和集约利用耕地,搞好灾毁土地的整理与复垦。  相似文献   

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